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Naughty Glitter Goddess

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Naughty Glitter Goddess

  1. Christ on a cracker! I'm having gastric bypass surgery in 2 weeks after going through a 6 month weight loss program. Damn, I never thought I'd find myself here. I mean WTF? I am having my entire guts rearranged just to get my weight under control. Sometimes it just seems ridiculous.

    So, grizzled veterans, what's the run down on your coping strategies? Do not tell me that you discovered a new-found love of exercise and that you just *like* go for a run when you are stressed and tired. For real, what are you doing?

    I mean, we go to all these classes and dredge up all our bullshit so ALL THE THINGS are simmering just under the surface and then our coping mechanism is ripped out from under us at the same time. I feel like a battered and bruised ball of sensitivity after talking about and trying to deal with self image, denial, abuse, etc. Then, the one thing that has always been reliable, has always worked for me (temporarily!) is not the thing anymore. The glass of wine, the pint of ice cream, the latte and scone with your BFF, the lasagna at mom's, BUH-BYE!

    I don't want to make it sound like I'm not doing the work; this is the first time in ages I've looked forward to the upcoming year. I've worked hard at breaking some of my worst habits: Fast food, eating in front of the TV, snacking after the kids go to bed - THE WORST ONE - checkity check! I've even lost 20 lbs because I'm fk-ing serious about this. But, damn, what now?

    I can't help but wonder...will I ever find my healthy coping mechanisms?

  2. I was recently switched by my surgeon to gastric bypass because she found Barrett's syndrome on my endoscopy. It freaked me out!!! I have not had any significant symptoms - some occassional heartburn but I just attributed it to my crappy diet. Anyway, after peeling myself off the ceiling - I did what I always do and read everything I could get my hands on about it. And, now I feel better. The bypass is a great treatment for it - turns out my highly educated and experienced surgeon was right ;) I'm having surgery on Aug. 15th.

  3. Hey everybody. I'm brand new to this site - getting excited for my surgery scheduled for Aug. 15. I originally planned to have the sleeve but my surgeon switched me to the bypass after my endoscopy due to Barrett's Esophagus. I'm nervous about the change but excited for results. I've just been browsing on the before and after pics thread - I highly recommend for inspiration when you're feeling anxious!!!

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