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Posts posted by GamePlan18

  1. On 09/03/2018 at 12:01, sassysleever76 said:

    And for heaven’s sake how do I reply to a specific post????
    Are you on a computer or your phone? On the phone app, all you have to do is tap/hold the specific comment and it will pop up asking you if you want to quote or like the comment you’re trying to reply to. Then you just click quote and it will let you respond specifically to that post.

  2. Heck all birth control has risks, NuvaRing had lawsuits as well as the Ortho Evra skin patch and the birth control skin implant. Then folks complain about the depo shot making them fat, or forgetting to take their pills. I hope you are able to find something that works for you. The only way you are going to find what works for you is by picking one and trying it out. They all have their lawsuits and adverse reactions at the end of the day. I had Implanon for a year and only took it out because it made my period come more often than it was supposed to and HEAVIER. I have the Mirena now and haven’t had anything major happen other than a little discomfort the 1st week of insertion and light, irregular periods.

  3. Happy and sad right now, they canceled my face to face surgery twin’s op because of a mix up with her meds and her selected surgery. So the docs office manager just called and told me they moved my time to her spot, so I will be reporting at 8am tomorrow for 10 am surgery instead of 12:30pm for 3pm. I’m so sad for her right now.

  4. On 08/17/2018 at 11:28, virginiaRN said:

    I can't see GamePlan18's post. It looks to be deleted. I'm surprised that I have to further denigrate my own looks to state: No, I ***WISH*** they looked like porn/stripper breasts, or hell even normal person breasts. Mine look very odd, with literally NO BREAST TISSUE and not even human. I think I made that pretty clear. Many people have made the erroneous comment that "oh well, at least you get a free boob job" when they heard I was dx'd with breast cancer. *THAT* is the point of that whole section. That my breasts look abnormal and weird, and unlike what unempathetic people have said, getting a "free boob job" wasn't a "upside" of getting cancer. Hope me further describing how hideous my breasts are clarify that for you! :) Really wasn't trying to go back in that hole today.

    Yes I deleted my reply as I realized I miss understood that part of your reply, as Jan was trying to point out to me. I apologize and am removing myself from the conversation. Have a nice day.

  5. On 08/17/2018 at 09:25, J San said:

    Sorry sweetie, figured maybe you might want a different perspective on what the OP might have been saying. Apparently I was wrong. Didn't mean to upset you. Please excuse me for making a statement on, as I said

    You’re good, I’m good. I hope OP will get justice against these unprofessionals. If they’re doing it to her, they will do it to others. No one should work in the medical field if they can’t display good human decency.

  6. On 08/16/2018 at 16:35, virginiaRN said:

    Hi, folks. I have not been on this board for a long time. Today, I had a visit to my bariatric surgeon's physician assistant (PA). I am 16 months out from roux en y surgery and have lost a total of 101 pounds. I went there today because I have been experiencing severe abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence at night, every night x 2-3 weeks. I should add that I am an RN and am one semester away from completing my Family Nurse Practitioner Master's degree. The PA gave me some advice, ordered some meds and labs and I checked out--it was about 4:10pm.

    She had told me to do the labs today, due to the severity of the symptoms I was having. Their office was closing. I went to my PCP's office--which has a lab tech--and they were closing and the lab tech had left. I went downstairs to the outpatient lab and it was closed. The only lab open was the STAT lab on the 2nd floor. Since I was still in the building, I thought I'd just double check that the PA did not want these labs to be drawn STAT. I went back to the office.

    It was locked. I knocked on the door. I had already heard the cackling and loud voices from 10 ft away. As I got closer, I heard the PA saying "I know, and every time she moved her arms! I couldn't believe it! And she had her teenage son with her!" Needless to say both me and my teenaged son (almost 17) heard this. He drove me today because I wasn't feeling well and he also needs to rack up his driving hours to complete his driver's permit and get his regular license. Just then, the PA, the receptionist and someone from the billing dept emerged from the door. They turned white as ghosts. Their jaws almost hit the floor. Being the classy person that I am, I didn't reference that I overheard them talking about something on my body just then. Their reaction confirmed what I thought I overheard. I asked the PA if she wanted the labs STAT, she said no, and my son and I walked to the elevator. The women huddled back by the door, somehow frozen. The only way to either the stairs or the elevator was toward the direction my son and I walked. Clearly, the women felt ashamed (?)/shook by being overheard body-shaming a patient, violating HIPAA, and being overall terrible people.

    As we drove home, I was pretty hurt. Most patients at a bariatric surgeon's office are going to have body image issues. Whether they are pre-op or post-op, they have likely experienced some type of negativity about their bodies (either from within or without, or both.) Also, I should add, I am a breast cancer survivor. December 2018 is my five-year anniversary of having stage 2 invasive breast cancer and having a b/l radical mastectomy and subsequent reconstruction, followed by a hysterectomy. One year after my b/l mastectomy, the reality hit me that my GG breasts were now AAs, mutilated and scarred. I felt unattractive, repulsive and beyond depressed. I was thrilled to be alive and that it was caught in time to prevent spreading to my lymph nodes and that by doing a b/l mastectomy, I didn't have to do chemo or radiation. I failed to be able to tolerate Tamoxifen, and had to be put on a cocktail of other meds that resulted in me gaining about 50 pounds to my already Rubenesque 225 lb body. It was a low time.

    Then, I got my reconstruction. My breast did not, do not, and will not look like "porn star" boobs, or "stripper boobs," although many people have suggested that was the "up side" of breast cancer. See, when you get a radical mastectomy, they hollow you out like a cantaloupe. Then, either at the same time, or at a later surgery, they insert implants (or, in some cases, spacers). Because I was 220 pounds when I got my reconstruction, they put the biggest implants the FDA allows--800 cc. The reconstruction surgeon repaired a lot of the scarring caused by a severe post-op infection from the initial surgery, during which both of my breast turned black and I had to debride the dead tissue myself at home. I was and am thrilled that I had a good reconstruction surgeon and, after recovering, felt a little bit more whole.

    While I had no breast tissue before, but now, any extra cushion vanished as I lost over 100 pounds. My breasts are skin and implant. It's definitely not a "hot" look. Well, all this cancer talk comes into play because what the women were talking about was my breasts. You see, when you get a breast reconstruction, your breasts don't look like regular breasts. Again, they are hard, stiff, and look like "robot boobs," as I call them. Today, at the office, I was wearing a bamboo material sundress, that was mostly dark teal, but also had other colors tie-dyed into the design. In the front is a "peekaboo" hole. The rest of the dress is just an A-line dress with a full skirt. It is not particularly "sexy." (Including my flabby/flappy wing-like arms!) But because my breasts don't move, there is a tiny bit of "side boob" seen protruding into my armpits. Not regular side boob--because remember, nothing is "soft" anymore. No, it's part of the round, button shape (just imagine an implant covered with skin, literally.)

    As I reconstructed what the women were saying, I recalled more and more of the beginning. I guess in the moment, in shock, my brain kind of protected me and I somewhat blanked out. Look, we are all human, I get it. We all make mistakes. But for God's sakes, you would think that the staff--including a provider--would be a little more sensitive about yucking it up about patient's bodies while anywhere near the doors/exit.

    I am posting here in general for support because it just feels yucky. I know I've never done anything like that as an RN, but one never knows how one's words may affect another person. Also, the HIPAA violation bothers me. I work very hard to whisper, even when I am behind closed office doors, because I know how much sound carries in offices. I often tell my patients "I'm sorry I'm kind of talking softly, but these room walls are paper-thin and I want to protect your privacy." I know I won't have the b*lls to tell the office. I feel like somehow they would turn it around on me, even though 3 of them were there and me *AND* my son heard that. And as a mother of a 16 year old son, a 19 year old son, and a 21 year old daughter--it's creepy.

    The implication that my son--who has seen me go through hell and high Water with cancer and this gastric bypass--would even think about looking at my breasts is disgusting. This can only come from a woman with no children. The PA is probably like 35 (I am 44), no wedding ring. Normally, I wouldn't even mention any of that because I fully believe in living my own life and others live theirs but for f*cks sake, please don't foist your sick thoughts on me.

    I would like some thoughts on how I might handle this. I feel like I won't have the courage to say anything, for fear of being "gaslighted." But, I also feel like there is a lesson for their staff to learn. It occurred to me to write an anonymous letter to the surgeon/head of practice and give a little vague summary of what happened and advise that his staff might want to not be so catty, mean, and to stop violating HIPAA. I don't know. I just know it hurt. I'm hurt. Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.

    I think you should report them, I liked that you didn’t flip out on them. You will probably get better results in your report because you took the high road. My ass would’ve flipped out, cursed them out and then went and sliced their tires in the parking lot, but that’s just me.

  7. On 08/17/2018 at 09:10, J San said:

    Read it perfectly fine but that was not the focus of your statement. I guess you didn't notice but this is a public forum, one where others read and respond to posts of others. And I damn sure will have a nice day. and hopefully you damn sure will as well. DEAR

    I never disputed the fact that any random can respond, I stated I wouldn’t be arguing with said random, when I was replying to the OP. Again have a great day, sweetie. 💁🏾‍♀️

  8. 08/17/2018 04:03 PM, J San said:

    Seems to me maybe she was referring to the way hers look in comparison to the "perfect" image of them usually associated with those of a stripper or porn actress. Rather than classifying a type of person that gets this type of surgery done.

    Out of her whole story that's what you decided to focus on. hmmmmmmmmmm

    Lol, I guess you didn’t read my whole comment where I agreed that she was mistreated and that their behavior was childish and insensitive, but it’s ok that you chose to focus on only part on my reply, I’m damn sure not here to argue with some random, about something I was saying directly to the OP. You have a nice day now dear. 😆

  9. On 08/09/2018 at 17:04, clsumrall said:

    Well I am just 5 days away from my 2 week liquid diet then surgery on August 29 th 11:00 am. So my question is to have or gave not a food funeral. I’m more on the side of not but then my mind keeps telling me how good a prime rib dinner would be. Yikes
    We’re surgery twins! I’m sad I won’t get to do a food funeral, funds are too tight right now for me to be able to go out to eat.

  10. On 08/08/2018 at 08:18, VIKING 0424 said:

    congratulations GamePlan18 we are having ours done on the same day i hope everything goes very smooth for you are you nervous? i am a little bit getting better though cheers

    Hey surgery twin, thank you for the congrats and same to you. I am very nervous, because I didn’t think my date was coming this soon, I thought it was going to be way in November. 😆

  11. So I have good and bad news, bad news is I won’t be able to stay in the group with you guys and gals anymore. Good news, because my date was scheduled for August 29th, Doc moved my date up because I reached my pre-surgery weight loss goal. Y’all enjoy the group!

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