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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NurseTeresa

  1. NurseTeresa

    Insurance Has Been Approved!!!!

    Congratulations on your banding date... Its great that they were able to get you in before your change of insurance. We all know how hard it is to get insurance to approve. I think I would be devistated to be approved then have the insurance change and no longer be approved.... As for the dear hubby..... I have also kept up with all of your previous posts and wish you the best of luck with him. Men are bad and Drs are worse...lol. I see them from the professional side as well as I dated one for a long period of time. Some are intimidated easily when it is personal and do all they can to stay IN CONTROL.....Keep your bootstraps pulled up.....lean on us when you need a shoulder or a hand to hold yours. Do what you have to do FOR YOU>>>>>yes he matters but your health is what MATTERS MOST!! Without your health you have no you! I agree with MVPO's post......would he tell a diabetic pediatric patient and the patients parents he can no longer manage their sugar because the patient is unable to control their glucose levels or to maintain a good health weight by diet alone? I think not......He may send them to an endrocrinologist to manage all diabetic care because he isn't equipt to handle it with the sensitivity that is needed but he would never just give up on the patient. Do the balloon demonstration for him......lol What a great visual that was when you were describing it. Keep the chin up and I will keep you in my prayers. Trust that you have a great get away this weekend! Sorry got on one of my rampages......men who think they need to be in control of everyone in their paths and do the verbal and mental abuse things just push my buttons!! Just remember YOU ARE WORTH EVERYTHING YOU WANT and no one has the right to say otherwise. You sometimes have to take the bull by the horns like you are doing now......KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
  2. Follow your heart and it will lead you where you n eed to be. Any surgery is a scary thing. Just think how much healthier you will be once it is all done and over with. As long as you have researched all the surgeries make sure it is one you are comfortable with and that you know all the positives and negatives and dont let someone make the decision for you. YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU! No one lives your life but you! Best of luck and keep us posted!
  3. NurseTeresa

    Which shoe fits "right"? (fashion etiquette)

    I always try and get it close to the edge that way the shoe doesnt slip on my foot. Nothing worse then to be walking and your foot sliding and the back of the sling sliding up and down on the back of your heel. TOOOOO uncomfortable. Not sure if thats correct or not but its what is right for me. Hope that helps
  4. NurseTeresa

    Ziploc Omelettes

    What a wonderful idea!! Thank you so much! Omlete time at my house has just decreased being I am the only one who knows how to make an omelet. Now I can teach the teens to do their own.....lol(evil grins)
  5. NurseTeresa

    Really stupid things people have shared with you

    See how you are gonna keep all the good things for yourself and not share........couldnt we all be good to ourselves with the rest of that pic?
  6. NurseTeresa

    Really stupid things people have shared with you

    Wheetsin.......thanks for all the great readings and laughs today...... they really purked my sick butt up. Thanks again and if you have the rest of the van disel pic that would really make me feel better....lol
  7. NurseTeresa

    Albuterol/Asthma/Allergies and Surgery

    You could always ask for some singular.....it is used both for asthma and allergies. I take it on a daily basis for both asthma and allergies. If it is allergies along with the antibiotic Ketek it should help knock you into shape quickly...... Will say prayers for you to feel better soon so that you can still have your surgery! This is no way professional advise but personal advise from a fellow asthmatic and reactive airway disease person.
  8. NurseTeresa

    Find Your Stripper Name

    Sugar LeatherHeat..........that could be good or could be bad........hummmmm But I think I like it .......like it alot!
  9. NurseTeresa

    Mind Crush... Ode to Jack...

    DDiedre.....Never heard that he was battin for the other side but ya know.......those that are the sexiest always seem to be....lol DAMN THEM MEN! Too bad it was a cropped pic.....sure does leave the mind wondering.....thanks for the pic though! I think its safe to say we would like to see the remaining portion that was all cropped off however!
  10. NurseTeresa

    It makes me sad

    Tamt......the discomfort and pain you are discribing sounds just like gas. As P'nut explained they use gas to expand your abdomen so that they can see where they are going during surgery. It is very usual for any type of laprascopic surgery to have this feeling. What we tell our patients is toget up and walk. Sometimes bloating occurs and it can last anywhere from 1 week to 5 or 6 depending on how much you ambulate. Its not always the thing you want to do but it does help in the long run.Aside from the earlier mentiioned areas...The gas can make you feel like you are having a heart attack also.....such terrible pressure at your sternum chest area. Heating pads are wonderful as well. But in the long run the only thing to help make that gas break up is to walk walk and walk. Hope that you are feeling better soon!
  11. Solumedrol is by prescription only! It is a steroid. Too bad we cant get it by just going to wal mart
  12. NurseTeresa

    Suicidal thoughts with obesity?

    Lets see.....gesh doesnt our lives lead us in weird places sometimes. I do agree that sometimes we know too much for our own good! That is one of the downfalls of being a nurse. Being a nurse we also know all the ups and downs of what stress in ones life can do to a person. When I was in nursing school I knew I was smart enough.....however my mother and the girls father said over and over that I wasn't smart enough. I did prevail. Ended up changing from my RN to my LPN just so I could support my family....ran out of too many next quarters to gettin into the program. I am so glad that you found out your inner strength and made it through school and onto a productive life as a nurse and a single mother most of all. Happy Mothers Day to you!!! I also agree with you about living or surviving. Somedays I do one or the other and am tired of just surviving. SO ready for the fun of life and to live it to its fullest. (skinnier is my choice......lol) Best of wishes to everyone and Happy Mothers Day to ALL!
  13. Allergies of any kind are no fun. I am allergic to several things specially bee stings. I was stung by a sweat bea at my daughters soccer game a few years ago....thank god for the liquid benedry I had just bought for my little guy I did home care with. Didn't have an epi pen at that point......but sure do now. Got one after we (my kids and my best friends son and myself were attacked by a swarm of bees that were underground they even attacked some puppies that were in the yard. Also when I was pregnant ate some sourkraut for new years eve and swelled like a balloon spent two days in the hospital. I am able to eat it now. Just be careful and I would keep some liquid benedryl with you also. Normally the first thing they do in the ER is epi and solumedrol and benedryl. Keep us posted on what the Allergist says! In the mean time I would be very leary of shrimp, shellfish and any testing that has to do with iodine injections.
  14. NurseTeresa

    Do you tan?

    I like most of you are very fair skinned freckles from head to toe and everywhere in between. I do not tan well outside but get a beautiful brown from the tanning bed. As long as you do it sllllowly if you are fair you can keep from burning. I was in a patients room the other morning and they had a special on the news about possibly banning tanning beds from those under age 18 because of the increases of skin cancer. They stated that 1 in 5 will have some form of skin cancer. They also stated that tanning is very addictive(do have to agree) because it releases some endorphines in your body that make you feel good and make you crave that feeling. Just do your research and do what you feel is best for you. Remember that with a tanning bed as well as the sun if you overdo it continually for several years your skin will eventually look and feel like leather. (thats not a pretty sight). IF you decide to tan keep us posted with how you are doing and how dark you have become!
  15. NurseTeresa

    God is testing me big time

    People have dual surgeries all the time and if they did combine your surgeries or did the banding you can still wear things called scd's they are little sleeves we put on your legs and it compresses and decompresses and keeps the blood flowin to reduce the chance of blood clots. Or if they do your knee surgery first u have to do rehab which will entail walking.......you can take blood thinners also to reduce the chance of blood clots. There is so many options but the best one is to let the ALL MIGHTY PHYSICIAN HANDLE IT ALL. Everything is done by his time and not ours anyways. Sometimes we dont understand it but....we just work through it one day at a time. BEST OF LUCK
  16. NurseTeresa

    God is testing me big time

    People have dual surgeries all the time and if they did combine your surgeries or did the banding you can still wear things called scd's they are little sleeves we put on your legs and it compresses and decompresses and keeps the blood flowin to reduce the chance of blood clots. Or if they do your knee surgery first u have to do rehab which will entail walking.......you can take blood thinners also to reduce the chance of blood clots. There is so many options but the best one is to let the ALL
  17. I kicked a noodle because I am sexy and I do what I want! Gesh how did ya'll know? Thought it was a deep dark secret!
  18. NurseTeresa

    I just realized...

    P'Nut I just want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I love to read all your posts. You were the first person on here to be so nice to me and give me the time of day. I will never forget it. Keep up all the fantastic work! I am still working on getting our insurance at work to pay for the surgery. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as you are in mine even when you don't know it. I am so sure that your little grandson saw that beautiful woman in that picture that we all see everyday! Just think of all you will be able to do with that special little guy and the rest of your family! Congratulations to all of you with all your wonderful jobs and hard work and dedication that you are doing each and everyday. We had our first lapband patient yesterday and I was her nurse! I was so excited for her and also told her of this wonderful place as a great source of support! Thanks everyone for always being so wonderful and such a great support for everyone.....banded and non-banded!
  19. NurseTeresa

    Happy NURSES Week

    OH MY HOW THAT IS SOOOOO TRUE. Can't wait to print that one out and take it to work with me in the morning. Have to sit in a classroom with a bunch of other nurses all day tomorrow. What fun that isn't when I am use to working nights and sleeping all day. Thanks for sharing. They were too funny and did ring a bell. You can always add this one if you like. 33.When you are all at the nurses station talking about PT for the patient that is a frequent flyer seeking drugs and PT isnt physical therapy as the bystander would think but it is pillow therapy! HAPPY NURSES WEEK to all my fellow nurses!
  20. NurseTeresa

    Anyone wear the Oprah bra?

    I have tried so many bras(sorta have a bra panty thing going on). It is sooooo hard to find a pretty and comfortable bra. Let alone one that holds the girls up being they are 46DD. It is even harder to just find the size that fits good. So tired of the underwire pokin out the side as I am at work trying to assess my patients. One night it poked out through my scrubs so I pulled it out. Then the joke of the night was that my underwire was big enough to put braces on all of Cambodia. They passed it around not believing that that skinny thing was suppose to be holding me up. Anyways, I was at kmart the other day.....yeah kmart...they had a bra sale going on. I found one that not only lifts but supports without an underwire. It is the most comfortable bra I have had on in years and years. For the first time I didnt think all night long about how I couldnt wait to get out that puppy. It is very pretty too which makes an added plus. If any of you are interested it is a Just My Size and the style number is 1111.It says Comfort lace with hidden shapers! The lace is soft and pretty and comfortable!!! Hope it helps someone!
  21. NurseTeresa

    Beware of Ambien CR! LOL!! Long but worth it!

    I have seen several things like this at the hospital specially with the older patients. They are so funny...however not always safe. I have had patients pull out foleys, iv's, among other things.. Some of the funniest conversations you would ever hear you hear from those on ambian. When Drs order this for the patients who can't sleep and don't normally take anything we ask for the safest substitue...........BENEDRYL....lol
  22. NurseTeresa

    Suicidal thoughts with obesity?

    I, like some of you, have thought about this as well. Then the logical side of me kicks in. Who will raise my children as their father is a LOOOOOOOSSSSSSEEEEEERRRRRRR!!! My Mother whom I love because she is my mother, Isn't a good parent and is a worse grandparent...so that is out the question. Then I feel guilty that I would be leaving them just like their father did and then that put me in HIS catagory!!! What a frightful thought that is. Then the nurse in me kicks in...the what ifs......what if I was unsuccessful and was just majorly handicapped and had to live out the rest of my life as a nonresponsive, nonfunctional person whos mind was still with them....That is scary as hell. Sometimes I get so depressed I also wish I could go to sleep and not wake up. My obesity was a result of wonderful Depo provera birth control injections and was manifested by some health issues and bedrest for 26 weeks a year ago. Now that I am back to work and working third shift I sometimes go 3 days with nothing to eat just drink water or ice tea so when I do eat my body stores it all as fat cuz its afraid it may never eat again. I have been trying to do some protein drinks when I work and have managed to lose 7 lbs in the past two weeks. But still depressed about not being able to get banded due to insurance and not financially stable to do it on my own. GESH why does being overweight have to have so many mental issues that comes with it. Isn't the sterotypical thoughts we have to tolerate as well as the extra poundage enough for us? Sorry got on a rant again! Wish us all the best of mental health and no more thoughts of suicide to enter into our minds. I do pray about this on a daily basis. Our Lord is a strong one and he helps all the time.....his continued help is what sees me through each and everyday!
  23. NurseTeresa

    denied medical insurance due to lap band!

    There are certain types of UHC who will cover you. A fellow nurse had it done and Anthum BCBS paid for it then our insurance was switched to UHC and they continued to cover her. Even though they have it as an exclusion as part of their policy. She now is working at another hospital and not sure the insurance she has but she has never been without insurance one day since her RNY approx 4 years ago.
  24. NurseTeresa

    denied medical insurance due to lap band!

    Isn't it always a catch 22 situation when it comes to insurance companies......YOUR DAMNED IF YOU DO AND YOUR DAMNED IF YOU DON"T!!! LOL guess that is when you go as a self pay and don't tell anyone and just sorta cheat the system. Wonder why they will reinsure you if you have "regular gastric bypass"? Makes no since. They will cover you after a surgery with more noted post op complications then one that has a very slim rate of post op complications!
  25. NurseTeresa

    Please pray for my family................

    Jesse Sorry for your families loss and to the loss of her ministry. Will keep your entire family in my prayers. God will help you all to get through this hard time. She fought a long hard battle and is now at peace with her Lord and savior.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
