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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by E G

  1. Hi,

    I’m 6 weeks post op with the sleeve. My last visit was at 2 weeks post op and I remember back then he still told me to take my medicine crushed/open capsule and drink pellets. I forgot to ask him when I can start taking regular pills again.

    I have a MAJOR headache and really don’t wanna take children’s Tylenol it’s so sweet and makes me even more nauseous. When did everyone start taking pills Tylenol tablets specifically post surgery? And please give me the doctors recommendation. Like when was it okay by the doctor. Doctors office is closed right now and I can’t call.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi all,
    Sorry in advance for the TMI
    I am 10 days post op and I visited my dietician yesterday. She said since I was eating yogurt and pudding and keeping it down, I can slowly introduce purée into my diet.

    Yesterday ate puréed chicken and mashed potatoes (about 3 spoons of each). I seemed to be fine yesterday (I ate around 5 pm). However, I woke up at 4 in the morning and it felt as if my esophagus was burning and I had a weird taste in my mouth (close to vomit).

    I woke up in the morning and my stomach has been in knots and I feel cramps. Throughout the day it went away. I have been drinking a lot of Water but I’m not 100%. I didn’t eat a thing except hot chicken broth and water. I’m not even hungry.

    Has anybody ever had this problem? I see the doc on Tuesday. How long did it take you (if any amount of days) to adjust to the purée diet? Pudding and yogurt I never had a problem with during the liquid stage.

  3. On 08/13/2018 at 11:24, Orchids&Dragons said:

    You don't need to drink the shakes, but you do need to meet your Protein goals. Until you can eat enough "regular" food, if you don't like the shakes, try Protein Water (I like Protein2O, myself). Or add unflavored Protein Powder to broth or Soup, etc. If you don't hit your protein targets, you're body will cannibalize your muscles to get the protein it needs. This really isn't negotiable. You can do yourself serious, long-term damage. (Your heart is one of the muscles than can be damaged)

    /Mom-mode OFF/ Good luck!

    But also, I remember I asked my dietician if I can drink Isopure and her response was “they do not have enough carbs in it and you need carbs” like WTF! I feel like she makes my life difficult.

  4. On 08/13/2018 at 11:24, Orchids&Dragons said:

    You don't need to drink the shakes, but you do need to meet your Protein goals. Until you can eat enough "regular" food, if you don't like the shakes, try Protein Water (I like Protein2O, myself). Or add unflavored Protein Powder to broth or Soup, etc. If you don't hit your protein targets, you're body will cannibalize your muscles to get the protein it needs. This really isn't negotiable. You can do yourself serious, long-term damage. (Your heart is one of the muscles than can be damaged)

    /Mom-mode OFF/ Good luck!

    Yes. Now that you put it that way, I am going to force myself to drink those 3 shakes a day. I do force myself. But drinking 8 oz takes me 2 hours because I drink small sips not to overload my stomach or cause pain. So I guess I’ll just be drinking the shakes all day long.

  5. Hey all!!

    Started my liquid diet on 7/23, got sleeved on 8/8. So total weight loss for now 22 lbs since liquid diet, 8 lbs since getting sleeved.

    Having a hard time drinking 3 Protein Shakes a day. It’s not that I can’t keep it down. I would just rather eat yogurt, pudding or broth. I drink up to 2 shakes at most. I know we need the shakes for Protein and all. But how bad is it that I only drink 1.5-2 shakes a day?

    Visiting my dietician this Friday post-op. But what are your thoughts? I don’t eat much more than a few spoons of yogurt anyway. If I’m just not hungry is it okay to just not drink the shakes? Hate to force myself.

  6. Update: He ended up canceling on me on Monday and the surgery was rescheduled for Wednesday at 5:30 AM. I don't know why he rescheduled but something must have happened on Monday. I got emotional but understood that he too is a person. I just don't see the sense in scheduling surgeries so late in the day but not my business.

    Surgery is done.. Now comes the hard part. The pains are still bad. Gas and all. I was walking first day in the hospital right after surgery. Went home the following day after surgery. Had my first BM at 5:30 this morning but for some reason am feeling a lot of Gas pains today (3 days post). Made another post about it. Thank you all for your well wishes.

  7. On 08/10/2018 at 15:51, shedo82773 said:

    I use PAPAYA ENZYMES. I have used it since my RNY . July 2, 2013. It has and still is my saving grace. I still have gas a lot, also if I happen to take one bite to much it helps it go down that and lying on my left side. Before you take them please check with your Dr. They are natural and you can get them at Walmart for less than $5.00. It will get better. For sure. I am Lactose intolerant as I said they are the best!! Good Luck

    I guess I will have to wait until Monday to ask. Or maybe I’ll email him tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion.

  8. On 08/10/2018 at 16:05, GeminiSky said:

    I love my chewable Gas X, ive been taking those on and off for the past two weeks. Walking does help, also you need to make sure you are having BM's. Im sure your surgeon told you that but you don't want anything backed up in there. It will get better. I suffered during the first week, and moving into my second week the pain is now on my lowest incision and according to my doctor its more than likely lower bowel gas and BM that hasnt been passed yet. Its going to take a little time. Hang in there.

    Yes!!! I still didn’t have a BM. Surgery was Wednesday. I didn’t start a shake until today. And couldn’t finish the whole 8 oz of it. Had a few spoons of yogurt. How long did your BM take? I asked him what to take for gas and he told me simethicone. He didn’t even mention Gas X or suggest it.

  9. Hey...

    2 full days post surgery today and the pain does get better. But these gas pains!!!! I feel like the pains are traveling to my back and neck. Yeah, walking does help. But how long can one person walk? Should I fall asleep walking? My surgeon also gave me simethicone (baby dose in liquid form) to take 4x a day. Doesn’t really help. Besides walking and standing, what are some solutions for the gas pain?

  10. On 08/03/2018 at 16:21, Frustr8 said:

    I have a reverse annoyance. My scheduled surgery is 7AM, oh fine and dandy you're thinking , lucky Frustr8, she gets it done and over. Now for the downside, I have to be in Columbus at 5 AM, 50 miles away so a healthy hour trip. I don't own a car, I don't drive, who do I know that wants to show up at 3:30-4 AM to transport my thrilled tushhie to Columbus? People my age tend to go to bed early and sleep in. Well since I have more guts than necessary, at least until the Bariatric surgeon gets through with me, I shall announce my problem at my 55th High School Reunion on August 11th. Taxis are out, local company. does start working until,, 5 Am and Lyft and Uber don't believe in us in my little town.
    I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I cant imagine the anxiety I would feel if that was me. I hope everything works out well for you. I guess we all just have to deal with the times that we are given.

    Good luck to you and I hope all goes well. You got this!!!

  11. On 08/03/2018 at 17:13, GreenTealael said:

    Your surgeon (who is also a person) may need time to:

    sleep in from working the graveyard shift (being the on call physician), pay his/her bills, spend time with his/her family (so the job is actually worth it), perform other surgeries, check on other patients, eat lunch, use the rest room, do a yoga session to deal with a stressful job, have office hours, attend conferences, wait his/her turn for OR time, lecture, meet with his/her boss, or even visit his/her own doctor for a wellness check up.

    (Just a little perspective)

    Safe Journey,


    Definitely understand all of that. But just some perspective - this was a post for people who can relate to what I am feeling Pre-Op. While all of the above could be true, this was mostly meant for those who can relate and understand my frustration and irritability in the days leading up to my surgery. So while I do appreciate your perspective, it doesn’t really uplift me or make me feel better with the anxiety I am already feeling. But thanks.

  12. On 08/03/2018 at 15:29, Orchids&Dragons said:

    My drink cut-off was 5 am because of the late surgery. I'll bet they let you drink until 8. Give them a call.

    The NP that did the pre-testing at my hospital told me I can drink up to 2 hours before the surgery time. I have the paper at home I will look.

  13. On 08/03/2018 at 14:49, Orchids&Dragons said:

    Congrats on getting your surgery date!

    On the upside, you won't have a long, uncomfortable evening the first night out. By the time you're settled back in your room, it will pretty much be bed time. My surgery was about 1:30 in the afternoon and I the long evening (when I couldn't drink anything) was torture.

    Thank you. How long did you have to wait for the swallowing test after your surgery?

  14. The hospital just called to tell me my surgery is at 3:30 PM on Monday! I’m so irritated that it is so late in the day. It’s bad enough that I’m so nervous as it is and now I have to sit on Monday waiting for my surgery. Also, right now is that time of the month (ladies) and I am just so irritable in general. I just want to get this over with. Why would he schedule a surgery so late?!! 3:30 isn’t even the time! That’s the time I have to be in the building for pre-admission. SO ANNOYED!

  15. On 08/01/2018 at 11:36, AtlantaRed said:

    This is what I posted on another post:

    I got my sleeve in December 2013 at 315 lbs. Pretty strict for about 10 months. Next holidays, added some goodies and seemed to be able to maintain (had gotten to 210). Never got below that despite being active, not snacking, drinking only Water, not drinking with meals, and eating appropriate portions. For my system, just eating less and exercising isn't enough. I'm at 250 now, less active due to work and caring for my mom who can't be left alone. Surgeon said even if I went back to super strict on the eating, I would lose some but he wants me comfortably below 200 and said I would need the bypass to have hope of getting there and staying there. Eating less and exercising didn't work before the sleeve, maybe I should have considered that having the sleeve wouldn't be much different for me. Hopefully having the added component of malabsorption plus the knowledge that I need to maintain a decently strict lifelong meal plan, will be what works for me.

    Thanks for sharing! I feel the same way about eating right and exercising. It feels as though I don’t lose a lot of weight even when I am eating and exercising right. Even Day 10 on the liquid diet, I only lost 10 lbs. I feel like people lose way more than that!!!!

    Good luck on your revision! I hope you get to your goal weight.

  16. On 07/30/2018 at 09:47, AshMarie794 said:

    Yes each surgeon has their own rules they go by. Thankfully I don't have to give up caffeine. I feel for you.

    I am not saying go against what you've been told but I doubt it would hurt anything. And even reach out to them and let them know how your feeling and just ask. Wouldn't hurt.

    Yes absolutely. Just reached out a few minutes ago. I am one week away from the big day. One week down in the books. Thanks a lot!

  17. On 07/30/2018 at 09:37, MIZ60 said:

    I did not start the Decaf until post op and then went back to regular coffee at 2 weeks post op after clearing it with the nutritionist and PA. The nutritionist said that the diuretic effect of caffeine is the main reason for it since all coffee has acids that bother some people. My husband had to give up coffee several years ago due to GERD but he drinks a variety of hot teas (with caffeine) with honey and has absolutely no problem---he still misses the coffee though.

    I would question your team about it.

    Just emailed my nutritionist. Hopefully she has a good answer for me! The reason I began to question it is because I read a lot of posts saying coffee was allowed by their surgical team. And it confused me a bit. I also read some people were “pre-op” and eating whatever they wanted until the day of the surgery while I’m on a liquid diet. Not questioning the liquid diet because I know exactly why I am on it- “to shrink the liver”. Wondering how some people don’t have to do a liquid diet before.

  18. On 07/30/2018 at 09:19, GreenTealael said:

    First sorry that you are having the withdrawals, sucks.

    But very important to follow your plan. Have the Decaf or no coffee if the temptation is too high. I was allowed decaf but I quit coffee 6 months prior to surgery, after I went on decaf , then regular all under the supervision of my team. But recently I'm back off coffee again to prove it can be done and to see if it makes a difference when it comes to stomach acid and erosion, which seems to be the main concern not the diuretic effect. Consult with your team for clarity and follow your plans for the best possible outcome, which is what everyone really wants.

    Safe journey!!!

    Thank you! I figured it has something to do with acidity and stomach erosion but wouldn’t decaffeinated coffee have the same effect? I just emailed my nutritionist.

  19. On 07/30/2018 at 09:16, DaleCruse said:

    Each bariatric team has its own rules. Contact your team & ask specifically why no black coffee. Advocate for yourself. If they give you an answer you don't like or understand, challenge them.

    Remember that what happens in your home is ultimately up to you.

    Good luck! You are not alone.

    Thank you! I just contacted my nutritionist. I just want her to explain that to me. At first I thought I’d be able to pull through. But it’s proving to be a hard task.

  20. HELP! On my list it says decaffeinated coffee Pre-Op!! WHY?!?!?! My head is pounding already for a week. The withdrawals from everything else is bad enough. What will happen if I drink a regular black coffee? It even says I can have 1 Oz of skim milk! But HAS to be Decaf.

    Why is caffeine so bad for you pre-op? And how come I am reading that a lot of people were allowed coffee before and after surgery? Why does mine say decaf specifically???!!!

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