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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Elle_Woods

  1. I had pain.....I had the single incision vsg surgery and getting up to walk every hour was AWFUL. I went too long with out pain meds after I was taken off the iv dilaudid, and that sensitized me to pain and it was bad for about 3 days. Then it was bearable.....those first few days tho we’re pretty painful, even on pain meds.

  2. You all, I had surgery a week ago- and it was really rough at first. Still trying to figure everything and my new stomach out. What does everyone’s post op diet look like? I am on the puréed stage day after surgery. Which is still a little weird Bc apparently you can put anything in the blender and purée it and the. Eat it? (Except like tough meat, unhealthy food, ect)
    So can you not purée food in your mouth if you chew it like a million times?
    Also- what happens if you do eat a solid food? Like what does it do to your stomach?
    Need to know why so I don’t do it!!

    Hope everyone is healing well and feeling better!

  3. I paid 10,000 for the surgery itself, 4,000 for out patient testing which included everything since I’m getting it done in the us and they require so much (endoscopy, pulmonary, cardiac, psychology, stress test, sleep study, ect.) I also did labs. I got it all done at the surgeons practice. It was so convenient who was able to do it all in one place. I wanted to get it done quick and I have crappy insurance so I did not try to get it done for cheaper. My hospital stay and all the anesthesia for the surgery is 8,000.00. But since I’m paying out of pocket I was super picky and went with a surgeon who does the single incision gastric sleeve surgery so the surgery is virtually scarless. It’s expensive, but I am young and looking at this as an investment in myself and my future :)

  4. Thank you all for your thoughtful replies :) reading them is really helpful. I don’t think the surgery or even the weight loss will be some magic bullet and my life will just be perfect! I know it will still be hard. I already obsess about diet and exercise also-but then am still overweight!!!! I cannot tell you how frustrating that has been. Or to lose some of the weight, only to gain it all back and then some when I quit the crazy restrictive diet.
    I love the idea of having more self confidence and when I do eat well and exercise- getting lasting results.
    I have done a lot of researching and reading about obesity and the mechanisms of obesity surgery. It really is sooo complicated and the surgery helps lower your body to a lower set point. I think that is pretty amazing and shows obesity is so much more complicated than calories in calories out.
    Congrats to everyone who has lost the weight and is happy :) that is amazing and I am glad you had good results from your surgery!

  5. On 07/04/2018 at 21:53, Frustr8 said:

    Darling it still is A-OK, just use this time to get all the loose ends tied up in your personal life and then emotionally relax and insure you enter that morning in peaceful state of mind. And remember all of us out here live you and stand behind this change you're making.🚩😛🚩
    Thank you frustr8, that truly was one of the nicest and most encouraging messages I have received. I am so appreciative of you!!! And you’re right, I am focusing on loose ends and personal development and good habits and self care :) I love you and appreciate all the kindness :)!

  6. Yay!!! Thank you all SO MUCH. This is my dream after surgery. I def don’t consider boxed or processed food “real” food. I am so so glad to hear you all are able to eat normally in small amounts! I think that’s been my downfall is I always went on extreme diets and cut out foods and food groups then would eat too much of everything I deprived myself of......so it was one bad yo-yo cycle where I was never able to Portion Control with normal eating. I just want to let go of all the obsessing about food and eat normally again!

  7. Has anyone been able to make this dream a reality? I have spent my whole life dieting and restricting myself. I would love to be able to eat small bites of “normal” food, aka not some crazy restricted diet, and stay small after surgery. I love the idea of eating small bites and savoring each one rather than eating quickly and not even tasting the food I eat. I would love to hear some positive affirmation about this!!! Bring on the success stories :)

  8. Hey all! I am having my surgery done August 13th out of state....I will be driving to a nearby Airbnb from the hospital, then flying home a week later. I hear people talking about compression garments they wear just after surgery that really helps them with pain when traveling. Can someone give me some recommendations? I am not quite sure what to buy......thanks so much!

  9. Honestly, I am very much in the same boat as you. I have a lower BMI (32), but have struggled with my weight for years and years. I went to a doctor in New York, and he used to do lap bands a lot but now pretty much only does sleeve for lower BMIs. I too was afraid no one in America would do the surgery but this is not the case, if you are self pay. Do your research, and find a surgeon you feel good about! In America or otherwise

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