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Everything posted by loserbob

  1. loserbob

    Sleep Apnea?!?

    Liftingchic, what hospital,dr. are you using? Im from Pittsburgh,actually Greensburg now. Im going to Magee, Dr. Corcoulis. Im scheduled for March 3rd. They wanted me to do it early Feb. but i was scared so i put it off a while. Good luck
  2. loserbob

    Sleep Apnea?!?

    Ive had a cpap for about 21/2 years. I felt much more awake from day 1. I dont have any problem with mask(sleeping with it). About 2 months ago my mask broke so i slept on the couch because i snore very loud(so im told), i noticed a big difference(it broke on a Friday and i had to wait until Monday). When i had my EKG my bariatric dr. told me i needed to see a cardiologist! This scared the sh#? out of me. I have a bad family history with heart disease so i thought for sure they would find a problem. The cardiologist said the right side of my heart showed stress. This is the side that supplies the heart with oxygen. He said it wasnt a problem, to keep using cpap. Its really nothing to worry about,just be glad your getting treated for it. Alot of people have it but ignore the fact and it is serious if not treated. Oh by the way, im having lapband on March 3rd.
  3. Im fairly new to posting here. Im just wondering, when they "blow" your abdomen up with co2, when it is relieved(gas-x, walking), where is it relieved from. You burp because you have gas in your stomach, and you know the other end. The gas isnt in your stomach, its in the abdomen outside your stomach. Where is it relieved from, where does the gas escape from? Is it like soda,after a while the carbonation goes away and then relief? Dont know why I thought of this but now wondering. Oh, i get my band on March 3, as long as i dont back out.
  4. Im not trying to take sides here but i believe some people make religion a big part of their lives and thats what makes them feel comfortable. When discussing issues no matter the subject, thats what they know and its probably easier for them to relate it to everyday life. Sometimes I actually wish i could be more into religion. I dont mind if people refer to religion in conversation. I just dont want others beliefs pushed upon me. I had a work aquaintence, we went to plumbing school together. One day i sat down and he started talking about god and telling me i should become born again so i can go to heaven. He told me i needed to read and believe in the new testament to be born again. He started telling me , although he found god he was a sinner but the difference was god forgave him. Not only did it turn me off, it pissed me off! Like i said i dont have any problem with the religious beliefs of others as long as it stays with others. Like someone else said before (i dont consider myself overly religious, but i choose to keep it to myself.
  5. I leave punctuation out because im not the best typist, im always in a hurry and i cant find some of the punctuation keys, believe it or not (this topic)these posts are really the first posts on computer other than 2-3 on regular lap. forum. Arent you guys lucky! or as we say in pittsburgh "arent yins lucky".
  6. loserbob

    Health Care

    Im not asking nor do i want free healthcare(ie free handouts). I would just like to come out ahead for all the time i invest into my business. People who never ran a business have no idea. Even at home im working on office etc. The current healthcare system does not "afford" me the opportunity. When the begining of every month rolls around and there is an $1800.00 a month healthcare bill,before any other business expenses(gas alone costs 50 a day). Im not asking anyone to read this and say"now i see your point i feel bad for you". I chose to do thus. Im just giving my point of view to let you know why i feel so strongly about it.Im sure we all have our own problems.
  7. loserbob

    Health Care

    Bamablond1, dont take offense to anything i say on the political boards please. I understaand what you mean about unwed couples. I had a friend years ago who got a woman pregnant and they wouldnt marry because she could collect welfare and his income didnt affect it. (Hes a gunhugger and hates blacks,probably rep,not sure haha)I dont think there are to many moral people in politics,dems or rep. or any other. I think theyre all out to serve their own agendas. If the citizens benefit in the meantime its a plus and the party in control looks good. I dont understand rep. though, on the radio they where talking about Brown like he was going to do something wrong because he was a model in the past.(it was a caller to Beck)It was a big victory like i already said,rep., just enjoy it now.Like i explained before im an independant who votes for the candidate who i believe helps me the most. I was mainly concerned with healthcare during the election and am very upset because i know there will be no change now. There are also alot of issues i disagree with ,biggest being diplomacy towards iran. I dont agree with obama at all.( just letting you know i am not an obama worshiper). I liked Mcain as a person(of course i dont know him personally)but i knew healthcare wasnt in the future with a rep. I do wish we could have joined Mcain and Obama in some magical way, i would be happy.
  8. loserbob

    Health Care

    Now i wish someone could tell me what the republican health reform plan is. Status Quo,the insurance companies like all big business dictate cost,coverage. Boy, I wish i could control how much i charged people. The 7-11 guy told me this morning he can only get high risk insurance at 6-700 a month through the highmark plan, the same plan i had at 1800 a month for family, hes single. Anyway, he said "we dont need government reform, we need competition for existing healthcare companies".Where does he think that will come from now(without gov option which wouldnt be bought out),the insurance companies merge and create monopolies and dictate rising costs. I dont claim to know the answers, maybe this reform being proposed now isnt the answer but i dont think the republican answer(status quo) is the answer either.Well you all have a good day, I can see there will be no handouts now so i better go do some work!!!
  9. loserbob

    Health Care

    Patty ,as much as it kills me to say this, this is a big big win for republicans. Mass. is one state dems consider a sure win.Damn this sucks!
  10. loserbob

    Health Care

    this is supposed to be in the paragraPH above, right after "theyre just opinions"because democrats dont claim to know all the answers, we will wait until the plan becomes reality and can get true info from people actually devising the plan. we dont try to guess or fabricate lies or give false info.
  11. loserbob

    Health Care

    Bamablonde1, More stats. You guys are so good at stats and polls. Your saying in 2007 women in 20s had 60% of babies out of wedlock. If im not mistaken Bush was president. Hm, what could he have possibly done that would cause such a high divorce rate, and all those babies to be born out of wedlock. Could it be the stress put on military families of Bushes wars? Could it be the stress Americans felt from bushes economic failures, of course it probably only affected the democrats because we are all waiting for handouts.Again stop getting your ideas from tv, start thinking of your own ideas. If you notice, most dems(im ind) dont give poll results from tv or radio, there usually just opinions because we think for ourselves(we have alot of time on our hands waiting for handouts).
  12. loserbob

    Health Care

    Another republican, Arent you the ones saying the problem, or one of the problems is, nobody knows what the healthcare bill is about because there are 2000 or 5000 or 10000 pages. Funny how you all know what its going to cost and whos affected most. If you honestly believe Obama is against marriage and family youre repu I mean nuts. Using my republican buddy at 7-11 again, He told me healthcare would cost him 600+ a month i asked him where he got his info ,he said the owners wife(republican) figured it out for him. I asked how she knew when nobody even knows fully about the plan being its not even passed yet, his answer was oh shes an accountant.That told me all i needed to know. For those of you who dont remember, this is the guy who told me he charges credit cards and doesnt pay them, he goes to hospital (no health insurance) and doesnt pay dr bills. And says he doesnt feel sorry for soldiers who go to war because they joined and shouldnt expect to join just for free college. But anyway, a few days later i went in and he told me the owners wife was wrong she refigured and it would cost himm 300+(hes single,I know i dont know why either).When i go in there all they do is cry about their guns and call Obama a ni,you know the rest. For the party that claims to be "moral", that doesnt sound very moral to me. Again all the retoric, bullsh!? scaremongering is the same thing hannity rush beck say. Why cant you be original, think for yourself, or if you want to worship these people at least change what you say to make it sound like it came from you and that you are capable of your own thoughts. And again i know the response, "I dont listen to those guys ", yah right.
  13. The thing with the salesman was(i feel i need to explain)I was replacing a residential sewer from the house to the street. Where it ties into the street is like i tee. That tee fitting is a part of the city sewer called the "tap". To replace the tap is alot of money). I had the old sewer removed from the ditch. I saw the salesman shoveling dirt into the tap so he could tell the customer it was bad and needed replaced, also.(i saw him doing this after i came back from using the phone). I `went back to the office and told my boss,thats when he said "so-n-so wouldnt do that etc. I was scheduled to go back to replace tap(4500.00 more).Iquit the day before i was scheduled to go back and thats when i started my own business. My reason for this post was to show you how evil money makes people,even the "most religious people". HYPOCRITS!!! Thanks and have a good night
  14. He should have "come into ye" before he committed the crime. Thats what i cant stand, people find god after committing hanus dispicable crimes, find god after the fact. Look at child molesters, they do it, get out and do it again and all these kids that get taken and end up dead. These people should die a slow,painful, horrifying death like the innocent kids did. Id be more than happy to assist in any way. Also rapists, for some reason these crimes arent condidered as serious as murder, if you ask me both crimes are just as bad because both women and children suffer permanent scars for life. And both should be punishable by death because they are definately pre-meditated. My opinion on abortion is im personally against it, but its not my right or anyone elses to tell a woman who was raped or incest what to do with their body. If I had to experience either i might change my mind. I look at it in very simple terms when i say im against. I look at my kids and think i could never do that to a kid but like i said i look in simple terms, its very complex and i wouldnt judge someone either way(abort,keep)in situation of rape or incest. My wife worked with a girl i believe was around 22 years old. She told my wife she was pregnant from 1 night stand and was going to abort the kid. I judge her as an irresponsible piece of you know what! She said she was going to have a hard time meeting men at 22 with a baby(I dont mean this seriously) but maybe the baby was better off, rather than being raised by selfish mom. Hi again Cleosmom, a few more topics that i have strong opinions on. Oh im definately not a holy-roller although ive worked with alot, very annoying, they seem to believe theyre better than most and always want you to see it their way. Cleosmom im rambling again but heres a good example. Ive told you i have my own plumbing co. I was helping a buddy of mine who works for a plumbing co.(Cleosmom will know,Westmoreland Affordable Plumbing). In their add and on their vans they say theyre "Christian Owned". My buddy laughed when i asked him about the sticker on the van, and he said "John(owner) laughs, customers call because this add and when he hangs up he calls them dumb a%$es,etc for calling because the add(customer, "I called because your add said christian owned"). I worked for a guy, we where at a customers house selling a furnace, when my boss thought he was going to lose the sale he said "watch this, "maam, i just want you to know we are a christian run business", and thank god i think it turned the customer off, we left without a sale. When i told this same boss i witnessed one of his salesmen deliberately ripping a customer off he said, oh so-n-so wouldnt do that i keep him on a tight leash(salesman uses scare tactics to sale,(republican im sure) and preys on old people and women) mistake to prey on women, i find women know more about my field than men,I explain to women because i deal mostly with women.Men just act like they know and i can tell by talking to them that they dont,haha.Anyhow this same boss would buy fruit by the case and take it to his church(actually i drove it there),he told me he only does it so the minister tells the congregation and they use his plumbing heating business. (Hes born again and an ordained minister) How hipocrytical is that. I probably shouldnt say this but these holy roller fanatics turn me off. They use Christianity for monetary purposes and they usually have money.Just to be clear, i dont have any problem with people who practice religion, my kids go to catholic school and i go to church once in a while. I just dont like when others try to force their beliefs on eveyone else.On the other side there are hypocrits at my church(catholic). I was leaving church one sunday morning and i heard a guy behind me(a group of older folks)say"lets get to eat-n-park(resturaunts in pittsburgh area)before the "made-up religions let out".Act all nice in church until the minute your foot hits the sidewalk outside. Very hypocritical! Sorry for long post i kept thinking of new "stuff" as i was going along, i hate to read long posts, sorry have a good night.
  15. loserbob

    Health Care

    I have to be honest, I wanted to come on here to kinda get in gear for my band being its coming soon.When I have doubts, i come on to read posts(success stories Bjean)but after the last couple of days of political debating i have no interest in going onto other topics, im having fun. Oh well i guess ill go over to another topic until someone else posts on here, if not tonight, have a good night all and thanks for the fun.
  16. loserbob

    Health Care

    Yah from what I heard, When haliburton was setting up shop in Iraq, they were confronted by the Republican Guard or Fedayeen i cant remember exactly(this is my republican leaning side coming out,im going to tell the story ,if i cant remember or dont have the facts straight ill improvise and make facts up)but anyhowthey told the iraqi soldiers the B-17s would be here any minute to take cover. So that proves Haliburton was their first!
  17. loserbob

    Health Care

    So Patty, what your saying is,Bill Clinton was like Robin Hood. "Steel from the rich and give to the poor". Im guessing George Bush was supposed to be Pinnochio,Lieing about Iraq so he and his buddy Dick could use our kids to serve his agenda,making millions. They said at the start of the war, Shock-n-aw, the B-17 stealth bombers where the first over the border but i believe they where wrong it was "Haliburton" you know, Cheneys money making affiliate.
  18. loserbob

    Health Care

    Sorry im dominating tyhe boards today. I was just wondering what ever happened to "Joe the plumber"?(plant)John Mccain ruined his career. Sara Palin and Mccain dont get along, why isnt the moral sean hannity helping him out he was always on the show when it benefited hannity and now he has been thrown to the wolves. Joe was going to buy his bosses company(according to him)he wasnt even a plumber, and when his boss called him on it he changed the story to, when his boss retired he would buy it.After all the hoo-ha about taxing p-eople over $250000. If i could make that money i would gladly pay higher taxes.Sorry this had nothing to do about anything, im done babbling.
  19. loserbob

    Health Care

    Also Pattys point about public option putting health insurers out of business,whats the difference if its a health insurer or General motors, Chrysler etc. my point being, republicans said if GM, Chrysler Aig, couldnt stay afloat it was because of their own doing, they didnt deserve help. If an insurance company or any other cant stay afloat because they cant compete its "because their own doing also". Why is it good for one company and not another, like you said about car companies, only strong survive and if they fail another will be there to take over.Watch out what you ask for because you might just get it! The healthcare now is a monopoly,companies joining becoming bigger but fewer. they are dictating ever risihng costs. If i as a plumber am not competitive, i wont be in business long.
  20. loserbob

    Health Care

    Bjean, it was my bariatric dr. who told me im healthier than most etc. My regular dr. actually recemended it to me. Ive been researching it for about 1 1/2 2 years. Mostly on Lt. Ive read just about every post on here, complications,success.Now i mostly stay on success topics but the comp. posts are the ones stored in my head, now that i have my date theyre the ones keeping me up at night. Im trying to keep positive. As far as healthy what i mean is, when i went to seminars for Lb to 3 different hospitals most of the people where in wheel chairs,couldnt walk, etc. Right now im six one, 330# I know youve heard it before but i dont look it. At 1 seminar i was leaving the hospital and a woman in the elevator told me i dont look heavy enough to do this, she was surprised when i told her i was around 330#. I guess im trying to say i carry it well. I do have high blood pressure(controlled), sleep apnea.It made me wonder when my dr. said i was healthy. I have never experienced any health problems(heart attack, shortness of breath, diabetes). I want to control what i already have and prevent future problems. Im 38, my mom passed away 6 years ago in mid 50s. My dad had bypass surgery 2 years ago and has had diabetes for 10-12 years. my moms mom passed away at 54 years old.they didnt have the option of Lb. Ive been on Lb for some time but i just recently started posting, hence the long posts one after another. I appreciate you responding so quickly, i feel better i thought maybe you had personal horror stories about your experiences.
  21. loserbob

    Health Care

    Bjean could you please elaborate, because im already as scared as the next person and had to really convince myself,im scheduled for march 3rd. My dr told me they dont get too many people as healthy as me.I have a poor family history and wanted to avoid problems.I do have doubts an uncertainty so any info greatly appreciated. Thanhs
  22. loserbob

    Health Care

    Patty,since you and i seem to be "going at each other", I do appreciate the debate because really i dont have anyone knowledgable to debate with(7-11 guy).I just want to say i probably do lean towards obamas views but i became interested in politics during the 2nd GW election and i did vote for him which taught me that i probably wont vote for lame duck candidates too many times.It will depend on who else is running of course.But i definitely didnt want Kerry either. 2 major differences i have with dems, global warming(biggest scam, money for corrupt, useless United nations). U.N. ok 3, Diplomacy with iran.,ok here is one more, not as much support for Israel as bush admin.(our only true ally in the world).In some of the post im referring to "you" as rep,not you personally. And some remarks are made to dramatize the articles"typical republican"(example)(moral party) there really are no moral people in politics,at least at the federal level,I try to vote for who will benefit me best at the time.I dont expect everyone to agree because everyone has different needs, wants and beliefs. Thanks again for the healthy debate and dont take our differences to heart, You have to admit,its fun reading other people posts about politics and giving a response based on your immediate emotions at that time (then reading later and feeling bad about possibly offending someone).But again thanks for the healthy debate.
  23. loserbob

    Health Care

    Also you complain nobody seems to know about the healthcare plan because its 2000 pages. You( "leave it to a conservative" )seem to know an awful lot about it with all your poll results and opinions, how can you have such strong opinions about something you know absolutely nothing about yet(as youve already admitted)even though you contradict yourself every time you put down healthcare with your so called poll results which could be very misleading to someone who doesnt follow it closelyl.( again typical scaremongering tactics to try to get less educated on your side) I "Typical Liberal" dont give so called facts about it because i dont have the inside sources you have who already know much about it.where do you get the inside info? I can tell you status-quo isnt working either, thats why i will wait until the info "given by the anti-christ",(not rush,hannity beck,but again, if beck cries< I might be swayed) is official and complete. Your the moral party who doesnt believe in abortion(Idont either) but my view is I dont have the right to tell a women what to do with her body, I dont know all the circumstances of every or any situation involving abortions although i cant comprehend a situation which requires killing a baby at any stage). But a soldier should have to go to war if he joins the military!
  24. loserbob

    Health Care

    yah and my point to him was we dont have to go to war just because we have the most powerful military in the world.(first gulf war, justified Iraq invaded Kuwait). Afghanistan, justified! Operation Iraqi freedom,no proof to justify the origional reason, we didnt, in the begining go in to liberate Iraq, are we better for it today, i say yes but at what cost,ask a family who lost a loved one what they think. Now we dont have a buffer to Iran who will probably have a bomb soon. Not a lot we can do in this politically correct world(what i mean is using all resources at our disposal to deal with iran)because now we are trying to nation build in Afghanistan where there is no concrete plan or solution to get out anytime soon and stretched thin because of 2 wars. Bin laden said in the begining, the way to take down a superpower was to get them into a long drawn out war,ruin their economy, and the will of the people. Remember this idea was pretty effective against another superpower in the 80s. Now 9 years after 9-11, look at the economy of the last real superpower,I dont believe we will suffer same fate, but the terrorists have a very effective war-plan. going back to my point and 2nd Iraq war.
  25. loserbob

    Health Care

    Glorify the soldiers who "should have to go to war" because they joined the militarty, not the war itself. By the way your beer is getting low, you might wanna grab another during next commercial!

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