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Posts posted by tamboclan

  1. So... how about the NICEST thing anyone's said to us??? This past weekend I saw my ex-boyfriend/first true love from 20 years ago. We dated when I was 19. I had seen him a few times over the years while I was heavy. I am sure he was expecting to see that same chubby girl. But, of course, he didn't! He told me I looked just the same as I did at 19! And it has literally been 20 years. I am 39 now. Made my week!!!

  2. Good news to report! My BMI is finally "NORMAL"... just barely, but I'll take it!! 24.7 I still have a little ways to go and still need to do some serious toning, but I'll take it!!! I am very excited... doing a little happy dance today.

    Also this weekend I saw my ex-boyfriend from when I was 19. We had seen each other a few times over the years, but he lives in Baltimore now so it's been probably about 10 years since I had last seen him in person. He told me I looked just like I did at 19! Not exactly, I know, but it made my week!

    And if that's not enough, I bought size 8 pants on Friday! Woo hoo... lots of victories this weekend. Now if I can just get my butt in gear and work out and tone up, I'll look BETTER than I did at 19!!!

  3. Wow, I can't believe how rude some people can be! The only time I actually heard someone say something about my weight was about 5 years ago (when I was even about 50 pounds slimmer), I was at a bar for a bachelorette party, and this really tiny blonde who looked perfect, brushed past me and said "move you fat bitch". I couldn't believe it. I will tell you it absolutely destroyed me. But it didn't stop me from eating unfortunately. I have rarely been to a bar since then. That one comment alone just sunk me into a depression. I wish I would've said something back to her, but I was in shock.

    I'd have said "YOU move, you skanky hoe!"...

    Sorry... I know two wrongs don't make a right, but just because you are skinny and perfect does NOT give you the right to be ugly to others less fortunate!

  4. I've been on Facebook way more than here... Add me... my email address is tkclanton@schreiner.edu or you can search for Tammi Clanton Elmore.

    I guess I need to call and get a one year appointment. I have had the whole acid reflux/PB going for a couple of weeks now. Sometimes worse than others. Have ya'll noticed any issues with spicy foods? All of the sudden I can't eat anything too spicy. Especially chipotle seasoning. I love the honey chipotle chicken crispers at Chili's, but the last two times I have had them, I have literally thrown up all afternoon and it takes me 2 days of liquids to get over it. Now that I know what it is, I avoid it, but it's not been fun. Last night we had spaghetti which wasn't spicy in the least, but ate really late... like 8:45. I told my husband this morning that I was not eating that late anymore. I'd rather just not eat at all than to be miserable all night and still throw up when I get up in the morning.

    You'd think after a year, that we'd all have the hang of this... but I guess we'll never be perfect!

  5. I hit the 80 pound mark this morning!! Woo hoo!!!

    I had wanted to be at goal by my bandiversary, but no way that's going to happen in the next week. But that's OK! I'll take 80 pounds in a year. Any day. 16 pounds to go... My BMI is right on the edge of normal!

    What a journey! And it's not over yet!


  6. I was banded in June of 08 by Sonny Cavazos and lost 60 lbs between June 3 to mid-January ...Since then I have not lost anything ... how have y'all been doing if you don't mind me asking?

    San Antonio, Tx

    When was the last time you went for a fill? Are you exercising? Getting enough Protein? How much are you eating at each meal? Snacking?

    Sorry for the ambush! Just trying to get a handle on what you are doing! I had my surgery almost a year ago (April 25, 2008) and I've lost almost 80 pounds, but continuing to lose. I am sure that the amount of weight we have to lose plays a factor, but I'm surprised you haven't lost anything since January. I can eat only very little at each meal. Mornings nothing... just a coffee or something. I lose about a pound a week for the most part. I'm 18 pounds from goal, but I only had 96 to lose to begin with.

    Hang in there. Maybe see your dietician? Maybe they can help.

  7. Wow Don!!! Amazing! You have really figured out how this banding thing works, haven't you? You are going to be at goal in no time! Congratulations!

    Lizalee, hang in there. I am in the same spot. When I feel like I get to good restriction, it's too much and I am PBing all the time. Still losing slowly though so I just tough it out. I am going to add in some Protein Drinks to try to get more calories in. I know they'll stay down!

    Turler: Happy Bandiversary!! You have a great attitude. You've taken your share of problems in stride, for sure. I am praying that you are on the right track now!

    I'm finally in the 160's. It's a good feeling to see that scale drop down into the next "decade" isn't it? I really can't complain much. I know that if I'd exercise that I could get these last 18 pounds off more quickly. I keep saying I am going to start working out. Get some of the squish off... but I have yet to do it. Just need to start walking the talk! However, down 78 pounds in a year and wearing size 10 pants. I am happy with that! Now just need to lose those last 18 and get toned up. My new goal!

    Hope everyone has a great Easter!

  8. I think we are having steak tonight, too. We had baked catfish earlier this week. I browned it in some butter and olive oil and then spread some homemade basil pesto sauce over it and baked it. Really good. Served it with bowtie Pasta that had sauteed squash, mushrooms and capers in it and mixed some of the pesto in with it. Excellent meal.

    Dang... this talk of food is making me hungry!

  9. Thanks for the advice Brandy. I'm allergic to Seafood, so haven't eat a lot of fish in my life. Mostly stick to tuna in a can. I know there's a ton of good stuff in fish, but don't know where to start.

    I picked up some salmon over the weekend, but really have no idea how to prepare it. Any ideas from anyone? I figure I'd check out a few recipe websites, but tried and true are always better!

    My FAVORITE (and my husband's) way to have salmon!

    Not the healthiest, but I don't eat enough of it for it to matter and I figure the benefits of the fish outweigh the butter!

    Take a salmon filet (however much you want for yourself and your family). Sprinkle with salt and pepper and spread a thin layer of dijon mustard over the top of it and then sprinkle the top with Italian flavored breadcrumbs. I use that kind that you buy in the can. Bake it at 350 until it's almost done (18-20 minutes depending upon the thickness) then turn your oven to broil and move it up to the top shelf. Broil for about 5 minutes or until it's nice and browned on top. While it's broiling, melt half a stick of butter on the stovetop and pour in one shot of Amaretto. Then pour that Amaretto butter sauce over the fish and serve. I usually serve with some buttered herbed noodles and asparagus or sometimes rice. Since I mainly only eat the fish, the rest is really for my family, but it's a wonderful meal and SUPER easy!

  10. Good morning...

    I had surgery yesterday, and the doctor was able to put in a new band. I don't know which one I have, but he also moved my port for me. I really didn't think he could put me back together, but he did!

    Gotta tell ya though...I've been on liquids for almost 2 weeks. It totally sucks and I'm starving. I wonder what his rules will be for diet progression? LOL



    So glad your new doctor fixed you back up. You'll be back on track in no time. Liquids suck... but it will be worth it in the long run.

    I hope everyone is doing well :bananalama: I am going to spend the day at the spa then I leave for Hawaii! I am so excited I had to tell someone... Why else would I be up at 430 am lol I can't sleep. I have so much to do and I only have until 4pm today.

    I am so happy to made my goal of being under 190 when I go... even Onederland I would of taken so it's icing on the cake.

    I wish everyone well and will see you after the 15th.


    Can't wait to see all the beautiful wedding photos. I know you'll make a beautiful bride! Congratulations!

  11. Leslie:

    I second everything Brandy has just said. We can all sit here and tell you what we would do in your circumstances, but the bottom line is only you can decide that for you. I am a huge advocate of counseling. It has helped me through many a rough spot. As an emotional eater, I have always turned to food. I eat when I am happy, when I am sad, when I am stressed. The band actually is what stopped me from doing it. I just can't. Keep up with your fills. If you are at a good restriction, you CAN'T eat 4 pieces of pizza. I can't even eat 1! And stay away from the soda. Speaking as someone who currently has a streched pouch it's no fun!

    Hang in there. We are all here for you any time. But I would definitely find a counselor. To work on yourself and your issues with DH...

  12. Days One & Two: liquid Protein

    low-carb Protein Shakes, broth, clear or cream Soups, sugar free Gelatin and pudding.< /em>

    Day Three: Soft Protein

    canned fish (tuna or salmon) eggs, fresh soft fish (tilapia, sole, orange roughy

    Day Four: Firm Protein

    ground meat (turkey, beef, chicken, lamb), shellfish, scallops, lobster, fresh salmon or halibut.

    Day Five: Solid Protein

    white meat poultry, beef steak, pork, lamb, wild game

    You can see recipes etc. if you go to the website. 5daypouchtest.com

  13. It works if you work it! I heard a story this morning from someone who's daughter had the surgery over a year ago and hadn't lost anything. That just tells me that they are expecting the band to do all the work for them and it just doesn't work that way.

    Use it as a tool and it will help but you still have to do most of the work yourself!

  14. I had my surgery on Friday and went back to work at noon on Monday. I have a desk job so nothing strenuous. I was tired for that first week, but overall it wasn't bad. I had headaches but it was from caffiene withdrawal. The pain meds helped with that. I cut out all caffiene for about 4 months. Now I have a little from time to time, but nothing to get myself addicted to it again. I had been a huge Diet Coke addict up to that point, but haven't had one since and don't miss them a bit.

  15. I hadn't had a fill in months. The last fill I had was at the end of August and I was steadily losing. Then at the end of November I started noticing that I felt way too restricted. I was BPing all the time and had acid reflux so bad at night that it would wake me up and I would have to go spit it out. It happened about the time that the weather got cold and I attributed it to the weather, but the PA thought that it was probably allergies. That's about the time cedar hit here really bad so that was probably true. I had a small unfil (.4 cc) and was fine for a few more weeks. Then I noticed in early January that it started again. I went in for another unfil (.5 cc). I was fine for a few days and then I was BPing everything. I couldn't hold down any food or liquids hardly at all. That's when I went back and they did the barium.

    I knew when I couldn't eat or drink without keeping anything down that I had a serious issue.

    Hope yours isn't as bad!

  16. Ouch, Brandy. Hope you feel better soon. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled at the same time. It wasn't fun, but I was glad to get it all over with.

    I had my barium. My pouch is stretched and it has caused my band to shift down instead of sitting at an angle like it's supposed to. She said probably from being too restricted when I first started getting allergies. So now when the food goes in, it just pools in my stomach because the opening is obstructed because of the way the band is sitting. So, she took out half my Fluid and I am on liquids for 3 days, mushies for 3 days and then back to normal. Then I'll go back for another barium in 2 weeks to make sure it's back to normal. Then I can start getting fills again.

    She did say this same thing can be caused by drinking carbonated beverages. I know that's not the problem in my case, since I don't drink them at all, but it is a warning to anyone who thinks they can. Don't do it!

    I'll be back to normal in now time. On the bright side, I lost 8.2 pounds in a little over a week!

  17. Cubs, I think you'll be amazed at what they people at Victoria's Secret can do. By having a professional fitting and getting into the right bra, you'll be a different person.

    I have noticed that mine sure do sag a lot. I'd like to have them lifted some day, but it seems extremely painful and I don't have any idea as to what it costs. I'll definitely be checking into it when I get to goal.

    I am headed back to TR today to do a Barium Swallow. I did OK after my last "unfill" but a few days later I am way too restricted again and having acid reflux and throwing up at night. So today the'll see if there is a problem with my band or if I am really just getting more restricted somehow.. Allergies? I don't know. I lost 5 pounds this last week though. That's unusual for me. I've only done that one other time since having the band. I'll take it, but I want to be sure everythings OK...

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