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Posts posted by cristobal

  1. My nutritionist says at least a year and half before I'm back to normal. I'm in no rush. I'm 3 months out and I've lost about 90 lbs down. Feeling good. It is a step that you have to go alone most of the time. Don't feel bad, because eventually you'll feel so much better and as for your friends, if they're really good friends, they shouldn't exclude you or make you guilty that you can't eat. It is a process and it takes time. Good luck!

    Sent from my F8131 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Well, tomorrow at 7 am is the "big day". I'm a bit disappointed that none of my family has come home before now (it's 9:33 PM) as I have to be at the hospital by 5 AM.
    My eldest daughter flies back to PA tomorrow (mid-day) and originally she was coming with my husband & I to the hospital and then hopefully I would get to recovery before he had to drive her to the airport.
    Youngest daughter was going to join us @ the hospital closer to my surgery time.
    My husband called and announced that they have made things "much easier" (not his specific wording but the gist)..and that youngest daughter is going to pick up eldest and drive her to the airport so "they don't have to get up so early" and then..after youngest has dropped her off..she will stop by on her way to work.
    I am realizing now I'm actually VERY hurt by this. When my parents were alive, we made sure for any major surgery to be there with them no matter WHAT time the surgery was. To make sure we could see them before they went back.
    I am...stunningly hurt by this and I'm just now realizing it. My husband and eldest are out drinking beer..they said they'd be home early..but it's almost 10 PM and I need to be up by at least 4:15 AM.
    I have been patient and understanding and ALONE most nights as everyone goes and does the usual 'food socialization'. My eldest doesn't get good Tex-Mex where she lives so this was a long standing tradition. I HONESTLY don't begrudge them that..but what is a SCARY and very important day for me...it's like my husband is only showing up as he HAS to be there.
    I don't understand my kids..I really don't. You could not have paid me any amount of money to not be by my parent's side...both of them. And I always was.
    I don't even have my parents left to be there with me..I know many do not. But I am very disappointed and I feel very very alone.
    Sorry, am not handling this well. To everyone else still upcoming in Week 4, I wish all of you the very best!

    You're in my prayers. Good luck. It certainly is a big step, and since you're the one taking the plunge and not them, they don't share your same mentality. It takes time and at first will be very frustrating. Stay calm as best you can. You'll get used to it and hopefully your family will also come to grips with your surgery and fall right into line. It will be at least a full year before you are able to get to a normal diet. Good luck again.

    Sent from my F8131 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I woke up and was screaming at the nurse for no good reason. It was extremely painful. God bless her patience (though with a little attitude). I had a hiatal hernia fixed which is right under the sternum. That actually hurt more than the stomach surgery! I sent the lady flowers apologizing for my rudeness, but then again, they don't prepare you for the pain or discomfort of not being able to move.

    Sent from my F8131 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Let me explain. I'm currently in Phase 3 of my Post-op diet. Which is supposed to be soft foods. I can have moist soft meats and veggies whole. I just need to thoroughly before swallowing. Duh. But this part right now has been extremely difficult. I actually prefer stages 1 and 2. liquid and pureed foods. Weird?

    I'm eating low cal/zero sugar "snacks" as a preference. cheese sticks, Jello, pudding, fruit cups in natural juices. Mashed potatoes and pureed meats mixed together with veggies. All weighed and counted like I should. But because of the absolute sickness I get from regular eating, I avoid what I'm supposed to be doing as part of my doctor's diet plan. I don't eat what I'm not supposed to, like candy and fried foods etc. But I feel like I'm stuck in a rut. I'm still losing hella weight.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else is going through this as well. Thanks!

    Sent from my F8131 using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. The absolute worst. I'm on level 3 food eating now, but I haven't had much luck getting all my Proteins needed. So I quickly went for this shake because of the price. What a mistake! Diarrhea and nausea. I pinched my nose to keep it down. When I foolishly picked this up in a hurry, I didn't read the contents. Even after drinking the first one. Please stay away from this in my honest opinion. No good. [emoji90]

    Sent from my F8131 using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I tried Ensure Max cafe mocha while taste testing Protein drinks. This is really good and has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee so you can kill two birds, protein and coffee. I'm not sure about I'm not sure I'd do chili the Beans and spices may be an issue. Share what kind of chili you were able to eat.
    I made the white chicken chili with just chili powder and cayenne. Just half the amount required though.

    Sent from my F8131 using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. How hard is the pre liquid diet?
    It isn't hard. I had food every other day, just once. I lost 22 lbs on surgery day. Make sure you don't eat at least 2 days before surgery, and make sure it isn't pizza or some really heavy food. The weekend before was my final goodbye to pizza. Just use your head. Eat scrambled eggs and bacon or chicken and veggies. Light stuff. But definitely nothing at least 2 days before surgery.

    Sent from my F8131 using BariatricPal mobile app

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