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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by photogirl70

  1. Confession time! I'm slow slow slow because I've been off track and eating garbage since Christmas. Company just left so I'm working to get back on track with eating but them my son made brownies. Uggg! I was at 183 this morning so I'm down a few pounds in the last month. My HW was 250.

    My surgeon encouraged me to give her six more months. I'm going to start back logging my food today! I've seen that how I've been eating will be great for maintaining my weight once I hit my goal but I need to focus on getting rid of about 40-45 more lbs.

  2. 58 minutes ago, nibble said:

    I'm in the same boat. I have to review some of my habits after getting this in my inbox -- https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/8-bad-habits-that-kill-your-metabolism/?utm_source=mfp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MFP_Extra_Popular_20190130&os_ehash=55@sfmc:132886233. Also read that habits can take a long time to cement, depending on the person, the habit, and the motivation. We should allow at least 66 days. Or more. Every day I have to ask myself Can you live with this _____ (insert action, meal, routine, etc) and be happy/content with it for the rest of your life?

    The Hair loss seems to have slowed a bit. I take Biotin and L-lysine to combat that. And I am having a treadmill delivered next week. Exercise is a challenge here in the land of snow and ice, and fitness centers are an hour's drive away. I'm looking forward to incorporating walking into my daily routine and hope that will also make a difference on the scale.

    Thanks for sharing that post. I have never been a big Breakfast eater. My doc doesn't seem to think it's a big deal though. I for sure sit too much as I'm in front of the computer much of the day. I need to work on getting up more. I am actually pretty happy with my sleep for once and most days I get 64 oz of Water but it is an ongoing struggle.

    As far as exercise and strength training, I started to a beachbody program called lifft4 and I love it. I've only been doing it for the last 4 weeks. It's 4 days a week and it's not too long. It focuses on starting with weight training and includes core work and HIIT. (If you poke around, you can find somewhere to download it.) If you are looking for something else, there are some good Leslie Sansone walk at home programs on youtube. That helps when it's bad weather outside or you don't want to go to the gym. I prefer to exercise at home.

  3. 4 hours ago, Leanbean said:

    How are all July Sleevers doing? All of us have hit the 6 month mark by now.......I’m a bit concerned about my 3-4 week plateau. Been playing with the same 4 lbs since Christmas 😞 Just saw my md today and told to lay off carbs, increase Water and exercise. Ugh! I know this but just discouraged by the “standstill” I’m down about 62lbs in 6 months, which I never thought would be possible....just need to stick with it!!! Hope everyone is doing well!

    Today was my 6 month mark. I'm down 60 lbs and my doc was very pleased. My bloodwork looked great except LDL was a tiny bit high and my B12 was too high. She also told me to lay off the carbs and stick it out for 6 more months to get to my goal weight (about 45 more lbs).

  4. On 1/12/2019 at 10:46 PM, photogirl70 said:

    Checking in. It was a bit rough from Thanksgiving until just after the New Year and I didn't make the best food choices but for the most part I'm back on track now. I'm down from my highest weight of 250 to 188 as of this morning. I had not been consistent with exercise but this week I started a new program LIIFT4 by beachbody. I like that it has rest days and I'm finished with the first week and I love this type of interval training workout. They are 30-40 minutes each.

    I know we go out to eat entirely too much but the fact is, I really can't eat much in one sitting. I try to focus on Protein. I get snacky at night (well, something in the day too). I'm bad about grabbing a few Ritz cracker and need to cut that out LOL

    I'll go at the end of Jan for my 6 month follow up. They will have my blood results then. I had 18 different test run this week.

    Oh, my hair - for sure thinned and still coming out a bit. I hope that it will start thickening back up soon.

    That was my post on Jan. 12. Since then, I'm stuck at between 191 and 189. I am beginning week 3 of my workout and am for the most part back on track with eating but the scale is not budging. This makes me so sad! I'm going to start back tracking my food today. I had stopped writing it down and thought I was doing a good job on guesstimating.

  5. Checking in. It was a bit rough from Thanksgiving until just after the New Year and I didn't make the best food choices but for the most part I'm back on track now. I'm down from my highest weight of 250 to 188 as of this morning. I had not been consistent with exercise but this week I started a new program LIIFT4 by beachbody. I like that it has rest days and I'm finished with the first week and I love this type of interval training workout. They are 30-40 minutes each.

    I know we go out to eat entirely too much but the fact is, I really can't eat much in one sitting. I try to focus on Protein. I get snacky at night (well, something in the day too). I'm bad about grabbing a few Ritz cracker and need to cut that out LOL

    I'll go at the end of Jan for my 6 month follow up. They will have my blood results then. I had 18 different test run this week.

    Oh, my hair - for sure thinned and still coming out a bit. I hope that it will start thickening back up soon.

  6. I was sleeved on 7/31 and it seems I am currently in a stall at 197. When I went for my 3 month follow up on 10/31, I was 205. I have to say that only 8 lbs in 1 month is disappointing :( But, I know the reality is that it's not really bad at all. I made it though a week long trip to Houston and a week of Thanksgiving with family. I thought Once I made it though the 3rd month and my hair didn't start noticeably falling out then I would be okay. I did notice that it was thinner though. It seems though that my hair gave me an extra month and now it's really been coming out over the last week.

    I really wanted to get on track with exercise between now and Christmas but I only got 2 days in last week. I am under an insane amount of stress right now learning that my husband may be unfairly forced out of his job. He is our only income. I'm really trying hard to stay on the path and keep my eating in check. I want to drop around 50 more lbs before summer.

  7. Just checking in here since I'm summer 2018. I'm coming up on 4 months and weight loss is seeming slow but I've lost 53 lbs from my HW. I made it though a week long trip to Houston and Thanksgiving week with family in town. Some of the leftovers and Snacks from TG have been tough. I gave in and had a few bites of pumpkin roll. I don't even like pumpkin but I LOVE cream cheese frosting! The crackers is another thing that I've got to watch out for. I find myself grabbing a couple here and there to snack on. I really need to get back on track with my food and logging everything. On my trip to Houston, the week before TG, I went out to lunch and dinner every day. I really made good choices but gave in a little with some tortilla chips and a little bread. When I got home, I was happy to see that I actually dropped to below 200. It was so nice getting on the scale and seeing <200 for once. I've got to get busy with exercise. Y'all, I just hate it. I have got to force myself to get up and do something. I know I can do it because I've done it in the past. I told myself that between TG and Christmas I would, starting today (Monday) get up and exercise. Well, I got up and put on my exercise clothes but I haven't popped in the DVD yet. I'm going to do it though, I really am! I know if I would do it then I would see even more progress. Things have seemed so slow. At least I am glad that when I eat a meal I can't eat too much and I feel full. It's the between meals that is starting to worry me though.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Happy Sleever said:

    Great! That has been my problem all my life. I would “mess” up one day and spend the next three months punishing myself gaining more weight. My roommate size 4, body fat 11. She pigs out like no one business but the next day she is back to normal. That is something I’ve never had but that is the difference between her and me. Having this surgery has taken the hunger away thank goodness. I love how we can all share on Here. I’m surrounded by in shape people so of course they can’t even imagine what I’m going thru nor would I care to share lol.

    I can totally relate to that! I've noticed some new changes in me since having surgery (7/31), in the last couple of weeks I've noticed that I don't want to overeat. I did once and almost but didn't get sick. It was not a good feeling and I didn't overeat on purpose. I've also noticed that food doesn't give me the same level of satisfaction as it has in the past. In a way, that's sad...hahaha. But really, I'm happy about that. I still get this head hunger sometimes and just want snacky stuff. I have to figure a way to deal with that but I do allow myself a handful of nuts or a few oatsquares.

  9. 10 hours ago, Happy Sleever said:

    You enjoyed your holiday and did fantastic! How are you feeling today? Are you craving anything? Congrats for not going berserk. Holidays were always tough of me so I’m glad I just had the surgery lol

    Good question! Despite having some sweets (probably 1/4 cup of gelato, 1 bite of creme brulee, and a small taste of the topping from a pumpkin roll yesterday, today I was able to get back on track and have not had any sugar cravings. I also don't feel gross and was please to see the scale this morning. I know weight loss and gain doesn't happen in a liner fashion but it was nice to see that I lost a few ounces. I'm hoping that the scale will show the same or less tomorrow. I'm about 1/2 way to my goal!

  10. Well, I celebrated Thanksgiving with my extended family. We ate lunch at a buffet and I had some prime rib and a bite or two of salmon, a little bit of creamed spinach, and a few candied sweet potatoes. I ended with a little dab of pistachio and Cappuccino gelato. This is not how I've been eating and it was nice to have a little treat and also to not over do it. Honestly, while some may say this was not a good idea, I say I was successful.

    We hosted a snack dinner at our house and I ate a little bit of smoked salmon, 1 chicken meatball on 1/2 of a King's Hawaiian roll, a little bit of brie cheese and three crackers. I also had three tortilla chips with some spinach artichoke dip.

    I skipped the sweets and pies we had tonight and will push the left overs on my husband and kids until it is all out of the house LOL

    I didn't write anything down today but I also know I ate more carbs and fat than I normally eat and probably a little less Protein. I did not eat to the point of feeling sick and I've had that happen to me once last week. I didn't get sick but I sure knew I had eaten too much and almost got sick. I didn't not want to experience that again so I was careful today with the amount I ate at each meal. I will get back on track tomorrow.

  11. It's crazy. There are many doctors that won't prescribe opioids dues to abuse potential. IMHO, it's cruel to not provide ADEQUATE pain management when there is medication available (opioids) to help. There are some studies out that claim that tylenol is as effective as (or better than) opioids in chronic pain management. Having surgery is not chronic pain.

    I did not even think to ask my doctor about what medication they prescribe after surgery but I would encourage anyone having surgery to ask and I sure will if I ever have any future procedures.

  12. 4 hours ago, UIHCPNA said:

    Scott & Photogirl- Whose Eligible for the fast track program? How long did it take to get in for the surgery after your initial visit on the phone? Any other testing I am I need to have done that would be out of pocket? Does it include hospital and or hotel stay?

    Scott may be better to answer but check the link I posted. It has more info. It does say the hotel is included and so is ground transportation. Everything is done in 5 days. It also says No Referrals, Clearances, or Pre-Surgery Testing Required Prior to Your Arrival

  13. 5 hours ago, insta_adventurer said:

    Just had my 3 month (actually 3.5 month kinda) and I hit the 30% lost goal since surgery! Actually at 31%! Cleared for veggies and had chicken and broccoli for dinner and it was amazing!!!

    Congrats! I had my my 3 month follow up with my NUT today. He was very pleased with my progress and said to keep doing what I'm doing and stay around 800 calories and he said go with 80g of Protein or more and keep my carbs around 39 and fat around 36. He said if I go up on fat then to go down on carbs and that it's okay to switch those around. It's not an exact number to aim for but a ballpark. We talked about various foods and he basically said sugar is the devil. I'm close to 50 lbs down and he said to expect about the same in the next 3-4 months. He said to increase my consistency with exercise which, of course, I already know. 😪

  14. I was sleeved on 7/31 and have had a few ups and downs but things have been going okay in recent weeks. Sadly, I've not been exercising as much as I should but I do plan on putting in more effort in that area.

    Tomorrow, I go for my 3 month appointment with my NUT. I'm down 41 lbs since my surgery date and a total of 48 lbs since my highest. For whatever reason, I'm nervous about tomorrow. I guess that's just my anxiety talking.

  15. Usually when I go out to eat, I focus on Protein heavy dishes like fajitas or sashimi. When I do order sushi, I ask for "easy rice" and I usually end up picking off most of the rice. Usually sushi with crab will be using imitation crab and it's higher in carbs so I usually stick with salmon. I've gone out for gyros and was able to order meat only.

    We went out for Ethiopian food last night and I ordered a meat dish that was prepared with onions. I also had just a few lentils and some ground chickpeas but not much.

    If I know where I'm going ahead of time, I try to look over the nutritional info ahead of time.

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