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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MIZ60

  1. Has anyone experienced unexplained insomnia after surgery? I am 2 1/2 months out and for the last 3-4 weeks I am only getting about 4-5 hours of sleep per night. I go to bed at the normal time and read for a few minutes until I feel sleepy but once I turn off the light I completely wake up and lay there for several hours. I sometimes get up and sit on the couch but it does not help. I still get up at 0615 so we can walk before it is too hot and do not nap during the day. Take the same magnesium supplement at bedtime that I have used for several years, no other meds except my vitamins, omeprazole and calcium, none of which I take near bedtime. Saw my Dr. on Monday for another issue---he gave me some trazodone to try which is a BIG no, made me dizzy and caused shooting pains in my feet/legs. Not taking them again. If anyone has experienced this and found help (I really hate the effects of most drugs but willing to try anything at this point) please let me know what works for you. Thanks in advance!!
  2. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Um, she started the name calling with rude and ignorant. I responded with rude, insecure and judgmental. This is not the first time she has called me names. She is a bully. Just my opinion. Not sure about the rules on a unmonitored public internet forum as long as no porn or profanity but if I need to be disciplined BRING IT... I am not on anyone's side other than standing up to a bully know-it-all. She can and will keep spewing her BS and tearing down others. People like that have no conscience or consideration for the feelings of anyone. I am really done her now but continue discussing amongst yourselves and get those reports in!!
  3. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    I am sure if you call the bariatric police or CARB LIVES MATTER they will deal with me swiftly and convincingly....lol, y'all are just too funny. Are we not out of junior high yet?
  4. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    I have nothing else to say and as such will not be responding to any further discussion. My remarks are solely based on my observations and direct experiences with Creekimp. I stand by everything I said and I am glad I said it. Glad she says she is leaving.
  5. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Not sure if there is a point here but I believe every person should love the way they look no matter what but that is not always as easy as it sounds. If you are happy with yourself and your appearance that is all that matters and you should stay right where you are. For me, weight loss is much more about health and enjoying my life than how I look. I want to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible and I am amazed this is happening to me at age 60. Creekimp13 is much more than strong opinions--she IS a bully.. She is convinced that her way is the only right way and constantly criticizes and denigrates others who do not eat like her calling them stupid names and predicting their failure. She has insulted and denigrated me and my profession while showing her self-satisfied ignorance and denigrated and insulted others on here, stating their diet caused all their health problems and saying we are all going to need a kidney transplant because we don't eat a crapload of carbs. I am not a "ketoevangelist" and have researched the difference between the various diets....one size does not fit all. Someone who used stats of a professional male bodybuilder to justify her overweight BMI is just ridiculous. I do not care what she says she weighs or what she says she eats but there is no reason to be so nasty about it. I have not encountered anyone else on here that is so dismissive and disrespectful of others. Great she has a couple of buddies to jump in here and defend her
  6. MIZ60

    Let's compare!

    11 weeks post op tomorrow and I drink regular brewed coffee 32 ounces per day (not as much as it sounds...1 Keurig pod and 16 ounces water), 6 ounces premier protein shake (in the coffee), minimum of 80 ounces plain water and 20 ounces Crystal Light or Powerade Zero per day. A few times, when I did not drink this much I noticed increased muscle fatigue in completing my daily 1.75 mile walk and a few episodes of dizziness when standing up quickly so I try to get it in every day. I also seem to retain water in my fingers if I do not drink enough. I do sweat like a racehorse during the walk and doing almost anything in this crazy heat here. I do use a straw in my Yeti cup to help me drink it faster.
  7. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Of course we have to take your word for it since you never post any sort of a progress photo....I am glad you have such a high opinion of yourself. I think you are the most rude, judgmental and insecure person I have encountered on here and you have a deep need to bully others to help you feel better. You may feel beautiful but your soul is ugly.
  8. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    And of course someone who had surgery 17 years ago, failed and then a repeat 2 years ago does not even post their statss....your opinion really means a lot. Why don't you tell YOUR story of regain and where your are now. But jump in and run your mouth. pure class. There is no high horse, I am just working hard on making the changes I need to to feel better and be healthier. I don't seek or need the approval of others but I am fed up with the bullying that occurs on this site. I come here for information and friendship only. I do not need to try to denigrate others for their choices or make others feel like they are ignorant. You want to eat a ton of carbs that is your decision. Much easier to jump on that carbage bandwagon and have a muffin with the delusional and very rude queen of crappy carbs. Most people on here do not need to tear others down with their delusional stupidity but clearly you do.
  9. Depending on your diet, you might try adding about 5G of healthy carbs per day for a week at a time until your weight stabilizes and your stop losing. If you are weight training to build muscle you can also consider eating a good quality protein bar or shake daily. Depending on your age, the sagging skin may or may not improve. You can always look into having it removed/lifted once you are at a stable weight. Many people on here have posted pictures of truly amazing results. Good luck!!
  10. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Well, this is the first time you compared yourself to a male professional bodybuilder in his 30s....you SAID you were an ape but now I am not sure. Maybe your doctor is going by the male charts for weight and body fat. Is there more to this story? BMI is reasonably accurate for most outside of professional athletes and bodybuilders. Per one of my mentors, "that number (pounds) does not follow you around but that a$$ does". You can use data from your doctor any way you want to justify staying overweight. Not my circus, not my ape.... I am the same height as you and fairly large boned and at age 46 I effortlessly kept my weight at 150-155 and always lost down to about 145 in the months before our annual ski trip to Lake Tahoe so I would feel more comfortable in skin tight ski pants. I then started gaining weight (perimenopause) overeating carbs for several year. I found Atkins at age 50 and went from 220 to 180 about 9 years ago and I still felt and looked fat. However, I decided to end a 30 year nicotine addiction thinking I was on a roll. I went OFF the low carb diet I was on and started eating the carbage you promote. Low carb did not fail, I STOPPED DOING IT. The rest is history... Eating fruit, potatoes and muffins is not going to get me where I personally want to be. Hope that continues to "work" for you.
  11. MIZ60

    unprotected sex a week before surgery??

    Really no way to know but generally with PCOS ovulation is not happening plus after getting off birth control it takes a few cycles to ovulate so chances are you are not pregnant if that is the concern. Plus, the odds of conception after 1 episode of unprotected sex are pretty low. But if you are really concerned you can postpone the surgery and take a test in a couple of weeks. T Hope it all works out for you.
  12. My hairdresser just had this done less than a month ago. She is about a large B/small C now and is happy with that. Her surgeon said she had enough breast tissue so she did not need implants. She did lose a lot of weight previously and had breastfed all 3 of her daughters.
  13. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Of course, if you set your goal at a point you are still considered overweight that makes it a bit easier to maintain. I eat plenty of carbs, just not processed crap (microwave muffins, chips, cookies, candy) or starchy carbs and very little fruit because I don't like it. I eat healthy vegetables and healthy fats at every meal as well as lean protein (chicken/fish) and I really do not feel deprived.
  14. MIZ60

    Breakfast Parfait

    A little too high in carbs and protein for 1 meal --I understand you are preop but 49 carbs is more than many people eat in a whole day. My preop diet was about 25-30 carbs per day and I really do not eat more than that almost 3 months later. Protein during preop phase for me was about 100-110G per day but quite a bit less now.
  15. Marriage is challenging enough even when you are 100% sure you are making the right choice and deeply love your partner....the purpose of an engagement (IMHO) is to continue to evaluate the relationship and and your feelings about your spouse to be. Much better to get it out there and make that decision now than go through with something your heart and head is not 100% committed to. If you are not feeling it before the wedding you are not going to be feeling it after. Many people make the mistake of getting married to fix things. Your weight loss may or may not have changed the dynamics between you and your fiancé. Only you and she really know that. Time to put the cards on the table and discuss your feelings openly. You are doing a lot to make yourself healthier (body, mind and spirit) and those changes should improve all your relationships unless they are unhealthy to start with. Before my husband and I got married almost 34 years ago we went to a series of counseling sessions with our pastor (who also had a PhD in psychology and previously worked as a therapist) that really made us look very closely at our relationship and the various dynamics and expectations. Some of it was hard but it strengthened our commitment. I called off my previous engagement/wedding 5 weeks before the date. It was terribly difficult and expensive but in retrospect it was the right decision. Best wishes to you!!
  16. MIZ60

    Dog Lovers

    This is our sweet Bella taken on her birthday last November. I swear I am not one of "those" parents...ha ha...she is so smart and such a good girl.
  17. MIZ60

    Breakfast Parfait

    Might be better to get some plain Greek yogurt (I like FAGE but there are many) and just add your own non sugar sweetener of choice (Splenda, stevia) or DaVinci syrup. Also, since the berries have natural sugar maybe you don't even need sweetener in the yogurt. Most dairy is going to have some natural sugar (lactose) but if you see sugar, corn syrup, dehydrated cane juice or anything else fishy it is best to pick something else. Not sure about why the premier protein shake is in there. 43G of protein seems a little high for 1 meal in my opinion. And 49 carbs is also a little steep. I would be starving in a couple of hours after that burned off....
  18. I only drink vodka martinis, straight tequila or Crown Royal and water in a 16 oz. glass a few times a week. Started at about 6 weeks out. Drink very slowly over at least an hour. Limit to 1-2 drinks per day. Do not feel any different than I did before surgery. My program was pretty vague and it was discussed a little at the 6 week "now you can eat real food" appointment. They mostly said proceed with caution which I did. I count the calories in my daily totals. Everyone is different and it might be "best" not to drink at all but I really don't see any negative effects and I enjoy it.
  19. MIZ60

    Doctors office error

    Most offices use an electronic medical record program that automatically shows kilos, pounds and BMI. Maybe she simply typed the kilos in wrong which generated a wrong weight In pounds. Just sort it out the next time you are there. Medications are calculated by kilos but most people want to know pounds.....back before EMRs I always carried around a small calculator but now it is all done for me....yay!!
  20. MIZ60


    I eat very much the same at this point except for rice and bread. I can't eat gluten (horrible rash called dermatitis herpetiformis) but I do bake some almond and coconut breads that are pretty good. I can take them or leave them...haven't made them since surgery. My RD @ the bariatric clinic told me it was not necessary to eat fruit or non vegetable carbs (starch and sugar) if I did not want to. She said it is actually good to avoid potatoes and rice as much as possible. I am fine with that. I do not worry about fats too much but because of the overall restriction they are about 35-40G per day. I aim for net carbs <30 and protein is about 60-70G per day. About 750-850 calories per day. Health wise, all my labs preop were perfect, my cardiac workup was perfect and the surgeon said my liver looked "perfect" at surgery. My blood pressure and heart rate were normal. My PCM even told me he had never seen a 60 year old with a BMi >45 that was in such good shape (on paper anyway) and I think that is from avoiding carbage while overdoing it on nut, cream cheese, regular cheese and those dang low carb protein (candy) bars. This is why I need the restriction.
  21. MIZ60


    No sincerity whatsoever about you....when you find it necessary to blame someone on here for their own health problems and state that the diet she and her husband follow is to blame for all her medical issues that is the lowest form of bullying and a sure sign that you need to not be here. You must be a horribly insecure person to need to build yourself up by tearing others down. That is not what people come here for.
  22. MIZ60

    I need help

    First of all, 61 pounds is like the size of an average 7-8 year old so I think that is great that you have lost that much. Think about where you might be now if you did not do the surgery AND JUST KEEP GOING. You are not a failure...a failure would be to have GAINED 61 pounds since surgery. If you have a diet plan from a nutritionist it would be best to follow that. My plan stresses protein first, then vegetables and fruits and small amounts of fats and other carbs. Three meals a day and no snacks. At least 80 ounces of calorie free liquids a day. Other plans are different but they all work. Log all your food and figure out where you need to be for consistent losses. Exercise can vary depending on what you like. I walk with my husband and dog about 1 3/4 miles every morning at a park next to our house. I also do some free weights for arms/shoulders/back. I love Tae-Bo and will be getting the discs out when I am a little further along. I have friends that run, bike, swim or go to group classes like Zumba or Jazzercise which would be fun for someone your age. Just try to do something daily, work up to 60 minutes most days of the week. Put on your favorite music and dance until you work up a good sweat might be a start. Spend time on here and find some people you can relate to and just jump in. Try to post at least one positive thing about yourself daily and encourage others. This is a very supportive and fun community.
  23. MIZ60

    Giving up protein shakes

    Yes, at the last time I saw the NUT (6 weeks post op) she said that the protein shakes are no longer recommended because they slide right through the pouch and don't keep you feeling satisfied for very long. I asked her about using them in coffee and she said that was fine. I just hate those powdered creamer things and this makes my coffee feel so decadent... 160 Grams of protein?? That is a lot of chicken
  24. MIZ60

    Giving up protein shakes

    Only about 2 1/2 months but I do not plan to stop using them for that. I have not drank one in at least 6 weeks.
  25. MIZ60

    Giving up protein shakes

    I like using the shakes as an alternative to the half and half and DaVinci sugar free syrup I was using for my coffee before surgery. . I put about 3 ounces of shake to 16 ounces of coffee in my 20 oz. Yeti. I just keep the opened shake container in the fridge until I use it all so no tossing out. It adds about 15G protein to my macros which is fine since my protein portions are still fairly small. I am usually about 70-80G protein per day total.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
