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Everything posted by loserbob

  1. loserbob

    Health Care

    Bill Oreilly supports the swiss plan which is choice of private insurers or the government "socialized" plan. They have both and get to choose. He said the Swiss plan works very well.
  2. Thanks for the support. Im feeling very positive, I just want to get this started already. Of course, Ive been having a little discomfort around my left kidney area for about the last three days,so Im worried it might be postponed again. I had to change my blood pressure meds. on Feb. 22, so Im wondering if that has anything to do with it. Liftingchic, Im having mine done at Magee hospital on March 10th.
  3. loserbob

    Health Care

    Patty(I dont know how to post right under the article im referring to), what about the two tax credits Bush gave, I believe $600.00 each to each working American. He said they where to help stimulate the economy. Then awhile after, the news reports said people didnt spend, they paid off debt.
  4. loserbob

    3 days into the Pre - Op diet

    Btrieger, Im impressed, I dont think I could lose 95# without help. In fact Ill be happy to lose that much with the band. Great job
  5. loserbob

    3 days into the Pre - Op diet

    Countrychic, If your husband loves you the way you are now(what I mean by now is not as happy as you can and will be)imagine how much hes going to love you when you are happy and confident with yourself. It will only get better. And youll be around longer for him to love longer.
  6. loserbob

    Health Care

    By the way, my brother-inlaw is an Ear,NoseThroat surgeon in Chicago!
  7. loserbob

    Health Care

    Devana, Im a Pepsi person myself!
  8. loserbob

    Health Care

    Also if I burn someones house down I cant make that money up by charging someone else for it, I have to take it as my mistake. Why should we have to suffer because a dr. left an instrument inside someone after an operation its not my fault. Drs. cry about the malpractice laws but they know about the risks(of being sewed)when they become drs. When your dealing with peoples lives like drs. do you have to expect the possibility of lawsuits, especially in the get rich quick(at any means)world we live in today. Thats part of their job, being cautious of mistakes, thats part of the reason they make alot of money. WOULD YOU RATHER BE OPERATED ON BY A DR. WHO WILL BE CAREFUL FOR FEAR OF BEING SEWED, OR ONE WHO DOESNT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT BEING SEWED FOR BEING CARELESS? iF YOU JUST DO YOUR JOB THE WAY ITS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE THEN YOU DONT HAVE TO WORRY. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE. wITH THAT BEING SAID, i MAKE MISTAKES ON JOBS BUT iM NOT WORKING AT A LIFE THREATENING JOB, NOR AM i BEING PAID LIKE IT EITHER!The reps. had drs. talking about how to stop rising costs(none of which agreed with dems). I do plumbing work, one of my accounts is a home warranty company(when you buy a house you or the realtor can purchase a home warranty to cover certain problems)I would never tell them ways they could cut costs because they would probably laugh at me. I know plumbing, not insurance. I know how they work and whats covered and whats not but not how to run a warranty(insurance)co. So what gives a dr, the right to tell us how an insurance co. can save to cut costs. They use drs. because 1-Most drs. dont want change because it might involve them making less money(so it serves their agendas). 2-They know most people look at drs. like godly figures because of what they do, so we will believe anything a dr. says! Dont get me wrong, I think drs. are the most important people on earth(as far as what they do)but they get paid like they are also.
  9. loserbob

    Health Care

    I hope Obama takes a risk and does what he can to pass healthcare because with this much bipartisanship nothings going to change and costs are going to keep rising. And in the end we are the ones getting screwed. Its clear there isnt going to be a compromise, and the dems hold majority. When is someone going to stop talking and argueing and be the "bigger" person" and get something done? Its really getting frustrating!!!
  10. loserbob

    Health Care

    I live in Pennsylvania. If you lived here BJean you would be able to have same insurance without being denied because you would be considered group coverage. Its either 2 or more, or 3 or more people is considered group and you could choose who you wanted without being denied(for the most part).. My problem is Im not group. Pa. has a law where 1 insurance provider which is chosen by the state(in the case of Pennsylvania the provider is Highmark). First I had to join my local chamber of commerce($175.00 a year)which is fine but the premiums are still higher than normal because its considered a high risk group. So thats why my premiums are still high. Theyre not giving group rates(discounted because of group)there just giving me group coverage with high risk premiums. Its basically like paying for Cobra all the time.
  11. loserbob

    Health Care

    Thats why I always say not to listen to the loudest voices because unfortunately those are the voices of Hannity, Beck and Rush! Although I think we showed them their scare tactics and their "the world is going to end tommorrow"radical, hate mongering, war mongering, conspiracy theory believing ways arent what we believe as a nation!
  12. Happy birthday. Great birthday present, health and happiness! I think Ill make that my birthday present. Mine is on June 11th. My surgery is on March 10th. I think Ill ask for 30# off for this year. Hopefully to goal of 225-230# by next birthday in 2011. Nice to look forward to birthdays again. Again great job, I hope I can be as successful as you are. Happy birthday.
  13. loserbob

    Health Care

    Think about it. Im a 1 man business because Im still new. And because of health cost I cant afford to hire anyone and I do have the work to hire 1-2 people. I had to pay $22,188.00 a year before I pay anything else(not in that order)just to make a point. Add on all other expenses (normal family bills, gas everyday,stock my van with a couple thousand in parts, auto, liability insurance, cell phone bills, office supplies, thousands a year in tools and equipment, just to name a few). Im not whining, Im making a point, "small business is supposed to be the backbone of our country" but they make it impossible to have one and survive let alone grow.
  14. loserbob

    Health Care

    Leigha, If I could purchase good health insurance for 12-13000 a year, I would be ecstatic, my wife would quit her job tommorrow. Like I said When I started in 05 my cost was 13800.00 a year, I was happy with that. By 09 it was 22188.00.
  15. loserbob

    Health Care

    Patty, heres how much that 15bill. means. I cant remember the dfigures, The cost of CEOs, and upper management salaries and expenses was over $27bill dollars. When questioned, one employee said even if they didnt make millions(personal salaries of execs.) and pya for extravagant parties and trips, the 27bill. would have no effect on premiumd!! One high level manager said her annual salary was $1.1mill. $8.5mill. in stock options!
  16. loserbob

    Health Care

    Shes not saying the insurance company would cut costs. Shes saying If I chose to buy across state lines I would save 5%. (Just using the numbers she used)I would save $300.00 a year by buying insurance at a cheaper rate(because It basically wouldnt cover as much as the more expensive coverage I have now). Thats not the point, to save only 5%. Its still not affordable. The 15bill. you talk about isnt money saved because insurance companies are cutting cost, its money($300.00) a year each one of us isnt spending towards healthcare. Besides, 15bill. dollars isnt alot when you divide it over 300plus million people. Like Rush said the other day,Hes not going to lose sleep over Scott Browns vote for the 15bill. dollar job bill. Its just 15bill. Insurance cos. still arent cutting costs. They also said on that same show that the average insurance premium for each individual who purchases insurance by 2015 will be $28000.00 a year! The problem isnt us buying too expesive of a plan, its the ever rising costs. Its not what can I do to make insurance cheaper, its what can we do to get insurance companies to stop raising premiums and to lower healthcare costs, we arent the problem, the greedy corporations and health insurance companies are the problem! My insurance premiums costed me $13,800 a year May 2005. When I quit paying in May 2009 the premium per year was $22,188.00. Thats rediculous. Then a dr. on the show said health savings accounts are becoming popular. Like i said yesterday, its popular because its one of the few ways of getting any coverage because the usual way isgetting too expensive. Republicans, all of theis solutions involve ways for us to cut costs by taking lesser coverage,paying more up front(health savings). They say nothing about the companies themselves cutting costs, its all coming from our end. Buying across state lines doesnt have them cut cost. When the "cheaper company" gets more people theyll raise their costs even more(supply- demand, first rule of business). Like when you buy a car, Toyota(pre-recall) never offered incentives because there was a high demand. (I was going to use Hyundai)but I saw a toyota commercial that offered $2500.00 cash back(post-recall) because of basically no demand now. The higher the demand the higher the cost. If it is cheaper it will be temporary.
  17. loserbob

    3 days into the Pre - Op diet

    Actually, right as I hit the "post reply" button I remembered, I think my dr. requires overnight stay. I probably wont be able to post in time, sorry.
  18. loserbob

    3 days into the Pre - Op diet

    I dont have to do a liquid diet but I think ill start one 5-7 days before. My surgery is on the 10th, If Im feeling up to it ill try to let you know how it went and what to expect.
  19. loserbob

    Hi from Los Angeles!

    25# in under a month, I can see why your coming around to the band. Good job.
  20. Btrieger I might not be on here for a few days. I believe your date is the 2nd, and to anybody else having it done in the next few days, good luck. Keep us posted.
  21. Ya, I definitely would not do bypass. Nothing against it, just not for me. way too extreme!
  22. loserbob

    Health Care

    I was just watching CNN. They had someone talking about choosing across state lines. The lady said people would save an average of 5%. She said the average New Yorker pays $6000.00. That would save $300.00 a year. Not the answer we need! She said the cost differences from state to state are, cost of living, state mandates(EXAMPLE certain states require more mandates, more coverages, NY requires prostate cancer screening to be covered, Iowa doesnt). Just a few. So you could choose what coverages you want but only save avg. 5%.
  23. Btrieger, my surgery date was moved to March 10th. That really bites. As nervous as I am, I was geared up for it,to get it over with but now I have to start again. The Bodybug sounds interesting, I might look into it when I can scrape together $250.00.
  24. I keep trying to think about my "new life", thats really what keeps me from backing out. Its just so hard to imagine my new life actually happening because nothing else has. All the ups and downs of dieting over the years kind of leave you with no hope. And the main issue here is, right now the lifestyle that got me here is the only one I know. In my head I keep thinking to myself,"I know the Lapband is forever but I cant believe its going to last inside me forever. I see, probably at least 1-2 more surgeries in my future for band replacements. Or maybe something better comes along in the near future. In Pittsburgh, actually my hospital is doing an experimental outpatient procedure where they put a deflated "balloon" into your stomach and inflate it to take up "space" so you dont eat as much. They interviewed 1 patient who said he lost (i believe) 35# in 2-3 months. I believe they said it will be temporary(6-months), basically to teach proper portion size. And how to eat. My bariatric dr. also said the reason most "obese" people cant diet successfully is because when your obese for a long period thats what the chemical makeup of your body is used too. Your body will lose for a couple weeks but the chemical makeup of your body from being obese fights weightloss because its not used to the change. Therefore we have the unsuccessful yo-yo dieting which is bad for your health. Believe it or not I am upbeat and excited, I do believe Ill be successfull. Success to me is 1-becoming healthy. 2- losingapproximately 80-100#. 3-wearing any clothes I want to and gaining back some of the confidence Ive lost. Thanks again and sorry for rambling on.
  25. loserbob

    Health Care

    Patty I was just reading some of the posts I wrote yesterday. Wow, they sound alot worse to me today than they were meant to be! I want to apologize about the liar, born again parts. I usually question your political views(actually, always) but i dont question, nor do I have a problem with your religious beliefs. Talking about someones integrity, morality, character on here is a little over the top! (even though I was kidding)I dont expect you to understand my sense of humor because we dont know each other. Again if you found it offensive, I do apologize.

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