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Posts posted by loserbob

  1. I listen to all the right wingers talk about moral issues, they're the moral party! They're against abortion(I am also personally but I dont feel I have the right to tell anyone what to do with their body). They preach their religious beliefs to anyone who will listen and even those who wont. They preach about the constitution, how they're losing their rights!

    Today I listened to Beck chastise Chris Christy because he boasted about what a great job Obama did during Sandy. They made comments about him being "fat". Example, they said when he stands up rainbow sprinkles fall out of his clothes from all the cupcakes he eats. They said Obama promised him a chocolate river to praise him(this kinda sounds funny though).

    Im not saying Im a saint but I dont claim to be a moral, religious nut either(I do have some morals).

    Then the comments Beck was caught saying about Obama and his daughter a few years ago when he thought he was off air!

  2. I dont know how geeat it would be to know only 1/2 of America wanted you. A very divided country sadly!

    Thats like saying the San Francisco Giants only won the world series game 7 by 1 run(Im not sure how many they won by, Im a Pittsburgh fan)!

    Also the only thing that counts is the bigger half wanted him.

  3. Everyone knows a business owner who doesnt agree with dems. and especially Obama! Im a business owner and Im very happy with what he's accomplished so far. We went from losing 900,000 jobs in Bush's last months and around the same during Obamas first few. We're now at 170,000 added per month. Yes its slower than anyone would like but we're headed in the right direction. His policies have done nothing to hurt my business and "Obamacare" will help me. I have a plumbing business and this is by far my busiest year. Im going to hire 2-3 people in the next few months. When I hire 2-3 people that means my middleclass, welfare wanting ass will have to buy $90,0000plus in vehicles, $20,000 in parts to stock 3 extra vans and about $10.000 dollars to stock tools. Not to mention the 25-30 dollars an hour I "want" to pay my liscensed, skilled plumbers. Thats how the economy grows. Not by some rich guy buying a company already established as an investment, having no vested interest in his employees or the companies survival! Dont get me wrong, Even though it sounds this way, Im not against "the rich" at all. I strive to be there one day(and I believe all middleclass Americans want the same, not to be on welfare, I've never been on welfare but I dont begrudge anyone who needs it and with this economy its alot more than usual. thank god for this great country, we have this program to help). What I am against is again, the misconception that the rich are the job creators. The reps say "dont tax the rich, they're the job creators" then with their next breath they're saying the small businesses are the job creators. I can tell you because of my field, housing is starting to pick up at a much faster pace now.

    They're handouts until one of those far right wingnuts needs them. I dont believe anyone would tell their possible employer that. It may happen here and there, I even doubt that but. Was there a reason you let us know she was Latino?

    Foodstamps and medicaid are higher because the economy is bad. The reps want to play it off as if its because Obama is just giving it out to anyone who wants it. If a rep was in office it would be the same way. Even though the cause is from a rep, the cure shouldnt have a party name. The people who might actually say something like that are a very small minority Im sure. I dont think living on welfare would be an ideal position to be in. These same people where on welfare while our economy was thriving im sure. Theres always going to be corruption anytime money is involved. Im quite sure middle class, hard working people who carry this country want a "good" paying job. The corporations got greedy. They are making record profits because people who do have jobs are required to work longer harder hours for less money.

    Im going to clarify the myth that the rich are job creators. In order to have a thriving prosperous business be successful they need customers to support their business. To be one of those customers you need money/jobs, so if people dont have good paying jobs, how can they be customers of the "rich" business owners!

    Most business owners arent rich when they start their businesses. Most start a business with the hopes of becoming rich. Heres the Ironic part, most look to the federal government for help, thats right I said those scary words, the fed gov for help. Loans, tax incentives etc. Thats the misconception, the rich start businesses. Some do but most business owners arent rich, at least when they start.

    Reps cry about the rich paying more. If the corporations sitting on 2.5 trillion dollars would hire, taxes could be lowered for everyone. 23 million more people working would pay more than enough taxes to recover our economy but instead Grover Norquist said today after being told"the people of America spoke loud and clear by electing Obama again" He said"they also voted a maj rep congress." Meaning the reps are going to play their same games, no to everything for 4 more years! They just dont get it!

    Sorry, Im all over the place. I added comments after reading so its out of order. Also, this isnt aimed at you, bigtruk.

    One more ironic example, Sean Hannity had an actor on his show recently(I cant remember his name, very accomplished), he said at one point in his life "I was on welfare, nobody was there to help me"! How ironic and hypocritical!

  4. I have been reading on here since I got approved , and I never read how hard it is to go to restroom , I am post op one day far , and I feel like I pee like a old man , stop and go , is there a reason for it or am I the only one who is having that problem

    Im guessing you are or should be on an all liquid diet.

  5. I seem to have a problem with not getting enough Protein. My dr. tells me to keep Protein Bars in my work van because I rarely eat during the day if Im busy. I found a very good Protein shake called Syntha-6. It has, I believe 45 grams pr. and tastes great. Ive had strawberry and chocolate, they taste like Nestles Quick but without the Salmonella! I believe it has 240 or 280 calories but if its the only meal until evening its fine for me.

    Just figured Id throw it out there. I havent been on here for awhile but it used to be a frequently asked question.

    Now with this being said, neither Protein shakes nor bars satisfy my hunger at all.

  6. The only bad thing about it is it can only be 4 more. Its time to let Norquist, Rove, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh and all their cronies on Fox be on their merry ways! America spoke loud and clear. Now lets unite and get things back on track.

  7. I'm sorry for your ethnicity but your here in America now(I don't understand by the way,foreigners come here and Tell us how proud they are about their heritage and homeland but yet live in a foreign land albeit this great country.

    There's no need for me to visit other countries, I have everything I need right here in this great country!

  8. As far as the church bull****, what if, what if, what if! Go to Saudi Arabia or any of these countries who preach the "religion of peace" and try to build a Christian church, If your a women you'd be buried up to your shoulders and stoned to death, if your a man you could just blame it on a woman!

    Please with the Christian terrorist bs already. If Tim Mcveigh's family wanted to put a memorial in his remembrance at the fed building then hell yah it would piss me off!

    Its neither here nor there but the building was struck by the landing gear of one of the planes if you want to get technical.

    Again this country was founded on Christian beliefs, not


    The argument really isnt whether or not they have a right to build, its whether they morally should as a Muslim people, seeing as how the fact that 19 islamic extremists(at most according to Velvet)killed 3000 innocent people on that very spot!

    Then add to that the theory that Islam builds places of worship at sites they conquer,(conquer just doesnt look spelled rigt, Im having a brainfart) My theory on that is, it was started by the extreme, scaremongering right wing republicans like Rove, Hannity, Beck. OK, maybe we do have Christian extremists!, forget everything I just typed!

  9. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO friendly! Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iran etc. I cant wait to plan my vacation to see the ancient Egyptian Pyramids! Or should I take my family to Disney World? Hell no, theres no fear of being beheaded in Disney! Or should I hike in the Kurdistan region of Iraq along the Iraq-Iran border?

    These friendly, peace loving people(Egyptians) had their opportunity to have a "peaceful", democratic government but they still put Muslim extremists(Muslim Brotherhood) in charge! Thats great for all the courageous women who fought/stood up for more civilized rights. I have to admit, it was very inspiring to see all the courageous women in Tahrir Square protesting for a "better" life, but all for nothing! The scarey thing is if it was going to happen it was going to happen in Egypt first. It would have been monumental, history c

    hanging, the most populous Islamic(peaceful religion) country in the world. But they resorted to what they know, savagery, Extreme Islamic rule, or what alot of tree hugging westerners call "the religion of peace!" Its funny, most people who (westerners) say "Islam is a peaceful religion" are women.

    All these countries I've mentioned had opportunities to become more civilized(before you hand me the bs that thats their culture, they originally stated they wanted democratic elections) but they resort back to the ways they know, violence!

    With a name like Tyro I can see why you support your kind!

    Its a civilized, peaceful, Islamic leader who slaughters 14000 of his own people! That happens every day in Christian Faith based countries.

    (By the way, that 14000 # is up around 40-60 thousand according to people who keep me "in the loop"!

    Name me 1 Christian country that has mass murdered its own Christian people in the last century.

    Muslims cowardly attacked and killed 3000 people on 9-11, plus the thousands leading up to that point! Dont expect me to feel sorry, just like Japan, When youn mess with U.S. you get what you deserve!

    Im not a Republican, I dont own a gun and Im not a Redneck, well maybe!

    Hey Velvet, why dont you vacation in one of those peaceful countries?

  10. You hear most studies on weight loss surgeries conclude that people generally lose 40% of the weight they need to. I think its because (for me) I've lost about 80# give or take really without doing much at all. I of course eat less (volume) and a little healthier than I used to and find myself kinda plateauing. For me this is the point in which my band stops doing it all for me. I've been luckier than most because 80# without really changing much is great for me. I know its now up to me to find the time and motivation to help my band help me.

    My point with all this is, dont sweat it! The worst thing you can do is come on here and compare your success or percieved failure to others. Everyone is different and every situation is different. You have ups and downs with everything you do, this is no different. The nice thing about my situation is I've lost 80#, havent really been serious lately but I havent gained any, any weight back! In the past I would have gained more than I lost! The nice thing is, with the band you can get re-adjusted and get back on track without much guilt. If you choose to follow "drs. orders" you'll lose much faster but be realistic, if you could follow drs. orders you wouldnt have the surgery! The mental part is alot harder than the surgery and unfortunately there's no "band" for your brain!

    I've found what works for me is to incorporate healthier choices into my diet, etc. slowly. In the past my idea of trying to lose was to be all gung ho, change everything at once but I was lucky to lose at all because I've never lasted very long that way.

    My dr. recomended protien bars. My issue was I wouldnt eat much during the day so I would make up for it with late lunch, dinner and into the evening. The protien early helps curb my appetite in the evening although my brain wants fed because thats what its used to!

    Its not easy, if it was everyone would be skinny. Dont give up, you've made a great sacrifice for yourself mostly and also your family. Find what works for you and you'll be happy. The true test is not how much you lose in 1-2 years, its how much you lose over the long haul. How much healthier you become.

    My goal with doing this surgery was to become a healthier person which I have definitely done. My dream was and still is to look good. I look better but still have a ways to go. If I do get there great, if I dont, Im much healthier and happier already!

  11. You hear most studies on weight loss surgeries conclude that people generally lose 40% of the weight they need to. I think its because (for me) I've lost about 80# give or take really without doing much at all. I of course eat less (volume) and a little healthier than I used to and find myself kinda plateauing. For me this is the point in which my band stops doing it all for me. I've been luckier than most because 80# without really changing much is great for me. I know its now up to me to find the time and motivation to help my band help me.

    My point with all this is, dont sweat it! The worst thing you can do is come on here and compare your success or percieved failure to others. Everyone is different and every situation is different. You have ups and downs with everything you do, this is no different. The nice thing about my situation is I've lost 80#, havent really been serious lately but I havent gained any, any weight back! In the past I would have gained more than I lost! The nice thing is, with the band you can get re-adjusted and get back on track without much guilt. If you choose to follow "drs. orders" you'll lose much faster but be realistic, if you could follow drs. orders you wouldnt have the surgery! The mental part is alot harder than the surgery and unfortunately there's no "band" for your brain!

    I've found what works for me is to incorporate healthier choices into my diet, etc. slowly. In the past my idea of trying to lose was to be all gung ho, change everything at once but I was lucky to lose at all because I've never lasted very long that way.

    My dr. recomended protien bars. My issue was I wouldnt eat much during the day so I would make up for it with late lunch, dinner and into the evening. The protien early helps curb my appetite in the evening although my brain wants fed because thats what its used to!

    Its not easy, if it was everyone would be skinny. Dont give up, you've made a great sacrifice for yourself mostly and also your family. Find what works for you and you'll be happy. The true test is not how much you lose in 1-2 years, its how much you lose over the long haul. How much healthier you become.

    My goal with doing this surgery was to become a healthier person which I have definitely done. My dream was and still is to look good. I look better but still have a ways to go. If I do get there great, if I dont, Im much healthier and happier already!

  12. Yah, Ive been on here a few times but since everybody from our time left there was really no need to come on and my plumbing business has kept me really, really busy over the last 1 1/2-2 years. With me being busier, my wife working and my kids getting older its been hard to find time. Its good to hear from you "guys", if you all stick around It will be more reason to come on here. Everyone disappeared so quickly and there were alot of new people on here, I feel like we all kinda got to know each other which made it fun. I hope you've all been doing well and hope to talk to you all in the future.

    I have no clue why there is a line through my sentences but again Im very computer illiterate.

  13. Patty and I dont usually see eye to eye as you would see if you checked out some of our battles from the past but (just my opinion) this is an off topic debate area which means talking about ones religion is allowed here. To come on here and put someone down because they "preach about religion" is crazy. There are alot of topics that would be worse even if your not Christian. This used to bother me also but after long battles with her (Im Christian) I realized she's a good person who cares about others and theres no fault in that. Id rather have someone on the street approach me to share their thoughts about Jesus than to have someone tell me to go F myself because I looked at them wrong!

  14. Patty Green, I see your starting where you left off! Just kidding. You see your the glue that held this group together. Soon after you left everyone seemed to slowly disappear. I see some familiar names are resurfacing, now all we need is for Airiscus99 (although you might be the same person) and Cleos mom. Its about time, the election is nearing and we need 4 more. In think you left because Obama did a great job so far and you couldnt "handle the truth"! The truth being, Romney doesnt stand a chance! The Tea Party is I mean were as worthless as I said they where, Romney is the farthest candidate from a Tea Bag Conservative as the reps could possibly find but they're supporting him! I told you before they were too small to sway votes their way but just big enough to F things up for you republicans! A bunch of whiney middle aged woodstock era idiots who feel they're entitled to whatever they want, me, me, me! You see how well that worked for ya! The best candidate the reps. could find is the retread who couldnt win 31/2 years ago and is so out of touch with reality. He's so bad even most rep politicians are leary of giving him their support!

    Seriously though its been a while, how have you been, how has your band been treating you? Its good to see you return.

  15. Oh my gosh! I am so stuck. I have no idea on what or from what but going on about 24 hours now. Any suggestions? Fluids going down very slowly but throwing up slime left and right. I know people think throwing up is so bad but I have done it on and off for 2+ years just had fluro and everything okay as always soesn't bother me.

    Never been stuck this long . . .close . . . but not this long. No pain just blocked and I am getting very irritated (nerves). Just had a small unfill 2 weeks ago and was doing so good. Hot liquids won't do it and they usually did. Worked out last night stuck and today stuck and no help. I am not one to slime but whatever it is, is not coming up or going down. And I know it sounds stupid but I am hungry too no food in 2 days.

    I think I am gonna go get some Fat Free High Protien Milk as it is thin and the protien shakes are too thick to go down. Need to get my meds down before I lose my mind.

    I will take any and all suggestions, except no unfill as I am not too tight just something stuck and now swollen.


    Thanks in advance!

    I would go to the dr, Ive never heard of being stuck that long! Not eating cant be good either. Ive gotten stuck once for about 30 minutes but never threw up but very very uncomfortable. Maybe another unfill just for a few days just to let it pass. It could possibly be something more serious!

    Good luck!

  16. Yesterday at work (I am a groecry checker) A lady came through my line. She was complaining that she needed to eat more. I asked why, and she told me she had had gastric bypass 12/11. I told her I had lab band 4/11 and she said "well I have lost 48 pounds since December" so I told her I have lost 107 since April hmmmmmmmmmmmm which is the better route! Oh and all she eats are Protein Shakes and Protein Bars and Vitamins That is no life, I prefer my lab band healthy diet life!

    I believe they're both ok, I didnt want bypass for the reasons stated above also. I have 3 friends who have had bypass and 2 of the 3 gained weight back. I could be wrong but I believe with bypass you can also stretch your pouch and I've heard of people with bypass having the band. I like the band for many reasons but one is if I get off track at some point

    i can re-adjust and get back on track. If you trust your dr. fully let him help you make the decision that best suits you. I believe you can lose alot just as fast but either requires a great deal of effort in most cases. Just remember the advice on here also might be biased because its a band site. Good luck to all of you through this process whichever you choose.

  17. Hello!!

    I got my lap band in May. Before getting the lap band I need to lose about 80 pounds. So far I have lost only 25 and most of that has been from the pre op diet. I am a little disappointed about, the time that it is taking to lose the weight. i have had 2 fills and I have little restrictions, I feel like I can eat a lot if I chew it up and eat SLOW. I will vomit if I don't chew good enough or eat to fast. I feel like this is a very slow process and when I think about it I kind of wished I would have went another route. Sometimes I wish I would have went with the sleeve procedures but I didn't really research anything but the lap band. I am 29 years old and I didn't want to have any complications that where not reversible. It is a big decision and it is smart not to go into it lightly. Good luck in your decision making. I also only told about 5 people, which I am glad because I already feel like some of these 5 people are wonder why I am not losing weight. I can't imagine everyone always wondering "why is she still fat" or "did you see how much she ate?" That is my issue!!

    GOOD LUCK!!! biggrin.gif

    I know this is not supposed to be about you but I would be happy with any loss. I've had my band since March of 2010 and have lost about 70#. I wanted to lose faster when I started this journey but my dr. prefers to take a slower approach. I lost 37# in the first 3 weeks after surgery. I slowed down because i had small fills, usually .2 cc's each fill(there are 30cc's in one ounce, just to give an idea). 2 fills ago I had .4cc's, my last fill was .2 again. I have an 11cc band and at 7.4cc's Im starting to feel a major difference, My last fill was 2 Fridays ago and I have lost 6# since then and a total of about 16# over the last 2 fills(during my dr. visit 2 fills ago I gained 10#, to simplify, during my last 2 fills I've lost 16#. My point, everyone is different but the closer you get the better the fills work. It eventually gets easier. My dr told me she couldnt predict when it would work but usually between 7.5-9cc. Over 9, usually experience tightness or reflux, other symptoms.

    Ive never really been upset with my slow loss because first, it was explained to me that this is life long(marathon, not race). Second, I havent done everything I can to lose faster, exercise, etc. Would I be happier right now if I could tell you I've lost my goal of 120#, yes but Im very happy because Im alot healthier than I was and my goal weight is within reach. 40#s sounds alot better than 120#. With 1 or 2 more fills I should be good, I love my band.

    Dont feel bad, youll get there.

  18. This morning I read the newspaper and in California a dem politician wants to ban styrofoam "to go" containers by 2016 because they litter the streets of Cali. First of all this is why Cali is broke, really, with all the issues in this country and especially Cali this is a concern to you? Maybe if you just fine the "litterbugs" you can stop the styrofoam craziness and also earn revenue from the fines. What an F-ing joke!

    Then I find out that in my home state, just like many other states, my rep(you know, the "all about the constitution" party) gov Tom Corbett wants to install redlight cameras at intersections to catch people running red lights. Fine, if you dont break the law you shouldnt be upset! True but at some level this has to be an invasion of privacy. HYPOCRIT. But this is the governor who wants to impose a fee, lets make this very clear, not a tax, on the Marcellus Shale drilling, just like the other hypocrit Tim Pawlenty who wants to or did impose a 75 cent fee, again not a tax, on cigarrettes! Im seeing a pattern here, reps are hypocrits!

    I have an idea. Why dont the republicans impose fees to the big corporations and the rich(if calling taxes fees works for you so be it)and the dems can stop coming up with ways to make it hard for corporations to survive(dont give the EPA so much power), stop giving non emergency services to the poor(FREE internet, cell phones and service, medicaid, HUD housing, food stamps), give them incentive to work like everyone else who wants these services! Like I said before, I know there are people who legitimately need these services(not phone, internet)but after reading the list Im wondering why I work, maybe its the feeling of accomplishment I get from working hard and not letting the gov dictate how much I earn.

    Im starting to come around to the idea of a flat tax. That seems fair to everyone. Right now 51% of wage earners dont pay taxes. You have some rich, big corps and the poor leaving the mid class to bear the brunt. You say the rich pay more than anybody, volume wise that may or may not be true but percentage wise the middle class pays the most. Id be happy if everyone had to pay a flat tax, that would mean everyone pays the same percentage on what they earn.

  19. When are you democrats going to stop blaming Bush and come to terms that you elected Obama for all the wrong reasons. A man with no experience, just wants to spend as much of the taxpayers money. I am so tired of supporting all those generations of families who think Welfare is a family business. Stop having kids you cant affort and stop complaining. Obama really cares about the poor and middle class. Look where he is spending his vacation and with whom he is spending it certainly not with the poor..

    Im not sure anyone has the answer, of course the answer to me is probably different than the answer your looking for but

    Im losing faith in politicians. The republicans who also spend alot of money have all of a sudden become conservative Tea Baggers, what a joke(Rick Santorum). But on the other hand I heard Comcast Cable is going to give the "poor" free internet, on top of the "free" cell service they already recieve(phones included). I drive through these towns everyday on my way to work("ghettos") and it kills me to see these, what appear to be healthy working age people sitting along the street just hangin out! What incentive do they have to go to work? Meanwhile Im being billed between $3-400.00 a month for cable, internet, phone service, fax service from comcast so I can run my "small business". I look at it from both points of view and neither looks good. Ive blamed the dem congress when they had control and didnt get anything accomplished and now the reps who had the same iassues arent getting anything done, actually they're caving. Both had opportunities and neither accomplished anything.

    I heard Glenn Meekim(not sure of spelling)say Obama doesnt believe in the U.S. military because he didnt do anything about Iran. First of all, Im sure Obama and or at least the military have a plan that Meekim isnt privy to but Obama isnt a warmonger like every rep who gets into office. It always cracks me up when I hear how quickly Rush, Hannity, Beck and Meekim are to send our great military men women and families into war especially when they've never had to kill, get shot at or even serve! But hey, thats what our military if here for right! Obama has approved alot more drone attacks than any rep, he got Bin Hidin even though reps tried to somehow give Bush the credit, there have been no successful terrorist attacks on this country since he's been in office, reps blamed Clinton for 9-11 because Bush wasnt in office long enough and now reps want to give Bush credit for all of Obamas military success, what an "F-ing" joke!

    As far as the Bush tax cuts to the rich corporations, he installed the tax cuts during 3.5% unemployment, they're not being taxed now, they're sitting on 2 trillion dollars, they arent hiring! That tells me they had nothing to do with jobs and hiring, it was all about lining their pockets!

    Sorry to say, after the mess Bush got this country into, you'll unfortunately be hearing about Bush for many years to come.

    The newest polls on all major news outlets show the Tea baggers and tea bag reps(that still cracks me up how all these high spending reps have become conservative economic tea bag experts)are losing support and even reps are agreeing that taxes are needed to get out of this mess!

    Tax the rich, get out of both wars, impose strict stipulations on government aid to the poor (require able people to work, volunteer, drug screening just like everyone else that has to work! SAVE THE MIDDLE CLASS!

    We need a revolution in this country, not an uprising. Both parties are full of criminals who say what we want to hear then do what benefits them! New third party, no lawyers!

  20. Most people dont have Fluid in their band right after surgery. Drs. are more concerned with your body healing. Usually shortly after surgery you cant eat much because of swelling, then once the swelling goes down you can eat more. Even with a few fills you might not feel any different, I have 7.1cc in an 11 cc band(had about 5 fills) and still have a fairly good appetite! Everyones different, the best advice is to follow your drs. orders and you should do great. Im sure it took a long time to get to weight your at so dont be disappointed if it takes a while to get to were you want to be. You'll probably experience ups and downs throughout your journey but remember its a learning process and a lifestyle change. Dont worry, you'll figure it out as you go. You'll also find alot of advice and support on here when needed.

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