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Posts posted by deboregon

  1. Deb,

    I'm sorry to hear about your gain too! Our bodies are strange. They do things that can't be explained. I know I lost 6lbs by Thursday and then I popped on the scale on Friday and had gained 3 lbs. Then this morning, I was down 3.4lbs. Who knows? It's disappointing. Have you tried upping your calories for a day or two and then returning to the lower calories that you eat now? Sometimes, I think our bodies get used to our lower calories and they stop losing. It's just an idea. I do know when I did the Body4Life, they insisted that you had one day a week when you upped your intake. I think anything is worth a try.

    When you find out when you're coming in Feb, let me know. My schedule is done until Feb14, but I might very well have the date off and can help you! I would love to see you and would be more than happy to pick you up at the airport and take you for your fill! Just let me know as early as you can so that I can make plans.

    Thanks so much, Dee, for your supportive words. As always, you are the voice of reason:smile: I will let you know about the fill thing. Just not sure how I want to do it (especially after seeing that smoking plane in Denver this weekend:scared2:

    Deb, I will also more than likely be in Denver in February for my 3rd fill. My 2nd fill is Jan 9th, so add 6 weeks to that and that's probably when I'll try getting another one. Of course there's really no telling at this point if I'll need it or not - but if I'm in town I'll be staying one night and getting a rental car so if we plan for the same day then I can help you out! :smile:

    Thanks, Jaime, will keep you posted.

    Hello lap band ladies! Sorry I've been missing the past few days. My daughter's wedding was tonight and it has been a crazy couple of days. I have to say, though, it was absolutely beautiful. I will post some pics later, but I am just beaming from ear to ear. She looked amazing, the ceremony was great, the dinner was lovely, etc etc.

    Miss you guys and I'll catch up again soon.

    Beautiful pix!!

    my hair is the worst ever!! i seriously have mass handfuls of hair every time i take a shower.. I get enough Protein and my Vitamins in, I recently got a bunch of blood work done and they all came out fine.. I dont know what it is!! =( ..

    I also just got on my TOM and i feel like i am dieing, for a while when i was heavier I sometimes skipped periods or they were light, now its bad.. I dont know if this is mother nature, getting back at me or what.. it sucks.. I was at a plateau before i started my TOM where i didnt lose any weight last week..but i stepped on the scale this morning and I had lost almost 4 lbs.. ugh! it's toying with me!

    I can't wait for denver and my fill, but i am also worried about the snow.. I'm not one with the snow.. Though we have tons of it here in sw washington/portland area..

    Well i'm headed to the gym early today since my soccer was canceled due to the snow..

    Hey, girl, I didn't realize you are in my neighborhood! I am in Portland and am HATING this weather. Been housebound now for a week. Didn't dig my car out early enough and now I don't have the energy or inclination to dig it out at all.

    We have cancelled Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinner as for the first we would have to drive to Gladstone to folks, who at 83 and 78 don't need to dig out to go to store. They, plus other relatives from Aloha, were supposed to come here on Christmas Day, but I told people not to worry about it. We will do a January celebration in the usual Portland rainy season. It's okay. People need to slow down and breathe and not sweat this stuff. We have hunkered down with movies and hot toddies!!:eek::w00t::thumbup::tt2:

    I am fighting this bug! I have been drinking that Airbourne stuff every three hours...YUCK! Geen tea with honey, and lots of Water. I just feel the chills, aches and low energy.

    I am having about 20 people over for Christmas Eve, I better kick this bug or I will be resting in my bed and they can fend for themselves!

    I just realized that when I was at Colorado Mills mall on Saturday, someone broke into my car! I noticed that something didn't look right about my handle. Now I remembered that I had about four large bags of stuff that I was taking to donate and they are gone! Sad, sad. I hope the people that took them needed them more than ARC and Goodwill. Some PEOPLE!!

    I hope you have a good shopping experience today.

    Categories I can't tolerate: liars, cheaters, and thieves...oh, and vandals. I used to tell my students that at the beginning of every term!:cool2:

    yay Lotsa!!!! That's fantastic, girlfriend!

    Here's a pic of all three of my kids, and one of me, my cute hubby,and my darlin' grandbaby, and a couple of others I liked





  2. I am sooooo bummed that I almost didn't post this week:frown::tongue:

    I am up 2.5 this week, and I just am not gettin' it! JL is shocked each morning when I come downstairs and pronounce I have gone up yet again each morning. Like she exclaims, "HOW?? with as little as you eat!!" I am eating enough and not too much...really. I know before I think I wasn't eating enough in the day, but I changed that a long time ago.

    Of course, we have had a week of winter weather that this area hasn't seen the likes of in years, so we have been kinda housebound.....not much physical movement here (not as if there were much before:blushing:).

    Arghhh...I know it is a phase, but I hate it! Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to get to Denver for a fill until late February:bored: Hope someone will be around to help me out at that time. Don't know about one day or two, car or no car.

    Am glad to see almost everyone else had a good losing week.

    Congrats to y'all!:tongue_smilie:

  3. I look forward to meeting you too!

    About the weight loss challenge. For awhile, I think since the Reunion Picnic, we have challenged ourselves to lose a specific amount of weight for a specific amount of time. This challenge will end the last day of the year. We weigh every Thursday and report here if we lost, gained, or remained the same. It kind of gives us some motivation!

    I'm supposed to weigh today. I asked for special dispensation from Minidriver (she's the challenge's moderator) to be able to weigh on Sunday instead of Thursday due to my dependent edema issues!

    You're welcome to join us!

    I know how you're feeling about work! I started a new job 2 weeks ago, besides the fact that I absolutely hate my new job and that stresses me out, (it was totally mispresented to me in the interview), I also am working every day, which is new. I've not been working out, no time to swim my laps and I hate getting out of the habit! I am so angry at myself for accepting this stupid stupid job! And anger is one emotion which makes me want to eat! I don't do anger well! I was taught as a child that "nice girls don't get angry!"

    Dee, sorry to hear about the job. Is there any recourse for it being misrepresented to you? Is there a min. time til you can apply for another position? Life is too hard to have a job you hate.

    I have had dark beer a couple of times since surgery. I think my rationale was it appears to be less carbonated. Don't know, tho.

    Well, winter moved into Oregon yesterday. Snow! Rare to get that in Portland, but truly rare in Dec. Temps are in teens this week. I know that is nothin' to you midwesterners, but for the temperate NW it is cold!!

  4. Well, I am down 2.7 this week. That is what put me at about minus 52, but I was up and down with it this week. At least I am back to the same number.

    Congrats to those who have done so well. I am not sure I will make my New Year's goal, but we shall see.

    Jaime, I agree with Adorkie: your taste buds have changed (plus you are ill). There isn't anything you just CAN"T eat (unless it won't go down well); MODERATION is the key. Still being able to taste those foods you love is great. BUT I DO MISS MY BEER WITH MEXICAN FOOD:cursing::wink::cursing:

  5. So, can I be excused from weigh-in until....December 30th? :whistle:

    I don't usually hate, but let me tell you, I've got some serious hatred for my scale right now.

    I haven't been in a 14 since high school. I think maybe my freshman year. I can't imagine a 12 but I think I want to shoot for a 10. My mom has worn a 10 for as long as I remember and I want to be able to wear that. I can't really explain it. I can't fathom being able to wear those sizes! Really! I just can't!

    Oh by the way I am 2 pounds away from the 40# mark. I can't believe it. Just 2 months ago I weighed 285.5 before I started pre-op!:tt1:

    Congrats! You are one serious bandster:thumbup:

    So ladies, all you professional Bandsters out there - what do you do when you have a bad cold/flu and need medication? When you go to the doctor, they are inevitably going to give you pills for your ailment. How do you approach that? Is there a liquid-form to what they'll give you for a flu? I've had this flu for 3 weeks this Thursday, and this morning my throat is on fire. I can't remember in all my 26 years my throat ever hurting this much. Add to that the stuffy head, sinus headache, and constant sneezing - I'm miserable. I can hardly talk - my throat is that bad.

    I've told myself I'll finally go to a doctor tomorrow if my throat still feels this bad, but I'm worried I'll pay all that money to see the doctor (my insurance isn't that great) only to find that there's nothing he can prescribe me that isn't in pill form. Any opinions ladies?

    Get to the dr. ASAP! I have no problem with pills, but the others on here have more experience than I and probably know about the liquid options.

    Don't fret about pound loss. It has only been a month. Can you think of the last time you lost 12 lbs. in a month? It will be fine. We all hit plateaus (too often and for too long); it is just your stuffy head talking.:tt1:

  6. Hi All,

    Something happened to me today that I can't ever remember happening in my ENTIRE life. When I got on the scale today my weight was the same as it is on my drivers license.....155. I have NEVER been anywhere near my drivers license weight. It's funny that we lie about that, isn't it? Anyway, I squealed with delight when I realized that I was no longer a liar:-)

    Hope everyone is well.

    OMG!!! I just looked at my license and it said 200! I weigh 18 lbs less than that! I had to get it renewed last summer when I weighed 220ish and I remember now thinking that I so OBVIOUSLY weighed over 200 lbs that I might as well just put down 200. WOOHOO!!! That makes me really happy!!!

    Congrats to both of you on the driver's license issue! I never even thought about that. Good goal to look to in the future:smile:

    Okay first of all...Jamie, It was great to meet you today in Dr. K's office for our first fill. It went really well! No sweat! Felt wieird though!

    OKay now my big news. I went the store Unique that Natailie and ...(I can't remember her name right now) It is a thrift store. I needed to kill a little while in town and then go eat to make sure that everything went do well. So I look for jeans and I finally see this one pair of petite jeans. The are a size 18 Sonoma brand for $4 so I thought I would get them and they can be a goal. I started in a size 22 and they are baggy, but my only jeans so I wore them today. So I just got home from Denver (7 hr drive) and I hold them up and say to myself that there is NO WAY, but I'll try and see how far I get...they will be my first pair of "goal jeans".

    Guess what...yep! THEY FIT!!!! Not comfy enough to lounge around the house, but I can wear them out if I want to. WOW! What a day. My first fill and this!:girl_hug:

    Ya-hooooo for you!:smile2:

    Well, my comment this morning isn't nearly as wonderful as three above, but it is "mini-milestone" for me. This morning I broke the 50 pound mark; I am a "scooch" under 52 down.:thumbup:

    I don't know who gets more excited, me or my mom. This morning when I talked to her and told her about the loss and the upcoming Water aerobics, she just went over the top! She said she has dreams of me when I come to this journey's end. I asked how she could dream of something she's never seen, and she said she can see it and dreams it often. I told her that I hoped the reality matches the dream:laugh:

  7. I've missed you guys too! I had to read a lot to catch up!

    I hadn't been that ill since I was a little kid. My mom said I was so stubborn as a child that when I had the tummy flu, she'd have to threaten to take me to the hospital - to make me eat. I would have recovered, but was still so afraid of throwing up that I'd not eat or drink. She said I'd say, "I don't wanna "frow up" Maybe that is why the band is working for me! The perfect tool for someone who hates to frow up!!!:thumbup:

    I'm not so sure about being a smart cookie Mini! I certainly don't feel so smart!!! :cool:

    Sorry to hear about your illness,:thumbup: but certainly am glad you are on the mend:redface:

    I am sure you will be running this new place in no time!!

    You are really stepping "out there" to change jobs; you are a courageous woman and an outstanding new employee!!:lol:

  8. challenge weigh in: down 1.2

    not bad considering thanksgiving and a celebratory weekend with friends...lots of alcohol:blushing:

    the community center where I take art classes has built a new aquatic center that will open in January. I am signing up for aquaaerobics and am soooo excited about it. I love being in water:lol: So that will give me an hour of exercise three times a week. Considering I do nothing now, I am hoping that will really help my weight loss.

  9. Sweet Mini,

    It's okay and perfectly fine to eat frequenty very small meals! Actually, for you it would be preferable. The frequent smaller meals will stoke your metabolism and keep your blood sugar at an even level.

    Try it. There is nothing wrong with grazing on small amounts every 2 hours. Are you able to stay satiated at least 2 hours? Are you getting stuck? OR PB'g?

    I can't remember what I weighed last week, but I know I am 8lbs down from the beginning of the challenge. I remember my initial weight. I'm out of town and my weigh calendar is at home!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone here!!!

    I am thankful for my band, thankful for my bandito peeps and thankful for my better health!!

    Dee, you are doing soooo well! Congrats!

    Mini, put me down 2.2...finally a move in the right direction:laugh:

    Have a good holiday everyone.

  10. OK ladies, I'm sitting here literally ROLLING on the floor laughing. I can't stop giggling. My eyes are watering, my nose is running - I'm seriously LMFAO. Must share.

    I was reading one of the November bandsters threads, and someone posted about their experience getting the band this past week. Here's part of their response: I ended up spending the nite and glad I did. Dr Singh found a high anal hernia during surgery. He was able to repair it.

    I'm wondering - how did your doctor get to your anus through your stomach?? Are you sure your band is in the right spot??? :blink:


    That is tooooo funny! It reminds me of "misunderstood" song lyrics: "S'cuse me while I kiss this guy..." Hendrix misheard

  11. Deb, to get to your signature, you can go to the User Control Panel, also called User CP. Two ways to get there (that I know of): 1) The blue row of links underneath all the smiling faces at the top of the page - the first one says User CP. 2) The drop-down menu at the bottom of the thread, which can link you to every forum this site has - at the top of that list is User Control Panel. It's located below the Quick Reply, and is labeled as "Forum Jump".

    Once you get to User CP, you'll see Edit Signature down the left side, I think maybe 6 or 7 links down.

    Hope this helps! :tongue2:

    Jamie: thanks; that helped. I just hate it when stuff gets changed (as you might deduce, I am computer illiterate!)

    As most of you have read, I've scheduled my first fill for December 5th, which is 4 weeks post-op. I've been told this probably wasn't the wisest of ideas because at that time I could still be swollen, so what fill he gives me may go away once the swelling is completely gone at 6 weeks. Well, no turning back now, since flights are booked.

    I just read that flights in 2009 are going up soon, especially Delta since they're merging with Northwest. Delta is usually the airline with the cheapest flights from Raleigh to Denver, so this is bad!

    I read that if you're planning travel in January or early February that you should go ahead and book your flights. I wanted to know if any of you had suggestions as to when I should get my second fill, if my first fill is Dec 5th? If you think I should just bite the bullet and wait to see how I feel, tell me that also! I tend to be a planner, and when things aren't in my control I kinda fly off the handle. So I would really like to book flights now and make the appoitment with Dr. K, but I'd like to know someone else's opinion. :lol:

    I got my fill 4-5 weeks after surgery in September. I haven't had another one and don't plan to until maybe spring. If I were you, I would probably wait as your first fill might do it. However, it seems that I am a little diff from others on here, except for maybe Dee, who i believe had only had one fill until last week. But you will have to decide. I don't know whether saving on 2009 prices will be worth getting a fill too soon?:tt2:

  12. Just a reminder that tomorrow is the beginning of the holiday weight loss challenge. Please weigh yourself and then decide how much weight you'd like to lose by the end of the year. Post your weight loss goal, and then we'll start posting our losses starting next Thursday. Hope that all made sense.

    Let's lose that weight by the end of '08!!!!

    (sorry, that was the best I could do)

    Mini: you are sweet to volunteer to keep track again! Well, seven weeks....hmmmm....put me down for 15. I will give it a go!

    With this new design on the website here, I am having a difficult time getting to the section where one can edit signature, etc. Any hints?:tongue2:

  13. Munchkin~I hope you have a wonderful time with your sis and that would be fantastic if you met up with Jamie. What a great group of gals we have here! I can't wait to see pictures of you all dolled up again. Let's see, the last time I dressed up....wow, that was another lifetime! Now dressing up in costumes and such, we do that often! Disco parties, Monte Carlo nights, Luau's, but to actually dress up nice and look like a grown up...have fun, you will look amazing, you are beautiful!!

    and your Starbucks guy sounds like a sweetheart, I wonder what number three was...LOL

    Dee~you are MORE than the mama, you are the QUEEN! Thank you for all you do for us here.

    Mini~When I read your post, I heard it in Palin's voice..."ya, geez"...teee heee

    Denver~two months already? Keep up the good work! Our friend is scheduled to come home on Dec 5th, he has been doing some artwork, which is wonderful! He has moved over to a suite, very nice!

    Marcy~what did you name the pup?...snickerdoodle smoochie poo?...LOL

    Deb~how is Tucker doing these days?

    Jamie~how are you healing?

    Lap~I miss you! How's the baby doing?

    I decided not to register for the Thanksgiving run. I have managed to come down with some crud and I haven't been able to workout since Saturday. That doesn't give me much time even if I were to feel better today (which I don't). I'm pretty bummed about it, but what can I do??? not to mention, I am eating terribly!

    Hang in there ladies, it's Wednesday!

    Mal, Tucker is doing soooooo well! He is back to his ol' self again. He has weakness in hind legs a little, but I think that is a result of age and the surgery on his ACL years ago. Personality and appetite: normal!

    I just pray that this "not hungry" thing continues for at least another week or two. Chances are it won't, but I hope it does. If I'm hungry, it's going to be much harder to resist the grits! :D

    For a while , I found it easier to go to bed a little earlier just to help curb the temptation.

  14. Just a quick note to say hi to everybody. I've had my band 2 months now, and finally, after the 3rd fill, feel like it is working. JOY!

    good for you, DG!!

    Isn't our miss dee the BEST?

    Beyond the best!:D

    Yay!!! I'm so happy for you!!! :unsure:

    They say 3rd time is the charm. That's great and all, but I'm hoping 1st time is the charm. Flying to and from Denver gets rather pricey :tt1:

    By the way, I have been reading so much in the November 2008 Bandsters forum, and I think every single person who has had their surgery in November was starving by Day 2-3. Is that usually the case with everyone? Or are they just suffering "head hunger"? I can't say that I've really felt the hunger yet, and I'm 6 days post-op. I feel bad reading all their posts about wanting to chew off their own arms. I just don't get it?! What kind of experience did you guys have with the hunger? Did it really come back that fast? Or are those people just thinking that they're hungry?

    i never did feel "hungry"....only what one would feel when it was time for "fuel" (as Dr. K. would like us all to view food....good luck on that one! I still talk about it, think about it, cook great meals but only eat a bit).

  15. Okay, I have a question for those of you who are faster losers, rather than slooooowwww like me. I have been losing MUCH faster since I started taking Metformin 10 days ago (4.5 lbs in 10 days vs 4 lbs in a month). Anyhoo, I haven't changed my Fluid intake or my calories or anything, but I have been urinating like crazy. Does this mean that I am just losing Water and soon I will go back to the slooowwwww loss? Or do you urinate a lot when you're losing weight quickly? Hope that question made sense. It seems to me, since the byproducts of fat metabolism are water and carbon dioxide, it would increase your urine output. But maybe I'm completely wrong. I'm just scared that I'll lose 5 or 6 lbs of water then go back to my 1/2 lb a week or whatever.

    Okay, not sure what metformin is for, but I know the more consistently I drink water (3+ quarts a day), keep my sodium low, and cut out the wine:blush: the faster I lose.

    I have been on a rolling scale for over a week (up 2, down 1, up 5, down 6...and so on)finally I am back to my lowest. Hopefully, I will start on a downward trend soon. Ugh, with holidays coming. My folks' 60th anniversary is this week and I am cooking Mac and 2 cheeses with caramelized shallots...never tried recipe before but am sure they will enjoy it....and I will enjoy my two small bites:laugh:

  16. OK ladies, question. How long after surgery until you could take a deep breath without a pain in the center of your chest? It's not a sharp pain, but it's pain. This happens when I sigh, breathe deeply for a yawn, or when I sniffle (like my nose is running and I quick SNIFF to get it not to...does that make sense?). The pain lasts as long as I'm breathing in, so during a yawn, it lasts a good 3secs. Any ideas? I'm on Day 6.

    After one day I was fine, so sorry can't help on that one.

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