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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MIZ60

  1. MIZ60

    I hate protein shakes

    HaHa!! I guess the new math messed me up.....
  2. The first 48 hours was pretty difficult for me too. Gas pains and some weird spasms in my chest wall muscles as well as soreness and just generally feeling tired and upset. Got Tylenol with Codeine (liquid) and Zofran (dissolves on tongue) for pain and nausea which helped. They gave me a one ounce plastic cup and I had to drink every 20 minutes. My husband took it upon himself to keep filling it up and writing it down as I drank it...such a pest about it. I did get up and walk a few times....felt a little dizzy so I had a walker which made me feel old. Once I got home it was better and by the 3rd day I felt pretty good. Hang in there!! I survived and you will too!!
  3. MIZ60

    I hate protein shakes

    Well the Premier Protein ones (IMO) are sweet but no aftertaste or grittiness that I am aware of. I did thin them out with decaf or hot water which was a little better but I was so glad after 2 weeks that I could do pureed and mostly get rid of them (still use about 6 ounces vanilla in my morning coffee instead of creamer). You are almost 2 weeks post op so hopefully you can see the light at the end of the tunnel...lol
  4. My PCM sent a referral to the bariatric program (same organization....Baylor Scott and White is huge) and the staff there contacted my insurance and determined they would cover the surgery. At that point, I got an appointment with the surgeon and then received my book with all my instructions for the various appointments needed preop. Since there was no requirement for supervised weight loss I just went to the various appointments (7 total I think) and the day after the last one they called me with a surgery date. Took less than 4 months.
  5. MIZ60

    Scared by doc will say no

    When I asked my PCM for the referral he was surprised but readily agreed to do It saying I met all the criteria for getting evaluated for bariatric surgery. It took him about 3 minutes to put it in his computer. It is really up to the surgeon to determine if you are a safe surgical risk and appropriate candidate. Good luck to you!!
  6. That seems a little low to me actually but hopefully you are drinking other stuff that counts as water. As long as you are not dizzy or lightheaded when you stand up and your urine is a pale yellow you should be fine.
  7. MIZ60

    Possible I've Lost Too Much?

    I think you look just fine. I weighed right about that much when I was 26 and felt healthy--I was a critical care nurse working 12 hour shifts and never had weight worries. . However, if you are feeling weak and dehydrated drinking water throughout the day is a pretty easy fix.
  8. MIZ60

    My NSV

    I love it!! Congratulations!!
  9. MIZ60

    I miss straws!

    I have used straws since the day I got home from the hospital and have no gas problems or other issues. I would assume that the theory is that you swallow too much air with a straw?? Maybe when I was a kid.....
  10. Ditto on the small sips at a time ALL DAY LONG. I even keep a small glass of water on my nightstand and may have a sip or two if I wake up. I also diluted the Premier shakes with decaf or hot water which makes them much easier to take---it still took me at least an hour to get one down. I now have about 1/2 of one in my morning coffee since I refuse to use powdered creamer. Jello, sugar free popsicles, Powerade Zero and Crystal Light also can count as water intake. First pureed foods I tried were baked chicken breast, steamed cauliflower and cottage cheese. Baked the chicken in broth and seasoning and then added broth, plain greek yogurt, and Duke's mayo to the food processer bowl until it came out like a moist paste. Too dry does not work. Steamed cauliflower for about 12 minutes until really soft then added some "lite butter" and Montreal Steak seasoning and this is like garlic mashed potatoes. I have also tried baked salmon (yum), canned tuna (meh), green beans (meh). Baking up some cod fillets right now. These foods worked great for me, I still have 10 days on pureed to go. At first I only put a tablespoon on the plate and have increased slowly to about 1/4 to 1/3 cup per meal. I take very small bites, savor them and swallow. No idea why but my program says no baby food, no soups.
  11. MIZ60

    Do tired of vomiting

    So glad to read that you are getting better!!
  12. MIZ60

    Bariatric to Cosmetics

    I have no idea what your ultimate goal weight is but those I know who have had some of the procedures you mention have been at their goal weight for at least 1 year prior to cosmetic surgery. This is likely to help avoid having to have things redone if you lose a significant amount of weight after having your cosmetic procedures. It might be best for you to concentrate on reaching your weight loss goals after your revision surgery, commit to exercise and see where you are in a year. I am planning cosmetic surgery (face/neck lift) once I am at my goal but as much as I want it I only want to go through it once. It is expensive!!
  13. Well, tomorrow is the annual family reunion (husbands' family) in beautiful downtown Granite Shoals, TX. I first attended 35 years ago when my husband and I were dating so I have known many of these people for a long time and love them dearly. There is always tons of good food, none of which is allowed on my current pureed regimen. I am taking some stuff with me in a small cooler to eat in the truck before we get there and on the way home but I am not going to whip out my little bowl of pureed chicken in public. No one there knows anything about me having this surgery and I really prefer not to discuss it or have to explain it multiple times. I know there will be questions about why I am not eating and people always wanting me to try something they brought. Not to mention offering me a beer or some wine. I plan to just say I am trying to lose weight and only eating certain foods and I hope that is enough. I am only about 10 lbs. below my weight last year and have not seen any of them since then. Wish me luck!!!
  14. MIZ60

    Fat kid struggles

    Two weeks on liquids followed by 4 weeks on pureed. It is going fine but I here you on the real food.
  15. MIZ60

    Fried Chicken

    I subscribe to the theory that there is a reasonable portion of anything. While I am not a fan of fried or breaded anything (except pickles from Pluckers---yum) I do not think trying it will hurt you. Just monitor your response (cravings, increased hunger) and decide for yourself. No it is not the healthiest option or something you should eat on the daily.
  16. MIZ60

    Can you see the difference?

    I can see a definite difference in your tummy and hips!! Keep up the good work!!
  17. MIZ60

    Don't pray for me

    Well maybe if you know people well enough to discuss something as personal as weight loss surgery with them they should be close enough to you to be aware that you are atheist. I do not discuss my medical history with casual acquaintances and have only told a select group of about 10-15 people anything about my WLS. I would never mention it on any social media sites I frequent. I do have friends that are atheist and I have no problem accepting their beliefs which are different from mine and I agree that it would be insensitive to say I would pray for them.
  18. MIZ60

    Do tired of vomiting

    This is beyond unacceptable.....you are literally starving and all that vomiting is bad for your electrolyte balance. If your surgeon is part of a group then SOMEONE is responsible for covering for his patients while he is unavailable and needs to figure out what is going on with you. When I was in a group practice, we always took calls and covered for whomever was out. It is just a basic standard of care. I would recommend you stop the phone calls and just show up at the office and ask that someone help you. Try to be as calm and nice as possible but do not let them just blow you off. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon.
  19. MIZ60

    Phase 2 post op

    The programs are all so different that it really depends on the preferences of your surgeon/team. I received a whole bound book covering what is and is not allowed. My program requires protein shakes, clear liquids and greek yogurt for the first two weeks, advancing to pureed foods after that for the next 4 weeks.. On purees, I can have chicken, fish, beans, tofu, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, some cooked veggies and fruits well as the clear liquids stuff. They want 4-5 meals per day consisting of no more than 1/4 cup of the above. I also have 1-2 protein shakes to meet protein goals. Unlike many on here eggs, oatmeal and avocados are not allowed. I go back in 2 weeks and then start solid foods. I am a little worried about the proteins because the pureed ones are a bit hard to get down without adding liquid (broth, yogurt, mayo) to the food processer. I did some pureed baked salmon yesterday that was great!! Good luck!!
  20. You look amazing!! Congratulations!! Those shorts must be hiding 10 pounds of skin because you look toned and thin.
  21. Sadly, my program does not allow any of those on the pureed portion of the diet. I honestly just asked my husband to get me the deviled eggs and did not even go and look at the food. It smelled divine though...
  22. Happy to report that the day went fine(except for being hot out there) and I got through the whole thing with water, powerade zero and 2 jalapeno deviled eggs.
  23. I will be staying far, far, FAR away from the dessert table.....
  24. I am 3 weeks and 2 days post op and I do not have a single regret and like many others wished I would have done this sooner. The last 2 years of my life have the worst in terms of feeling like crap, wheezing and shortness of breath and severe lower back pain. Not going to sugar coat it, the first 3 days after surgery were tough but if you do exactly what you are told things get better quickly. I now feel great!! Off ALL of my asthma medications (2 daily inhaled meds and 1 pill as well as a rescue inhaler), no back pain whatsoever, able to walk a brisk mile every morning and feeling so good It is honestly hard for me to believe. I am very lucky to have a wonderful husband and great friends cheering me on. I am enjoying my pureed food (3 more weeks) and am already planning my diet once solid foods are allowed.
  25. MIZ60

    One month Sleeve-ssary!

    Good for you!! Keep up the excellent work!!

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