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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NurseTeresa

  1. I did this after a major surgery and was on clear liquids for 8 weeks and I mean real clear liquids just jello, popsicles, broth and apple juice water ice tea......I was ok the first three weeks and the kids were eating Pizza Hut Pan pizza and I just couldn't take anymore broth and jello....so I chewed and chewed and spit. It did help with the cravings alot and in the mean time grossed my darling daughters out! LOL Would I do it post banding????? You bet your sweet bippies.....it is a great way to satisfy that empty feeling. At least banding clears are much better then the real ones are....
  2. NurseTeresa

    Hello All..

    Welcome Kellijo......Wishing you the best of luck with everything and that the end results being absolutely everything you wish for. Keep us posted.
  3. NurseTeresa

    Anyone with United Healthcare?

    I like you have UHC and weightloss is an Exclusion! I have called and called until I was blue in the face. The exclusion is because of the underwriters of the policy per my employers specifications. I did go to the people at HR and has several other fellow employees regarding this and there has been no change. All they will say is NO not at this point but we may include it in the insurance for next year. Tell me what sense it makes to be a hospital that does lapbanding and RNY bypass but the employees cant even get the flippin surgery!!! That is about the dumbest crap I have ever heard. I would love to be doing whatever the precerts they will require if it is included in next years policy but who knows what they will want you to do. Have a drs appt Fri will ask him to start documentation on a supervised weightloss program so that way I will have that for 8 months if they only want 6mos I will be covered. Best of luck with approaching your HR department to see if they will approve it via an appeal from you. Keep me posted please!
  4. NurseTeresa

    Disappointed Big Time

    Vanhos, What sort of medicine did the Dr put you on? There is a drug called Reglan and its purpose is to dump what you have in your stomach. Maybe if that wasnt what he tried with you he can give it a shot next time. We use it alot at the hospital and I have taken it a few times. Never noticed or heard of nasty side effects like you stated. But people are all different and have different effects from one thing to the next. Best of luck and 50lbs really is fantastic. Where would you be if you still had that extra 50lbs? I can't wait til I can be banded and would relish that 50lbs even if it did come off slowly. The slower it comes off the easier the weight will stay off and the easier it is on the body to bounce back into a better shape. Keep up the fantastic work and keep us posted with your effects. I agree with P"Nut concerning the lactose intolerance thing. It is worth checking out.
  5. NurseTeresa

    This really is unbelievable.

    I found out with experience from other medical bills that as long as you attempt to pay even $5 a month they can't do anything to you. Can't garnish wages etc. Is it possible that the hospital has an indigent program and that your income will fall at or below the guidelines then the hospital will write off the remaining debt. Hope that all works out well for you. Medical bills are ungodly sometime. Best of luck!
  6. NurseTeresa

    Disheartened about sizes

    I remember when I was skinny and weighed in at 180 and i am 5'9 1/2" and I was wearing a size 13-14 sometimes a 15 but 16 was too big. What I would do to weigh that again and have that size clothes on my body again! But your right we are all different shaped body size so who knows what size anyone should weigh.
  7. NurseTeresa

    Im Going In!!

    Best of luck and hope all goes very easy for you! My prayers are with you!
  8. NurseTeresa

    Newbie wanting to say Hi

    Which hospital does this Dr go to in cincinnati?
  9. Thank god that you found out that DR NO really was just being the total butt that you thought. Sometimes they think that they are GOD and they ARE NOT!!! Not all are that way but some are very bad at it(most are surgeons that have the God complex). I am glad you fineally found someone to take your case and to research what all was going on with you and that you have a real reason for no restriction. It always baffels me how a Dr can do this to a patient who has trusted them with their life. I will keep you in my prayers that all is well with your tubing and that it does not have a leak anywhere. Just keep your head up and keep being persistant. Thats what got you to this point. Great big (((((HHHHHHUUUUUGGGSSSSSS)))))))))! Keep us posted on what is going on with you.
  10. NurseTeresa

    EBAY LISTING:Pay for surgery

    HUMMMMMMMMMMM I would love to have the LB also however my insurance doesnt cover it either.......I have no clue how someone could submit something like this for the world to see. Guess maybe I have a little more pride in myself. I know each person is an individual.....but...To me it is too much like Begging for everyone to help her. I agree with a post on the other thread that was going on that if she wants it that bad to solicit Clinics and see if anyone would agree to do it for free. I will just continue to save little by little til I have enough or my insurance decides to pay for it. Sorry just my two cents and had to vent!
  11. NurseTeresa

    This is what we're doing wrong!

    Loved that one....... Do you mind if I share that with my coworkers?
  12. NurseTeresa

    South Beach Diet Protein Bar

    LA Weightloss centers have some very tasty Protein bars. They aren't all that expensive. They have a peanut butter crunch one that has carmel and covered in chocolate.....cant remember how many calories think about 150ish but they are yummy only found one that was nasty tasting. They also have a meal replacement drink that is good tasting as well. Just thought I would throw that out for you if you are interested. HMR also makes a protein drink that is very good tasting and you mix it with water........very tasty.
  13. NurseTeresa

    My surgery is Wednesday 3/15/06

    Yes Egg drop soup is considered a clear liquid. Try to not injest the eggy part of it in the beginning. It is a wonderful source of protein and it makes your belly feel sooooooo much better. Even though I have not been banded as of yet I was on clear liquids last year for a total of 7 weeks after surgery. What hell that is. God really helped me through it all and Kept me from killing someone, including myself. Egg Drop soup was a God send.
  14. NurseTeresa

    Why I have been missing

    Any I am so sorry to hear that your little Emily is so sick I can only imagine what you all are going through. It is just as hard on the family memebers as it is the sick memeber. I sit back and watch it as I am working at the hospital. I trust that you have very caring medical staff that is there for you as well as your little darling. My prayers are with all of you and her speedy recovery. Soon she will be back at home bouncing all over the house nonstop. (((((hugs)))). Hope that she is better very very soon!
  15. NurseTeresa

    Ridiculous thing we?ve believed

    I use to tell my girls who are now 13 and 14 that if they didn't go to bed and didn't stop playing fighting or whatever it was they were doing that I would have to call the sleep police and that if I had to call them then they would come take them to jail. They believed this until they were about 8 years old. I remember one time I acted as if I were talking to them on the phone and I said ok thank you officer I will let you know in 15 minutes if they went to sleep or not...about 5 min later they heard alot of noise and looked out their bedroom window and started screaming....they thought that the police were really there to come take them to jail and that I had lied about the 15 min call back. I reassured them that they still had 10 minutes and that they were just waiting for the time frame so when the Sleep police called back they had someone there already to take them to jail. Needless to say they fell right to sleep. I also use to tell them and their older brother who is now 21 that the white lines on their nails were from them telling lies. So when I suspected them of lying I would say.....let me see your hands....If they had a white line I would see I told you I would know! To this day the girls still believe it and will try and keep their nails polished at all times so I cant see if they have lied to me or not. I am so bad aren't I?
  16. NurseTeresa

    LapBand Talk is Boring W/O Delarla

    Was that the heels with the lights in them? or was that another post I read that one in? You read so many of these things they all sorta mush together after awhile. Anyways......we all still miss her.
  17. NurseTeresa

    Suggestions for med-id bracelet

    Sunnykim. Its ok to be intubated it is the placement of an Nasogastric tube(NG tube) that you dont want to have placed down your nose.
  18. NurseTeresa

    LapBand Talk is Boring W/O Delarla

    Oh yeah........ Welcome back DeLarla and stop being so quiet. I don't get to laugh as much lately unless it is comments from something that you have said earlier. Keep up the great work. This is my only destresser I have right now and really do miss all your bluntness and humor at the same time.
  19. NurseTeresa

    LapBand Talk is Boring W/O Delarla

    OHHHHHHHH PAM.........have to say that one made me laugh. My daughter is over on the couch asking me what I am laughin at and all I can say is its nothing honey. But let me tell you.......I thought the same thing as well until DeLarla said that coochie was a shaving cream that she sells. I thought ummmmmm at least someone is gettin to rub their coochie all over their mans face. At the same time was thinking pick me pick me. I want to join in on the fun!
  20. NurseTeresa

    Sore, sore feet-rarely mentioned

    I am so glad to hear that others are having the same problem as I am. I was beginning to think I was the only one. I have also noticed that the recent increase in my weight the increase in the pain. Now to get some of this off as I await for the approval of my insurance. Good luck to everyone and their continual weight loss and the decreasing of everyones pain to all their joints that hurt.
  21. NurseTeresa

    Itching post op, and it isn't my incisions.

    I have to agree with those above that mention benedryl. That is what they would order for you if you were still in the hospital. It is a great antihistamine. We give it quite often for those with sensitive skin who have allergic reactions to tape, steri strips and also to those who are using pain medications and develop a slight itch. Best of luck to you. If it continues or you see any sort of seeping from the incision areas I wouldnt hesitate to follow up with the PCP.
  22. NurseTeresa

    Would paying for someone else's band be offensive?

    Your mother is one very lucky person to have you and your DH who love and care about her so much. I really liked the idea about the Dr is doing a trial for some research and because they are doing research with this band that the procedure is free. I wish someone would tell me that. Anyways, What ever it is you end up doing I wish that you get the end results that you are wanting for everyone involved. I will keep this in my prayers and hopefully with a few of those here and there the answer will be made easily. If you are not a religious person I hope that I didn't offend you as this was not said out of wishing to go against any beliefs that you do or don't have. Again, Best of luck with making the RIGHT decision on how to handle this situation.
  23. NurseTeresa

    Wynonna Judd on Larry King Live

    ok ok i have a really stupid question as I lead a sheltered life with working so much....Who is Ann Wilson?
  24. NurseTeresa

    Outcome of what happened with surgeon today.

    JoAnn I am so sorry to hear about your problems and wish you all the luck in the world with the decisions that you make. Please do some serious research as to what other form of WLS you will chose if that is the way you go. There are so many more complications with the DS then the RNY if you choose to go that way. There is more malabsorption, higher death and complication rate, among other issues. There are alot of Drs that will not even do that surgery anymore because of the complication rate. Don't get me wrong all surgeries specially WLS have their issues but the DS has more then the RNY. Including severe offensive smells from stools and when you pass gas. That is something that will never go away. I have friends that have had both done and do know that the one that had the DS done now wishes that she would have looked into the two choices better then she did. She just figured she had a larger amount of weight to loose and you tend to lose more with the DS then the RNY. So that was how she went. I am offering you all this information as a friend and someone who has seen the outcomes of both very close up. I also happen to work in a hospital where our Drs will not do the DS because of the higher mortality and complication rate. To me that says a whole lot about that particular surgery. Again, Best wishes in whatever your choice is. I will keep you in my prayers just give it to God with him all is possible.
  25. NurseTeresa

    Snoring - help!

    Most of the new machines that they have out right now are very quiet. The facial masks have changed as well for the most part they are using the little nose piece instead of the entire nose mouth mask that makes you look and feel like Darth Vader.I agree with those that stated earlier....(nurses point of view) it is better to be alive and breathing then to not awaken from an episoded of sleep apnea. Please reconsider and go see your Family Doc and have the sleep study done. I know we use to see them used on the unit at the hospital and they were SOOOOOO loud and here of late they are very quiet.....only loud ones are the hospital ones that are used because the patient didnt bring his or her own one in with them for the hospital stay. Good Luck with the snoring. By the way we would never go awaken someone becasue they were snoring too loudy. However we do go running whtn the snoring has stopped. have to make sure that the patient is still breathing(and usually just awake). Please take care of your self! You only have one you and you are a special person to all of us in the world that know you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
