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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by deboregon

  1. Hi Deb,

    I would say that your maximum Water intake, under normal conditions, should be 12 8-oz glasses per day. Of course if you were hiking the grand canyon, etc., then more would be warranted.

    Well, i am at about a gallon a day. Me in the Grand Canyon, what a hoot!:thumbup:


    OK so I know it's only because I've been on liquids, but I've lost 8lbs since I got weighed in at Dr. K's office the day before surgery.


    I hope I don't gain it all back once I get to mushies. I promise to make really good choices and not just eat mashed potatoes for a whole week!!! Please please please PLEASE just let me not gain it all back!!! :eek:

    Good on ya, J! SF popsicles, SF choc. pudding, SF Jello were my best friends!! they helped get me through much of the hunger ache in between meals.

  2. Okay, I a little slow on the uptake: so, we are starting the challenge this Thursday (the 13th) so the first weigh in is on the 20th? Or is our first weigh in the 13th? It is all so confusing:blink: To whom do we mail our goal and weekly info?

    Okay, you nurse and nurse-types on here, recent research has been quoted as being able to consume TOO much Water. What kind of quantity is that? I try to get in 3-4 quarts a day. Is that considered too much?:blink:

  3. Tally~I am so sorry to hear about your fill experience. It sounds like you are too tight, what did Dr,. K say? I am thinking he unfilled you, better safe than sorry. My fills usually take a couple weeks before I feel them, I would hate to think that you could get tighter in a couple weeks, that would be dangerous. Please let us know how things went and how you are doing. I am praying that you don't have a leak and everything will work out.

    Jamie~I heard that Dr. K will not refill pain meds, I think he will reccomend that you use liq tylenol, but it wouldn't hurt to call and ask.

    I am registering for my 2nd 5k today, a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. I am not feeling very confident about this one, I have been slacking in the workout department and eating all the wrong things. I like to blame this set back on the time change and the weather change. Must snap out of it!! Thank goodness my scale needs a battery, I haven't weighed in a few weeks. Have to get my butt back in gear!

    Hope you all have a productive weekend!

    The pictures are GREAT!!! Ladies are looking amazing!!!

    Hey Mini, what do you know about Dr. Amen? I would love, love, love to be able to send my son to him. We have done the SPECT, It would be a dream to have his feedback on them.

    Today is Buster's birthday! Who is bringing their furry friends over for cake and ice cream??? He is two and he is behaving like a terrible two!

    Tucker says Happy Birthday to Buster:lol::blink:

    Sorry I'm so late getting this picture posted, but I got busy! Jaime, we didn't do the pic while you were there, since I know I would have killed anyone wanting to take my picture after my surgery!

    In the picture:

    Brandy, Dee, Nora's friend, Denise, Nora and Deb aka Tally

    You guys all look so great! sigh....will I ever get there:confused:

  4. Well, now you just made me cry again. Geez. I have been such a boob the past two days.

    Our McNair program coordinator on campus is a 300+ lb African-American man and former Tennessee Titans football player. When I saw him yesterday afternoon he was very reserved about the election and didn't express much optimism or excitement. This morning, however, he sent out an email and said that he had spent this morning crying. He said he hadn't dared to believe that Obama could actually be elected and he hadn't wanted to get his hopes up. He talked about what this means to his nieces and nephews and their view of their place in America. It was awesome.

    Yay for Kay Hagen and her "godless" supporters!!

    What an emotional time for African-Americans...can't imagine what they feel, the hope that comes with this event!

    Hurray for Kay! We heard about those ads out here in Oregon, too; Dole lost it with the anti-Christ approach!

    This is too funny not to share. I hope I don't offend!!

    If you've just had a lap band put in, and you feel that you have to fart - go sit on the toilet!! Don't just sit there in the bed and think it will be a normal fart. Cuz then you'll mess your pants like a 2yr old and your mom will laugh at you! :rolleyes2::tt1::tt2:

    Dangit, and I was gonna wear these lounge pants home tomorrow!!! :thumbup:

    Get used to it! With all the liquid you will be taking in for the next few weeks, you will be "gushing" regularly!!!:eek:

    Wish I could offer advice on sleeping, painkillers, etc., but, fortunately for me, I had no gas pain, no port pain, no sleeping problems after the first 24 hours. But I'm pullin' for you to get through this with the least discomfort possible:thumbup:

  5. I'm going for a record!! Fastest Reply Ever Post-Surgery! :tongue2:

    I'm doing fantastic!!! Pain is minimal, but I'm still going to stay on top of my pain meds because I am a WIMP! If it gets bad for even a second I'll be crying like a baby.

    When they woke me from the sleepy-stuff I was in the middle of a very vivid dream, so when I realized where I actually was it scared me, so the first ten minutes were spent crying and nearly hyperventilating - just generally freaking out. But once that was over, it's been downhill ever since.

    Surgery started probably around 10:15a or so and we just got back to the hotel. I haven't made my way to the bed yet - currently sitting up in the desk chair, hence the reason I'm posting.

    I will say this - that grape popsicle I got an hour ago was quite possibly the best thing I've ever had in my life. :ihih: However, the three small bites of applesauce nearly made me vomit all over myself - so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to try applesauce again.

    I have so much to tell you all about surgery and just today in general, so I promise to spill it all a little later. I think I want to get a little more sleep now.

    Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10 - I'm a 15. :smile2:

    That popsicle was heaven, wasn't it??:wink5:

    Congrats and welcome to the bench:tt2:

  6. Oh My Goodness Deb!!! I am sorry to hear this!!! Well, I am 9 months out and having PB'd or slimed, but I got so stuck the other day, I feared that my record would be broken! The enemy is being too hungry and taking too large of a bite -- that's my enemy! The old inhale mentality takes over and I forget my new Lapband manners! I feel for you!!

    Don't be jealous Deb, but last night, I got to see "our guy's" wife! She was here for her last and final rally! I hope he wins today!!!! She's the sweetest woman!

    Don't worry! If it happens once, you'll remember next time. I am 9 months out and it hasn't happened yet. Stuck yes! Leftovers heated in the microwave and being super hungry was my problem! No PB or sliming yet. Boy was I scared it was coming back up!

    Okay Sister! I just talked to you on the phone! I'm home now and I'm going to get the soap and put it next to my purse, keys and camera! I'm going to the hairdresser at 1700 to get my color done, so I hope she doesn't fix my hair in an ugly way! If I am late, I am sorry. Denvergirl should be there - get us a big table, round is best for conversations and I'll get there as soon as possible! I can't wait to see you Jaime Girl!! AND all the other Banditos!

    GREAT! I haven't been hugged a long time! Probably since Deb and Denvergirl met me at the Atlanta bread Co. So I'll take all the hugs I can get! A girl can get pretty lonely being single!

    Thanks for the singing! Very pretty voice!!!

    Hugging you back!!:tongue2:

    Okay, now I am sooo jealous!!! She is toooo hot!! But what was with that dress???

    Aw Deb you poor thing. Doesn't take much to remind us how to eat. A PB will do it for sure.

    You know after awhile the BITE will feel like it is too much. I've spit out food on occasion because that PB pain is not something I'm eager to experience. Lucky for me my dog is more than happy to take that bite off my hands!

    It is DEFINITELY an experience I do not want to repeat. Gotta stay focused!

    HAPPY OBAMA DAY!!!! Sorry, I know we weren't going to talk politics here, but I'm absolutely bursting at the seams. I've laughed and cried all night long. I am so proud of our country right now for coming together against all odds to change the course of history. America IS the land of opportunity . . . and we have finally walked the walk. My heart is filled with hope for the first time in a very long time.

    you have it so right!

    Yep. So many people worked so hard to make this happen.

    Did you see the joy on the faces of the people in the crowd in Grant Park? It was so inspiring. And what a beautiful First Family we will have.

    I was flooded with emotion at the sight!

    Long time no see!

    Just popping in to say good luck Jaime!

    I've certainly missed you guys! I've forgotten in the recent weeks that I've even had a lap band, but it's time to get back on track.

    I'm sorry that I haven't kept up, but I have been working as a volunteer and supporter for OUR NEW PRESIDENT!! For the first time in my life I made calls, donated and volunteered at the local campaign headquarters. It has been an awesome experience!!! I can't tell you how overjoyed I am and how proud I am of our country. We have much work still to do to but there opportunity to make positive change like never before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Everybody take care!



    Shelbi, thanks for your hard work; how did NC turn out?

    Thanks Nora!!!

    I hope some people can join us!

    I'll be there!

    Good Luck with your fill! I can't wait! I am so ready for mine!

    Okay, now I am really missin' you guys:frown: I might have to get an unneeded fill just to meet up!:smile2:

  7. How did you know that was the ONE thing I'm most worried about?!?!?! :tongue::tongue: I'm scared to death that I'll forget I have a band and just go hog wild for a few bites and then PB and slime all over myself. :eek:

    RELAX....it has been 2 and a half months and it hasn't happened to me.....i just sat in a daze this morning....just wasn't thinking. You will be fine....promise:lol: Good luck tomorrow and the next day

  8. have a good time at rr tomorrow, y'all; wish i could be there. jamie, you will love the girls; they are soooo supportive.

    okay, confession time; i thought that maybe the band wasn't really all that restrictive for me as i don't have "full" feelings. i portion out what i think is appropriate and that is it. well, this morning i arrived early at art class; i was the only one in room for about 20 min. I had a Breakfast sandwich that i had removed one bread portion from, as i have done before. However, my mind was totally elsewhere and I did the following: 1) i took a larger than normal bite; 2) did not chew my 30 times; and 3) took another large bite. all without thinking. suddenly, i experienced the "uh-oh" and immediately tried to take a drink! Wrong!!:tongue::yikes: So I have now officially experienced SLIME and a PB.....gawd, it was awful....i was all alone and thought i was dying! Of course, it passed, but if I thought that my band wasn't really working, I was obviously wrong!:eek:

    So, Jamie, don't make the mistake of being distracted as you put food into your mouth! It won't happen again to me!!:tongue:

  9. Oh my goodness, really Deb? I never heard of that!

    I am so nervous, I can't stand it!

    I know exactly what you mean....if i think about it too much, i can't sleep. i do love watching rachel maddow on msnbc. she is soooo good.

    Okay, today is my four month bandiversary. I've lost 30 lbs . . . not a ton, I know, but a good start. DH has been taking pics of me every month, but the change hasn't been very noticeable cuz I'm SUCH a slow loser. But when I compared my presurgery pics with today's pics, I really could see a difference. So I decided to swallow my pride and share a few with you guys. In case it's not obvious (but I hope it is!) the pics with bandana are before, the others are after. Here goes:





    YOU LOOK GREAT!:blush: I can definitely tell the difference.

    I know how it feels not having the dramatic weight loss others have had, but I am okay with it. The time I get in a funk is when I see people I haven't seen in quite a while and I am 43 lbs. thinner, but they don't notice. Sometimes that gets to me, but JL and my folks are always cheering me on telling me how they can see the difference. Gotta love 'em:wub:

  10. Dee-I didn't look at you like you had two heads...I was just amazed that a complete stranger was as thoughtful and sweet as you!!! That is a rare trait to come by in a person!!

    Well, the wedding was tonight, I will try to put up some pics... it is amazing what hairdressers can do. She transformed my stick straight,baby fine chin length bob to this:





    One of my former coworkers said she didn't even recognize me at first!! That was a pretty good compliment!!

    Mini-I lost track of what I have lost for the challenge...but I am pretty sure I met my goal. I swear I am getting "old timers". :w00t:

    Munchie: You look brilliant!!:cool2:

    :biggrin::laugh::biggrin: Oh my. The things we talk about on this thread!!!
    I do. It keeps life fun!

    it does keep everyone guessing, doesn't it??:biggrin:

    Ohhhhh, I'm so nervous about Tuesday. I'm glad I voted early . . . do you have early voting in Colorado? We've had an amazing turnout so far.

    I am soooo nervous; I am afraid of the Bradley-Effect, you know, lying to pollsters and being racist when in booth.

    Oregon is all mail-in elections, so we mailed ours two weeks ago. It has been a difficult wait!

  11. I had one fill on Sept. 23. If you are able to exercise you will do better than I have done. I have an Achilles issue, plus I HATE exercising. So I have done none since surgery (or before!).

    I have found that it isn't that difficult for me to stay focussed and away from "bad" food. I do have wine a couple of times a week, so I know that slows down my loss, but it is something I enjoy and am still able to average about 2.5 pounds a week.

  12. Okay, I have added Deb's total. YAY DEB!!!

    Adorkable Goal: 15/wk1: +5/wk2:-5/wk3: -1/wk4:-1/wk5:-0/wk6:?/wk7:?/wk8?/Total?

    Bahotmomma Goal: 17/ wk 1:-1/wk2:?/wk3:+4/wk4:-4/wk5:-3/wk6:-2/wk7:-1/wk8:?/total:?

    BellaPerdente Goal: 25/wk1:0/wk2:-7/wk3:-2/wk4:-7/wk5:-1/wk6:-2/wk7:-4/wk8:-6/Total:-29:hurray:

    Bookholder Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

    Brandymom Goal: 20/ wk1:-3.5/wk2:-0/wk7:-3.5/wk8:?/Total:?

    Deboregon Goal: 15/ wk 1:-1.4/wk2:+1.2/wk3:-3/wk4:-2.2/wk5:-3/wk6:=.2/wk7:-2/wk8:?/Total:-17.2:hurray:

    DenverGirl Goal: 8/ wk1:-2/wk2:0/wk3:+2/wk4:-2:thumbup:

    Greenchrysalis Goal: 15/ wk 1: -2 :laugh:

    Lifesaver Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3/wk3:-1:rolleyes2:

    Lotzasunshine Goal: 20/wk1:-2/wk2:0/wk3:-.5/wk4:-1.5/wk5:-1.5/wk6:-2/wk7:-.5/wk8:-.5/Total:8 :hurray:

    Marcyinak Goal: 16/wk 1:-4/wk2:-0/wk3:-.5/wk6:-0/wk7:0/wk8:?/Total:?

    Minidriver Goal: 16/wk1:-0/wk2:-2.4/wk3:-.8/wk4:-1/wk5:-0/wk6:-1.1/wk7:+1/wk8:-2.7/Total:-7:hurray:

    Munchkin Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3/wk3:-2/wk4:-2/wk5:?/wk6:-1/wk7:-0/wk8:?/Total:?

    PrtyAntOvrYt Goal: 28/wk1:+.8/wk2:-.8/wk3:-3.2/wk4:-1.8/wk5:-2.4/wk6:0/wk7:0/wk8:-5.4/Total:-13.2:hurray:

    ShelbiCallie Goal: 22/wk1:0/wk2:0biggrin.gif

    Sidann Goal: 19/wk 1: -2:laugh:

    Boy, you were quick with that:lol: I am now down 43 pounds!!:lol:

  13. Hey Deb,

    Let's just say, he's from the midwest and he can eat crackers in my bed anytime! Of course, I'd invite his wife and kids too! We could have a cracker eating party.

    I hear you! Such a suave nature makes even ME interested in a man!:)

    Is anyone interested in doing a new challenge? Perhaps we could do a Christmas/Holiday challenge and have it end on December 25th. It is 7 weeks from this coming Thursday. We could do our first weigh in on November 6th.

    No weights, just losses or gains. I think Mini did a great job keeping up with the totals.

    Think about it Peeps and let me know! Mini are you interested in continuing as organizer? We can share the job if you want.

    I am in for the challenge; what a challenge it will be with all the holiday meals and parties! Oh, well....

    Okay Sister Jaime!

    It makes perfect sense. I admit that I am still ashamed of having to resort to such drastic measures to lose weight. I'm more ashamed, however, that I ever allowed myself to weigh as much as I did! What on earth was wrong with me? What I blind? Dumb? Or just not paying attention and living in denial?

    Losing weight has always been easy for me. Gaining it back plus more has been easier! I am a smart girl when it comes to nutrition. I was raised in a home that was very health conscious... but yet with all the knowledge, I ate horribly -- in addition to my veggies and fruits. Nice, huh?

    It's a lot of money to spend on ourselves. I know. But somehow, Jaime, we have to convince ourselves that we are worth that and so much more. It's time, we step back and realize that the past behaviors are not going to help us in the future. It's time to change. It's time to protect our well-being, care for ourselves and feel good about doing it.

    I'm sure you love your hubby, just as much as I love my daughter. I couldn't imagine, leaving her due to obesity related health issues. I felt I had to do something... for me and for her.

    We all understand where your head is -- ours were there and some days are still there.

    Take a deep breath, grab another Protein Shake and settle into your new life -- the first day of the rest of a long - happy and healthy new Jaime.

    Just think! You'll have two Birthdays! The day you entered this life and the day you started living again!



    Jme: Dee is so correct. I just thought about how much I pay for my new cars, so why wouldn't my life and health be worth a cheap used one??:wink:

    You will save so much on food. Food choices get really easy for you.

    Good luck.:cursing:

  14. Okay, here are some updated totals. Bella, I adjusted this weeks weight loss to bring your total loss to -24. Brandy, I set yours at a total of -7 last week, so when you update this week I can put your total. Dee, I had you down for 0 last week, but let me know if that was wrong.

    Well, I only lost 7 lbs for the entire challenge. That kinda' sucks, but I had a pretty good week this week so I'm hoping that I'm past my plateau. Fingers crossed.

    Adorkable Goal: 15/wk1: +5/wk2:-5/wk3: -1/wk4:-1/wk5:-0/wk6:?/wk7:?/wk8?/Total?

    Bahotmomma Goal: 17/ wk 1:-1/wk2:?/wk3:+4/wk4:-4/wk5:-3/wk6:-2/wk7:-1/wk8:?/total:?

    BellaPerdente Goal: 25/wk1:0/wk2:-7/wk3:-2/wk4:-7/wk5:-1/wk6:-2/wk7:-4/wk8:-6/Total:-29:hurray:

    Bookholder Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

    Brandymom Goal: 20/ wk1:-3.5/wk2:-0/wk7:-3.5/wk8:?/Total:?

    Deboregon Goal: 15/ wk 1:-1.4/wk2:+1.2/wk3:-3/wk4:-2.2/wk5:-3/wk6:=.2/wk7:-2/wk8:?/Total:?

    DenverGirl Goal: 8/ wk1:-2/wk2:0/wk3:+2/wk4:-2:thumbup:

    Greenchrysalis Goal: 15/ wk 1: -2 :wink:

    Lifesaver Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3/wk3:-1:)

    Lotzasunshine Goal: 20/wk1:-2/wk2:0/wk3:-.5/wk4:-1.5/wk5:-1.5/wk6:-2/wk7:-.5/wk8:-.5/Total:8

    Marcyinak Goal: 16/wk 1:-4/wk2:-0/wk3:-.5/wk6:-0/wk7:0/wk8:?/Total:?

    Minidriver Goal: 16/wk1:-0/wk2:-2.4/wk3:-.8/wk4:-1/wk5:-0/wk6:-1.1/wk7:+1/wk8:-2.7/Total:-7:hurray:

    Munchkin Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3/wk3:-2/wk4:-2/wk5:?/wk6:-1/wk7:-0/wk8:?/Total:?

    PrtyAntOvrYt Goal: 28/wk1:+.8/wk2:-.8/wk3:-3.2/wk4:-1.8/wk5:-2.4/wk6:0/wk7:0/wk8:-5.4/Total:-13.2:hurray:

    ShelbiCallie Goal: 22/wk1:0/wk2:0biggrin.gif

    Sidann Goal: 19/wk 1: -2:laugh:

    My total loss was 17.2; so i exceeded (a little) my expectations!:cursing:

  15. I need to adjust my loss for the challenge. I went back in the threads and realized my starting weight was 246. I thought it was higher. So my final weight loss was 24 pounds. I was one pound short of my goal, but that's ok. I am happy with my progress.
    Okay, here are some updated totals. Bella, I adjusted this weeks weight loss to bring your total loss to -24. Brandy, I set yours at a total of -7 last week, so when you update this week I can put your total. Dee, I had you down for 0 last week, but let me know if that was wrong.

    Well, I only lost 7 lbs for the entire challenge. That kinda' sucks, but I had a pretty good week this week so I'm hoping that I'm past my plateau. Fingers crossed.

    Adorkable Goal: 15/wk1: +5/wk2:-5/wk3: -1/wk4:-1/wk5:-0/wk6:?/wk7:?/wk8?/Total?

    Bahotmomma Goal: 17/ wk 1:-1/wk2:?/wk3:+4/wk4:-4/wk5:-3/wk6:-2/wk7:-1/wk8:?/total:?

    BellaPerdente Goal: 25/wk1:0/wk2:-7/wk3:-2/wk4:-7/wk5:-1/wk6:-2/wk7:-4/wk8:-6/Total:-29:hurray:

    Bookholder Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

    Brandymom Goal: 20/ wk1:-3.5/wk2:-0/wk7:-3.5/wk8:?/Total:?

    Deboregon Goal: 15/ wk 1:-1.4/wk2:+1.2/wk3:-3/wk4:-2.2/wk5:-3/wk6:=.2/wk7:-2/wk8:?/Total:?

    DenverGirl Goal: 8/ wk1:-2/wk2:0/wk3:+2/wk4:-2:thumbup:

    Greenchrysalis Goal: 15/ wk 1: -2 :tt1:

    Lifesaver Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3/wk3:-1:smile2:

    Lotzasunshine Goal: 20/wk1:-2/wk2:0/wk3:-.5/wk4:-1.5/wk5:-1.5/wk6:-2/wk7:-.5/wk8:-.5/Total:8

    Marcyinak Goal: 16/wk 1:-4/wk2:-0/wk3:-.5/wk6:-0/wk7:0/wk8:?/Total:?

    Minidriver Goal: 16/wk1:-0/wk2:-2.4/wk3:-.8/wk4:-1/wk5:-0/wk6:-1.1/wk7:+1/wk8:-2.7/Total:-7:hurray:

    Munchkin Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3/wk3:-2/wk4:-2/wk5:?/wk6:-1/wk7:-0/wk8:?/Total:?

    PrtyAntOvrYt Goal: 28/wk1:+.8/wk2:-.8/wk3:-3.2/wk4:-1.8/wk5:-2.4/wk6:0/wk7:0/wk8:-5.4/Total:-13.2:hurray:

    ShelbiCallie Goal: 22/wk1:0/wk2:0biggrin.gif

    Sidann Goal: 19/wk 1: -2:laugh:

    Mini: I am not sure that numbers are correct (definitely not ur issue but mine) What I need to know is the date we started this challenge as I remember it was at an obtuse time.....not the first of the month or anything....this week is -3 lbs. for me, but I don't remember when we started to check if I hit my goal.

    We must be talking about the same man! Because you and I both know, that only our Guy is Hot!!! He's one fine piece of male specimen!

    (is it getting hot in here or is it just me?)

    It is hot if ur guy is from Illinois; otherwise, it must be a hotflash.

  16. Hello, ladies. Wow, busy busy day. DD and I went and picked out all the decorations for her wedding (it's Dec. 2oth). I think it will be quite stunning. Everything will be black and white except for touches of deep red (her dress has dark red roses embroidered on the bodice). The flowers are white asiatic lillies and dark red roses. Bridesmaids are wearing simple, full length black dresses and red necklaces and earrings. We're going to have candles on pedestals lining the aisle and a gazebo with tiny white lights, tulle, and flowers. We're also having two tall floor candelabra at the beginning of the aisle and flanking the gazebo. We're also putting several tall, thin pine trees in front of floor to ceiling windows decorated with white lights. Centerpieces: half will be very tall silver vases with lillies and roses, the other half will be cylinder vases with floating candles and submerged lillies.

    sounds lovely....excitement builds:tt1:

    what do you guys think? Any more ideas?

    Deb - I'm a wino too. I try not to drink wine more than once or twice a week, but I do have .75 oz of vodka and diet cranberry every evening for my nightcap. Probably not the best thing for my weight loss, but I make sure and count the calories.

    you are right....plus I am down another 3.2 today...total of 42.2

    IAMAhotmamma (I've changed your name for you!) - glad to hear you had fun on your trip AND lost a pound. DAMN! Good job!!

    Jaime - I have one Protein Drink a day. I actually really like it. I buy the slimfast low carb vanilla and heat it up in the microwave and sprinkle cinammon on top. It's kinda' like a vanilla latte. Not bad atall. But I definitely try to get my Protein from food.< /p>

    Munchie, when is the wedding? How is your love life? When is the Marine Corp ball?

    Hey Friends!

    Dropping in to say howdy.

    Marcy you have a blast in the Aloha state. Lucky you. Your fill story was so funny, I laughed imagining Bob's Fill Ur Up needed a divining rod to find your port. hee hee

    Munchkin I love comedians. They make me laugh!! hahahaha

    JME smile and know it's a grand journey. I use to drink down my meals, start not drinking with meals. That was a hard one for me to break. No worries. It's all good. You are gifting yourself health.

    Deb, I'm a wino now. Mr. Reisling and I have dates every Friday. He makes me BLUSH.


    Friends the physical therapy did not work. I have a TENS unit strapped to my back all of my work day and that has helped a great deal.

    Going in for a pre-surgical eval. for a partial penniculectomy. This would relieve the stress on my spine, probably kick start the weight loss again because some of the fat cells would be excised, also the dragging skin on my lower body would be relieved.

    My fill is fine. Got a lovely sensation of feeling full. No cravings, no inbetween munchies like the old days. Lost my taste for several foods which is wonderful.

    I remain grateful for having this surgery with no complications. Recovery was a breeze.


    sorry to hear pt didn't work; sounds as if you are in a good place head-wise. good luck on tt

    Agreed with Puff Mama!!! And you may not want to hear this....but this is my nursey advice....forgo the Halloween party and rest, push fluids, eat chicken noodle Soup, and all that stuff.:biggrin: It will suck to miss your party but it would suck way worse to miss your surgery.

    I agree....too bad to miss party but not at the expense of life party:blush:

  17. Howdy...

    Hey, I know some of you are wino's like me....how often do you imbibe? Just curious.

    I know that my partaking of the fruit of the vine is in fact slowing down my loss, but I figure as long as I average 1-2 pounds a week I am still in the ball park and am enjoying my life. Do y'all think I am fooling myself?

    I was down 39 lbs. this morning :)(that is since Aug. 1).

    Where are Dork, Dee, Mal???Hey, guys, missin' you here:wink2:

  18. I have been over mt. to our cabin for a few days. Missed several pages of post...oh, well....hope everyone is doing okay.

    Put me down for losing 2 pounds last week. Slow, but steady here. At times when I know I could be doing better and losing faster, I get kind of disappointed in myself; however, then I remember that the "slip ups" I have made aren't life-altering, just little bumps and I can correct them the next day.

    I think I need another fill, but am afraid of flying in general and really afraid of snow + flying, so am afraid of Denver! Driving a car in bad weather in a strange place isn't my idea of fun either. How is it there in the middle of Nov? Roads kept clear?

  19. I can't tell you how happy (and relieved) I was when I read the positive responses to my post:w00t:. You women are indeed the best in the world:thumbup: When I do get pix back, I will do my best to post a couple; otherwise, I am sending some "hard copies" to Dee.

    Well, after "vacationing" all week, I got on the scale this morning and...surprise...only up .2:lol::eek: JL said, "Point two??? I am up three and I don't mean point three!!" So now she weighs in at a whoppin' 122! Whew! Her goal was 119 for the wedding, and she hit it the morning of! Oh well, we can't all be thin!! Thank god she has always loved me no matter what since I have been overweight since I was 8. She knew 24 years ago what she was gettin'!!:w00t:

  20. Okay, well, I have decided tonight that I can't pretend to be something I am not (it's okay, dee, u may be my only friend after this:smile2:)

    This week has been a difficult one for staying on a diet as last Saturday, Oct. 11, I married someone I have been committed to for 24 years. Her name is Janet Lynne, and we had the most beautiful of ceremonies.

    I don't know people's politics here, but I do know that I have felt a closeness and support system I have not had elsewhere. If the fact that I am gay and have married my longterm partner has offended others, I guess I can refrain from posting here. However, that would make me sooooo sad, but I feel enough prejudice in my everyday life to withstand it on line. Hopefully, those of us who have felt the ugly tongue of hate for our weight will not subject that same pain on those of us who bear that ache for whom we love.

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