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Posts posted by GastricGirl

  1. On 4/5/2020 at 3:51 PM, unique3501 said:

    I tried to Get mine removed and they talked me out of it. The last time I filled it I could drink Water but didn't realize it was too tight until I tried to eat the next day And started throwing up no matter WHAT I ate🤯

    I'm having the exact same problem at the moment 😢 In the mornings I can't even drink Water without being sick. My doctor won't see me because we are on lock down...this is the worst!

  2. Hi guys!

    I'm just looking for a bit of advice from people that may have experienced over fills in their bands...

    I had surgery July 2018, I've never had restriction or felt any restriction until now. I have been back to my clinic regularly for fills for the last 18 months, and felt no change. I finally had an x-ray a week ago with a barium swallow to see what was going on. The surgeon (a different one to who I usually see) told me I definitely did not have the amount that they thought was in my band and put quite a lot more in. I instantly felt restriction. I could feel even Water taking a while to pass. I left the hospital and felt pain as if I had food stuck, but it was just the water.

    Now, a week on I can barely even drink water first thing in the morning without bringing it back up. I can't eat any healthy foods even when chewed to a pulp, I've tried very runny porridge for Breakfast and even the smallest amount gets stuck. The only things I can eat without any problems are really bad junk foods..ice cream, chocolate etc - nothing else will go through and obviously this isn't something I want to be eating at all. I want to eat healthy, but I physically can't keep anything down, even in tiny amounts.

    Has anyone experienced this? It's the worst timing at the moment over here in the UK as everywhere is now on lockdown because of COVID-19 so I can't even get to the clinic. I don't think I can cope with this for much longer :(

  3. Hi guys,

    I am starting to get a little worried - I had my band in July, I have since had 4 fills (having my 5th tomorrow). I have a small 10ml band and currently have 6.5ml Fluid in. I have been steadily losing a few pounds since surgery, however I think this is more down to cutting down and eating healthier rather than the band itself. I don't feel restricted, I am still able to eat large portions and weight loss is very slow.

    I know everyone is different and some people need a full band to feel the full effects of it etc..but I am just wondering if anyone else is out there that has been through this and felt the same after so many fills? Just want peace of mind that I will get there..eventually!

    I am getting married in August next year and need to start dress shopping in the new year...so its getting a bit of a worry not knowing my size/if I was start to lose more rapidly soon etc ARgh!!!



  4. I haven't had my band long (got it this summer) but I have a very similar issue, especially when i lie on my left side at night. I can literally turn over and I can feel it bubble and I could belch for ages!! I have tried some anti gas type pills but they dont do a lot. I have found really I just have to let it all out and then I'm ok! Think its just something I am going to have to live with - but luckily it doesnt cause any pain!

  5. Hey Sodoe,

    I felt the same immediately post op, where your stomach is swollen from surgery and also used to the smaller quantities from the pre-op diet, liquids can be filling at first. Did your surgeon put any Fluid in the band during surgery? My surgeon didn't and a lot don't - so having the band alone can literally do nothing in regards to restriction after healing.

    It is completely normal to feel like this and have no weight loss in the beginning as it takes a while to get you to that "sweet spot" where you have the perfect amount of fluid in the band, and everyone is completely different. I had my first fill 2 weeks ago (2ml) and felt no restriction, so no weight loss. I went back yesterday for another fill so I am now on 4mls, and I still feel like I have no restriction. It just takes time and lots of fills and you will get to where you want to be.

    Just sit tight, you'll get there. I know its frustrating because we just want to lose the weight, but it will come eventually!

  6. Hi guys,

    I had my first band fill on 28th August and feel no restriction when eating and can eat the same portion size pretty much as before - however the past week or so randomly throughout the day I've had an on-off sore throat.

    I am pretty sure it is not acid related as I take PPIs for acid reflux that I suffered with for years before surgery. Anyone else had this issue? May be totally unrelated but its so annoying!!

  7. Hi Again Jonicorn!! I am exactly the same right now, I contacted my clinic and they said usually they want you to wait 4 weeks, but as I had no restriction what so ever I have been booked in for 11.9.18 (2 weeks after my first ever fill (2ml). They mentioned that the clinic nurse will have to assess me first and make sure its right, but they will fill if you need it!

    I was told before surgery that if I was flying it can tighten up as well. I was recommended to get Fluid taken out before going away for this reason, but in doing so would have to be very careful on holiday (this was one of the first questions I asked as my main band goal is for my wedding next year- so was enquiring about wedding meals and honeymoon etc as I didn't want to ruin the experience).

    It is a difficult one I agree, but I think you should tell them you are going on holiday, but also tell them you are not feeling restricted - they may think you need more, say another 2ml, but just give you half to sort of tie you over and get some restriction, without causing you pain or discomfort on your holiday.

    Spending all week feeling unwell/ in pain or unable to eat anything is probably worse than gaining a pound or two on holiday - just be careful and keep up swimming and walking whilst away if you can!


  8. I am 6 weeks post op also and I have only lost about 5lbs maximum since surgery (if that). It really depends on each person. Some surgeons like to put a little in the band and restrict right from the off, so those people will lose more straight away. For some, the band alone can restrict and can make you feel fuller and initiate weight lost straight away, but sadly for me I have not had enough fills to even get to the restriction stage yet - I had my first fill yesterday (2ml) and currently still feel relatively 'normal' so I am pretty sure I am going to need another fill pretty soon! Can't wait until I am there though and the weight starts to drop off...guess we will know when we get to the fill 'sweet spot'

  9. Just now, jonicorn said:

    I have been walking every day since my surgery which I think has made a massive difference with my weight loss. I really want to get into swimming but I'm scared lol. I go on holiday in almost 2 weeks time so will get lots of swimming in then.

    Ahh I love swimming - It's such an easy exercise but so good for you! I used to go lots years ago, but since gaining weight I'm so self conscious in a swimming costume I talk myself out of going :(

  10. 1 minute ago, jonicorn said:

    Well, I suppose that makes sense because the restriction only really takes effect when you're on regular chewable food because the band slows it down. The mushier it is, the quicker it will go through the band so I'm sure you'll notice more of a difference when you're back on a regular diet.

    Have you introduced exercise back yet?

    I hope so!

    Exercise-wise I am still worried to do anything too strenuous as I got an infection in one of my surgery wounds last week and it burst open (gross!!), so I am still taking it easy to make sure it all heals nicely.

  11. 2 minutes ago, jonicorn said:

    I had 4 ml's put into mine. I have a small band with max 10ml so I thought it was quite a big fill but the restrictions isnt exactly what I was expecting. I know it can take 4-6 fills to get the ideal restriction so hopefully it wont be too long until I am feeling it.

    My portion size is definitely reduced though. Were you advised to eat liquid/sloppy for 4 days after fill?

    My surgeon said my band was a 10ml max one too - and said the most he would put in is 4ml for a first fill, but only put in 2ml. I suppose everyone is so different it is hard to tell!

    I do think since surgery I feel fuller quicker (before fill), but dont really feel much change from the first fill. I was told to have liquids for 24hrs so I have just introduced soft food but its all going down completely normally!

  12. 1 minute ago, jonicorn said:

    Thank you. I went for my first fill on Saturday and feel silly for being nervous about the pain.

    I would give the pain a 1/10. It felt exactly like a blood test, other than the wiggling of it. How are you getting on? You had your surgery the day after me :) we are weight loss twins haha

    Ahh I've been looking for a twinny!! I feel exactly the same really, slightly disappointed at the moment as I had some breakfast this morning and do not feel at all restricted or different - I only had 2mls put in and dont feel like it was enough so think I might need a bigger fill next time! How are you getting on??

  13. I feel you!! I had surgery in July. I felt horrific after surgery, my mouth was dry my throat hurt and every time I swallowed I had a pain going all down my oesophagus into my chest. I think it lasted about 3 days (did get better every day), but with lots of rest and keeping hydrated it got better! You will be feeling better by the weekend I promise!


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