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Posts posted by deboregon

  1. Deb!

    You've had one fill since you got your band. It's time for your fill. You've had to work so hard on your own! And you've done so well! I hope this fill makes a good difference!

    I know I should've gone back sooner, but couldn't drum up the courage (flying in winter, etc.)
    I totally believe in measurements! I took mine last week on my Bandiversary and I've lost 56inches overall! 12 inches from my waist! I used to tell Mal that all of the time, when the scale doesn't move it's important to continue your measurements!

    I think pictures tell the full story too!

    I wish I could see the difference in my pix. I just can't. I did get copies of some wedding photos (Oct. 11) and will bring them with me next Tues. in case I get an opportunity to see you, Miss Dee.

    Could have fooled me. Wow. You look beautiful anyway. You must be a fantastic person because your radiance of good really pulses through.

    Ah, fight it! Kick that couple of pounds in the 'arse, you're thisclose to achieving a goal. BTW: 260 is a goal for me.


    You know I think something happened to me today.


    Found out some folks were talking about me at work. Not good. Half truths, mostly gossip. But still. It fused me and then my DH put me in my proper place with his peaceful countenance (and if I never mentioned to you all what a pure man he is that's my #1 for my husband, he is the most honest person I have ever met. Always thought so and still do 26 years later. ) But anyway, it only served to really wind me up and put me in high gear. I am:

    tired of feeling walked on and blaming it on my looks which always make me feel inferior.


    tired of being a YES person to people who do not treat other co-workers with the same demeaning attitude.

    I believe I take it from them because I some how deserve to be treated LESS in hopes that they will LIKE ME because I'm so fat. Isn't that crap? Today it is crap. Today I am done with it.

    ( sound of TAPS plays)


    TODAY is the day that I shout from the mountain tops NO MORE, I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT AT FIGHT. Today is MY INDEPENDCE DAY! :patriot:

    Dee, mark today for me as being Patty's I.D. :patriot:

    In other news. I've posted my daily weight. For some reason it's peeling off and I say peeling because I was so stalled for so long. I think all the efforts are paying off and now the medications, the pain and the activity are all improving.

    Having said that, I am openly putting my number on the signature and every other day I'm changing the number to keep track of what is happening. I go up, it goes up, I go down, it goes down. I need to be at 235 by the end of April or darn close to it. 245 would be acceptable.

    I'm asking for extra candle lighting and keeping me accountable by sending me a PM, or posting something my way. I found the challenge really helped and I know this next goal is very important. It's a presurgical eval that will determine if I go in for the abdominals or body lift in June or wait a year.

    *Dr. Kirshenbaum, word up ....I love you, you have changed my life!! Your surgery has been the only surgery I've ever had in my life where I had a zipper recovery and had the most powerful impact on my life. (other than my two children) forever thank you!!!!!

    Patty, we will all be here supporting you and loving you as you are a wonderfully deserving woman. I can hardly believe the difference in alll those pictures. You are beautiful, inside and out!:thumbup::thumbup:

  2. Hello lap band ladies! I just took my 7 month pics and wanted to post some before and in-progress shots.

    Remember to click the pics to enlarge them.



    WOW, Mini, you look wonderful!

    WOW I wish I was going to be a size 9 this year. I know you will make it, you look like you are there anyway.:bananalama:

    Patty, beautiful pic. What a difference!

    Well next Tuesday I will be getting my second fill; hopefully, that will force me to perform a little better than I have been lately!

  3. Today I took my "during" picture at the hospital. Do you like my new glasses?

    You are lookin' good, girlfriend! Love the glasses. I had Lasik surgery about 6 years ago and have been soooo happy. I accepted having to wear reading glasses in exchange for seeing distance. Good trade off, as now I get to spend $ on fun, funky reading glasses. I have DOZENS of them, something to match every outfit. Used to drive my students nuts: "Ms. J, just HOW many pairs of glasses do you have???"

    I am going for surgery on March 10 w/Dr. K, too. I was so relieved to find him because my insurance won't cover the procedure (all other state employees have this coverage, but not teachers....grrr). I am excited, and I would love to hear more about your experiences. Please do share when you get back. Also, what plans do you all have for after care?

    Hi, I am from Portland and flew to Denver for my surgery with Dr. K. (greatest dr. in world, and the best OR people you could ever hope for!)

    As a retired teacher who still has insurance through school district, my particular insurance did not cover it. Now, here every school district is different; those who have Blue Cross/Blue Shield have coverage. All state employees have coverage. It is nuts, but I figured I am worth the cost of a cheap used car! I fly back to Denver for fills; my operation was Aug. 20 and my first fill was Sept. 25. I am going for my second fill Feb. 10. I choose to spend the $ to go to Dr. K as then if something were to happen (a knick in the line or something), he will take care of it. If I were to go to another dr. or a fill center and something went awry, Dr. K would charge to fix it. So my flight is $160 and $40 shuttle. I am out at 6am and home by 9pm. Fill centers are very high as are most drs. The ones I contacted ranged from $190 per fill to $300+ per fill, if they would do them at all. Like Dee said, lots don't want to help patients from other drs.

    Good luck to you, you have made a great choice!:tongue2:

  4. I should adjust my goal!

    I've broken my goals down to 10% of my body weight. I am 4 lbs from being at my 4th goal or being down 40% of my total weight. I'm going to adjust my goal! I hope no one minds!!!

    Those are great goals, but given that our time frames for challenges have been shortened, aren't you being a bit hard on yourself to do 10% each time? You have done so well, I would hate to see you be down on yourself for not meeting a goal. Just a concern, Dee, not a criticism:heart:

  5. Amethyst: congrats on overall weight loss numbers. Boy, you are losing fast:thumbup: Okay, I will confess my ignorance: what is a "monroe piercing"?:thumbup:

    Dee: I went back over my numbers for this challenge, and I screwed up (in denial, i suppose)

    week one was correct; week two should be +5:cursing: and week three should be +4:cursing: and this week is -8.2:thumbup:

    Following Patty's advice this week and eating salad and such for Breakfast helped; plus your story about the laid-up woman eating dinner in morning and lighter later in day helped too. I don't necessarily eat breakfast at night; I just eat a lighter meal late afternoon. It seems as if I eat only two meals a day. However, being retired, I sit and read paper, drink coffee, watch Matt and Meredith, and then eat something about 9. Then a Protein Drink around noon. Last meal about 4. I might have a lowfat ice cream treat or celery with ff cream cheese around 7 and that's it. (I go to bed at 9; I know, one might think I was 75 instead of 57!)

  6. Okay, girls, a friend of mine gave me a can of Protein Drink that she couldn't stomach (she has no weight problem, of course. In fact, she isn't ever hungry and forgets to eat! Sheesh, wish I had THAT kind of amnesia!). Anyway it is Worldwide Pure Protein Shake and it has 35 grams of Protein and 3 grams of carbs (after subtracting the fiber). 11 ounce can, bigger than costco brand premier. She bought it at Trader Joe's. I don't know the cost or what flavors (this was "frosty chocolate":ohmy:) It didn't taste much different from the Costco stuff, but it probably is a little more expensive. However, if it keeps me out of costco, i am going to go for it. Going in there to buy 2 cases of protein drink for $50, but coming out with $200 worth of other stuff....not so wise!:)


    Okay now that I'm not sleep deprived ( I know, I know man if she can talk like that and she's sleep deprived what's she like fully rested..) ANYWAY, I read my morph post and thought expanding on that some. Has anyone lost a significant amount of weight and had the sensation they were becoming out of touch with the skin they are in? Feels so different to touch yourself it's almost like it's somebody else? That's where I'm at.

    My husband and I were laying in bed talking last night and I was fiddling with my arm, upper arm. I discovered I'm getting those 'bat wings'. He commented my skin there was wrinkled, I showed him my breast with looks like crepe paper near the crease in my arm. My former stomach is now like a box instead of a garbage bag, there are BONES I can feel through my skin, it simply feels odd.

    So, again, is anyone having or has had the experience of feeling like they are disconnected from their body after losing significant amounts of weight? Would love to hear your thoughts.

    Thanks, Patty

    YOU LOOK MAHVALOUS, PATTY! Congrats to you on all levels. So happy to hear you are feeling better. Good on ya!:):lol:

    Everyone join me in singing - remember the Happy Anniversary song on the Flintstones? Barney is playing the piano and singing. He sings it over and over and over again, until Fred starts rolling him out of the room!

    "Happy Bandiversary Happy Bandiversay Happy Bandiversary Ha-ppy Ban-di-ver-sary! Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary."

    This is truly a red letter day! One year! I'm emotional! I thrilled! AND I am in a celebrating kind of mood! "Celebrate Good Times, Come On!"

    (my daughter used to say "Salivate" Good Times - she was only 5 years old - if you're PB'g, I guess that would be true!)

    I can't believe it's been a year! I can still remember how excited I was the morning of my surgery. I wasn't scared anymore - just excited, anxious and thrilled it was finally happening!

    I have so much to be thanful for! I am thankful for Dr. Kirshenbaum. He saved my life! He took a chance on a Super Morbidly Obese woman in her mid-40's, who sat in his office scared to death he'd say,"no" - He worked hard to make my surgery happen and for that I will be forever grateful. He will always be my hero!

    I'm thankful for my bestfriend, "M" who turned me on to Dr. K, I'm thankful for the divorce settlement that helped me pay for my surgery, I'm thankful for Parker Adventist Hospital and the Medical Director there who worked with Dr. K and his surgical staff to help make my surgery possible in the main OR, I'm thankful for all my co-workers who adjusted their schedules not only once but twice to give me the recovery time off, I'm thankful for all of you here - each of you who comes here to post support and encouragement.

    This has been a wonderful year! Today is truly the first day of the rest of my life!

    Okay, you are making me get teary! Congratulations to you, Dee, what a year for you. I know those of us who have corresponded on this site and those of us who have been so fortunate to actually meet you in person all feel our lives are much fuller because you are a part of it.

    You are an incredible person, an outstanding role model.

    I pray that we can meet up on the 10th.

  8. Maybe luck will be on my side too! I hate jury duty!

    IF I do, I can pick you up after your appt - if I'm not held over too late and take you to the airport.

    I hope!!!

    Thanks, Dee, I appreciate your offer. Will keep you posted.

    Well, I decided to post a before and "during" picture. I had my 6-month bandiversary on Jan. 17 so I wanted to show my progress. I hope this works. I should mentioned that the first picture is with my kids.

    You look great! Congrats on losing so much so quickly! Do you work out alot besides the dieting?

  9. Dee: I tried for the 19th, but Natalie said Dr. K was out of the office that day...hmmm...oh, well, i went ahead and scheduled for Feb. 10 at 2:45; my plane gets in at about 11:30 and I fly out at 6 something. Maybe luck will be on my side and you won't get called for jury duty that day.:cursing: If not, I guess I will check out the supershuttle option Mini mentioned. Would anyone be available for a quick coffee in the late afternoon?

  10. I'm sorry Deb . . . but you need to remember that you are still down overall for the challenge cuz you lost so much the first week. I do think with Atkins and other low carb things that you lose a lot of Water at first and it needs to come back somehow, but it you don't gain all of the weight back then you're still ahead.

    That being said . . . you can always fly to Denver and use supershuttle (that's what I do cuz I'm afraid of driving in a strange city) and try to do it all in one trip so you don't have to stay over.

    Or you can go to a fill center (that's what I'm doing now as it's about the same price as traveling back and forth to Denver and doesn't take up nearly as much of my time).

    Hang in there sweetie.

    Thanks for the pep talk, mini. how does that supershuttle work? I have emailed Natalie about appts in Feb. on Tues or Th. so that I can fly in and out on same day.

    Shall see.

    Woke up to an inch of snow this morning! This weather is sooooo unusual; don't get it.

    Mini is right, everytime I do low carb, I lose really fast and then usually gain 1/3 or more back. I realize and expect this because it's a lot of water weight. It happened to me during my carb cycling plan that I was doing trying to get to Twoderville! ARGH! Lapdancer, I know what you mean! For me, I have lost over 100lbs and hardly anyone notices! It makes me think that people really don't look at fat people. We are just there!!! At least those of us who were Super Morbidly Obese. I think the Supershuttle is a good idea. AND Deb, if I'm off when you schedule your fill I'd be more than happy to come and get you from the airport, we can get a fill together and then return you for your flight. I did that for Marie and it worked out really well. I can't remember the exact timing, but it was a pickup, fill up, drop off in a matter of hours. I'm here for you Buddy! Just let's talk about a time!

    I totally agree. Fat people are invisible to most of the world. We just forget that when we see differences in ourselves and each other.

    Dee, when I find out from Natalie about possible dates, I will get ahold of you and would greatly appreciate the assistance, plus the company at the fill. I think I have needed one for quite a while, but the whole idea of flying to Denver just wigs me out. However, the idea of a fill center right now scares me. I am glad Mini has had success; that bodes well.

    It seems you've had a good experience with the fill center. I'm glad. I think Atkins or diets like those - help you lose that water weight, BUT I always, without exception gain when eat normally. The carb cycling did that! I have however lost 13lbs since starting it, but I started it 12/15! That sucks! Over a month ago!

    Good for you Sweetie! Enjoy that wave and enjoy those pounds lost!

    I wanted so badly to be in Twoderville by the 29th, my first Bandiversary, but alas, I can't even see the signs pointing to the right hwy! I'm still in the town of 20's - and I keep going through the same roundabout! THE WRONG FREAKING WAY!!! I need out and on my way!

    I'll take my camera to RR so that I can get some pics! I haven't seen the Peeps in over two months! I bet everyone has changed!

    Hallelujah from the southeast up to that northwest for getting banded. You still made a good choice for yourself despite two weeks of regression.

    Kudos to you for searching inward and finding bad choices there. Hugs from Florida to you. Now try this:

    Tommorow go on a 24 hour fast of no solids and only liquids. Or

    Reverse your meals. Start with dinner and eat it about 10 am. Protein first, wait a while, nibble on your salad and spread it out over several hours.

    Dinner: Have breakfast for dinner.

    More often than not I have breakfast at dinner. More often than not it's a lovely veggie or cheese omelet. Since there are three or four eggs in an omelet, it's pretty volumous so I often find I can't finish it *but I like to dream that I can so I order it anyway. I NEVER FEEL GUILTY over tossed food and always give the leftovers to Big Ed my rednose pitbull or my two Maine Coon cats. They love me for that.

    The second I feel full I get the waitress and ask for a doggy bag. I've committed to the takeout container so when they bring it I don't keep nibbling but put it in the container.

    Leftovers turn me off so this is a easy solution for me.

    Deb, stand by me, let's lock arms and keep walking together for this Valentine's Challenge.:confused:

    Lap, thanks for the support and the ideas about changing the order of meals. It is the "mixing it up" that throws me off since I am a creature of habit (very bad habits:drool:) I need to motivate myself to move more. My brain knows what to do but my butt won't get into gear:mad2:

    You and Dee have both done sooooo well on this; you are both inspirations to the rest of us newbies, inspirations in so many ways.

  11. No hallelujahs from the Pacific Northwest.

    Week 2: up 2 pounds:frown:

    Week 3: up 2 more pounds.:lol:

    I need a fill sooooo bad but the thought of flying to Denver, renting a car in winter, staying over by myself: money, fear...:thumbdown:

    I don't know. Maybe I am just too down right now and as a result am not making good decisions.

    Congrats to those of you who continue with progress:biggrin:

  12. Don't apologize. This is a tough tough thing. Our weight impacts every single aspect of our lives, including our work, our relationships, our health (of course), our self-esteem, our interaction with the physical world, and our interactions with every single person we meet. AND we are judged at every turn, discriminated against, and have traditionally been left behind when it comes to medical research. It's only been recently that science has moved past the "just eat less" mentality to focus on the unique characteristics of obese individuals.

    As for all your bad choices . . . the thing you need to remember is that plenty of other people could have made those same choices and NOT ended up obese. Plenty of skinny folks make ABYSMAL food/eating choices. YOUR body and genes and brain are different though, so your choices lead to much different outcomes than someone else. So, yes, our choices played a role. But our physiology played (in my opinion) a much bigger role.

    Okay, on a different note. When you posted about steel-cut oats yesterday, it made me really miss them. Last time I tried to eat them it just really raised my blood sugar. I'm on a "carb up" day today so I decided to try again. I've read about adding Protein Powder to your oatmeal but I didn't have any, so I cooked it with my Slimfast vanilla Protein Shake. It's really really good! Kinda' sweet, but not overly. I think this is gonna be a mainstay of my carb up days. I'll check my blood sugar later and make sure it's okay, of course.

    Dee, I agree: don't apologize! And Mini is right about how others can make similarly poor food choices and not gain an ounce, but it doesn't mean they are any healthier.

    Today is my 10wk bandiversary. As of today, I've lost about 16lbs. (15.6 - ok we're just gonna round up, hehe). That's an average of 1.6lbs per week, which is spot-on with what they said I should lose....1-2lbs per week.

    YAY! I've never been SO happy to be AVERAGE in my life!

    I think today was a good wake-up call for me. I went to see a doctor about this pesky cold. Yes ladies, the cold that I've had off and on since the week after surgery. While writing out my script, he asked how much I'd lost. I told him 16lbs and he asked how long since surgery, so I counted back...10wks today. That's when it hit me, like a sudden bulb over my head - I'm actually losing at the average speed you're supposed to lose. I've been feeling like a failure these last few weeks but now that I think about it, I'm doing pretty good!!! The doctor said so himself. 16lbs in just over 2mos is a really good pace. Much better pace than the fast drop that the Bypass patients have. Much healthier, he says.

    Gosh, today is a good day!!! :sneaky:

    Congrats, Jaime. Remember what Patty said, it took a long time to gain the weight, and it will take a while to lose it in a healthy manner.

  13. Okay, Miss Dee, put this girl down for -8.4 this week!!!:tt2::tongue2::wub:B):lol:

    Finally, good movement downward!! That is almost 57 pounds for me since the first of August! I can't wait for the pool to open to start an exercise program....since I haven't exercised at all since surgery:eek::coffee:

    We are finally having family over for xmas dinner since everything was postponed due to the unnatural snowstorm we had! Sheesh, we can finally take down the tree tomorrow!

  14. I know what u mean abt. the Water thing.

    I made it through yesterday with no carbs and lots of water, and was down 2.4 this morning. However, as we all know.....still it will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. Atkins has always worked great for me.

    I ordered the Crack the Fat Loss code yesterday from Amazon. I always enjoy reading alternative methods. You guys seem to be doing well with it.

    Did they change the format here again? My little smilies are now on the side instead of at the bottom and not all are visible:bored:

  15. I was banded by Dr. K today about 8 hours ago. All went well and everyone at Dr. K's office and the hospital were outstanding.

    I am in little to no pain (more than likely to the pain meds!) I am able to get out and walk around.

    Looking forward to getting with the program and using the tool I now have.

    Welcome, Dan. You will like it here, but I hope you like outspoken women as there are plenty of us here!!:thumbup:

  16. Well, I have no willpower. I started the 5 day pouch test, and gave up by that night. My excuse was that I was hurting from a fall on the ice earlier in the day. But My body seems to be kicking back in and I've lost 2 of the 4lbs that I had gained.

    I changed my shake too. The ones I have been clinging to because I like them are the Kirkland brand of weight loss shakes. However they have 44g of carbs. Yeah, I know, that's a lot. So I tried the Walmart brand that compares to slimfast optima, so now I am only drinking 24g of carbs in every shake now. I am looking into the slimfast low carb, but they are a little expensive for my budget right now. I figure that every little bit helps so maybe this change will do something too.

    Well, I am back at work this week so I am exercising more as well. Hopefully this was just a holiday mistake that I will not repeat. I hope you all are having a good day!

    Lotza: I have been drinking the Premier Protein shakes from costco. They are 1 gr. of carb and 60 g of Protein. They are in choc. only, but are good, especially cold. They are thicker than the others, but I put a few ice cubes in and blend quickly and end up with more volume that is less thick.

    Miss Dee: Lovin' the new pic. You look beautiful.

    I am going to check out the "Crack..." site. I started Atkins today as I haven't budged in 5 weeks. In re to fills and feeling full: I am sure I need a fill, but since I cannot afford the plane ticket, plus am scared to drive in snow in Denver in February, I just won't eat anything without at least 4 hours going by. I eat about 1-2 cups total of whatever, steak and veg., sausage and cheese, egg salad....

    I just need to MOVE and I hate exercise. But I thought Atkins might jumpstart me again as it almost ALWAYS works for me.

  17. For anyone who is interested, we are going to start a 6 week Valentine Day Challenge on Saturday.:laugh:

    Weigh yourself on Saturday and decide what your goal will be and then post it here. You don't have to tell me your weight, just how much you want to lose!

    Valentine's Day is for Lovers - let's love ourselves this holiday!;)

    I would like a piece of the action:rolleyes2:. I think I will be more conservative this time and say 10 pounds for the time frame. I have been so bummed over the past month, and then today I found out the pool won't be completed until February, so no Water aerobics for January:frown: I was so hoping to get that started.

    Great pix of the babies, grammas.

  18. Hello Banditos! Long time no post! Belated Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years to you all.

    I am sorry I've been a stranger. I've scanned the posts, but I know I'll never catch up, so I'm jumping in here. I hope no one minds.:)

    I have been a bad, bad bandster. I have gained about 5 pounds, but I am so thankful for my band otherwise it would be 25, no doubt. I am dusting myself off and jumping back on the band wagon.

    I am loving all the wonderful news you've shared here. Patty! You. Look. Mahvalous!!! Rockin' those 18/20s!!

    I am back to one day at a time. Back to the basics. Back to practicing those rules and remembering why I got banded in the first place -- to get healthy.

    Update on what's been going on here: We lost Barkley at the end of November. I miss him every second of every day. His seizures became uncontrollable and constant with medication and he couldn't tolerate surgery. He really suffered the last week of his life to the point where I felt like I was disrespecting him because I didn't let him go sooner. I'm still working on that.

    My dad has been in the hospital and though home now, he is not improving. The walker and catheter continue and he hates the loss of his independence. I hate it for him too. Trying very hard to keep his focus positive. We had a good Christmas with him -- sang every Christmas carol we could think of.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi and let you all know that I'm thinking of you (even when I fall off the band wagon) and sending you positive thoughts and big hugs.

    Thank you all for your so very kind words! You guys are the best of the best.:lol:

    As all of you know, there is always another dog (or twenty)who needs a home and people have been trying to give us another dog right off the bat. I have a co-worker who has been trying to give me her lab for more than a year and I've always refused because I didn't want Barkley to have to share his place in the pack during his last years. Anyway, when I got the full story on this boy and I knew I couldn't stand another day living without a dog, we went and got him. He's a 2-yr-old yellow who has spent his entire life in a small lot and had never even had his immunizations! It's one of those stories where the family got a cute puppy and then realized how much work he would be and put him outside until they could find someone to take him. He had never even worn a collar before and had Parvo as a pup. So, I've had a good project to work on -- he has a heart of gold, but is a wild goofy teenager -- not the dignified older gentleman that Barkley was. This has been very healing for me -- he's now house trained and doing well on the leash. We've got all the vet stuff behind us and he knows "sit". I wish you could have seen him run when we turned him out in the back yard for the first time -- he had never been able to stretch his legs or get the exercise that labs must have. And now I have a walking buddy -- so no more excuses! My youngest son has named him "Wilson".

    Sorry to ramble on about my dogs, and thanks to my fellow dog lovers for indulging me. :eek:

    I am going to bite the bullet and weigh tomorrow morning and update my ticker. Time to face the music, so to speak.

    Thanks again for allowing me to be here after being negligent with my participation. Did I tell you that you are the best of the best already? Well, you are!!!

    So sorry to hear about Barkley. :D It is soooo hard when you love the little buggers so much. Am happy to hear about Wilson:biggrin: He soulds wonderful and you should pat yourself on the back for rescuing him. How lucky is he!!:)

    Well, i am so gd tired of gaining and losing the same six pounds all month. Sheezzz....i have lost count of where I was and where I was headed. Only thing I know for sure is that i didn't come close to challenge goal. Are we gonna start over in New Year....say a Valentine's Challenge??:tongue_smilie:

    I have to check with parks dept. to see when the new pool opens and when the Water aerobics start.

    Happy New Year to all of you. Hope you have a safe and fun holiday.

  19. Hey friends!

    Dropping in to wish you all a happy holiday. Success and new discoverys for 2009 and on.

    So much has happened I won't attempt to post it all here. I found my problem but it took going to the Cleveland Clinic to find out the cause of my pain.

    I'm going to BLOG here starting shortly.

    Meanwhile everyone enjoy their family time and those in the snow zones please stay safe.

    Hugs your way from Patty in Florida.

    Patti, thank you so much for comin' on here before the end of the year. You and your voice are soooo missed.

  20. MINI!!!! You are more than halfway to goal now!!!! CONGRATZ!!!

    :tt2: :w00t: :thumbup: :cool2: :mellow:

    And you look as beautiful in your pictures as your daughter does!!

    How great is that! I didn't realize you were that close!! CONGRATS TO YOU!!

    Boy, I can't believe that I am so far off my goal. I have done so well up to this point.:sad: Oh, well, maybe things will pick up in Jan. when I start Water aerobics.!:thumbup:

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