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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by RNY2018

  1. 8 hours ago, ylime said:

    I would love to make some surgery buddies now so we can go through all the pre-op requirements together and stick through surgery and beyond. Anyone else already know their surgery will occur this summer?

    My surgery is going to fall in the July or August time frame. Most of this is dependent upon checking all my surgeon's boxes, the rest is dependent upon my financing since I'm self-pay. I'll be getting the sleeve.

    I love my surgeon and feel really lucky to have found him. So far the pre-op stuff has gone smoothly, but I am just at the beginning stages. I've scheduled all my evals and classes and attended my first weight loss class last week. I found it to be mildly helpful. It was certainly geared more toward those that hadn't already read through the surgery binder and/or those that had no clue what healthy eating consisted of. I'm hoping future classes focus more on the post-op eating.

    My first visit with my PCP about this surgery is next week as that's the soonest I could get in to see her. I'm hoping she'll be supportive as my surgeon knew of her when I told him that's who I see. But if I have to find another PCP so be it.

    My first dietician appt is next week and psych eval is the week after that. I only have to get these three meetings out of the way to schedule my surgery. So I'm anxious to get that done!

    I'm excited to hear from others along the same timeline as me!

    I am on a similar path! Im on month 3 of 6. My insurance requires 6 months of monitoring and all the pre op get up! I have done my labs, EKG, PT assesment and sleep study. I see nutrition Thurs! If all goes well, I will have the RNY in August!

  2. Hello all,

    I am new to the group. Pre-op, in month 3 of my 6 required. I see Nutritionist on 4/19. I already have a bump in the road! My gallbladder is acting up and I have to have it removed 5/4! I have to wait until then because I leave for vaca (Turks and Caicos) in a week and dont want to be post op in another country! I have had a very positive experience so far! The Bariatric center employees have been stellar and so supportive! I am hoping to be approved for a fall 2018 surgery date. Anyone on a similar time frame?

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