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gone 4 ever

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gone 4 ever

  1. gone 4 ever

    Barbie needs WLS

    This is way to funny! I loved it!:w00t:
  2. gone 4 ever


    Good morning all and Blessings. Michelle I pray your feeling better today. Do you have any antibiotics that you can take? Or do you need to the Dr.? Try to rest today and don't worry about the wood. I know you need it, but you need to be healthy. Take care and will check back later.
  3. gone 4 ever


    Thanks Michelle. It is good to be back. I pray you get feeling better soon and it doesn't turn into bronchitis. Does Mucinex help you any? If you can rest for the weekend then do it! Yes my treatment went a lot better yesterday. I am o.d.ing on Zyrtec though. After my I.V. treatment they gave me a shot and told me it would make my bones ache very badly. The nurse told me to take Zyrtec 2x a day for 5 days. Well my DSIL went to the store and got me some. I took one last night and then this morning. After taking it this A.M. i thought how few tablets there was in the pk. Then I noticed it is the 24 hr. ones! LOL I aint dead yet! I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. We have family comming in from Kansas and Ohio. Wer'e praying that my DBIL will be out of the nursing home by then. I will check back later. Have a great day resting.
  4. gone 4 ever

    I have the best co-workers

    How sweet. Happy Birthday
  5. gone 4 ever


    Hi everyone how are y'all? Tap hope your fill helps you. I am back on line YEAY! My DSIL hooked up my puter to WIFI. So I can update everyone. I greatly appreciate all the cards. They lift me up a whole lot. I love my LB family. Take care and have a blessed evening.
  6. hello Kimmie, I am good. I don't have internet anymore. So I get on when I am at one of my childrens homes.

    How are you doing? What about your weight loss? I have lost 80 lbs.

    Have a happy Thanksgiving.

    Love Paula

  7. gone 4 ever


    Good morning everyone. I pray all is well. Kat enjoy your trip and be safe. I agree with Michelle about down time and working around the place. This will give you the chance to figure out about the job sisuation also. Thanks Michelle. I figure I should have some sort of immunity built up against the chickenpox after all these years and children I have been around when they had them. I'm a tough ole buzzard!:smile2: This face is what I think about all the crap satan is heaping on me. I am hoping thinds go better today. Have a blessed day everyone.:thumbup:
  8. gone 4 ever


    Hello everyone. I pray you are all doing good. Well I had my first chemo treatment today. I have another one tomorrow. It was interesting. They lost my files after an hr. they called me back and they continued to hunt. They finally had the Dr.'s office fax them back over. Then they had trouble finding the port with the needle. Push, push, poke, push, shove, twist, not happening. She gets a larger needle and does it all over again. Then she gets someone else, thisnone doesn't poke me because she didn't take the needle out. Twist, twist, shove, I think it's in. No blood verreturn, but saline IV drip is dripping. Dr. says no that I am going to the hospital to have it checked under fluro. Thank God he did. The hospital places needle in proper place. Now mind you of the part I left out, My DS had left to go visit her husband in the nursing home before they started to try to access my port. So I had no way to the hospital. So CCI called a cab. I'm thinking who is paying for this, I am broke. But they paid for the trip. Cute cab driver, very freindly. Maybe I need a cab for tomorrow:rolleyes2::smile2:. He is divorced with a 16 yr. old daughter. Name is Todd. My DD asked me how I ended up with so much info and I said he offered it up. Any way I call the CCI and told them I was done. By this time my DS was back at CCI. So she came and picked me up. Got part of the treatment today and the rest tomorrow. Also my youngest dear grandson and dear granddaughter have chicken pox.:frown: I have never had them.:thumbup: I was around them Tues. My life is so full of drama! One day it will settle down. Love ya'll and thank you again.:smile:
  9. gone 4 ever


    Hello everyone! Hugs to you all. My DD came over at 8:00pm and informed me she is staying with me for a few days. So she brought her laptop and her hubby hooked up an x-box for me. I start chemo tomorrow. I heve 4 meds to take at home. Then there is a coctail of 5 meds for my chemo. 1 good thing about chemo, I won't have to shave or pluck anymore! Yay! I want to thank you all again. I love my LB family so much. Kat, with all you have been through no wonder you are so wise. It is good that your DS and the other father thinks more of the children and thier happiness than the pettiness that could be there. That shows true men. I will get on tomorrow and up date ya'll. Love ya and have a blessed night.:thumbup:
  10. gone 4 ever


    (((((((((HUGS))))))))))) I finally found everyone! Man it is hard for me to find ya'll when I come in! I hope ya'll are doing good today and being semi good with the treats! lol I pray you all are doing well. I am fine. I get my port put in tomorrow and start chemo on Wed or Thurs. I will know when I talk to the Dr. Tues. I got my wig Fri. Things are moving fast now. If I would just hear back from Disability I would be better. I am so mad at my self. Since I got unfilled I have gained almost 12 lbs! I know I am eating junk and my nerves are crazy, but man I need to get myself back into control! Well my daughter wants to go to the store so I will catch up with ya'll later. LOVE YA:wub:
  11. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thank you all so much for the cards and your prayers! I love them. I get very tired easly. Other wize I feel pretty good. I haqve to have a bone marrow biopsy on Tues. Then get my port and start chemo in Nov. They say I will be havig 2 rounds of chemo. I think that is the right wording. Anyway I will be having it until March. Then 1 month of no treatments then 5 weeks of radiation. They are hoping that will take care of the cancer. The tumor has gotten bigger since the surgery. The Dr. confirmed that this past Wed. when I went in. I pray you are all doing well. Love ya'll and Miss ya'll:wub:
  12. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hello everyone! I miss ya'll! I am at my daughters home trying to catch up on my emails and things. All most 900 emails! What a pain to sort thru. Any way I want to Thank you all for your prayers and concerns, not only for me but my DBIL who is still in the hospital. Kat, Thank you so much for the talks and keeping LB freinds informed. You have no idea how much that means to me. Ebony thank you for the card. In a nut shell I have cancer again. I will be having a CAT and Pet scans done on Wed. Then we will decide if I will just do radiation or chemo also. I go Friday and get unfilled as I am having trouble eating. I feel fine other than I can't turn my head much from the surgery. The tumer on my thyroid was the size of a softball the Dr. said. He couldn't remove but a little of ot because it is entangled with so much muscle and tissue and my larynx. I was to;d I won't be working for a while and to applyfor disability. I am going stir crazy sitting around my house. I pray you all have a blessed day.
  13. Thank you for the card you sent. I loved it!

  14. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Just wanted to let everyone know I am doing good, surgery is at 1:30 this afternoon. I will let everyone know how I am doing afterwards as soon as I can get on again. Thanx for the info Kat.
  15. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Drive by posting...HELLO! Tap hope your eye is better, Ebony That place is getting weirder and weirder. Sorry your going thru this crap! Beth, sorry your having hubby problems again. I just skimmed this. I am hoping I can spend the day here tomorrow and actually read all postings. I love ya'll and my prayers are with you all!:thumbup:
  16. gone 4 ever

    Huntsville Area

    Hey cooly, I think you was at the support group meeting last night. Good luck:thumbup:
  17. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hello everyone! I am at my DD's so I am on the puter. My DD will post after my surgery to let you all know how I am doing. I have decided that until I get a decent paying job or lots more hrs that I am not getting internet hooked back up. I have more important bills to pay. I am still having LBT withdrawels something feirce! I miss you all. There is just so much to read and so little time that I am letting you all know that I pray you are all having a blessed day. I pray you got the new jobs applied for. Health issues are better, pets are better. When I don't have the grand kids bothering me so much I will try to read and post a proper post. miss ya'll
  18. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    BBK praying that Faith is doing better. TPG..what is going on with your Dr? Thank you all so much. I miss you all really badley. I checked into getting just internet and it ranges from almost $60.00 up. I told them to forget it. I wanted the coupon price for $20.00. But that is if I get the package. Go jump in the lake! Thats what I thought. So untill I can find something in my price range I guess I will be without. I will have my DD update ya'll after the surgery. Sorry about 2 types of print, I am on a laptop. I am totally at a loss! lol Hello everyone! Today is DGD's b-day she is 6. So I am able to be on the puter at DD house. The one that lives near me has had her internet shut off also. So I have to wait till I can go some where else to use it. Update on DBIL. They put a trach in on Tues. Said he can't get another one (this is #2). Still in ICU. He might get to go to a room next week. My surgery date has been changed to Sept 24th. He will be taking out all of the left thyroid. If it is non cancerous he won't touch the right side. Ipray yall are well and getting jobs. Etc.....:frown:
  19. Telly, I am so sorry hon. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  20. gone 4 ever

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Tina, I have been out of the loop for awhile. My thoughts and prayers are with you hon. It is always hard to lose pets. They are part of your family. Your brother needs to get a flippen grip! I don't know what is going on with your family, but you are not a failure! You are a very strong woman. Don't let them take that away from you.
  21. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I want a party like that! It sounds wonderful Fanny. What a great mom you are! You look so hot in that red dress! What a great idea! I am glad your not hurt any worse than that! I want to thank you and everyone else for your concern. I will be thinking about your up comming banding. You will do fine. BBK..congrats on the 3 yr. bandaversary.
  22. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hello all, I am sorry I haven't been able to update ya'll but I no longer have internet. I am going to read a few post after I post this. They had trouble with the biopsy. They could only stick me 1 time. My muscle is in front of my thyroid and it made it very difficult to get it. I spoke with the Dr. last night. I have abnormal cells. But don't know if it is cancer or not. He is setting the surgery up for Sept. 4th. When he takes out the 1 he is going to have it biopsied right then. If it is cancerous then he will remove the other thyroid. Bweing a cancer survivor I deffinetly have my concerns. My DBIL is still in SICU. They are going to put a trach (sp) in this week. When they removed him from the (drats I forgot what it's called) breathing tube thingy, he took a nose dive again. he was only off of it for 1 1/2 hrs. The Dr. said he will be in there for quite a while. Update on newest addition to the family. My DD had her first OBGYN appointment yesterday. Due date is March 17th. We got to hear the heart beat! I am already in love with the newest member. It was just the shock of finding out that blew me away! I don't mind not having a phone so much. But my word I miss the internet! I miss not talking to ya'll every day. I have got to get it back some how. So I pray you are all doing good. After I read some I will post more. Love you all.:thumbup:
  23. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Up date on DBIL.. They are bringing him around. he has pnumonia. There are several things that they want to check on. The Dr. said he is improving, but he is far from being out of the woods. He will be in ICU for awhile again. I will come here Monday and up date you again. Also I will update you about myself.:biggrin: Take care and Be Blessed.
  24. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    heart, sorry about how they done the other web site. Beth have fun with your parents and safe travels. Ebony sounds like you will be extremely busy. Kat, once again words of wisdom. TPG, you will do fine. Everyone else Hello hope all is well. I will be checking in whenever I can. my internet is off now. So I will check in whenever I can. I am at the hospital right now getting ready to see DBIL. Take care and love ya'll:wub:
  25. gone 4 ever

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yay Glou. I am thrilled for you! I know it eases your mind in these troubling times. you know you would miss the princess if she got put some where else.

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