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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by loserbob

  1. Well kudos to you! Im glad you did your research. I dont know how you got that out of that post! (generalizing)Im thinking your fairly new to this sight(people judgeing others). I havent seen too many people on this sight so quick to put others down. My point was, yes shes wrong to come on here with that attitude(sueing everyone), but its because she doesnt understand, somewhere along the way she was misinformed.(ultimately the dr. is doing the procedure, he should make sure she understands beforehand). It would help him be more successful also. Is it his fault, in the end no, Its up to her or him(Icant remember now)to understand whats being done to themselves. My point was, its easy to put her down and gang up on her but thats not what she needs. Instead of you being arguementative(your being like her anyway)wouldnt it be more gratifying to read her posts in the near future when shes saying how much happier her life has become now that he/she understands better because we chose not to "throw her under the bus" and instead helped her become more educated through a great support system which is what I thought this site was for! I guess for some its just easier to see it from only 1 point of view! And I do apologize to you for the "STUPID" questions I might have in the future, Ill make sure theyre not directed to you!
  2. Couldnt agree more, being overweight like everyone here I can see her disappointment, because of lack of knowledge, which in the end is her fault but this sight has always been one to help, not attack people. And because of her lack of knowledge she doesnt understand its an easy fix!
  3. I greatly disagree with you to a certain point. Yes she evidently didnt research enough to understand. Part of the reason she said what she said. But because of her ignorance(not in a mean sense)to the procedure I believe her dr. should play a serious part in her understanding before he takes her money. Thats why I question where she had it done. My bariatric team works out of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, one of the top bariatric programs in the country(Pioneers in latest technology). They dot their I's and cross their T's. Ive listened to procedures over the internet(what to expect before during and after) and theyre calling me and telling me I need to watch or they wont do the procedure! This is after a very informative 6 month preop program. This is one of the problems with self pay, 6 month preop testing not required. I know most people dont like it but I found it invaluable. I know she doesnt have a case and your right, this is a problem today, people too ready to sue. I say we help her change her attitude, help inform her and get her headed down the right path! Understand her anger(because she doesnt understand), she thinks its one more failed attempt and probably her final chance to lose. When in all reality shes in bandster hell and and could soon be on her way to happiness.(did I appreciate the way she came on here and blamed everyone else, no but Im willing to offer any advice and knowledge I can, as limited as it may be! If you have any questions, Im here to help if I can. Your not alone in this! We all have the same goal!!!
  4. Let me just say this. I know it seems like everyone is coming down hard on you. The last thing you need right now is to feel alone in this. The lack of research and funds is showing, thats why! I think if you change your mindset, become better informed about the process(its never to late to gain knowledge!)(Im curious as to where you had your procedure, it doesnt seem like they did too much to make sure you understood such a serious procedure),You'll have alot more support from this sight so you wont have to "go it alone". Most of my research over the last 2 1/2 years is from this sight and believe me it has helped me understand what to expect(doesnt mean I wont have questions or doubdts). If you need help or support getting back on track, everyone here would probably be more than happy to educate you and help you to achieve your goals. Thats the purpose of this sight, everyone here has the same goal,Health, happiness.
  5. Not to sound mean but I dont think your going to find much support. It seems to me you didnt research. If you would have, you would understand the process. Everyone is different, you need restriction for it to work, the purpose of the "tool" is to restrict your stoma(top of stomach) so you in turn dont eat too much. Ive seen posts where some people need 1-2 fills, others need 3 or more, I believe your in bandster hell right now. Your band had little or no restriction when put in. If you havent had enough fills because of the price its not Lapbands fault. On the other side I can see your doubdt because evidently nothing else has worked for you in the past. I say make it a priority to save to have more fills(assuming cost is holding you back) and I believe you will be happy, give it more time. This info is from 2 1/2 years of "research" only, Im not yet banded(March 10).
  6. loserbob

    Protein Shake Alternative

    Hi Im Bob. Im not required to do a liquid diet but am doing one anyway. I started yesterday(Sat) and my surgery is scheduled for Wed. the 10th. Im hoping 5 days is enough to help "shrink liver". Anyway I went to Walmart and bought a couple cases of protien weight loss shakes called "Equate", I believe theyre walmart brand and they taste very good, I bought chocolate and strawberrys & cream. Ive only tasted choc. so far, they also had fr. vanilla. It has 230 cals., 10 gr. prot., 2gr fat per 11oz can. The 2nd best part is it was only $5.00 a pack(a few cents/I believe 8 cans). Im very impressed with the taste. The label says"compare to slimfast", so its very similar.
  7. loserbob

    Health Care

    No I never agreed with being in Iraq. I do think we should be in Afghanistan, Pakistan, And we need to take care of Iran. Thats the problem with being in Iraq, we cant do anything about Iran and they know it(and the fact we had no right to go int Iraq)! Again Bush, Cheney, Haliburton, Blackwater, all made billions from Iraq! Im actually starting to wonder what the mission in Afghanistan is supposed to be now, we didnt go there to nation build.
  8. loserbob

    Health Care

    I can tell you when we became warmongers. Everytime theres a republican in office!!! I was reading the paper today, Im sure you heard about the Obama, Joker incident with reps. They where sending those pictures to their campaign contributers. The message was, They need to keep advertiseing scare, fear tactics because theyve been working so far!! So that tells me right there, everything theyre doing is political only(not agreeing with dems on any issues).
  9. loserbob

    Health Care

    Compareing children to terrorsts, not buying it.
  10. loserbob

    Health Care

    Who decided long ago? It wasnt that long ago, and it was this country caveing to the political correctness of human rights organizations(who believe extremists deserve rights, these are the same people who believe rapists and murderers have rights!) who are ruining this country. Torture has been used for centuries, and now all of the sudden it doesnt work. Sorry definitely disagree again!
  11. loserbob

    Health Care

    SORRY, I disagree with that. Maybe in some cases. I think the CIA and FBI know what works. I just think theres too much disconnect between agencies. Alot of security agencies dont believe in the CIA, therefore they dont get alot if any support. Im for "any means necessary"! Now on the other end I read a book recently about that very issue. It was about "The new breed of interrogaters, not believing in torture. This is just my opinion, I believe in whatever works. I dont believe an accomplished CIA agent should be skewered because he hurts one of these poor defenseless detainees. I also believe whatever agencies like the CIA do should be secret, we dont need to know how they operate. Their missions are clandestine, lets keep it that way! It used to be more fun thinking about what we thought they could do(portraying them as superheroes) instead of actually knowing what they do.(actually mortal)
  12. loserbob

    Health Care

    You said the poll was by Rasmussen, They definitely wherent libs, Hannity and fox always use Rasmussen. Its funny, I swear to you, all political talk aside, Ive never heard of a Rasmussen poll favor anything dem. Im sure you could find results from past polls, I would bet Im right.
  13. loserbob

    Health Care

    1-Heres a poll for ya! Who wants socialized healthcare? 2-Who wants an affordable, high quality healthcare program, funded by the government? Allowing 31million uninsured people to also have coverage with the option to keep or choose your own private insurance company? Thats why polls cant be trusted!!! So Patty keep your polls. Im sure Rasmussen asked question 1, not 2!!
  14. loserbob

    Health Care

    Heres my dilemma when it comes to the next election(because Im an independent). I definitely wont vote for the republican candidates because Im so turned off by their tactics(if you dont do it my way Ill take my ball and go home. SEE YA!!!). The dems, have majority but not the intestinal fortitude to use it! Im starting to see politics being played here also by a few dems. Scared to use their majority power because they might lose votes, I got news for ya, ya might as well try to get something accomplished because doing nothing in this situation(again majority)is disastrous for ya. Whats that say about the dem party if they cant get anything done right now? Since theres no capable third party candidate that leaves me with the Tea Party movement(supposed third party), ya right theyre as rep. as it gets! This just sucks right now, Im at a dead end and Im quickly loseing faith in everyone in politics! Like I said, If the presidential election where held today, Id vote for Obama in a heartbeat. I just feel so bad because hes the first president I can remember who seems to understand whats wrong with this country but has no help, even from his own party. The dems not giving support really turns me off!
  15. loserbob

    Health Care

    The funny thing is, this is the biggest majority in a long time. The problem is, you also have dems. who are only concerned about politics, theyre afraid to pass anything that doesnt have any rep. support(which is just about everything)for fear theyre going to lose votes. You have to give credit where credit is due, the reps. use these scare tactics(backdoor meetings, etc) and its working! Certain dems are already distancing themselves from Obama. Im voteing for anyone who is not in their now(not Obama,I like Obama, at least he's trying). Im just so tired of the same old faces and the same old results! Im very, very frustrated at both sides and Im going to show how frustrated I am in the next election!!!!
  16. loserbob

    Health Care

    I agree about the polls being manipulative. Im reading a book about the CIA interrogating Islamic extremists. In the story a senator wants to prosecute a CIA operative for slapping a terrorist for spitting on him during interogation. The senators friend tells her she should drop the case. She tells him "polls show Americans dont want to torture or abuse detainees", he tells her polls are not accurate, Its all how theyre presented, If you ask people if theyre for abuse of detainees, theyre going to say no theyre against it. If you say"This detainee set a roadside bomb and killed 5 American soldiers and women and children and he has info that could prevent an attack on innocent women and children, would you support torture if it will prevent this? People would definitely say YES! I never thought of it like that but it makes sense.
  17. loserbob

    March 2010 Bands?

    Im Bob, Im from Pittsburgh. Im having mine done on March 10th also. I was supposed to have it on the 3rd but the hospital rescheduled it for the 10th. We'll have to keep each other posted. How do you feel about the surgery? Are you excited, nervous? I was nervous when I thought It was on the 3rd, then I was disappointed when they rescheduled. There whwew people who werent really letting me know how they felt, my dad for instance. then I met him for lunch yesterday and he brought it up. He told me about John Daley(golfer) having it done and how successful he has been, Thats his way of telling me he supports me. Ive explained the procedure to him many times and it seemed to go in one ear and out the other. Now that Daley has it I guess he understands whats involved. The reason I told you that is because I think subconsciously I needed his approval, and up until yesterday I had a little uneasy feeling but I felt relief when he gave his approval in a round about way. I dont think the actual surgery has been the issue(for me doubting doing this), I think it was having the approval(maybe support is a better word)of a few people who matter. Anyway good luck, we'll have to compare surgery stories>
  18. loserbob

    Health Care

    Rasmussen reliable,Ya right, thats a fox news poll!! I dont disagree that Washington is broken. With the political differences between dems, reps., we are never going to get anything done!
  19. I was thinking tommorrow was the 2nd. Congratulations on your new healthy lifestyle. Glad to hear everything went good.
  20. Im Bob, Im 38 years old. Im having my surgery on March 3rd. I doubt this decision every minute of every day. I wonder why my life has come to such a drastic crossroad! My life revolves around food.(Im fairly healthy,high blood pressure/treated with medication, Sleep apnea/treated with c-pap). When Im eating breakfast Im thinking about lunch and so on. Im a self-employed plumber, I schedule my jobs(locations/times) around resuraunts in certain areas. I feel like this is my last resort, basically ive given up on the usual "diet". Im so nervous about the whole procedure because I have no idea what to expect. Every day I think of reasons not to go through with it. But I see what I believe are "signs" telling me I should do this. The first sign should have been when my mother had a heart attack in 1998. The second should have been when my mother died in 2004 (At a young age). In 2007 my dad had open heart surgery. I have a bad family history, as you can see. and I feel like Im finally catching onto signs(not saying god had my mother die to give me a sign). When I turned my EKG over to bariatric surgeon, her office called to inform me they required me to see cardiologist. What a scare, Im sitting in cardiologist waiting room with people in wheelchairs in their 70s-80s thinking how Im to young to be worrying about this. I scheduled a customer for yesterday(Feb 16), he told me on the phone that he cant do plumbing or anything physical because he had heart problems. I pictured in my head that he was probably in his 70s. When i got to his house he started talking about his heart problems. He is 52, had 6 heart surgeries and he said he was near the end!!! I told him of my plans to do surgery to prevent problems. He agreed it might be good idea. He started telling me how he probably wont live to see his grandkids let alone get to know them(Im tearing up reading this because I frequently think how this could be me, I feel like im looking at myself in a few years if I dont do this now). Possibly not being here for my wife and kids. It was like a clear message to me that I need to do this. Sorry for the long cheesy post. It wasnt meant to be this long. Im sure alot of people have similar thoughts. this just shows what overweight people go through, drastic measures(surgery), and where happy for the most part to have these procedures so we dont have feelings like this. Only an overweight person would understand. Thanks, and good luck.
  21. My surgery is March 10th. The hospital called and said they needed to reschedule. I went and did all kind of bloodwork and urine test. Today All the pain is gone. I remembered last week I was wrestling with my son and he drove his head into that area so I suspect thats what it was from.
  22. loserbob

    Health Care

    Thanks! No I figure its not worth it. They walk around saying things like this (chimp, N-word)in the open public, That guy didnt know me or my views(see what Joe the plumber did, This guy probably assumed I shared his views because Im a plumber). I would guess he does this in other places, people hear this and probably assume most reps feel this way so it only hurts them. I spilled Cranberry juice on my keyboard and the keys are sticking, its taking me twice as long because I have to correct every other word. If you dont see me post for a while its because I threw my keyboard against the wall!!!
  23. loserbob

    Health Care

    Cleosmom, Ive found that most of the people out our way are rep rednecks. I was at a plumbing supply warehouse in Greensburg yesterday, Another plumber came in and was teasing the guy working there saying"see, I told you not to vote for that chimp", I bit my tongue on that one.
  24. loserbob

    Health Care

    Patty I see it differently(go figure ha). If the government has a plan that is cheaper with high quality(I dont care if others go out of business)I dont believe the others will go out of business, I think theyll have to lower prices to compete, not raise. I think now they tell you they would have to raise to scare you, theyre already raising anyway. And if they cant compete, theyll close down and someone else(smaller, more competitive)will take their place. Thats most of the problem, these companies get to big and dominating. I think it would create more competition. You would have many smaller, more able to be competitive companies, without the overhead of a big business. If you only had 1 or 2 gas stations, gas would be alot higher. There are many out there. If you look at prices of gas the stations always try to stay under the next guy, theres usually a 1 cent difference and most people will drive across the street to save the 1 cent per gallon.
  25. My wife saw my username a while back, she felt so bad, she said "aw, is that how you feel about yourself, youre not a loser". I laughed and told her I picked that name because Im going to lose alot of weight. Btrieger you are right about that. Good luck tommorrow, I know everything is going to go well for you, I cant wait to hear back after surgery. Sakirby, I think that story hits home with alot of people. Thanks again for the responses.

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