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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sdcheesehead

  1. On 08/02/2018 at 21:49, GeminiSky said:

    How did you find out you had a torn internal stitch? What happend to cause it?

    The incision where they took my stomach out of, just above it really hurt. I noticed it getting out of my Jeep. Called the doctor's office, they thought I had pulled a muscle. A week later I went in to see my surgeon and check it out and told me he had place a stitch there and it looks like I tore it, but there were other stiches, so I should be fine. Told me to take Alieve (big no no after bariatric surgery) to help with the pain. Plus I got an abdominal binder. I'm off the Alieve and it seems to be almost healed (doesn't hurt like it did)

  2. So happy to see my name on the list @Ylime I have my silver fork and now my golden keys.

    Just an update: I'm 4 weeks post op and feeling great. Had some bumps in the road but I'm pushing forward. The torn internal stitch seems to be healing, still a little sore BUT I'm sleeping in my bed!!! I'm on soft foods until end of August. It's going good. Amazing how small my serving size is and it's true, the tummy has a mind of its own and will let you know. One little thing, one of my incisions isn't healing so keeping an eye on that. I've also got that glorious stall (sarcasm is dripping) Honestly don't know what causes this, but on the plus side I'm still losing inches. On a final note I just celebrated my 50th birthday on July 30th. I was so good! Stayed true to myself and the new me!! 

    Good luck to those with upcoming surgeries.

  3. On 07/28/2018 at 16:04, brandnewashley said:

    I think I hit that 3 week stall that I keep reading about 😩. Tuesday will make it 4 weeks post op for me and my scale haven’t moved in a week. Trying to stay positive.
    I'm with you on this. I'm trying to stay positive as well. I have notice that I'm still losing inches, but nothing on the scale. So I'm trying to stay positive in that respect.

  4. On 07/27/2018 at 15:29, saygrace said:

    hey guys! i’m having a hard time sleeping now at home, i’m a side sleeper. the hospital didn’t say anything about NOT sleeping on my side, it’s just pretty uncomfortable still. was wondering what sleeping positions you all found the most comfortable the first few days after surgery
    I'm also a side sleeper and ended up sleeping in my recliner for almost 3 weeks. I did get a wedge pillow, that help sleeping in bed, but still laying on my back. It'll soon pass. I'm sleeping comfortably now (24 days post op).,

  5. Update: 23 days post op. Life is almost back to normal. Still a little pain where I pulled a stitch but tolerable. Still in my stall, BUT inches are still coming off!!! So big advice, measure yourself because when you hit the stall (according to the scale) you're body is still working and may be inches going away or muscle building. Just trying not to be discouraged because this is a lifestyle change! Plus, not hungry and my food portions are so small it actually amazes me that I'm actually able to live on this. I also notice how much food governs our day to day activities and having to plan ahead when I go out (ex went to a Renaissance Faire and packed my bag of goodies. Looked at Faire foods, nothing I could eat (not paying $10 for a turkey leg that I'm only getting a bite out of) so ate what I brought). Also, sleeping in bed, finally!!!

  6. Hello all, I'm 18 days post op. Had my 2 week post op appointment and they're so happy with my progress. Lost 20 lbs and on soft foods for next 6 weeks. Been walking a lot which I think has help. Finding myself with more energy. Did have one issue, where I thought I had pulled a muscle getting out of car, but found out it was an internal stitch. It's getting better though. Abdominal Binders are amazing!!! Think I've hit that wonderful stall, which is ok. Let's my body adjust to the traumatic differences I put it through. I'm off one of my insulin (Humalog) and only taking 17 units of Lantus ( down from 110). A1C down from 7.6 to 6.7 in two months. I'm so very pleased with that.

  7. 07/16/2018 03:50 PM, Bellasoo said:

    So, I had surgery on the 12th. I came home on the 14th. I am sore, of course but, I’ve noticed this afternoon, an almost pulling like sensation where my stomach meets my esophagus. It doesn’t really feel like heartburn, more of a soreness in there. When I eat and drink I can feel it. I’m wondering if it’s my staple line? Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    I had the some thing. I actually thought I pulledng a muscle, according to the nurse I talked to. Went in for my two week post op with surgeon and he said I pulled an internal stitch. He actually told me to take Alieve for the pain (big no no in post op world)) but working. Good luck and hope you get relief soon.

  8. Hello, I was actually told upon release that steps were good, just take them slow. After surgery, you're going to walk as much as you can. Main reason is to help you expel the gas (CO2 they pump into your body cavity) and it also helps in the healing process. Good luck!!

  9. Had surgery 7/3. There was pain of course and I pressed through. It was tolerable. I walked a lot, and I believe that made a world of difference BUT I' still slept in the recliner because laying in bed on my back wasn't comfortable (like lying on my side and my tummy likes to follow me and it's just not gong to happen). Just when I thought things were going my way, and I was feeling better, I pulled a tummy muscle getting out of car, so now I need to compress my stomach, because very painful to walk and more nights in my recliner. But, this too will pass. Hope you'll find the relief you need.

  10. On 07/12/2018 at 10:53, ALFxRNY said:

    With all of the changes we endure with this surgery it wouldn’t shock me if our bodies did stop liking certain things. My aunt couldn’t handle Pasta or Tomato sauces after her bypass many years ago. Here is hoping it was just a fluke for you. And chewing is awesome 😂😂😂
    Actually contacted the surgeons nurse and questioned her about what's going on. Not the food, and she encourage me to continue eating my pureed foods. Yay!!! Seems I pulled a muscle, so wearing compression shorts so my tummy can heal. Ugh, but at least it was just a fluke :) Wow, that would really stink to not be able to handle foods you like before surgery.

  11. On 07/12/2018 at 11:06, Joe78260 said:

    Surgery was completed on July 9 with no issue, I started taking small walks today and climbed the stairs today. I did not use my to go bag expect for mouth hygiene. The gown was very comfortable, I am on a clear liquid diet until next Thursday

    Welcome to the post op side. So happy things are gong smoothly for you. Keep walking and the best of luck on your road to recovery and the new you.

  12. On 07/12/2018 at 10:07, ALFxRNY said:

    Are you by any chance lactose intolerant? Or maybe your new pouch doesn’t like Tomato sauce. I don’t know. But I can relate to the passing gas making you feel better, lol. My surgeon played me to start purees today rather than Saturday. Had a small helping of tuna. Felt amazing to chew again, lol
    Not lactose intolerant, and never had a problem with Tomato sauce, my new tummy has a mind of its own, so I'll not use it for awhile and see if she's changing things up for me. Work in progress.
    So happy you're able to chew again!!! Yay!!!

  13. Hello, 9 days post op and just started pureed foods. I was given a list of things that are allowed and serving size. I stayed to that list, even made a ricotta bake ( recipe was attached). And I listen to my tummy, stopping when I was full (not even a fourth of a serving), so basically suffered all last night from gas!!! It was terrible. Thought I had pulled something in my tummy. This morning, when I finally passed gas (sorry tmi) felt much better. Thought I'd see if this is normal. Now I'm going to pay more attention to how I eat to help prevent the bubbles getting in there.

  14. On 07/10/2018 at 22:49, wjgo said:

    Prepare your sleeping arrangements for after your surgery. The incisions will be a bit painful for up to a week whenever you bend at your stomach /abdomen. You can lessen this by pressing a pillow against your stomach whenever you sit or stand.

    But, it can be a bit painful getting in and out of bed. Plan on using a recliner to sleep in. If you do not have one, arrange the space around your bed so you can lay down the easiest without having to bend.

    Sent from my XT1609 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Great advice!! I finally got a wedge pillow that help, after a week in the recliner. It takes time, but each day is better!!

  15. On 07/10/2018 at 23:27, ALFxRNY said:

    I can’t start purées until Saturday. Had to do two weeks of liquids 😭 happy about your progress! Congrats!
    Thanks. I thought I'd be on two weeks liquid diet too, so pleasantly surprised. That's awesome that you get pureed on Saturday. Just take it easy and listen to your tummy/pouch. I couldn't even finished my serving. It's amazing to make a dinner and it's gong to last all week!! And, I actually slept in my bed, thanks to the wedge pillow. Some discomfort but so happy 😊

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