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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Topher_B

  1. I will have to keep that in mind for next time, it sounds like a great idea! I was working out everyday during the trip, so at least I have one thing still on track. Gotta get my head back into eating right going forward.

  2. I am about 8 weeks post op and I have been struggling with making good eating choices this last week or so. I went on vacation and I feel like that really pushed me over the line. I ate a lot of things I know I shouldn’t over the course of the 5 days with the excuse that it was just this week but now I’m afraid of not being able to stop. I need some encouragement and tips on how to vacation without over eating and feel like I’m losing out. FOMO hardcore right now.

  3. I am a little over a week from surgery and everything has been going great. Been managing between 45 and 65 oz of Water, hitting my Protein goals, and feeling great. Even had a one week check up yesterday and everything was perfect, until this morning when I took my Vitamin and promptly got very over heated and threw up. Is this normal?

    VSG on 5/9/18

    HW: 326


    CW: 282

  4. “Yes, it is good I no longer have the urge to engulf food like an ameoba on amphetamines”

    I connect with this phrase on a spiritual level. You really put to words exactly what I am feeling. I feel great but eating is a struggle and one I know I need to overcome because I need to eat to survive and thrive. I am happy to not be the only one struggling with this but of course unhappy that any of us are.

  5. I had my VSG on 5/9/18 and I feel great physically. I was walking right away and have no problem with drinking. My doctor advances all his patients to stage 2: purée diet right in the hospital, so I am eating some soft foods, However, eating anything feels like such a chore. As a result I am struggling with getting my Protein in. Eating is unenjoyable to me and a struggle. I guess this is food aversion? I have never felt this way about food before and just wanna know approximately when this stage ends lol!

  6. I had VSG on 5/10 and I’m at the same weight I was at my surgery 2 days ago. I haven’t had any nausea at all and I only take Tylenol for incision pain. I’m a little worried that everything has been so easy. I was able to lay on my sides immediately after surgery. I did have terrible gas pain the first 36 hours after surgery, but since I walked the halls the entire day and night the day I was in the hospital, it wasn’t very bad once I got home. Yesterday afternoon and evening I took a couple doses of gas x and now I feel great minus the incisions.
    I’ve never had surgery before, so can I assume that the fact I’m the same weight after 2 days is because of the 3 IV’s I got?
    Just worried because I was easily able to keep down 3 one cup servings of chicken broth yesterday.
    Just looking for advice to settle my nerves and reassure myself that this sleeve is actually going to start working soon.
    Thanks for any responses [emoji4]
    HW: 311
    CW: 255
    SW: 255
    First goal weight: 191 lbs
    Second goal weight: 159 lbs
    Goal weight: 142 lbs
    5’6” 34 yo female in NC

    It’s great that you are feeling so good! I had my surgery 5/9, I left the hospital the same weight I went in. I’m down two pounds as of now. I’m so nervous about eating and drinking still though. I’m drinking and been feeling fine but I’m paranoid lol. The only real negative is I’m slightly nauseous.

  7. Small portions, chew the food at least 30 times, take your time, and stop when your pouch feels full but not stuffed. Most importantly, follow your doctor's instructions to the letter. When is your surgery or have you had it already?

    I had my surgery 5/9. I’m on stage 2 diet already because my surgeon does that for most of his sleeve patients the day after surgery. I started out with some Jello and yogurt and now am eating part skim ricotta. What I’m struggling with now is that I don’t feel hunger or fullness and I am worried about overeating.

  8. Still coming off my cold.. I have the worst cough. My doc said it’s nothing to worry about but it deff worried me because my surgery is 5/14 and I can’t stop getting these weird pinch/tickle in the back of my throat that makes my eyes watery and throws me into a full blown coughing attack. Imagine this while being out of surgery? I’ll prob rip all my stitches and not to mention the pain of coughing while being so sore. I been taking immune plus EmergenC idk if it has helped but it’s deff good for the immune system. I’ve heard Zicam is really good.. don’t know if I spelled it right. Has great reviews on Amazon

    Yo-Yo Girl from New York City [emoji4]

    Thanks all! I bough some airborne and am much more relaxed!!

  9. I am so nervous about everything leading up to the surgery but now I am worried about getting a cold on top of everything else. I baby sat my nephew this weekend and my sister neglected to tell me that he had a cold. I didn't realize until he woke up from his nap and it was too late. Now I am not feeling well. My surgery is in a week and I am freaking out that it will be cancelled if I am sick. Does anyone know any good tips for how to fight off a cold quickly?

  10. That is awesome! I’m so glad you are feeling much better! Im super week today, but other than that I’m pretty good. Amazingly good job on the 6 pounds! Im losing about one a day, but I know I’ve got a LOT of Water weight happening pushing as much Water as I am! Keep me posted on how you feel [emoji4]

    HW: 311
    CW: 262
    SW: We’ll see on May 10!

    Hope you are feeling less weak today! A pound a day is really great!

  11. 48 minutes ago, moondoggie1983 said:

    Oof. That’s awful. Maybe see if they let you do the Optifast? It has a lot of options taste wise. The chocolate Protein Drink is delicious! And it’s nice because everything is prepackaged. Like the drinks are like little juice boxes. I haven’t had any stomach upset so far and it’s just really convenient.
    I just really hope you feel better soon. The diet is hard enough without feeling sick all the time.

    HW: 311
    CW: 262
    SW: We’ll see on May 10!

    Thanks! I will check and see about the optifast!

  12. 11 hours ago, moondoggie1983 said:

    I’m on day 1. Well, I just finished day one. I wasn’t nauseous today, but I was HUNGRY. It wasn’t mental hunger but physical hunger. My tummy was rumbly all day. Right now is the first time I haven’t been hungry. Thank you jello!
    Are you on the Optifast diet? If not, what diet are you following? I just wonder if there’s something specific that’s not agreeing with you.
    Hope you feel better tomorrow!

    HW: 311
    CW: 262
    SW: We’ll see on May 10!

    Jello is the best! I’m feeling better today! Thanks!

    I am using the Meal Replacement made by my doctors office and I think that is what is bothering my stomach. I haven’t had any yet today and I feel great. I’m gonna try it once more and if I feel gross, I will give them a call and ask for an alternative.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
