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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by zaid

  1. 2lb per week is pretty average from what I can tell. I was 310 lb on the day of my surgery on 1st March 2018 (38 weeks ago) and I have lost on average 3.17lb per week. With my best week (surgery week) being (6.4lb) and my worst being (0.3) (about 5 weeks ago). Everyone looses at different rates, I think the important thing is your trend. If you are loosing constantly thats what you really want. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will get to your goal.
    I wish very week we can lose what we lost the first week lol thank you I'm just being hard on myself but I am still losing and thats the good thing...thanks again

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I've been a little concerned with my progress...I'm 5 months in since my surgery and I've been losing only about 2 pounds per week....is that right?? I've been working out, eating as best as I can, as I ever did, and I'm only losing 2 pounds per week. It's really stressing me out because I feel like it should be more and I try not to be hard on myself but some times I cant help it.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I'm having an internal struggle about telling people that I am having bariatric surgery. My husband has been so supportive so has my parents and 3 really close friends. But when I told my mother in law after I received my official surgery date. She said well why can't you just follow a diet. I don't think she meant it to be as hurtful as it sounded but its comments like that I don't want to hear. It was already hard enough to make the decision to start my weight loss journey and to get to this point I am now. Its an accomplishment that I am proud of but I feel like I am keeping it a secret. After my mother in laws comment I don't think I will tell anyone else. Has anyone had the negativity with telling people in their life?
    I live with my mom and my sister, they are the only know that knows....and my boss because I had to ask leave but I'm not telling anyone..I havent even told my best friend. Before I was even planning to get the surgery she would tell me "Don't ever get the surgery...I dont want you too and I wouldn't be supportive" so I havent told her nor any family and friends..I had my surgery in July....its come up around family but I keep denying it..I feel like it's my journey..my alone...its not taking the easy rode as people say, as I used to say. It's really hard work....I. proud of my progress and I dont want to bring in negative vibe...if you do decide to tell people I hope you will not get any negative vibe but just good support :)

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Your question is not silly! (I've cornered that market.[emoji4] ).
    Seriously, if something picks at your brain, makes you anxious, or causes you any distress and it's because you are unsure about something... how can that be silly? Ask away. There will almost always be someone else who will benefit from your question and the comments that follow.
    We have essentially the same surgery date (me only two days before you). Those eggs did nothing wrong. You did nothing wrong. You were able to consume an excellent Protein source and keep it down. I remember when even one egg was a challenge. It still is, to some extent, but I just carry on with what my body is telling me. I'm actually grateful that my body is able to take in a bit more as time passes. Three spoonfuls of food just didn't seem like a meal. And it hurt after. Now, I can eat what looks like a normal-ish portion and it sits nicely in my pouch. The biggest no-no for me has been forgetting about drinking milk or Water during a meal. That ruins the meal. And how can a meal feel satisfying when pain follows? Sometimes it takes repeated failures to learn a lesson. Soup, oddly, doesn't seem to have the same effect, even when it's "thick" soup with lots of ingredients. I haven't figured out that one.
    Thank you very much!! I haven't tried soup yet...been a bit afraid of that lol did you doctor told you to drink with meals? Mine has me stop drinking 30 mins before a meal and start drinking 30 mins after a meal.

    And you are right about enjoying a meal and feeling pain...its such a terrible feeling...in public I just deal with it but at home I have let put a scream or two lol

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Thanks for the clarification just preparing my mind for either way. Hopefully the latter and it be good like most after 3-5 days geez I hope. But like I said I have to get my approval first. Again thanks and I pray that you start to feel better and become apart of that BIGGEST LOSER club like everyone else I can't wait until I join in a good way BEING A LOSER is not a bad thing when it comes to better health.
    Yes!!! Thank you and I wish you luck and also will be praying that your recovery will not be as painful!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I'm 4 days out and I have pain also on the left side (lower abdomen) not really sure why? I've only been able to drink (sip) one ounce every 15 minutes when I'm awake and I've been walking around the house every couple of hours. Could the pain be from sleeping on my side? I wasn't able to the first couple of nights, but the last couple of night I have slept part of the night on one side or the other. I only feel the pain when I sit up, get in/out bed, lay flat, and try to bend over. I just want to know if that's normal?
    I havent been able to sleep on my side but when I sit down and I'm leaning a little more on either side I feel pain. I cant bend down...it hurts to much. Not sure if this help. Maybe others can give you a better answer.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. I had my sleeve on 7/11/18. I can't be sure, of course, but you might be having esophageal spasms. Prior to surgery, in addition to Oxycodone 5mg, my doctor also prescribed prn sublingual Hyoscyamine (Levsin) for post-op discomfort which feels like cramping. It works and provides relief. For sleeping for 4-5 hours I take the oxycodone only when needed. I also noticed when I don't take small sips, I get some mild cramping. Check with your doctor. Levsin might help.
    Same here. It hurts me too when I take a bigger sip then I should. I will ask my doctor about Levsin. Thank you

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I could NOT sleep laying down for a couple of weeks. My husband went right out the minute we got home from the hospital because while I was in the hospital all I did was sit in an easy chair or on the side of the bed. He presented me a lovely lazy boy easy chair and I was able to sleep slightly reclined. It was not perfectly easy or anything, but much much better. I couldn't have anything cold or even cool to eat or drink for a good while. Most of what I drank was lemon or raspberry tea with a little sugar free sweetener and just warm. My Protein drink was and actually still is to this day...room temperature. Even this far out I'm not very crazy about hot or cold going down. But my tummy healed poorly sadly. NO REGRETS tho! All will be well.
    You do need to walk, but I wouldn't push yourself this early. Let your body heal. Frequent but short walks should be just fine and increase the duration as your pain subsides and it will! [emoji4] No reason to be an athlete yet. I do hope you will feel better very soon. It seemed like for me, there was pain pain pain and then on the 6th day I woke up and I didn't need anything for pain anymore.
    There is one thing I thought I might mention. While the constant nagging pain subsided within the week after my surgery, I did continue to feel pain each time I took a little liquid/food. I could feel my tummy do a painful "clench" I guess? This was very frequent and my doctor gave me something called Levsin to melt on my tongue. It literally stopped this awful cramping from happening and the quality of my recovery improved soooo much. Hugs! It will get better.
    That was really sweet of your husband!! As of now I'm sticking to Room Temperature drinks, i am afraid to try cold or even warm/hot drinks. Thank you very much for your words!! I will ask my doctor about Levsin, i understand that feeling.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Are you speaking of the stitches on the outside of your stomach or are you saying the staples inside where they cut off part of your stomach, I'm only asking because I don't want to be confused even though you said stitches. Also, I ask because I haven't had the surgery I'm still in the 1st stages of getting to the 1st consult to speak with a doctor and go over insurance options which I don't think I will be approved for so I plan on paying self pay. I know you can never compare yourself to anyone else just asking for clarity and just in case signs when I have my surgery.
    Both it's hard to explain. Most time it hurts outside. If I'm walking for to long or getting up and sitting back down to fast or to much. Inside it hurts if I'm sitting to long or laying down a little more on either side. It's really hard to explain.

    I really hope this doesn't discourage you. Every body heals different and many people are saying better things

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Try warm tea, warm Bone Broth instead of Water, I don't understand why no Protein water or Protein Shakes? ??? The warmth will help relax the esophagus and stomach a little. And alternate with sugar free popsicles, also helps.
    You are hungry, your body isn't getting any nutrition - you will feel better once you do full liquids and get fluids up, promise. It felt like swallowing aquarium gravel for a couple weeks from inflammation.
    Thank you! I will try to at least warm tea. I start Protein shakes on Monday. I guess all doctor work different because a friend of mine was able to do Soup the first week and Protein Shakes just a fre days later.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Even slight dehydration can make you feel much worse than normal. I was dehydrated the first two days and once I got my hydration levels up, I felt much better. The pain eases slowly and one day you'll get up and realize a new day has dawned and you are feeling stronger. Rest, walk when you can, drink ALL you can. Hugs and prayers.
    Thank you very much!!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Know that it may get harder before it gets easier. Around my 4th week post-op, I had all kinds of issues with my stomach. I developed an H. Pylori infection, ulcers, and a stricture. It sucked but I got through it and I am doing all kinds of better. During those times, I had some regrets but now I have none. I am at a weight I haven't been since 2014 and doing generally well. Just be stoic and keep moving forward.
    Thank you! I'm glad you are now doing well and I appreciate your response!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. *big hug*

    A lot of us regret our decision in the first week or two when we are in pain, and it's hard to drink, and our emotions are all messed up. I was lucky to have a fairly easy recovery.

    I'm sorry you are still in a lot of pain. Try to keep on top of it with your prescribed pain medications, and let your doctor know if what you have is not helping enough.

    Your stomach may feel like it's starving, but that is most likely just pain/growling from healing and excess acid and wondering what the heck just happened to it. If you are not already taking a PPI to aid stomach healing and reduce stomach acid please ask your doctor for one. Excess stomach acid can feel like near constant "hunger". Some people do also experience real hunger almost immediately, and it isn't satisfied by the early small portions of liquids they consume, however once they move up to thick purees and soft solids they feel much more satiety.

    Are you still only limited to Water and gatorade? solid food at this point could hurt going down, but more importantly could harm your still healing stomach, which is still tiny and swollen. However I would expect your team would be allowing you to have more variety of thin liquids by 5 days post op, such as thin blended stocks/soups, and maybe a soothing cup of tea? I was being served thin Soups while still in hospital (which I couldn't have because they were reconstituted powdered Soups full of MSG/glutamtes).

    You are not alone, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience and encouragement here on the forums.
    Thank you for responding! I'm still in Water and Gatorade diet...at one week I can add Protein Shakes. I will have to ask my doctor about PPI. They gave me pain medication but nothing for stomach acid and that's been one if my concern.

    Thank you

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. It's been 5 days since my surgery. Second day sleeping at home. It is now 1:28am, last night it was 4:30am and I still had no sleep. I'm in so much pain! What have I done to myself? I'm on a strict diet, only Water and Gatorade. I'm so mad!! It hurts to drink. Why are they forcing me to drink. I'm starving, my stomach is asking for food. I can't eat normal anymore. What have I done? I'm so mad. I just want to sleep. My family don't understand the pain. I need my medicine, "it's 1am, just go to sleep". I can't!! Doctor recommended walking, okay, let's go. I can't walk to far without feeling like my stitches are ripping. "Keep going", they say "Walk further." I know my family means well and I'm trying. I'm really trying. Some times I push through the pain. I do what I'm ask. But then there's time like today, where I'm just so frustrated with myself, with the pain, with only wanting to sleep. Did I make the right decision? Can I go back in time? I just want to press forward...skip through this frustration...feel me again

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

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