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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Imanewme

  1. I was surprised at how supportive everyone has been. I'm not sure what I expected, but everyone has watched me go through so much with my health lately that they are all excited for me. Everyone has been so positive. My son told me yesterday that he'll take over the cooking of the family dinners at his house so I don't have to worry about it or be around the cooking. His family lives down the street, so they are here most nights for dinner. He's just making sure Dad gets fed!

    I'm lucky that my general surgeon is also a bariatric surgeon, so I'll be only minutes from home. He removed my thyroid last fall. I am very comfortable with him.

  2. Hi Sabrina! I've already been on a restricted diet for a while due to my diabetes being so out of control, so I've been able to continue with it. I'm only required to do 1 week of liquid diet starting on the 26th. We don't eat out much, so it's been easy. Unfortunately, I have friends with good intentions who all want to take me out for "those things I won't be able to eat." Ha! joke's on them. I chose Olive Garden where they already fix my salad to my request. I'll have my minestrone Soup with salad (one bowl of each) as usual and let them enjoy their Pasta and breadsticks. I really will miss my salads, though.

    I've spent the afternoon making sure I have everything I need or putting it on my grocery list. This is really getting real isn't it??? :53_cold_sweat:

    Dr. Shukla is my surgeon.

    Did you just move? I can see where it would be difficult to stick with any routine. Much less a change in diet. Good luck!

  3. First of all, I have to thank everyone here. I've been lurking the past 2 weeks, looking for answers and have discovered what a phenomenal informational/support system you are.

    I'm having gastric sleeve/hiatal hernia repair on August 2nd. My insurance won't cover the sleeve, so I'm self-pay, but the hernia repair is covered 100%, so it's not too bad. Since I am self-pay, I've had a short journey of this. My initial visit was late June. I haven't had to jump through as many hoops. Just EGD, seminar, 1 dietician visit and psych eval. I met with my surgeon this past Wednesday, and could have scheduled as early as July 26th, but we are on baby watch for my 4th granddaughter and I wanted to be able to snuggle her like a grandma should, so I scheduled for Aug. 2. (Good thing. We found out the next day that if she doesn't arrive before July 26, she will be cesarean that day. Glad I didn't schedule that day after all.)

    I will be 59 in a few weeks and have battled my weight since my first year in college. I now have to deal with complications from diabetes. I'm on an outrageous amount of insulin (daily and fast acting) and take a weekly injection also. I suffer from neuropathy that now not only affects my hands and feet, but my intestines. My list goes on and on with the usual sleep apnea, joint pain, asthma... basically everything on the checklist to see if surgery is right for you. My doctors all assure me that all of this will improve. I may still have to take some insulin since I've been on it so long, but hey, I can do that. If I can just keep the neuropathy from progressing so quickly, this becomes a win for me. (and everyone around me who sees what I go through with the pain.) Being given the chance to see my 4 granddaughters grow up is beyond words.

    I've lost 40 pounds on my own as of this week. It's gotten easier to stick to my diet knowing I've made this decision. I have a wonderful support group with my family and friends. I was hesitant to tell anyone, but they were all very excited for me and have been awesome!

    I begin the liquid diet on Thursday, then surgery the following Thursday... So, here I go!!!

  4. I was very stressed and anxious about my decision until I really put it in the right perspective. Would I rather deal with eating differently and all of the things that go along with the WLS, or the complications from diabetes (of which I'm hoping will improve after surgery). It was easy for me once I looked at the overall picture. The day I asked my PCP about the surgery, he listed off all the benefits to the problems I already face. It became a no-brainer. Yes, I'm still nervous about this decision, and will be until my surgery in 2 weeks, but looking at the big picture sure helps calm me. :)

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