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Pink nova

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Pink nova

  1. I started working out a month after surgery. I’m now 11 months out and have been working out 6 days a week since then. I do kickboxing which I love because I get to take out all my aggression! Lol. I find the gym too boring so I’m so glad I found something that keeps my interest. Just find something you genuinely enjoy doing and you will stick to it.

    Before the surgery I tried the gym and it was always a struggle because I wasn’t interested. Now that I found out what I love doing, I never have to drag my feet. It’s my fav part of the day. Who would have thought that fitness would be enjoyable?! Lol

    Good luck. Remember baby steps...you got this! Losing weight is one thing but working out and seeing yourself build strength and stamina is so empowering!!! Of course, there will be days where you lack motivation and just don’t feel like it...that’s when you have to push through. Don’t think and just do. 👍🏽

  2. Hey!

    I’m almost 6 months out and just had a question for all of you veterans out there. Although I don’t eat near the same amount of food I did before, I don’t really find my appetite as suppressed as I thought it would be. I can easily eat a side Caesar salad with two chicken souvlaki sticks or over a cup of Protein Pasta. I mentally stop myself from eating until I’m full because I don’t want to overeat or stretch out my pouch (not sure if that’s a real thing or myth).

    For example, for Breakfast, I always eat whole grain toast with Peanut Butter and half a banana on top because I kickbox afterwards and need the energy. I have eaten that with an egg omelette as well and stopped myself halfway because I knew it was too much food.

    My question is, does this happen to anyone else and what do you do? I just want to know when to stop and if I’m messing up.

    Thanks in advance!

  3. After surgery, my periods were crazy heavy flow for a couple of months. I’m talking having to wear tampon and pad and changing it every 45 min. I avoided going out and night time was a nightmare! It has since gone back to a normal flow although it does last longer than it did pre-surgery. Working out helps...it made the flow less heavy although it was the last thing I wanted to do during that time lol

  4. Thanks for all of your input!!!!! I tried Powerade zero today to rule out dehydration and I was still getting crazy headaches although not as bad as before.

    I was moping and feeling sorry for myself lol and then a lightbulb went off...low blood sugar!!!!!!! I feel like an idiot. I have type 2 diabetes but I’ve been off meds since my surgery and it’s been a non issue. I checked my blood sugar levels and it was 3.9 which is low especially since it was hrs after my workout and I already ate. After having some sugar, I felt better. I could kick myself for not thinking of this sooner but ahhh well. At least I know now!!!!

  5. Any insight would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    I have been working out 6 days a week doing 45 minute kickboxing which burns about 500 calories. The classes are intense but I just can not get my heart rate up high to burn a lot of calories like some other women there. My heart rate is also super quick to slow down during the short rest periods in between rounds.

    I have been taking double classes just to increase fat burn and calorie loss but every time I have done that, I end up with a raging headache all night and morning. Tylenol doesn’t fix it...it literally keeps me from sleeping. I feel nauseous and weak. I burn about 950 calories in those double classes and I eat about 1200 calories per day. I have tried to eat bigger meals before my workout but that doesn’t help. I always have a Premier Protein drink after my work out. I also stay hydrated throughout the workout.

    I really love my double classes as it’s such an intense workout but I dread feeling like crap afterwards. What changes should I make?

    Thanks for your help!

  6. I’m doing a kickboxing class where you get to beat up on a dummy (no sparring with people). I absolutely love it and I burn an average of 600 calories per class! I was intimidated at first because I couldn’t even tie my laces or do simple tasks without difficulty but I kept with it 6 days a week and now I can keep up with the others and do things that I never thought possible! The key to it was wearing a heart rate monitor to make sure I was working hard enough to burn that fat! It’s so much more fun than the gym because I get to take my anger out on the dummy!

  7. I’m in the same boat! When you figure it out, please let me know! Lol

    I met my ex online and two kids later and a nasty separation, I’m not sure I want to go down that path again 😩

  8. I have Type 2 Diabetes and I was off my meds right after surgery. It was actually tentative on my blood sugar readings (if over 6.0 then I would take a half dose of what I normally took but I never read of 6.0 after my surgery 😁)

    My high blood pressure meds were a bit different. At the hospital after my surgery, I didn’t need them at all because my reading was normal range. When I got home, it was borderline high (maybe because of family stresses?! Lol) so I would test my blood pressure every morning and take half a dose accordingly if I read over 130. I took it a few days a week for maybe 2 months and now I’m off of them completely.

    I also had severe sleep apnea and was on a bipap machine but since surgery, I’m okay to not use it (I don’t feel sleepy or get headaches like I did before if I didn’t use it). I go in for a sleep study after my one year mark to see if I can eliminate it all together. That would be a dream!

    Good luck!

  9. So I went shopping with my mom yesterday and she forced me to try on a cream coloured jacket which I NEVER would have touched before because I didn’t want to look like a marshmallow. I decided to humour her and put it on....and not only did it fit but it looked good!! Woot woot!!! Best part is it was a size LARGE!!! When I started my journey (3 months ago) I was a size 4X and sometimes it still wouldn’t fit. I can’t believe how much has changed.

    No more Xs for this lady!!!

  10. Update: I came back from Cuba last week and hopped on the scale right away! Lol! I ended up losing 3lbs which I’m lucky because I’m still in the honeymoon phase.

    There wasn’t much choices when it came to food. Breakfast was great as I had omelettes everyday. lunch and dinner were another story. I tried to eat the grilled meats whenever I could but most of the times, I ended up with the prepared stews. It was way too salty and fatty. I had hotdog sandwiches and fries more times than I’d like to admit. I’m lucky that I didn’t get sick and just got right back to my plan when I came back. I did splurge with a couple virgin mojitos and brought my Splenda to replace the sugar. Mostly I just asked for ice Water and used my crystal light or nestea zero.

    NSV - it was so nice to wear shorts for the first time...I actually enjoyed the heat this time around instead of dread it. On top of that, I did not need a seatbelt extender AND the airplane tray also went down all the way without hitting my belly. I was never able to rest my drink on the table before and would always use my kid’s tray!!! Life is great 😄

  11. 42 minutes ago, Missouri-Lee's Summit said:

    @Pink nova. No judgment was attached to my question. I was just curious. Now that I know you have children, I can understand the motherly self-sacrifice involved. We often do things for our children even though it may involve some unknowns for ourselves. You're a kind and loving mother.

    I had my bypass about 3 weeks after you and I think even I could handle the trip. I don't drink alcohol either. Yeah, it'll probably be the little things that you'll be gritting your teeth about. "Oh, I wish I could eat that!" (And, who knows, maybe you can try a little of it.)

    I hope you have a wonderful and memorable trip with your kids. How old are they?

    Because of my weight, I never felt comfortable traveling. With all this weight, I felt like part of the baggage. "Just store me in cargo hold with the rest of the suitcases, guys!" As the weight falls off, though, I'm allowing myself to dream a bit. I don't like sunny destinations, however. I'd prefer a trip to Iceland or the Faroe Islands.

    Please let us know how your surgery impacted (or not) your trip. Buen viaje!

    Don’t worry! I didn’t take your question in any negative way...it was a legit question :)

    I’m a single mom to two boys ages 6 and 8. They are so looking forward to the swim up bar and not having to get out of the pool unless for food lol.

    I have so much more energy now so I’m definitely looking forward to having a new experience with travelling.

  12. Hey everyone,

    im about to leave for an all inclusive vacation to Cuba next week and I’m a little nervous about the food situation.

    Im two months out and can tolerate all food just fine. No dumping yet (knock on wood!) and my pouch hasn’t rebelled against anything. It will be 7 days of Breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets and I’m not sure how I’m gonna ensure that I stick to my food plan. Breakfast should be easy enough with eggs but I’m super nervous about the lunch and dinner. I know that I won’t intentionally eat poorly because my old cravings are pretty much gone (although I will be missing the pina coladas!) but how do I ensure that I am eating correctly?

    Anyone have experience travelling so soon after gastric bypass? Especially to a place like Cuba where the food options usually involve fattier meats like pork/bacon/sausage? Any tips would be much appreciated 😊

  13. It was one of the best decision I have ever made in my life. It’s not the number on the scale that drives me anymore but more the NSV. I can play with my kids and be active with them, I can sit on an airplane without a seatbelt extender, I can sit in a restaurant booth, I have energy for days, and I am able to keep up in my kickboxing class. Shopping isn’t a chore anymore and I don’t alienate myself by staying home anymore. I go out and experience life!

    This being said, I only had my gastric bypass on May 28th of this year and so far I have lost 54lbs since surgery and 85lbs since my highest weight in November. I had serious nerves leading up to the surgery and for a few weeks after but trust me, my life is so much better now.

    Good luck!

  14. I took my boys to Great Wolf Lodge and our meals were included (breakfast, lunch and dinner). I emailed the hotel prior about their nutritional info but they didn’t have any.

    I ended up eating an omelette for Breakfast, chicken finger and olives for lunch, and chicken rotisserie and mashed potatoes for dinner.

    I am happy that I can eat most things without feeling sick but I felt incredibly guilty afterwards and swear that my stomach sticks out a bit more even days after. I’m sure it’s in my head but still worried about screwing up my diet!

    I have been able to eat brown rice cakes (dill flavour! Yumm) and lactose and sugar free ice cream sandwiches. I had a few bites of fries. Those have been my cheats so far :)

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