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Missouri-Lee's Summit

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Missouri-Lee's Summit

  1. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Navigating the site

    What topic are you searching for?
  2. (Reuters Health) - People who have weight-loss surgery for extreme obesity may lose more weight with an older operation known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass than with a newer sleeve gastrectomy procedure, a small U.S. study suggests. Article link: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-weightloss-surgery/type-of-weight-loss-surgery-matters-for-people-with-severe-obesity-idUSKCN1LM314 Study link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0039606018303180
  3. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    What they won’t tell you after gbp

    I take back what I said about not having any enoxaparin shots after my bypass. I had one in the hospital, and none after I was discharged (the next day).
  4. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    What they won’t tell you after gbp

    What is this... The National Enquirer? Your title suggests that these are big, deal-breaking secrets that were hidden for some reason. Both are less than earth-shaking and have logical explanations behind them. I didn't have time to read the comments below your post, but I'm almost certain that others have addressed both concerns. I didn't notice any putrid smells following my surgery. I also didn't need to have any enoxaparin shots after my bypass, but I did have them after my full-knee replacements. The needle is so thin, you can barely feel it. I gave myself a week's worth of injections once home.
  5. I've struggled with getting enough protein since my surgery. I'm hoping to finally be able to get what my body needs. I found this drink at Sprouts. Brand: Shamrock Farms 19.7 fl oz (582ml), Rockin' Protein Builder Max Protein Shake, lactose-free, available in vanilla and chocolate. 50g of protein per bottle. Found in the dairy section, must be refrigerated. I'm not a fan of vanilla or chocolate (wish they had coconut). Sprouts was out of chocolate, so I tried the vanilla. It tasted (to me) like melted vanilla ice cream. No horrible aftertaste either. Completely tolerable.
  6. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Swallow test before leaving hospital?

    I've had a barium swallow test before, which is how I know about my allergy. It wasn't that bad. You have to drink something chalky and then they watch the liquid (via technology that I can't recall the name for) run its course in your body. No salad tongs involved. You are my hero, Frustr8! You, go, big sister! (big as in older, not big as in big).
  7. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Swallow test before leaving hospital?

    I was never required to have a swallow test. Maybe it's because I'm allergic to contrast media with iodine. Then again, it was never even mentioned as a post-surgical requirement. I probably had one of the most hands-off bypasses ever.
  8. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    50g: The most protein I've found in any drink so far

    I have several unused containers of good whey protein. I just can't down that stuff anymore. It was easy BEFORE my surgery (during my pre-surgery fast), but now... can't do it. I'm going to concentrate on meat.
  9. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    50g: The most protein I've found in any drink so far

    Thanks, Matt. Statements like "the body can only handle..." rarely sit well with me. There are too many unanswered questions associated with something so absolute.
  10. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    50g: The most protein I've found in any drink so far

    Do you have a link to a study or a scientific reference to support this statement? (I'm not being sarcastic; I'm just curious if it's documented.)
  11. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    50g: The most protein I've found in any drink so far

    I ended up drinking less than half a cup. I thought this would be the answer to my problem. It wasn't. Protein by way of drink just doesn't work for me. Back to square one.
  12. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Yom Kippur and WLS?

    Do exemptions exist for medical reasons? It sounds risky for you this time around, not the food fasting... but the no fluids.
  13. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Pain in left shoulder

    It could be referred pain.
  14. I accidentally double-posted another topic so I thought I'd erase that duplicated content and put something else in its place. Is this the best I could do? Apparently. Did I put much effort into thinking of something else to post? Not really. Anyway... in case you've forgotten how to update your stats (all the information under your username) try following these steps. Make sure your dog, cat, or bird is watching so you can impress them. 1. Go to PATIENTS (top of page). 2. Select MY SURGERY. 3.a. Update the information under SURGERY 3 b. Select PROGRESS (see squiggly arrow on left side of screen) to update even more! 4. Paste a gold star in the middle of your forehead. Good job! While you're at it.... upload a photo or an animation above your username. If there's anything else you don't know, ask someone else. Just kidding. No, really. Ask someone else. I probably don't know.
  15. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Foul gas since bariatric surgery

    I hope you might find something here. Because these are holistic approaches to flatulence, they may be cheaper to treat since many involve cures like apple cider vinegar and certain types of tea. https://www.naturalfoodseries.com/13-home-remedies-flatulence/ . https://www.positivehealthwellness.com/pain-relief/the-complete-guide-to-stop-farting-fast-using-natural-remedies/ . https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321604.php . https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/remedies-for-gas/ . https://www.liverdoctor.com/got-gas-natural-solutions-for-flatulence/
  16. Obesity-Related Proteins Several obesity-related proteins are being studied for their role in migraine. Two of the most important are orexin and adipokines. With orexin (which is also considered a hormone), studies in animals and humans indicate that it may be involved in many aspects of migraine. But study results have been inconsistent. Researchers, from Harvard University, now think they may have better luck with drugs that have been fine-tuned to work on orexin. Adipokines are proteins found in fat cells called adipocytes. A few studies have shown that, in some migraine patients, levels of certain adipokines (e.g., adiponectin, leptin, and resistin) are elevated during and between attacks. ------- Currently, migraine is not an appropriate indication to pursue bariatric surgery. But if you qualify for other reasons and have the procedure, three studies suggest that you may end up with fewer and less intense migraine attacks. While these findings are encouraging, more studies are needed to clarify the possible benefits of bariatric surgery in migraine patients. https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/understanding-migraine/the-skinny-on-obesity-and-migraine/ Obesity increases the risk of migraine and this risk increases with increasing obesity status from normal weight to overweight to obese to morbidly obese. Several neurotransmitters, proteins, and molecules that participate in maintaining energy appear to be involved migraine. Aerobic exercise is effective for migraine prevention, and low-fat or ketogenic diets may be effective; while not indicated for migraine alone, bariatric surgery may also be beneficial in reducing attack frequency and severity. Overall, and as for good health in general, it is important for those with migraine to maintain a healthy weight and to maintain healthy lifestyle choices in terms of both diet and exercise.
  17. Body mass index, or BMI, is currently the most widely used method for assessing whether someone is overweight or underweight. But now scientists think they've come up with a new and improved alternative: relative fat mass index, or RFM. https://www.sciencealert.com/new-accurate-rfm-body-fat-measure-could-end-bmi-body-mass-index https://drbillsukala.com/fat-mass-index/ How useful is body mass index? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/255712.php?sr=&utm_source=TrendMD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Medical_News_Today_TrendMD_1
  18. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Food Addict

    You're been too hard on yourself. You're in pain, and you're giving yourself an undeserved beating. You may very well be addicted to food, but you could also be in mourning. I miss not being able to enjoy food. I can't eat enough of anything to feel as though I'm eating a worthwhile portion. Plus, nothing smells or tastes the same. I feel as though I'm missing out on something that brought me a good measure of pleasure. I've lost weight with very little effort. True, I'm still not getting the protein or fluid intake required. For the first time in weeks, I'm probably consuming more than 250 calories. I'm pretty sure I've doubled my caloric intake, and I try to make sure that those calories are mainly protein. I'm not prepared to swear off all junk food. Fortunately, I don't have a sweet tooth, but I do like plain potato chips. I think it's the salt I'm mainly interested in. I don't think it's terrible to have a few chips on occasion. I actually don't "want" more than a few either. I go through periods of self-hate, too. You're not alone, E.S. If you'd like to talk privately, I'd be happy to talk to you. I'm sure several other people here would be happy to talk to you as well. Let us support you. Let others in and give you some comfort. You are a worthwhile person. I'm glad you posted your feelings. That's a healthy step in the right direction. (Keeping negative feelings to yourself is not healthy.)
  19. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    I shaved my head...

    OMG. You're as cute as cute can be.
  20. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    I shaved my head...

    I wish you'd post a photo. Cover your face, is you wish. My hair is thinner, and I've noticed almost a "combover thing" going on, but it's still workable. You're about two months out longer than I am.
  21. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Smelling Sewage Constantly

    Altered neural responsivity to food cues in relation to food preferences, but not appetite-related hormone concentrations after RYGB-surgery https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30041007 Taste, smell and appetite change after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24610456 Olfactory and Gustatory Function After Bariatric Surgery https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25910980 Reported appetite, taste and smell changes following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy: Effect of gender, type 2 diabetes and relationship to post-operative weight loss. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27453553 Taste and Olfactory Changes Following Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26475030
  22. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Which surgery should I choose?

    Well, now I feel foolish. Sorry for subjecting you to my silly admonition about changing your mind while on the way to the OR. I just didn't want to take the chance that your doctor's words might be horribly, horribly true!
  23. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    Which surgery should I choose?

    @Separ1418 I'm hoping that your surgeon was mostly kidding about allowing you to change your mind up until being wheeled into the operating room. I wouldn't trust myself to be in the same frame of mind once I'm in that high-anxiety environment of a hospital on the day of my surgery. Besides, you may or may not have been given something to relax you, which may affect your judgment. Arrive the day of your surgery knowing what you want and what you'll wake up having had done. This is too important a decision to leave up to a last-minute change. Yes, it sounds like it's a powerful option being able to swap out one procedure for another while taking a wild, breezy ride in neon footies to the OR, but don't do it. Make up your mind beforehand and stick to it. It's that sticktoitiveness that will get you through the days and weeks ahead post-operatively.
  24. Missouri-Lee's Summit

    85% of my stomach remove (sleeve)

    Try to maintain a positive outlook. It's normal to feel down, to second-guess yourself, and to think that you (or your surgeon) made a big mistake. You are healing not only physically but mentally. It takes a while to adjust to your new self. Give yourself permission to express some sadness (after all, we gave up a very comforting lifestyle) and for that, we may need to mourn. Alternatively, we are also embarking on a journey... which can be exciting and scary. I'm still scared at times. Superheroes are fictional. As real human beings, we do the best we can. Avoid statements like "Some say..." or anything that has to do with what other people think or do. They are not you. You are you! I know that sounds corny, but when you are able to tune out other people (who may mean well), you will be happier. Again, try to be positive. Respect your own decisions, and try not to be overly influenced by what others think or do.

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