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The Preacher

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by The Preacher

  1. [mention=338304]The Preacher[/mention]
    As me and OP have commented, 8 oz might be too much
    measure, put food on small plate - that makes you and your head feel like
    you know you have eaten enough. Head games play a big part in your/our journey
    the expression i hear and like, "Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should"
    good luck dude (is it ok that i call a preacher a dude? [emoji57]

    I do use a small 6.5" plate, I'm eating about 1,000 calories per day, that's what my nutritionist told me to eat. I do notice some food's I can't eat 8oz. Things like chicken or stack. Things like ground beef, it seems like I can eat more.

    I'm getting all my Protein and liquids in everyday with no problems at all.

    As for as the dude thing, it has more than one meaning, one means city slicker, that I'm not, I was born and raised in the country. The other means a man, and that I am, now days there may be other meanings that I don't know of, but if you want to call me a dude that's ok with me.[emoji106]

    Sent from my SM-J727VPP using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Are you eating the dense Protein first? If so, 8 ounces sounds high. If you're eating other things before the Protein, like sliders, your capacity is almost unlimited.
    I eat my Proteins first, for an example today I had a four and a half ounce meatball which I chewed very well, after that I had three and a half ounces of green Beans.< br>
    Sent from my SM-J727VPP using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Hi everyone, it's been eight weeks today since I had surgery. I've been reading the forums but I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had much of a chance to make any post.

    I'm so thankful that I decided to have this surgery, I've had absolutely no complications at all, no pain no nausea nothing at all.

    I have been able to get between 80 and 90 g of Protein every day, and anywhere from 68 to 75 ounces of liquids everyday, I'm maintaining approximately 1,000 cal a day.

    I have lost a considerable amount of weight, I've went from a 4XL shirt to a XL and from a size 56 to a size 38 in pants.

    I have truly been blessed!

  4. I started on phase 3 on 9/5/18 which is the pureed phase.
    Yesterday I had scrambled eggs with a little Mayonnaise and a Protein Drink for Breakfast, for lunch one Protein Shake, and for a snack a popsicle and a small thing of sugar free pudding, and for dinner I had 3 oz of tilapia with a homemade dill sauce and pureed cauliflower mixed with almond milk and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and a Protein drink for a snack.< br>This morning I had a scrambled egg with a little bit of light Mayonnaise and a Protein Drink.< br>Everything that I ate went down very well and most importantly it stayed down, I'm very thankful that I'm doing so well, I go back to the doctor on Monday for a follow-up.
    Sent from my SM-J727VPP using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I'm 10 days post-op and feeling great, I haven't taken any pain pills in these 10 days.

    I'm drinking 3 Premier Protein shakes per day, 1 cup of cream of chicken or cream of mushroom Soup strained, two sugar-free popsicles, 1/3 cup sugar free pudding and Water. On average I'm consuming about 83 ounces of liquid.

    The doctor and the nutritionist said I am doing exceptionally well, I feel very blessed!

  6. On 9/25/2018 at 1:45 PM, Matt Z said:

    Yup. Invasive surgery where gasses are pumped into your abdominal cavity to inflate it will do that LOL. Use your Incentive Spirometer every hour to help reduce the gasses. The rest of the swelling will subside as you heal.

    It's a shame they didn't use helium gas, that way I would have weighed less when I got on the scales.< img alt=":D" data-emoticon="" height="20" src="https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png" srcset="https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=":D" width="20" />

  7. 4 hours ago, Matt Z said:

    I'm all for allowing folks their faith, but downplaying or taking credit away from the wonderful work performed by your surgeon and team does them a disservice.

    Congrats on a smooth surgery, I hope your recovery is equally as smooth.

    Not the case here, my surgeon and his team feel exactly the same way as I do.

  8. Hi everyone, I had my sleeve surgery on Tuesday the 18th, I stayed overnight and went home the next day, everything went terrific.

    The doctor said that my surgery went very very well, he said the pre-op diet had shrunken my liver to normal size, which made things go very well.

    I also had a hernia repair along with the sleeve, when I went to my room after recovery I set in a chair for about two hours, then I got up and walked two loops around the nurses station which is quite a distance.

    The only pain I had was in recovery from the gas, they put some pain medicine in the IV and within no time the pain stopped. To be honest, I have had no nausea or vomiting and very little to no pain at all, even in the seven incisions, just a little tender when I touch them.

    I will give you some very good advice concerning the gas pain, walk walk walk and walk some more!

    The surgeon that I chose is very good at this procedure, he performs roughly 8 gastric sleeve surgeries per week, in fact he is the one responsible for getting the bariatric weight loss and surgery Center started there at the hospital several years ago. At this point, other than being careful how I have to swallow liquids, it's almost as if I didn't have anything done.

    Although the doctor is very good at what he does, I give all the credit to the Lord for keeping His mighty and merciful hand upon me, He means everything to me.

    The Preacher

  9. I stated previously that this post has become the devil's playground, as for myself I refuse to be one of the players in Satan's game.

    I'm sure that a couple of you here will be glad to hear that I am pulling out of coach Satan's ballgame.

    I do apologize to those that the post benefited, I will continue to pray for you. The Bible says come out from among them and be as separate saith the Lord.

    It also says, don't cast your pearls before swine.

    In other words, don't waste your time with those that have hardened their hearts to the truth and will not listen, because there are so many others that's willing to accept the truth and except the Pearl of great Price, that is Jesus Christ the son of the living God!

    For those of you who fight against the truth, I will pray an old time Holy Ghost conviction up on you, then maybe you'll take heed and accept it before it's too late.

    Don't deceive yourself's, whether you believe it or not, one day you will bow before Almighty God in judgment.

    Romans 14:11 (KJV)

    For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

    There is only one True And Living God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For those of you who are true believers and have been born again of the spirit of God, I will see you in heaven one day, considering the shape this worlds in, according to the word of God, it won't be very much longer.

    The Preacher !

  10. 2 hours ago, ShimmyShade said:

    This thread was cool until people decided to act like a victim because their thread was moved to the correct location.

    It was not meant to be cool, it was meant to help people with needs.

    You say it was moved to the correct location, I completely disagree with you on that.

    The place it was originally posted was helping so many people, and left alone it would have continued to help many more.

    But here, it has become the devil's playground, a place for bickering, and strife. Certainly not what God had intended.

    It's been argued by some that it had no relevancy to weight loss but that's not true at all. It was completely centered on the subject, the fact that people stated in their prayer request that they was having weight loss surgery or had been through weight loss surgery and needed help should prove that it was related to the issue of weight loss.

    So you think instead of being posted in one of the weight loss sections of this forum where it was doing what was intended to, that is helping people! That it's much better here where it's not relative to anything.

    A place were it says, This forum is for general conversation, sharing interests, having a laugh or discussing anything not specifically related to Weight Loss Surgery surgery.

    I don't think helping someone in a time of need through prayer is something to laugh about. Try telling the people that asked for help that it didn't apply to weight loss, then maybe you'll get the laugh you're looking for.

    The Preacher

  11. 2 hours ago, sideeye said:

    I would genuinely hope that any God is not concerning themselves with judging the rezoning of message board threads. Also, do you not get that saying something like that to an avowed atheist comes across as just weird and unfriendly? Or is this just the internet evangelist version of a southern "bless your heart"?

    Look, I was asked a question on this site, and the question was are you a real preacher? And when I answered the question and stated my beliefs, I was told by someone on this site that they did not believe in these fairytales.

    I did not call anyone an atheist, I said that some say they are atheist, and like I said no doubt some are truthful about it. And what I said concerning them I will not withdrawal one word, I will continue to stand on God's word concerning such matters no matter how much you try to persecute me or the God that I serve.

    You know what I think is very ironic? I think that it's very ironic that people who don't believe in the God that I believe in fight so hard against someone they don't believe in.

    Why are you so afraid and fight so hard against Him if you don't even believe He exist? you can't deny this or you wouldn't keep coming back here with the comments that you're making.

    What ever, or whoever you believe in is no threat to me, so I wouldn't comment about it if you did post about it, because I'm not afraid of anything or anyone that I don't believe in.

    This whole thing is really no surprise to me at all, it's people like you that really strengthens my faith more and more in the God I serve, because I figure that if so many fight so hard against Him even when they say they don't believe in Him, then to me He is a mighty powerful God who is more worthy of my praise and servitude.

    This trend being moved to something that is called the lounge is no surprise, everyone tries to shove God on the back burner in the day and time which we live, but God declares in his word, that heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall never fail.

    Moving this trend that gave so many people comfort and peace in their life when they needed it the most to something that is called the lounge in my opinion is disgraceful.

    Even after so many has fought to keep it the way it was, it is still here, majority means nothing anymore, the realization is there's always going to be a small majority of naysayers, so what do we do? Neglect all those of the majority to satisfy a couple people.

    No one can say that this trend didn't have anything to do with weight loss, it's whole focus was centered around people on the journey of weight loss and surgery.

    I think I have hit the nail on the head, and said all that can be said, therefore I will not reply to any more of your post no matter what you write, so go ahead, make another comment on what I've said and prove me right.

    I realize that I may be banned from this whole site, but so be it if that's what happens, I think it's time that someone takes a stand for what's right, and that's exactly what I'm doing.

    God knew exactly what He was saying, when He said there'd be a day when people would call good evil and evil good.

    His word regarding this has surely come to past.

    As the Bible says, I will not even bid you Godspeed.

    The Preacher !

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