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gone 4 ever

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gone 4 ever

  1. gone 4 ever

    Teens & Lap Band Surgery

    to expand on what I already posted..... I think parents should watch a childs eating habits early on. I don't think a parent should put a child on a diet... never say diet to a child.... change their eating habits and everyones in the family. when I was 9 my parents put me on weight watchers and would buy me cute small clothes. I rebelled and just put on more weight. Here they were eating all the stuff I was'nt allowed. It was in the house all the time. I would sneak and eat. But if parents can nip it early on then a teen possably wouldn'tneed the LB
  2. gone 4 ever

    Teens & Lap Band Surgery

    I personally think if the teen is 16 or older and have a therapist and is mature, have been obese all their life, with the support of their parents I don't really see why not. I would of loved to have this done when I was a teen.
  3. gone 4 ever

    Time for the first pics

    You look so wonderful! awesome weight lose.! Congrats:thumbup:
  4. gone 4 ever


    Yeah! I finally broke a milestone for me. I have been strugilng since surgury in May to loose 20 lbs. I have finally done it! I feel so much better. I was starting to get despondant. It was just comming off so slowly. I know everyone looses differently, but my word I was slow! LOL. I have kept a food diary..ect... I would come here and read daily and be thrilled for other people all the while thinking what the heck am I doing wrong? I guess I am just going to loose sloooowly. Have a good day eveyone!:wink2:
  5. gone 4 ever

    I'm Mad!!

    I am sorry to hear about how your sister treats you. I would distance myself some. It sounds to me like she is bi-polar. My oldest brothe was like that and a freind of mine was also like that. She definatly has a problem and I think it is mental. Maybe one of your other siblings can talk her into getting checked. I would approch my other siblings with a question of "has sis ever treated you like garbage"? You might find out they have gone thru the same things. I know my family was ashamed to talk about a lot of things to each other. Then One of us got brave and asked the others. Well it has opened us up and we are a closer family for it. Good luck with everything in your life. Just know that you are a wonderful person and you know the truth about your life, not your sister. Hold your head up proud
  6. gone 4 ever


    My family Dr. had checked my thyroid out a couple of months before my surgury. I lost the first 15 really fast and just kept loosing and gaining the same weight (4 lbs) the rest of the time. I guess for some reason I was already at a platue. Now I feel like it will come off fairly fast. Don't know why I feel that way, but I do. :wink2: Thanks for your replies
  7. My Dr. said I could drive after a week. Congrats on your surgury. good luck on your journey
  8. gone 4 ever

    Prayers needed for a fellow bandster

    Praise God! Tell Joan hello please. Thank you for keeping us posted. You are a good friend to Joan.:biggrin:
  9. gone 4 ever

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I have decided not to low carb it anymore. Every time I go off for a day I gain back 2/3 lbs. I usaully weigh once a week unless i go off low carb. I have decided I am tired of loosing the same lbs. As long as I eat healthy I will loose the same as if I was low carbing.
  10. gone 4 ever

    Back after 1 year

    Welcome back. Sorry to hear you had such a tying time with your blood disorder. I am glad that you are better. I think you will do fine. I understand what you said about you changing. I can't stand bread anymore. Not even my favorite bread...Italian. The closest thing to bread I like at all is biscuts. I don't get them often. I have seen Serendipity post a couple of times when I was on here just reading and researching be I joined. But haven't seen her in a while. Good luck and hope to see you post alot.
  11. gone 4 ever

    it's done

    well I got banded yesterday. I feel great! just a little sore. on my way to a new me!
  12. gone 4 ever

    Another mushies question

    Hello snapple. I took leftovers and blended them and then froze them. I made up a lot more than I realized because I am still finding mushies in my freezer!:thumbup: I was banded in May. But I was fine the day after surgury. But eveyone heals differently and has different pain levels. Good luck and keep us posted.
  13. Hello Mary. Yes bodys do accept forien objects. Look at silicone implants, pace makers, ect... Don't psyc yourself out. Good luck with your journey. It is perfectly normal to have fears about the surgery and how it will change your life. Your fears are showing in the worry about foriegn objects. Talk to your Dr. to make you feel better about the LB
  14. Hi Simba, you sound just like I was. My Dr. told me to drink as much as I needed to. Not to worry about weight gain during this time. I did'nt gain any, I lost. One thing that helped me was I would take regular soups blend them with extra broth. It was really thin, but it filled me up longer. You want it as thin as you can get it. Also gatorade helps. Good luck. Hope this helps you.
  15. gone 4 ever

    Huntsville Area

    Dr. Groves has the band. He is my Dr. Him and Dr. Britt are really great Dr.s Love them to death! Good luck on finding a new surgen. I think from what I have heard in the past the Dr. Fuducuss(sp) likes bypass better. I could be mistaken tho.
  16. gone 4 ever

    Low-Carb and NOT loving it!

    How about chicken salad. eat it without bread. maybe a couple of crackers depending on the carbs. Fried porkskins, most have no carbs at all. Take leftovers from dinner. Eat a regular salad with chicken cut up on it. (bake, broil, or grill your chicken) There are a lot of possabilities. Good luck
  17. most Dr.s require that you loose weight before the surgery to shrink your liver. It makes doing the surgury easier. Good luck
  18. Icann't do rice anymore. I have tried both white and brown rice. I miss it. But oh well. I would rather be healthier than eat the rice. Enjoy tour meal
  19. everyone has their own issues that they deal with before and after. A lot of the issues you work thru by yourself, some you might need help with (i.e. the forum here) One thing I would do is check into a different surgon. Your Dr. should be part of your cheering section. Look for 1 that makes you feel comfy with. One that agrees you can do this. Good luck on your decision.
  20. Congrats on the weight loss! What an awsome feeling uh! Keep up the good work.

  21. Hi Bigiron. What a great insperation you are! Your weight loss is awesome. Good luck with the rest of your journey. Keep us posted.
  22. gone 4 ever

    I think I am in big trouble

    why don't you take a home preg. test? Then if it is posative call and set up an appointment so you can talk to your dr. Make a list of questions for him. Good luck
  23. gone 4 ever

    You know you are a bandster when....

    It takes you 3 bites to eat a little smokie sausage instead of 1 bite
  24. gone 4 ever

    Chest pain normal?

    Congrats on your surgury. The pain is more than likely gas pains. Almost everyone has it. It is from the gas they pump into you when you have the surgury. It travels around. Walking helps. Or lay on your bed with your feet proped against the wall oe head board. Pull your legs towards you. Repeat 10x's . Roll your shoulders, 1 at a time for 5x's each then together, going frontwards and backwards. Do you have any Gas-X strips? they help also. Hopefully this helps you.
  25. gone 4 ever

    need some help

    welcome Melissa..I had to have someone walk me thru putting my ticker on. So someone else will have to help you there. As far as replying to some ones threads (like yours) just click on reply at the end of all the replys. When your reply screen comes up just type away. (you don't have to put anything in the subject line unless your starting a new thread.) When you are done typing just scroll down until you see submit reply and hit it. Over on your left on the home page is all sorts of threads . They tell you what the general topic is about. Like post-op questions, mushy stage ect.. look thru them they are chock full of great info. Good luck on your journey

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