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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MIZ60

  1. I did not start the decaf until post op and then went back to regular coffee at 2 weeks post op after clearing it with the nutritionist and PA. The nutritionist said that the diuretic effect of caffeine is the main reason for it since all coffee has acids that bother some people. My husband had to give up coffee several years ago due to GERD but he drinks a variety of hot teas (with caffeine) with honey and has absolutely no problem---he still misses the coffee though. I would question your team about it.
  2. MIZ60

    Best Sugar Substitues

    I find swerve is really good in recipes and sucralose liquid is good in beverages. Have some liquid stevia also but I never use it....so far since preop diet I have not used any at all other than what is in PP shakes, crystal light and Powerade Zero. For me, if I start baking or making sweet things that is a very slippery slope that I have cannonballed down before.
  3. I met my husband when I was 22 but we did not start dating until I was 25. At that time, I weighed 125-130. He was a former model and absolutely gorgeous. We were wildly attracted to each other. We married in 1984 when I was 26 and always had an active lifestyle (sailing, water and snow skiing, tennis). I never had weight problems and we had a great relationship. In my late 40s I begin to gain weight even though there were no changes in my diet or activity level. I had multiple appts. with my doctor to do testing (thyroid, cortisol)---all normal. I gradually got up to 220 which was unbelievable to me. At age 50 I started Atkins and lost 40 pounds in about 7 months. At age 51 I quit smoking after 33 years. Over the next few years my weight really shot up and my asthma got worse. I then, in 2014, was involved in a horrible car accident and sat in my house recovering from surgery and injuries for 4 months and then forced myself to return to work but I was unhealthy, obese and miserable. I hit my all time high weight of 290 pounds in November 2017. I had gained 165 pounds since we met... Through all of this, he was and is my biggest supporter. Our relationship has suffered in every way because I was depressed, sick and felt so bad about myself. He has never gone a day without telling me that I am beautiful and he loves me. He has always said that the only thing that bothers him about my weight is that it makes me down on myself and limits/changes what activities we can do together. I do not believe this 100% but that is the type of man he is. We especially miss being able to take trips on the Harley, which we dearly love. Hopefully back to it soon. He is thrilled with where I am at now, even though there is still a ways to go. I know our commitment is forever.
  4. I get one from dixiediner.com in Tomball that is great... made mostly from nuts and fiber (1 net carb per serving) called Graham Cracker Style Pie Crust Mix. I make regular Cheesecake from my mom's recipe and just sub Splenda for the sugar. It has been my holiday/special occasion go to for a long time.
  5. That is pretty impressive for 2 weeks post op....I was on purees until 6 weeks and I do not think I could have gotten that down. For some bizarre reason, eggs or eggbeaters was not allowed until 6 weeks post op for me. I am always amazed at the different recommendations people get. I agree, the speed at which you get full is pretty amazing.
  6. MIZ60

    Hair Loss

    once again, I think we are married to the same person...lol
  7. Pre and Post...I eat the same omelette just 1/2. Three eggs, two slices cooked uncured bacon, fresh organic spinach and baby bella mushrooms, a sprinkle of shredded cheese cooked in about 1 teaspoon butter. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. MIZ60

    Last minute jitters

    Well the hair loss is said to be temporary and there are ways to make it less noticeable until it starts growing back. Loose skin is a problem for many but your age, heredity and weight history contributes to how much you wind up with. Just like some people have flat tummies and no stretch marks after multiple kids and others don't. It can be removed once you stabilize your weight at your goal. Plenty of before and after pictures elsewhere on here showing amazing results. Wearing stuff like shapewear can also camouflage loose skin and make you look better in clothes. I think these worries are common for many but certainly not a reason not to lose weight or have the surgery. My guess is that a year from now you will be very happy with your results. Good luck!!
  9. Good for you....the first couple of days are rough for many of us. Hope you keep your enthusiasm and positive attitude because that helps a lot. Good luck!!
  10. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    MIZ... just let it go, people have moved on. It’s enough and it’s uncomfortable for everyone. Thanks. I have let it go....it is people like you that keep massaging it. If you are uncomfortable then find something else to read--that would be the mature, adult thing to do. I do it all the time.
  11. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    ---NOOOOOO!!!!! Not that!!!!!! That is really hysterically funny to me.....sort of like tattling to the teacher. Hope it works out for you
  12. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    And this is your business why? Do you own Bariatric Pal? Bariatric Police? No one is holding a gun to your head making you read anything on here if you don't like it or if it bothers you. Next....
  13. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Well you would need to check with the bartender but I think it is 1 1/2 ounces of crown and 14 1/2 ounces of ice and water. Do you want his phone number since you are so interested?
  14. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Educating patients and discussing health issues INCLUDING OBESITY is well within the scope of practice for a registered nurse. That is a huge part of nursing education, teaching people how to take better care of themselves and helping them access assistance. You obviously don't know what you are talking about but that never stops you from showing your ignorance. I have a history of 28 years doing a job I love in a wonderful profession...I only have issues with self absorbed, condescending people. I don't need any luck....I have a wonderful life already, just need to lose some weight to feel better and be more active. It is going very well for me I have a feeling you are going to be right back in those size 22s before long ---better double up on those potatoes and increase the fruit to 1 1/2 tons. Best of luck to you too!!
  15. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Absolutely, especially since all the patients I provide care for are children you ignorant $#*
  16. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Please site the reference for this study. Also, what specific blood levels for former diabetics are made unsafe by ketosis.
  17. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Of course you did not even deign to read the response I wrote because you already know more about my profession for the last 38 years than I do. Typical ignorance and arrogance. In your small mind the nurse just stands around waiting for the doctor to tell them what to do and has no more than rudimentary training. Nope, that is not derogatory or disrespectful at all.....does not surprise me that you can not see it.
  18. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Not sure about Michigan but the places I have practiced (Texas and Nevada) in for the past 28 years are NOT like this. I am credentialed and empaneled with insurance companies as a nurse practitioner and assigned to patients as their primary care manager. I worked for several years on a military installation and was the only pediatric person in our area so there was no one supervising me. There is a collaborating relationship between a NP and a doctor that is pretty vague. Many states do not even require that. The Texas Board of Medicine dropped the requirement years ago that a doctor had to register the NPS that had a collaborative relationship with them. I provide whatever level of care the patient needs, including ordering tests, treatments and medications and referring patients to specialists or other facilities as needed. A few situations (usually the school system or preop physical for sedation) require a physician signature on paper work and guess what, I have a signature stamp in my drawer for that. I have stabilized very ill children while waiting for an ambulance when none of the doctors was even in the building. Say I have a child sick with the flu who also happens to have lupus. I call the pediatric rheumatologist to discuss with them the management of the child in terms of medications and labs. The only time one of the MDs in the office gets involved is if I want to discuss it with them. I have never been told that a referral had to come from one of the doctors I work with by an insurance company or a specialists' office. What you are describing may still exist in some backwoods places but NPs are consistently found to be as good and often better at primary care than physicians, in terms of patient satisfaction and outcomes. Okay, stepping off my soapbox. Given that it doesn't exist, I'm quite curious!
  19. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    They should become a doctor, first. As a nurse, you are not typically in a position to comment on patient's weight. Like any other health condition....Doctors should present factual information about the health risks of obesity and offer treatment advice, lifestyle advice, and referrals
  20. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    It is right there on your profile area---easy peasy. I just looked at your profile and see that you are a nurse too. I am actually a nurse practitioner. Creek made some derogatory remarks about nurses and nurse practitioners on a previous thread....check it out. Oh and it is you, your or you're---in case you don't understand basic grammar and punctuation.
  21. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Creek referred to herself as an ape in a previous thread....you missed it. But go ahead and chime in there....if you haven't had surgery is regain really a concern for you? Or did you just see a chance to jump on the bandwagon and trash talk someone?
  22. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    oh, okay, I just did not quite get the grammer….maybe we done changed the subject?
  23. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    Thanks for you one and only post on the thread....lol...you obviously have a lot to contribute.
  24. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    whatever that means....
  25. MIZ60

    The regain posts

    So now we are up to bully, racist and privileged....but for sure, don't call anybody names. Somebody needs a blankie and a safe place..Maybe that is a new topic idea...

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