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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by saramelie


    8 days post-op Gastric sleeve

    No problem drinking. Not really eating/no appetite. Ok for Proteins shakes and electrolytes.

    Lost 10 pounds in a week

    Feeling permanently bloated/full despite not eating, and stomach is still swollen/distended.

    Gas pain went away on day 3. Pain came back in left shoulder, on&off since day 6

    No pain whatsoever inside the belly (the actual stomach) since surgery, except today it started. Thought I was maybe hungry so I had a bit of liquid food (as per my plan). Did not help. It's not excrutiating but very uncomfortable pain right in the middle of stomach area.

    I did a lot more today (walking, errands, etc).... and i had sex yesterday

    No other symptoms. No fever, no nausea, etc.

    Could it be a leak?? (Also, I'm anxious naturally)

  2. I'm 2 days (and a half!) post op. Constipation is intense after surgery!

    This worked for me (if you can squat): fill thr bathtub with just enought Water to cover your bum when squatting, water as hot as you can tolerate, and relax every muscles. Stuff should start coming out without pain. Do NOT strain, just relax.

    Yes it's a mess, you have to clean after, but last resort? it works.

  3. On 7/26/2023 at 9:38 AM, Mike.J.Y said:

    Question how long did pain last after surgery?

    2nd part did you need to refill on pain medication or were you able to go without?

    I'm 2 days (30h) post sleeve, back home from the hospital. Have not taken any pain medication pass the 24h mark. The gas having greatly reduced, I feel better. I'm not really in pain, what is annoying me the most is the random nauseas.

  4. So, I had a screening phone call from the nurse and surgeon weeks ago and got the go-ahead for sleeve surgery on sept 12th. I had my in-person pre-op appointments yesterday. I am self-paid, mind you (18 000$), and already gave my 3000$ deposit.

    So, I meet with this nice dietician that starts asking questions about my past, about how I got to the weight I am now, etc. So, being an honest and open person (and also being already very nervous about the surgery, so, yes, I'm crying profusely during this appointment, which makes me look even worst), I explain that I have been suffering from Binge Eating disorder for the past 25 years and that, yes, it's still an active issue. But I also mention that I have started therapy with a therapist specialized in eating disorders. That I understand that this is a tool, that it involves a lot of work, etc. She gives the ok, they take my 15 000$ check, give me the powders for the liquid diet and send me on my way.

    2 hours after, the clinic calls me to say that the dietician spoke with the surgeon and that BED being a new info for him, he is requesting a clearance from my psychologist to go ahead. I've seen this psy only 3 times so far.... So, basically, he is waiting for a note from a therapist that has seen me 3 times to decide if he's doing the surgery or cancelling, or postponing. I'm very upset. I am very anxious about the surgery (being put under, the breathing tube) and have been trying to get mentally ready for the surgery for the past 2 months and now it's all up in the air. After taking my deposit. After having phone calls with me and giving the go-ahead (and never asking about any disordered eating history!).

    So I will know next week what is decided. I am not mad at the dietician, she's doing her job. I am not mad at the surgeon, he's being careful . But I am mad at myself for opening up, being honest when I'm sure a lot of bariatric patients would have said nothing for the same exact reason (fear of being refused). I should have known better............ I should have just shut my mouth!

  5. I'm pre-op. Scheduled for a sleeve on sept. 12th. I have 2 daughters (11 and 13) who saw me struggle with my weight and try diverse diets all their lifes. I have never openly complained about my weight in front of them, always talking about ""health"" instead, but they are not dumb..... They are both slim/ healthy weight, but one of them barely eats and tends to eat to much sugar..... I just dont know HOW to explain what I'm about to do to my body in order to lose weight. I don't want to screw them up (more?) about weight and dieting......... My dad died of a heart attack at 46 (I'm 42) so I'm thinking of, one again, leading the explanation with the health mindset. How did you do it?

  6. Was this self-paid?? You really did dodge a bullet there! Imagine the (non-existent) after care, and lack of compasion during the whole process...

    If it was self-paid, I'm sure you can find better, just a matter of ""shopping"" around for the best fit. I'm self-paid. I had an appointment with the (at the time) #1 surgeon and did not feel a connection or geniune care despite all the good reviews and credentials. When I expressed my doubts (voiced in the fact that I felt anxious and would prefer postponing), I was told I would need to provide a psych evaluation if I ever changed my mind. Okaaayyyy.... If me being anxious over making a life changing decision is a problem for you, then I guess we are not meant to be! Now, 5 years later, I am finally ready and found the (now) #1 surgeon to do it. This one I felt comfortable with right away (on the phone) and will meet in person this week. Good luck!

  7. I don't have to do a pre-op diet. This is because of my starting BMI. Highest was 41, I am now at 39 as of this morning, and still losing prior to my surgery, hoping to be at 38-37 on surgery day (in 27 days)

    Even if they say I don't have to do it, I'm super minded to be in the best shape that I can be on surgery day, to hopefully recuperate faster. So I've started on a 1200 calories per day + 1 hour or exercice per day regimen (started 2 days ago)

    Also, I'm doing this self-pay (Canada) so the criterias are so much less than going through the insurances (I wish, but I'm not "big enough"...!)

  8. Hello!

    I'm getting sleeved on May 14th. Starting the pre-op diet today (don't need to do it, but I want to). I'm expecting to lose at least 10-15 pounds until operation day, which will put me at a BMI around 38-39.

    What can be expected as far as weigh loss goes at that BMI? (per month). I would like to know your personal experience, if you started at about that BMI (I've read the guidelines, I want the real stuff!)

    Is it realistic to think that I could lose all my excess weigh in a year (from 225 ish to 140 ish).

    I plan on being really strict with my eating


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