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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Enchanted

  1. Can you have Soup? Perhaps look over the menu before you go? If it's not online, some places will fax it to you. Restaurants can be very helpful. You could call in advance and explain that you're on a special diet. But this might draw attention to it all, too.
  2. Enchanted

    Silly question...

    Some believe any carbonated beverage can cause band erosion (which isn't really erosion of the band, but of the lining of the stomach). My doc suggests waiting until it's flat if you must have it. (I'd rather go without, tyvm!)
  3. Kathy! I see you're approved!!!!! Congratulations!!!!
  4. Enchanted

    New member of the band

    Welcome, Sharon! I had my surgery two days after you. Hope you are healing well!
  5. Enchanted

    hi new member

    Welcome, Cher. Hope you are healing well. There are lots of different boards here to explore. Enjoy!
  6. Enchanted

    Hi all i'm the new guy

    What I don't understand about your doc's new policy is that they implemented it without warning. I could see saying, "Beginning in June . . . " I also wonder what caused the change in policy. Is the practice so busy that they think this is the only way to organize things? No matter what you paid, you deserve care. You could call and schedule a "having a problem" appointment and see what happens there. You cannot be the only patient complaining about this. My other thought is that waiting will not cause too much damage. I guess it all depends on how much of a squeaky wheel you want to be Best of luck.
  7. Enchanted

    surgery on the 30th!!

    I hate to say it...but it's almost a good thing to hear that all of you banded on the 30th are also still so worn out. I showered today -- that was my big adventure :sad: My post-op check is tomorrow. I'm hoping that switching from no calories to Protein shakes for two weeks will give me some energy. It hurts to hiccup
  8. Enchanted

    surgery on the 30th!!

    Whew..ok, I'm back! At least part-way. Had surgery on the 30th (Wednesday). My blood pressure dropped very low during surgery and after. Everything else went fine. Sounds like I was being difficult during the waking up process. I remember saying, "I'm not trying to be difficult, just cute." I pretty much slept Wednesday and Thursday. Was a little disappointed that I couldn't get up and do much walking either of those days. Friday, started feeling a little better. Saturday (today), was up and around the house. Not sure how I'm going to do going back to work on Tuesday -- doesn't seem like I could be awake all day without a nap My doctor has his patients on sugar-free, calorie free drinks only until the Monday after surgery (1 ounce every 20 minutes of wake time). I am just starting to feel like I could have something more than Water. Pain has been ok. Used liquid Lortab twice since home. Uncovered two of my incision sites -- not at all scary. Going to take the big step and shower tomorrow - woooooo Hope everyone is doing well. And...congratulations to each of us!
  9. Enchanted

    No preop diet ??

    You could call the office just to make sure, but pre-op diets vary so much....all of the way from total liquids for two weeks to no diet at all. Good luck with your surgery :wink2:
  10. Enchanted

    preop diet

    I'm on two shakes and one meal each day until surgery. Pre-op diets vary so much from doctor to doctor . . . but probably not as much as post-op :wink2: Good luck with your surgery.
  11. Enchanted

    I took the next step...

    Before you go for your comprehensive physical, you probably want to get a list of all of the requirements from your surgeon's office. You may be able to avoid additional bloodwork and testing if they're able to accomplish everything at the same time. It's interesting that the preventive exam is only offered to managers at your company.
  12. Enchanted

    Can I lose without all the water?

    It's so good to hear someone else say this! I honestly thought I was the only person. Everyone (even on some of the diabetic boards I used to read) seems to love their artificially sweetened sodas, teas and Desserts . . . but they make my blood glucose levels soar as much (more than?) regular sugar / carbs. And..I'd rather have the real thing than the chemiclas in artificial sweeteners. (But not the calories, of course.) Thank you for posting
  13. Enchanted

    Another Newbie!!!

    Welcome Kristey! Sounds like you've got everything ready to go. Exciting :w00t: Keep us posted!
  14. Enchanted

    What is it you WANT?

    I want (more than anything in the world) to be healthy. To be able to grow old and have more time here. I want to become the person that I know I am without the hinderance that is placed on me -- either by society or myself -- due to my weight. I wanna be hot.
  15. Enchanted

    newbie and nervous

    What about something like this..... "I've made an important decision and hope you will support me." Or..what I did with my best friend (because we'd discussed it and he was somewhat opposed, but not completely against.) "I decided to have lap band surgery and from this moment forward, you're to only say supportive things about it." I think the "trick" is to sound and be confident in your decision. This isn't something that is up for discussion at this point. You've decided. You've done your homework. You know this is best for you. Good luck :w00t:
  16. Uggg, sorry, Pitter! I hope you start feeling better soon and get everything rescheduled.
  17. Enchanted

    Nutcracker Esphogus

    If you have a gastro doc, they should be able to help you. I'd never heard of this before, but from what I read, symptoms improve with weight loss. Good luck. :rolleyes2:
  18. If you are sobbing in pain, using meds from your husband and it's been going on for this long -- it's time to call your doctor. It could be (and maybe even is) gas pain, but your doctor is the one to ask. Gas-X is good for stomach gas...but that is not related to the gas they use to inflate your belly -- that gas in your abdomen and not your stomach. I hope you start feeling better soon.
  19. Enchanted

    Would you do it again??

    I'd do it again... ...and I've not even done it yet!
  20. Enchanted

    understanding food addiction

    I have heard addiction described as follows: Continuing the behavior even though there have been severe consequences. I think food addiction is about being...filled up. We can't get full on other things, so we turn to food. It's there for us when we're happy, sad, depressed. When we want to Celebrate, when we need to cry. Ahhh....sweet (and savory) food. This is what it means to have food as a best friend, but it's not a healthy relationship.
  21. If people who are clinically depressed would just cheer up. Sounds ridiculous, hm? People need help. All of us here have the courage to ask for (and in some cases demand) help with a problem we've been facing, largely alone, for years. We're to be applauded! Go us!!!
  22. Enchanted


    Welcome, Bobbi. I hope you start feeling better soon and enjoy a speedy recovery.
  23. Enchanted

    Panic Attack!

    I'm sure you'll be fine, but it is normal to be anxious about any surgery. Would it help to think about where you will be in a year? Feeling better, looking better. Best of luck to you.
  24. Enchanted

    Doctor From Hell

    Oh my gosh...what a pile of poo. I would be on the phone everrrrrrry day calling to get that letter. Eventually, it will be easier to write the letter than to have you calling. The other thing you might do is write the letter yourself....and just ask her to sign it. But, seriously, change PCPs. I've been with my current doc for more than 7 years. She has been amazing. Watching my weight go down....then up....then down. Nothing but supportive and when I asked her for the letter, she was happy to do it. A week later, I called the surgeon's office to see if they'd gotten it and they said, "We have it right here and it's even done in a nice font." I'm outraged by your experience. Just...shocked. Best of luck to you.
  25. Congratulations, Alesha! All of your hard work is paying off. I love the cartoon on your blog! "What fits your busy schedule better, exercising one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?" Eep. Keep us posted on how you're progressing!

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