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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mini_me

  1. BJEAN! i was not trying to change the topic, and i certainly was NOT offended...lol! i just started reading the thread and thought the movie quote game was fun...and i did not get to play, so i thought i would take my turn anyway...for those who care... the quote is from urban cowboy. it is after sissy and bud have the fight in the cafe and they fight in the parking lot. she decides to hitchhike home, thus, "i gotta thumb, i gotta middle finger."
  2. i see that the whole topic has changed...but i got a movie quote... "i gotta thumb, i gotta middle finger!"
  3. the last time i was having sex with my husband, i couldnt stop thinking of how i could get that black funk to stop growing in the jets of our really big whirlpool bathtub. evertime i fill the tub and turn on the jets, these funky little black floaties fill, and i DO MEAN FILL*, the tub. *Fill in band=good, fill in bathtub=nasty! so two questions, 1. what can i do to stop this nastiness? and 2. what is the weirdest thing you have ever thought while having sex? DISCLAIMER:MINI_ME ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYONE'S DISFUNCTIONAL SEXUAL EXPERIENCES AND/OR PREFERENCES. PLEASE REFER TO DELARLA FOR TREATMENT TOOLS, DEVICES, GADGETS, AND ADVICE ON MORE TASK RELEVENT THOUGHTS DURING INTERCOURSE. NOTE, THIS MORNING MY DAUGHTER, HANNA, WHO IS THREE, CAME IN MY ROOM AND LOOKED AND ME AND DH AS WE WERE CUDDLED IN BED BARELY WAKING UP. SHE PROPPED HER ELBOWS ON THE BED WITH HER CHIN IN HER HANDS. SMILED SWEETLY, AND HER EYES APPEARD TO HAVE HEART SHAPES SHINING IN HER PUPILS. SHE DREAMILY SAID, "AHHH, YOU'RE TWITTERPATED." GIVE ME AN AMEN IN YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT!!
  4. mini_me

    Searching and JAW PAIN

    not band related, but my mom was just diagnosed with triageminial nerve something or another. it involves the nerves of the face. it can be triggered by several things. knowing the way the band makes me feel, and knowing what my mom's symptoms are...it is easy for me to assume that band issues can trigger the symptoms. hope this helps...
  5. mini_me

    Check this out....Super Duper Fun Stuff!

    did anyone say u2? i made a list of about 9 or 10 but someone had guessed them allllllll.... and my lunch break is over.
  6. i had two boys first, then a princess...and i, too, would only have one if she had shown up first...so i am glad she waited, cuz i can't imagine life without my stinky boyz!! ((why do boys stink so much more than girls??))
  7. carlene, there's something wrong with you...and i think i like it. you're my new favorite poster.
  8. mini_me

    Pain in my side?

    i have had the same thing since my banding in march. it usually shows up when i eat. it seems like my body is probably encountering something from my stomach area, but the sensation is radiating to that lower quadrant of my belly. it kinda feels the same as when i walk a lot when i am out of shape, and my side starts hurting. i don't think it is anything to worry about, but ask your doc...good luck.
  9. mini_me


    it would not be a problem for me. i would talk to the DA and see if he could use my similar childhood experience to demonstrate that the fella had the option of exercising free will and he chose to harm his children. You can tell the truth of his childhood, i would never advocate lying for an offender OR against one. if they want to know, tell them, but i would be just as willing to answer the questions of the DA, which you would have to do anyway. Now, i certainly repect TOM's pov on every issue, including this one. but my words come from 12+ years of working for the sweaty-dogs-arse Texas prison system. I was on the actual facilities for over ten years. i worked in security, then as a cousel substitute, and now an investigator. i have had the displeasure of observing masses of these violators in their day to day incarceration. there are sex offender treatment programs that require enrollment, participation, and treatment on a daily basis up to 7 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. they are given incentives to participate, and if the offender fails to participate as expected, disciplinary action is taken against him. i do not have the slightest problem locking the sex offenders away. from my experience working behind the bars, i can tell you that there is a HUGE difference between the sex offenders and the drunks. ((i am pretty unforgiving of both, and i agree they need treatment, but i do not think that they can be healed completely, just like the band does not heal me completely)) i can't find myself comparing my illness concerning food consumption with an illness involving child molestation because my overconsumption of food does not break the law, and does not physically harm others. there is a point in every persons life where he or she must take responsibility for their own actions. in the prison system where i work...a very large one, by the way...we are on the forefront of tracking sexual aggression among offenders. society will often automatically assume that the molesters ( and other sex offenders) are going to get what they have coming to them when they go to prison, but in reality, the statistics show that the ones who sexually assault on the outside, are the same ones who sexually assault on the inside. so, no, it is not the norm for a predator to be victimized once they are incarcerted. they keep on preying. i have seen the treatment options on the inside, and the non-compliance of so many offenders. i can't even start to explain how many chances they are given to comply. i have always worked on male facilities, so i can only speak of my experience with the male offenders. the offenders who assault adults sexually tend to be very smooth talking, they can lie and manipulate better than the most organized of organized criminals. i have actually seen an offender carry a very structured, work related, on topic conversation with a female nurse, while he masturbated, and she never knew. i had to stop him. i am still not sure she believed me when i brought it to her attention. these are the really aggressive offenders when it comes to sexasslts behind bars(once again, my experience). the child molesters tend to group together, but are highly critical of one another. there are two groups (two main groups, lots of little cliques) of the child molesters. there are those young fellas, 19-25 who were involved in an ill advised romance with a 15-16-17 year old, and the girls daddy found out. then there are the bonafide child predators, who target the much younger children,and act against the will of the children, and act against children who cannot make their own decisions. the 19-25 yo's who victimize the older teens are actually, for the most part, pretty fuctional in the microcosm of society that exists in the prison. of course, there are a number of these who still fall into a category that would truly make you fear for 15-17 year old children, but most of these guys do not appear to have a 'problem' so to speak. in most of the cases that i have encountered, the 15-17 year old and the offender were in a relationship of sorts. ((speaking from my experience as a 15 year old, i could have easily made a 19-25 year old man confident that our relationship was ok. i have a hard time condemning those guys in a lot of cases.)) i dont know the hard stats, but based on who i saw released and who i saw return to prison, these guys did not typically repeat the violation. if they returned, it was for a different offense. now the fellas who go after the younger kids, they typically have longer sentences, but the ones who do release, oh my gosh, it is like a revolving door. before we can blink our eyes, there is a new victim. well, guys, believe it or not, i was approaching the part where i make my point. but now the computer keeps messing my words up, and i am afraid i will lose all of this post if i dont hit the post button. i will have to revisit this one day when i am at home, and not on the state's payroll(and cheap computer!!) lunch break is over...
  10. hang in there...this is normal. tell yourself and dh to wait until six months out, or even a year out, before you decide if this is worth it. i am a slow loser...very slow... i have just hit the 25 lb mark. i was banded this past march.
  11. mini_me

    Starting to Panic

    you MUST be the one who decides if this is right for you...with that being said, this is the best thing i have ever done for myself. if i had to finance it, i would have done so happily. sure, it is a sacrifice. i mean, it IS a LOT of money, but think of it like this...if it buys you 10 more years of life, isn't it worth it? do what is best for you. and remember, we are all here to share your ups/downs/uncertainties!! good luck
  12. mini_me

    filled to the MAX!!

    i am at 3.5cc in a 4cc band and i have only lost 25ish
  13. mini_me

    Catheter for guys??

    the only catheter during banding that i have heard of was my friend (female) who was having her gallbladder removed at the same time.
  14. mini_me

    What color/race do you see?

    it always really bugged me that my mother-in-law and father-in-law have always been such horridly racist individuals. how my husband escaped that mentality, i will never understand. thank God for free will... so anyway, of the three children, my hubby, his older brother, and his little sister...the brother married a black woman, and the sister has three mixed black/white children, and will likely marry her black boyfriend. poetic justice. my in-laws love the grandbabies and now get to see the pain that racism causes innocent children...and adults. i don't think they have remorse for their years and years of racists attitudes and beliefs, but at least they have now learned to refrain from the expression of those attitudes, and slowly, they are learning to live without negative racist influences. the "N" word has finally disappeared from their vocabulary, thank goodness. just my contribution here...
  15. mini_me

    Fill 'Er Up....Git Er Done!

    ((raises hand)) happened to me also. i only recently attained a level of restriction, and finally after months and months, i am losing weight at a satisfying rate. i had all of my fills with flouro also, and i saw with my own eyes as the barium slowed through the band!!! btw-on my last fill, i scheduled in the afternoon, and wow what a difference!! something about being swollen in the morning...since the swelling had subsided by the afternoon, there was a better idea of what kind of restriction we were really looking at on the xray machine!!
  16. mini_me

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

  17. mini_me

    Can Liquids Stretch Your Pouch?

    i am thinking that if you do not feel any discomfort or fullness, then it is not likely that there is any stretching going on. i HAVE definitely had encounters with too much fluids going down at a time...so, it is possible to flood the pouch, but i do not know if the liquid provides enough tension(i guess that is the word) to push the pouch to stretching.
  18. mini_me

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    yeah, his blood brother has not been any better for us. every few years they grace us with a 3% raise, but they only agree to do this when ERS decides to give us a hike in insurance premiums...sigh...if i did not have so much time vested, i would just look for something else. thank goodness my husband works for the feds. he makes 4x as much money as i do annually, and he has only been with them for four years, i have been with the state for 12 years.:faint:
  19. mini_me

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    oh, what an awful set of quotes. i am speechless...
  20. mini_me

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    ouch, that was painful to read...i sure as hell hope that she had other points to make in the book...youch!!
  21. mini_me

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    heehee...i shutter to think of myself as te "bush" crowd...eeks...as a state employee, i need a pay raise, and have for a long time needed one. i was a correctional officer for years with no raise or oter incentive. it was awful. gov W had the chance to give us a raise back before he ran our state into near bankruptcy. he was confronted on the issue and asked if he was going to try to get our agency of 25k+ employees a much needed raise. when he said no, the employee asked him why and he basically said that we were a bunch of trailer trash and did not deserve a raise...blah blah blah...then he said that he knows that we are not smart enough to get together and vote together to get him out of office, so he was not worried about us. that was my paraphrase of the incident. it happened at a state employees conference. he was talking to a fella that was an old friend of his, so he was speaking candidly, and probably assuming that it would never get out. so, personally, i would like to see W with a black eye.
  22. mini_me

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    ehh--TOM, i see the response, and i respect your stance, as it IS your own, and you are entitled to it. i am too stressed at the end of the day to read THAT much. as i said before, my opinion is just that. i never meant to spark any deep, heated debate. i can agree to disagree. it does not hurt my feelings that your opinion does not mirror mine. does it hurt your feelings that mine does not match yours? what is really irritating me is that, all of the sudden, my "h" and "c" keys are sticking, or not contacting. each time i hit one of them, i have to go back and hit it again because it does not key on the screen. any suggestions?
  23. mini_me

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    i can see my quaint suthun education has not equipped me with the eloquence needed to draw you all---i mean ya'll--- to my point. i was not trying to start, nor facilitate, a debate. it was also not my intention to judge others for their comments, simply to express my own feelings. and, like your opinion, what i stated was mine. i guess if i had one sentence to express what i intended to convey, it would be this... Since we, as a society, are responsible for who gets elected to office, then we must live with the decisions of the person whom we elect...if we don't like those decisions, then our responsibility is to vote for the change that we feel is necessary for the right decisions to be made. ok, so maybe it is a run-on, but hey, i'm just a po' lil ol' suthuna who don't know no betta!! though i am not mr. bush's biggest fan, i just fatigue easily hearing the droning on and on about his poor decisions, yet he was still re-elected. so, can we please stop getting our breeches all wadded up over little ole insignificant mini_me? besides, i am breaking policy each time i log on here at work, so i have to read and type really, really fast to keep up with this thread....lol...ya'll have a gr8 day!!!
  24. mini_me

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    i would hardly equate the patriotism of hitler's followers with the patriotism of americans. the entire concept of our government's and our society's ideals are different. so, ok, if bush started acting like hitler, putting muslims in concentration camps, starving them, putting them in the gas chamber, and conducting medical experiments on them, etc, etc, i will rethink my views on american patriotism. :rolleyes ok, with that said, i was quick to type that i was not the most politically informed...and my point was more that i really get tired of all of the slam dunking of political decisions that are made concerning wars. it must be a terribly difficult decision to act on behalf of an entire country. i voted against bush in the last two elections. it was akind of personal decision, as i am a Texan and bush really screwed over the state agency that i work for, and even publicly made inappropriate and rude comments about the employees of the Agency that i work for...and refused to issue an apology. bush is a poor little rich boy that was spoiled rotten, and is now poor little spoiled rotten rich boy that is all grown up. however, that does not cause me to lose faith in the actions of our country. he does not single-handedly have the power to take such drastic and ongoing actions. there is a whole slew of leaders in this country that contribute to the process. when the whole slew of leaders keep us at, i have confidence that the whole slew is making the right decision. when the whole slew decides it is time to end the war, i have confidence in that decision. so, without spouting all of the hard nosed facts of who told the prez this or who he relied on for information on that...i sleep well at night because we are not ruled by a dictator who can single-handedly ruin an entire religious group or an entire racial or ethnic group in our melting pot of a society. btw-TOM, i really respect everyones opinions, just as i hope mine are respected. while i do get tired of reading rants and raves about the war, ((we are, btw, in the rants and raves right?)) i also am deeply grateful that we live in a society where we can voice those opinions without risk of repercussions. i am not exactly sure what prompted my earlier words, other i read earlier posts, and started typing what was on my mind. it was not really directed at anyone post in particular, just the feelings that were stirred by reading everyone's words.
  25. mini_me

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    AMENNNNN, CARLENE!!! i am not the most well versed, politically informed person in America, but i know that i support our president, whether i voted for him or not. no man is perfect, but i am not going to pass judgement on W's reasons for going to war. there is no way anyone could convince me that the president just arbitrarily sent our troops to war for his own financial gain(or whatever other crazy reasons conspiracy folks suggest). i truly believe that HE believed in the reasons that he presented to us as justification for war. that man knows the cost of war. he knows the side-effects of war. he knew that this war was going to be real. there is no amount of convincing that would sway me to thinking that he did this for personal gain. now, i am very anxious for this war to be wrapped up. we have already had one 19 year old family member die over there, and we are not looking forward to any more. i feel we need to remain patriotic, and support the person we elect as president. if we don't like his decisionmaking process, then we need to vote. in the mean time, inform us, show us evidence, but don't spout political rhetoric as though it is hard fact. sorry for that semi-un-provoked soap box appearance. i don't know what got into me. now that i have read it again, it really isn't a direct response to anyone's comments, just my thoughts that were stirred as i read the thread. to each her own...:nervous

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