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Posts posted by Mamsmith83

  1. On 4/8/2018 at 11:03 PM, sleeveduk96 said:

    I am writing this with such a heavy heart and I just ask people to please be kind in the replies. I really want to turn this around and I hope like hell it is not too late.

    I have been struggling so much with binging. I am just eating whatever I want, not following any kind of healthy eating and I think I must be consuming pretty much the same calories as I consumed before surgery. I am only seven weeks post op. Here is an example of what I would eat in a day.

    I am unemployed and I stay up all night and only wake up at about 1pm.

    1pm: White bread sandwich with cheese and butter. (I drink Water at the same time)

    3pm: Leftover lasagne - 4/5 tablespoons

    4pm: Half a bag of beef Jerky

    5pm: Glass of orange juice

    7pm: Nandos takeaway, only a couple bites of chicken, half a box of spicy rice, 6/7 chips with mayo, 3/4 olives

    8pm: More spicy rice

    10pm: cheese toastie

    11pm: Rest of the spicy rice and a few chips and a chug of milk straight from the bottle

    1am: Rest of the bag of beef Jerky

    2am: chocolate ice cream in a cone

    I am honestly so disgusted with myself but I had to put this out here. My dad doesn't help because he will go make me a cheese toastie if I ask for it or go buy me chocolate when I want it. I have no idea how to stop eating so much. I am so depressed and I have nothing to do with my life but no one seems to understand. This was probably the wrong time in my life to get surgery since I don't have the discipline to use it correctly but I really thought it would help me turn my life around and save me. I have still been having weight loss of 3-5 lbs a week but last week it was only 1/2 lb and this week I am sure it will be a gain.

    Is there any self-help book or some kind of advice to help me turn this around before it's too late? My parents paid so much for this surgery and I am ruining it, it feels like there's nothing I can do.

    Please, anyone, can you help me.

    I wish I could say the right thing to help, because then that would mean that I have an answer myself. I really feel for you. I had my surgery the day before you and about 2 weeks ago I fell completely off the wagon. I have been having a seriously hard time with motivation and my depression and doing the right thing. For me even though I am definitely still struggling, some things that help me are 1) trying to be mindful, when I am eating, getting up to eat, or just idly looking in the fridge for the millionth time I really have to make myself focus on what I am actually doing. I ask myself 3 questions, am I ACTUALLY hungry, do I really want this (like could I sub something else), and if I eat this how will I feel after. 2) Journaling, I have a journal app on my phone. When I have decided I am not physically hungry and stop myself eating sometimes I will just start writing (typing) not necessarily about food and sometimes that will make me feel better 3) I don't have anything that is off limits or say I can't have something, because as soon as I say something is bad I can't have something I crave it fierce. I'll stay away from it for a while then binge on it eventually. 4) Myfitnesspal it helps to actually log everything I eat, sometimes it backfires and I feel like garbage emotionally after seeing how much I ate, but even then when I binge my calories are still less than normal so seeing that helps. 5) Don't be so hard on yourself, talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend. I can't imagine you would call a friend disgusting after she lost 40lbs in like 2 months. Or if your friend was trying to over come an addiction or emotional problems you wouldn't expect her to do everything perfectly or not have setbacks. 6) Try to find a hobby I am trying to learn crochet 7) you need to sleep at night at a reasonable time. I'm a night person also, but being awake at night leads to overeating and excess carb consumption. 8) set yourself up for success, have Snacks that you like like that aren't terrible bad for you, it doesn't have to be raw carrots if you don't like them, like I really like popcorn and not carrots

    You're only a few weeks out every day or every moment you have another chance to get back on the wagon, don't expect perfection. And be nice to yourself, it's a process not an overnight miracle cure.

  2. When I decided on the sleeve vs rny I think the difference was like 13 lbs I think sleeve people average loose 60% and bypass people usually lose about 70%. Depending how I am feeling in a few months I will probably talk to my doctor about switching to a bypass, but for me its because of reflux. I had pretty severe reflux before, but I let the doctor talk me into a sleeve, and now it is the same or worse than before so I might be one of the revision people too. I'm down almost 40lbs but my weightloss has slowed this week. I think that people who have the bypass lose faster, but from what the doc told me by 2 years everyone is about the same.

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