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Posts posted by Gottajustdoit

  1. 4 hours ago, froufrou said:

    I had my op on 5th Feb and I am still mainly staying on the puree stage - I find it's better for my stomach at the moment. I had a lot of scar tissue taken out from my previous sleeve surgery, so I think that's why. I am really enjoying refried Beans, porridge (I put a bit of sugar free jam on top with some sugar free maple syrup), and yesterday I made cauliflower cheese by steaming the heck out of the cauliflower, mashing it to a pulp and then mixing in a bit of white Pasta Sauce. When I come to cook it, I put a bit of parmesan on and blitz it in the microwave. It's delicious! I think I'm going to stick a bit longer on purees... I just wasn't enjoying throwing everything up!

    KAT1234--OK, so I'm day 2 on purees and I am disappointed. I was looking forward to this and even had cravings. I'm finding this to be a very slow process as I'm nauseated with the pureed food. I may stick to Protein Shakes and Water as my main diet for another week so I may be with you froufrou! I start work again next week so it may be tough. Tonight I mashed up a deviled egg and ate that with about 2 teaspoons of lowfat cottage cheese. I just feel ick. I also do not have an appetite.

  2. So, I was really excited to start my purees only to find out that I have NO appetite. I had a few bites of the ricotta bake yesterday, and it did taste good, but I wasn't really hungry for it. Today I'm like, "whatever, I'll just go back to my Water and Protein shakes." I just have no appetite. I found an article online about this that I wanted to share--here's an excerpt (sorry so long). I'm 16 days post op and wondering if anyone else has no appetite (nothing sounds good):

    A loss of appetite after weight loss surgery can be attributed to more than just losing taste and smell. The communication between the brain and the intestines when food is digested is disrupted after weight loss surgery, researchers believe. “Current research is showing that when you take away a lot of your stomach and reroute your intestines, the food is no longer hitting nerve receptors that signal to the brain to make chemicals and hormones that regulate blood sugars, blood pressure, hunger and fullness,” Rene explains. “These are the metabolic changes patients experience after surgery. The downside is that it’s quite a challenge to find foods and fluids after surgery that you can tolerate and eventually like.”

  3. First day on Purees and I just finished about 2 Tbsp of the Ricotta Bake. I have to say, it was tasty, but my tummy is all gurgly and a bit nauseated. I spent about 20 minutes eating it and chewed it to death. It tasted like lasagna, so I got my cheesy fix. I'm attaching a few photos here. I am just happy it has stayed down as I just wasn't sure how I would respond to having more substance to what I'm putting into that little pouch. I wanted to have Water with it, but will wait the 20 minutes before it's "allowed."



  4. 20 minutes ago, Rocketman said:

    Hello all. My route to gastric bypass is a bit unique I think. In December I called and scheduled an appointment with a surgeon because my hiatal hernia/GERD was not really responding to medication any longer and I tore a rib muscle coughing and choking after aspiration of acid while sleeping. I had officially had enough. I’m 36 years old, and have Barrett’s. I’m a pretty active guy, I play flag football and softball on work leagues and am out and about walking with the wife on the beach and in the neighborhood quite often. We only live a couple blocks from the beach. I am however at 35 BMI. Upon the first consultation with the surgeon on Jan 7th he recomended gastric bypass as the gold standard to cure GERD. My surgery was on Feb 20th. 44 days from initial consultation to in recovery. I had no pre op diet orders other than no food after midnight day of surgery which was at 7am.

    As of today, I’m 8 days post op and most importantly I have not had reflux once.... that is such a heavenly feeling. Also, I have dropped from 255lbs on day of surgery to 231 as of this morning. It is shocking to me that I’ve nearly dropped 25lbs in 8 days. My surgeon expects me to lose about 70lbs. I didn’t really look into forums to see other people’s thoughts on this surgery, and didn’t know what to expect regarding weight loss. I read countless research papers regarding gastric bypass and GERD, and studied up on what kind of foods I should have ready for meals after surgery.

    I’m glad to have found this site, as it provides a lot of helpful information and hope all other have results that are positive and all they are expecting.

    Welcome Rocketman! Glad to hear you are feeling relief from GERD. When I took my endocrinologist's advice and made a consultation with a bariatric surgeon, I was hoping I could have the sleeve version--but no. With a long history of GERD and gastroparesis, I was told that gastric bypass would alleviate the GERD and the sleeve might make it worse. I was disappointed because I wanted the less-invasive surgery, but decided to go ahead with gastric bypass on Feb 13. I've been taking Protonix for 20+ years and now. Post-surgery my surgeon prescribe more Protonix twice a day (crushed). I'm not sure how long I will have to be on it, but I'm hoping to say goodbye to GERD for life. Allow me to ask: Are you currently on an acid reducer after surgery? If so, how long do you need to take it. I do have some heartburn post-surgery but I'm hoping I won't have it for long.

  5. 3 hours ago, brittmarr1 said:

    I never tried it. I’ll look for that now. Thanks. I think we crave the dairy/salty taste. I’m kind of lactose intolerant or just get gassy with dairy. But love it. I do the carnation Breakfast drinks with milk and added Protein and get 35+grams a day besides what I actually eat which isn’t a lot

    I'm officially on pureed foods tomorrow, but I just had one wedge of Laughing Cow cheese (white cheddar). For all the cheese lovers, its very creamy, more like a cheese spread. I put one wedge on a spoon and ate it off the spoon very slowly. I am now waiting to see if there will be any nausea with it.... Here's the nutrition info: 1.3g fat (.08 saturated fat), 25 calories, 1 carb, .05 sugars. I think it only contains a trace of Protein. I enjoyed it very much! I may try it with mashed avocado later in the week.

  6. 1 hour ago, TheMarine79 said:

    I can have anything in yellow right now. Lots of other stuff on 2/28



    I had my first post-op visit with my surgeon today and I get to start my smooth foods on Thursday. Thank goodness! I am feeling hunger for "real food" now. I will beginning week "3" (two weeks after surgery) and was told I could have cottage cheese, a very runny egg (not dry scrambled yet), and like consistencies. I'm going to make the ricotta bake on Thursday night as my first "meal." So tired of the full liquids.....

  7. 1 hour ago, Everythinganna said:

    So anything I eat or drink causes pain when it hits my stomach. The pain is strong but brief and passes until the next bite. I do think it’s getting slightly better with time but I’m also afraid to drink/eat now so I’m barely consuming anything. It’s an aching pain, feels like gas but a little different and is directly related to eating/drinking. That’s normal, right? I’m supposed to be going into stage 3 on the 28th but I’m still fighting with broth... One of my menu options coming up day after tomorrow is scrambled eggs. Sounds delicious but painful!!!

    Hi Everythinganna,

    I can only say what my experience was, but I did not have a lot of pain that was directly related to eating or drinking. I took the approach of sipping Water and Protein Shakes all the time rather than setting an alarm and ensuring every 15 minutes I drank 2-4oz. Any pain I had was the sharp, tender pain in my left abdominal area and a sort of heartburn tight feeling in the center of my chest near my solar plexis. If I take too big of a sip, I still have that tight pain. I do seem to burp a lot. I would call your doctor, especially before moving on to eggs--just to be sure!

  8. 1 hour ago, Dubchild said:

    Halo: my surgery was feb 12 I was supposed to add oatmeal and cottage cheese to my liquid diet tomorrow but cheated and added it today. So tired of just plain Soup and Protein Shakes I’m just counting down to next week when I can start purées and add eggs/ricotta cheese/ crackers . Pain is nearly nil save for for when I stand up straight and get the sharp pains in my side for a minute or two. Can’t handle sleeping in bed for more than 4 hours but couch naps make up the rest. Daily diet is pretty standard: 30g Protein Shake throughout the morning (2.5 hours), 15g cottage cheese with pepper, 1/2 cup strained Soup, 1 packet oatmeal, miso soup or broth, and then another 30g Protein shake in the evening

    I have my post-op tomorrow and I'm SO hoping I will be allowed to start pureed foods. I want cottage cheese and eggs too!

  9. 59 minutes ago, Colchabay said:

    Am I the last Feb surgery date? Mine is the 28th. I'm getting a cold, I hope it doesn't effect my date. My Dr does the sleeve as day surgery. They said I'll be heading home as soon as 2 hours afterwards. Feeling nervous and appreciate everyone's comments and information on this thread.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app

    Wow! Two hours after surgery? I haven't heard that, but then again I had gastric bypass and not the sleeve. Sounds like you are one of the last being at the end of February. Hopefully you have gained a lot of valuable post-op info from this group.

  10. 2 hours ago, Sheribear68 said:

    I’m so sorry that you’re struggling with these demons Emzbee.
    Okay so if this is something that you discussed with your therapist before surgery, I’d recommend going back and employing some of the strategies you guys discussed.
    If that isn’t the case, maybe simply taking out a journal and listing all of the reasons why you’ve done this in the first place.
    I know that when I write, I can put myself in a better frame of mind. I can get out all of the negative thoughts and once they’ve gone from inside my head to out on a piece of paper it helps

    If none of those things are options, know that we are here for you

    Well said, Sheribear--we are here for you Emzbee. I have heard that depression is often associated with this surgery after the surgery has been done. I have no understanding of that, but I can relate to depression and the glum feeling of just lying in bed feeling blue. If you don't take medication for depression, it might be worth discussing with your surgeon or your primary doctor. The chemical balances of our body are all whacked and given your history, you want to give your body and brain the best fighting chance you can so your stomach can heal.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Everythinganna said:

    I hate to be a Debbie downer but I’m struggling on every point - Vitamins cause nausea, can’t get enough liquids, way off on protein... every swallow I take makes me feel like I’m going to explode! I’m focusing now on Premier Protein waters and Bone Broth soup.... is it possible I’m just still sore from surgery? I’m 5 days out.

    Sorry to hear this Everythinganna, especially since you were going into the surgery with such high spirits and optimism. I eased into my Vitamins and, although you should seek your doctor's or NUT's advice, I would wait to start your vitamins until you feel better. I've heard that sometimes people wait two weeks to start the vitamins. But again, don't go by my word alone. There may be a reason you have to start your vitamins now. I have my first pre-op tomorrow and I stopped my Calcium and Iron chews because I am so unbearably constipated. I have colace but I want to ask them if I can swallow them before I take them because they are gel capsules (I will ask tomorrow). And yes, you definitely could be still sore! I started feeling better around day 6 post-op, but pain still came and went. You might try adding unflavored Protein to your Bone Broth if you can. Yesterday I added just a wee bit of PB Protein (peanut butter protein powder) to my chocolate sf/ff pudding. I found it super sweet. Who would have thought. Be assured that not feeling well--even 5 days post-op--is NORMAL. My surgeon's office stressed that I should call them about ANYTHING I felt was off but I'm the type that says "Oh, I don't want to bother them with that...they will think I'm a hypochondriac," but I did call. They repeated to call anytime. I'm hoping you're getting the same advice from your team. Good luck! Hang in there!

  12. 5 minutes ago, gabybab said:

    I'm going to push fluids because I'm just falling sicker. I've been on protonix and shouldnt be this bad. Definitely a possibility. What type of surgery did you have?

    I'm also on Protonix. I have gastric bypass. Because I have a history of gastroperesis and GERD, my surgeon would not do the sleeve.

  13. 2 minutes ago, gabybab said:

    No. It's my stomach. Ive felt nauseated all week. I've had troubles and I'm worried it will get worse after surgery. I brought it up to my Dr's nurse about weather the sleeve was right for me and she said, he wouldn't do it if he didn't feel comfortable.

    I also felt nauseated. In fact, on day 2 of my pre-op clear fluids diet, the nurse told me to go into the ER because I was vomiting. They gave me fluids as I was dehydrated. My white blood cell count was elevated so my diagnosis was an intestinal bug. Hmmmmm.....I still find that suspicious because if it was, it was only a 6-hour stomach bug that my kids and husband never caught. I think I was having a panic attack over the upcoming surgery and how bad I was feeling. Still not sure why my white cell count was up, but it was down by day of surgery. If you can't get in enough liquids, the nausea might be dehydration? Just a thought....

  14. 1 minute ago, gabybab said:

    I'm so sorry. I really hope in the long run this surgery will help you to have better control of your bs. That's so great you are down on your insulin. I take Lantus as well. Before the diet o was taking 72 units at night. I also take metformin and glimeperide.

    Thanks, Gabybab. Good news! I'm off Metformin too! I hope you can get off your oral meds too. 🙂

  15. 1 hour ago, gabybab said:

    I have diabetes and I have quite a regimen of medications. I've felt terrible sick on my pre-op diet. I can only imagine how lovely I will feel on Clear Liquids only for 1 week.

    Was your sick feeling headaches? Lightheadedness? I was feeling rotten on pre-op too (with diabetes). Please find some comfort in that you will not feel hungry for a few days after surgery and managing clear liquids is much easier.

  16. 24 minutes ago, gabybab said:

    I've definitely been in the 50's and it's very frightening.

    As a Type 1 diabetic, I am finding that the most difficult thing to manage post-op is my blood sugars. If I crash, I know I have to take a glucose tablet, but I fear that jolt of a sugar rush will cause me to dump. From what I've read, the symptoms of dumping feel similar to how I feel when my blood sugar crashes (nausea, sweating, shaking). Since I've been out of the hospital, I've had only one low--71. Not too low, but enough to feel the symptoms of low blood sugar (the lowest I've been is 38--horrifying!). I started sipping slowly on a Protein Shake and that brought it up. So I haven't had to take a glucose tablet yet. If I do, well, it is what i need to do, but I am terrified of dumping. I also take Lantus--long-acting insulin--morning and night. But. Hallelujah! I'm taking only 12 units each time instead of 40. THAT is an awesome feeling. As you know....insulin is a miracle worker, but it does store fat. My #1 reason for doing the surgery is so I can drastically reduce my insulin intake. I will always have to take insulin, but I love taking less!

  17. 1 hour ago, BlueIGT said:

    We had diabetic Protein Shakes, sugar free juice, tea and Water in the hospital. I would of loved a Popsicle or fudgsicle. I would love one of those now too hehe.

    In the hospital I Owas given a sugar-free (sf) popsicle, sf Jell-o, and a very gross chicken broth that was clear (too gross to eat). On day 3, when they discharged me around 7pm, they changed me to "full liquids, " which included fat-free milk (gag), a sf popsicle, and more broth, but this time it had what looked like solids in it (imagine chicken and stars Campbell's Soup). I looked on the "receipt" and it said "pureed soup." I knew I couldn't have pureed food for two more weeks so I asked the nurse to see if they brought me the wrong thing. The doctor on call came in, looked at it, and said "that's fine, you can eat it." I had a little bit, but wasn't quite what the heck was going on..it was obviously chunky. The food service also brought me chocolate pudding, even though they told me the kitchen was out of the sugar-free pudding. I doubted that too so I didn't eat it. Also, my blood sugars were in the 200s the entire time I was in the hospital, which seem to mystify the nurses, even though they only gave me 1 our 2 units of insulin at a time (uh, maybe more insulin?). Finally, not one nurse encouraged me to get up and walk--ever. I knew I had to walk so I started moving as soon as I could. They never told me not to, just never told me I should. Don't get me wrong--the nurses and the patient care staff were super nice and helped me when I needed it, it's just that I was surprised at some of the issues. The hospital is top notch in Northern Virginia, not one I would every question. It has bariatric patients on the floor I was on every day. I am convinced, though, that whatever hospital you are in, you have to be your own patient advocate and just ask if you aren't sure about something--not in an acusatory or bossy way, but in a way that shows you have some concern. I've had other instances in the hospital where they've attempted to give me medicine that was clearly labeled as an allergin on the bright red Bracelet I was wearing at the time. If something seems fishy, ask. They have a lot of patients with various issues and may get distracted. 🙂

  18. 9 minutes ago, TheMarine79 said:

    Question. I have tried chicken Bone Broth and did not care for it. I am in my first two weeks. Could I strain chicken noodle Soup and strain the noodles and chicken from it

    Yes! I bought an entire container of Unjury Chicken broth (not bad) but realized I could just strain my favorite Soups. I strained all during my pre-op and am continuing to strain on my post-op full liquids. In fact, I was able to go out to Noodles & Company after church today with my family and brought my strainer to strain a side of their Chicken Thai Soup. It was so good! And the meal only cost me about $1.45. Bonus! Just be sure to use a tight wire strainer and not a Pasta strainer. Enjoy!

  19. 23 minutes ago, TheMarine79 said:

    Has anyone ever cheated on post op diet. I am getting appetite back slowly.

    Hey Marine,

    I haven't cheated and here's why. I was told that any pulp or even a small bit of food could get snarled in the staples that are trying to heal. The thought of that happening scared the dickens out of me so I'm staying the course. I definitely am getting my appetite back, and my cravings for something cheesy is fierce, but I figured if I could make it through the awful Clear Liquids phase of the preop, I can make it a few more days until I get to the pureed stage. Are you still on full liquids? Have you tried sugar-free pudding? Cream Soup?

  20. 1 minute ago, gabybab said:

    I'm fretting over 2 weeks of no food. I've felt terrible on this diet. How have you handled the food aspect? Were you scared? Do you feel full?I'm also worried about taking pain medicine after surgery and getting sick. I'm on some pain medicine already due to several conditions and wondering how that will work? Worried my pain will be hard to manage. Dr said that could be a problem. Sorry to rant!

    Don't spend time worrying about the food aspect as you will not feel hunger for at least one week post-op and when you do, you will only need a little bit of full liquids to feel full. I found the pre-op diet a LOT harder than the post-op diet. As for pain medicine, I was sent home with liquid prescription pain killer. See what works in the hospital for you and ask for a prescription when you go home. The post-surgery pain is usually not unbearable so hopefully you won't need too much of it. Not sure about your other pain, though. The nurses will want to work with you on pain management during your stay so be sure to tell them what your pain needs are.

  21. 17 minutes ago, gabybab said:

    Monday is coming and I'm terrified. I'm so honestly scared. I almost canceled last week. The pre-op diet was brutal as a diabetic. So, they switched me to a low cal diabetic diet. Good luck everyone. I will let you know how I do.

    I can assure you there is nothing to be afraid of. Once you are in the hospital in pre-op, if they don't already, ask them to give you something in your IV to calm you down. It helps. Are you a Type 1 diabetic? I am, and want to drastically reduce the amount of insulin I have to take. Post surgery I am down to only 12 units of long-acting in the morning and at night (down from 40 units each time!). That. Is. Amazing. You can do this...many of us in this group were in the same fright stage as you (including me!) and we all made it through. You can too!

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