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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by magpie26

  1. I didn't mean anything by my comment. Before I had my surgery i looked up the average stages and lengths and they were mostly similar, clear for a few days, full a week or so, blended then 1 month soft foods. It said it was just about protecting your new stomach. But my surgeon isn't the same as yours. Maybe yours used glue or sutures for your wounds, mine used (ugh) staples! My stomach couldn't tolerate blended too early. Plus one surgeon's soft diet is different (probably than the other) I'm on soft now and I can have meat, non blended fruits and veggies crackers crushed up in soup and cheese blah blah. Besides if your body couldn't take it, you wouldn't eat it, or that's what my deal is
  2. magpie26

    7 weeks post op

    I think everyone is different. I was all ready to jump into blended and then my body was like "oh no you didn't!" So I had SLOWLY transition. I'm on soft foods now and I'm doing to same thing, but I'm so nauseous from anything lately I'm basically just trying to get water in. If I feel sick I just go back and do a shake then something easy then a soft food. But a call to the surgeon would be good too.
  3. magpie26

    Overnight Bag Worries

    I was there just one night. I brought !I cell and my kindle, I slept pretty much the entire time during the day, at night I was sort of awake but I just walked and I was bradychardic so I was on oxygen most of the night (my meds, NOT surgery related they slow my heartbeat way down) I brought my basically for my husband. I'm generally youre pretty doped up
  4. magpie26

    Celebrating my 1 month Surgeversary

    I just celebrated my one month sleeve surgery too. Since my last checkup oom 4/2 to today, I've lost 35 pounds. From highest weight it is 45! Congrats to you!
  5. I totally agree with you! I am really unsure why these doctors are green lighting soft foods so early! I'm some cases the full liquid the day from the hospital. I snuck some blended stuff too early and my body didn't l like it! When it was time to do blended I had to take it back a notch. The next visit i did what I was told and waited for my DAY to start soft food (5/15/18!) I probably rushed that too because i have been nauseous and throwing up for a few days. Hopefully its just a bug. I was told it was ok to have scrambled eggs, its only 7 grams of protein in 7 1 egg, I add 2 scoops of Cabot whey powder to my food every day, that's an extra 40 grams of protein there. Premier protein shake has 30, you're at 70!
  6. make batches and batchs of bone bone broth weekly, chicken and beef! For the best flavor for beef you should roast your marrow bones first, the cook the onions a little, tomato paste will bring richness as well as some soy sauce and other veggie. More steps but worth it. I use an instapot, takes 2 hours! If anyone invests in anything I would recommend an awesome blender and an instapot! I've used mine probably 5 times a week and make everything in it, so convenient when your family won't cook after surgery, they did figure out the instapot though! Beef bone broth has up to 10 grams of protein! And for me, personally. I found that I probably used MAYBE 75% or less post op. The shakes I had suddenly I couldn't stomach, protein20 water= disgusting to me, sugar free stuff in general bothered me but I can usually eat it depending what it is. You'd think blended chicken (pre-op) sounds disgusting but if you're like me and was on liquids for a full month, it was pure heaven! I added fat free gravy (homemade) omg seriously, I got to chew! The only thing in that bariatric measuring tool from Amazon are the scoops, the rings may be ok later, but I felt dumb because i have a scale and measuring cups and spoons. My best investments I made were: my $10 scale, baby spoon/forks, big water bottle and 4 oz tiny TupperwAre $1.89/each , my Cabot whey powder $14, (I put that in smoothies or in my yogurt) oh and the surgery! My instapot and blender and immersion blender i already had. HW: 303 SW:283 CW: 259 Loss: 44 GOAL 1: 175 GOAL 2: 160
  7. magpie26

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    Ok I'm an April 17th sleever and YES! Some smells make me gag and 2 times throw up and those were cigarette smoke! I used to a smoker, I was around smokers, I took me a long time to quit before my surgery (no lectures, please, I did it!) And now I will throw up if I smell cigarettes too long, which is an extra bonus deterrent, not that I ever plan to smoke EVER again, but still. And booze breath makes me gag.
  8. magpie26

    3 week stall?

    Ahh I'm so lazy sometimes getting back to forums! That is what I had initially thought, I got too pre-occupied in the next phase that I think I just jumped too quick. I had been measuring out my food in ounces and tablespoons, but I think I was just not quite ready. I just wanted to race to the finish to soft food at least but I realized I'm not there yet. The past few days I've slide backwards a bit and had more fluids than blended trying to get more water in. I am 3 weeks post op, I had some more blended stuff today rather than protein shakes, kept stopping for water, it was ok. Weighed myself yesterday and finally down 1.2 pounds, (it's been a week!) I know there are stalls, but this isn't weight watchers, I just had my surgery, I thought I would be keeping up at least 5+ a week loss. The week before it was 8. I'm staying positive though, I read the forums, I journal, not just food but my first year going through this, I use the apps, and I follow all of my doctor's /dietician's advice. I can do this, I mean my body has to, right?
  9. magpie26

    3 week stall?

    Is this the dreaded three week stall? I thought it was a joke! I weighed in at the doctors on Wednesday and haven't lost anything since! My scale said I even gain half a pound! I am not eating anything I'm not supposed to. I am transitioning to liquids to blended. However, I'm having a REALLY hard time getting my water in. I try to eat, I get so full I feel like I can't put anything in my body for like 2 hours, and it's not like the old days where you can just chug your water. I sip all day and I can barely finish 24 ounces. I'm 19 days post op today. I have been way more conscious of how fast I'm eating, I am chewing things to death, I use a baby spoon, I put my plate away, I wait between water and good but I'm a!ways so uncomfortable after eating almost any amount i am just afraid to drink! I feel like this is why I'm not losing. I also use the baritastic app AND write in a journal. I'm seriously thinking of having my friend that's a nurse come over with an IV!
  10. just a possible warning. My doctor gave me ODT meds (psych meds) and the new tummy did NOT tolerate them! I made sure I had some backups on hand to take just in cass. And I never did crush my pills, too bitter, made me throw up, just swallowed them at night in divided doses before bed. I'm 19 days post op now. As for vitamins, my dietician recommended Flintstones chewable instead of super over price bariatric ones. And I have done weight watchers etc forever, BUT I do recommend a scale. WE all probably know what 3 oz of chicken looks l like, but you won't know what 1 or 2 oz of blended meat looks like lol! I got mine at walmart for $10, didnt want to invest in a lot.
  11. magpie26

    Clothing - buy stuff and it doesn't fit

    I hated thrift stores before, I only liked them for vintage kitchen stuff. But I sell on eBay and I find Calvin Klein pants brand new sometimes for $5, designer stuff. I grew up in a "ritzy" area but now I live in country bumpkin world, they have no idea how good these designers are. I'm excited to get some cool stuff for cheap as I am transitioning to my new self. I just have to go when the car pee guy isn't there because my sense of smell is crazy strong!
  12. I had a 2 week full liquid diet (the same one I would be doing 5-12 after surgery (1-4 clear liquids). The 2 week one was 1000 calories very low fat, very low carbs to shrink the liver. My surgeon said mine was smaller. I'm now on blended, in (ugh) 9 days I will be doing soft foods. Every surgeon/dietician is different. I'm amazed at the people who start off with protein shakes day 1 from the hospital! Your poor little stomach.
  13. magpie26

    Periods after gastric sleeve

    I'm on the pill too and I still got it monthly but missed 2 days because of the hospital/homecoming etc. I got mine like 4/19 and it's still kinda hanging around too, just spotting but still! I went ON the pill to get rid of this crap!
  14. magpie26


    1 week, but I am almost 3 weeks out and I just barely started driving again because it hurt to drive, getting in and out and even the pedals and I just got so tired. I still won't drive long distance alone
  15. My surgeon gave me zofran and a nausea patch that you put behind your ear that lasts for three days, I feel bad that not all surgeons don't do that, it really helped. Anesthesia and the heavy duty pain they give you in your IV make me super sick for awhile
  16. magpie26

    so confused about calories!

    My pre up was 1000-1200 calories at least 2 shakes a days, full liquids. 60+ protein, 150 carbs MAX (I Kept mine under 75-100) I think maybe 30 grams of fat max. I barely hit 1000 calories. WAter! first 3-4 days were hard
  17. magpie26

    Scared out of my mind

    It's ok to be scared! Look how many of us are here and survived! My heart rate dropped and my surgeon wasn't even scared, my husband told me I woke up grumpy with the nurses lol! The only thing that scared me (it's NOT scary, I promise!) Was the barium swallow before you go home, it was great! I had an incredibly hot technician that saw me in my johnny. If you have faith in your surgeon and whoever else you're golden. It comforted me so much to have my PA with me in surgery and to tease my surgeon about attempting to put on my bp cuff. I'm only 19 days post op so it's super fresh for me. Good luck. Stop googling!
  18. magpie26

    C-section pain vs Sleeve pain?

    Maybe I'm the only one here. I find my sleeve recovery time wise is worse, but I think the c-section pain was worse the first week. I'm almost 3 weeks post op and I'm still in a good deal of pain depending on the time of day or what I'm doing. BUT I am 14 years older, not as distracted by a newborn and a toddler and back then I weighed 40 pounds less and could eat MANY more calories and could drink 8+ oz water at a sitting as opposed to now where it takes me hours. I don't remember needing many painkillers with my c-section, I am usually a rockstar when it comes to pain. That lower right incision is kicking my butt
  19. magpie26

    New sleever

    I believe that is Baritastic. It is by far my favorite app! You can scan your food by the barcode, tracks weight, measurements, does so much and is great for PRE and POST op! The only thing i don't like about it is the recipe "maker" , but otherwise i love it. Highly recommended.
  20. magpie26

    New sleever

    We did count them, but she said now that it's getting warm and my stomach is healing more and more she wants me to count mostly water and non sugary drinks etc, i don't even do caffeine so I don't worry about that in the future. I just feel like this is a new thing, I felt like I could eat more even last week. Weird. and WTF?! No liquid meds?! I am bossy about my healthcare so I would call ASAP. You heal faster without pain. I could do pills from day 2 but they take up room.
  21. magpie26

    New sleever

    I struggle with water or "fluids" and at this point in my post op (2 weeks) my dietician said shakes don't count as fluid, only back in the day when we couldn't fit both. Ugh. I have timers going off all the time for my sips and sips and sips of water. So hard when you were a former water chugged!
  22. magpie26


    As much as you are tempted to, I wouldn't jump lol! I'm only a few days ahead of you but blended is better (I guess) than liquids. I am totally hungry too but now I'm on blended and my dietician said I can have scrambled eggs (with cheese!!) tuna. At least it's not shakes
  23. magpie26

    One week post-op and hungry!

    You're not alone. It's common. It's "head" hunger and it isn't. I'm 2 weeks post op and I know exactly how you feel. I came home and I felt hungry, but I still would get full quickly. Do you feel hungry at all just after you've eaten? It's a weird thing that happens to me that it will feel like a hunger pang but my dietician said my body is out of sync and I'm eating too fast. Eat slow! My hunger feeling is SLOWLY going away, but it's all your brain and everything not understanding what the heck is going on. My roommate from the hospital (we found each other on Facebook) has the same issue so I'm glad it's not me.
  24. magpie26

    Poll: What is your goal?

    That's pretty much exactly what my goals are. I'm 5'5 ... almost 5'6
  25. Congrats! Looking great already! I wasn't selfie ready until...yesterday lol!

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