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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by magpie26

  1. I had mine done in UVM (Formerly Fletcher Allen up in Vermont) Dr. Abujaish did mine. Being from the Cape originally and having pretty much ALL my family on the South shore, I'm fairly familiar with Beth Israel. My mom had hers done at Mass Gen 12 years ago, it was funny that my surgeon knew her surgeon. I'm a HUGE fan of the walking dead, one of my staple "marks" looks exactly like a zombie bite. I hope it stays that way, because I'm weird like that. 3 more days until blended solids!! I can't tell you how excited i am to have chicken in a blender (for reals!)
  2. Hi everyone! I just had my VSG on 4/17/18 and I am wondering if there are any of you that are from New England? I grew up in Massachusetts, specifically Cape Cod, but I moved to Vermont in 2006. Anyway, I know I saw someone s from Fitchburg, that is where my father went to college the first time. I have lots of family in the South shore (MA). say hello!
  3. magpie26

    Sick after 2nd day

    Also, did they give you any zofran odt or that 3 day nausea patch that goes behind your ear? I had to do both and I finally felt kind of better by day 4. I'm almost day 8 now.
  4. magpie26

    Having second thoughts

    I agree. And even if they say they don't, everyone cheats a little sometimes. Like the others said, you can cheat but only so much in one sitting. If we've learned and USED our tools we know that ok, back to protein and good stuff. There's a few that cheat and then have that HUGE big gulp everyday, and while you can't physically eat a whole pizza in one sitting, people can damn sure try to accomplish it by days end, along with liquid calories, booze, etc. I've watched my mom and friends over these years, my mom still dumps (rarely, but it happens) they know what they can have or not. Journal, (I hate it half the time, but keeps me on track!) Pre and post op support groups (local). I made friend with my hospital roommate. I do talk therapy, but not just about food, I don't have food issues like some. I just eat the wrong things. and have a bite, it won't kill you. I'm just starting out, maybe I'm not the best person ever to give advice, but I've flip flopped like you, I struggled with the loss of eating favorite things too, and I've seen the other people's struggle. I made up my mind to do this for me. And the vitamins, pshhh no big deal. I take a million pills/supplements so you just do a night routine. Feel free to message me. I was there only a few weeks ago
  5. Ugh! It is the worst! But I guess they are getting our New stomachs ready for their new adventures lol! The hunger is what freaks me out, I long for a mashed sweet potato! I am from cape cod and I HATE fish so that's out, plus tilapia is literally the garbage fish of the sea, it is not good for you admits the only kind I "like". Blended chicken for me.
  6. magpie26

    Having second thoughts

    I get what you're feeling, I freaked out off and on too. I am also basically "just plain overweight" although i did find out that I have MINOR sleep apnea, but I only need a mouth guard not a CPAP for it. And I have several friends and my own mom who have had the bypass. My mom had the bypass 12 years ago, and she has had to have to do B12 shots, iron transfusions, has had all sorts of stuff happen, BUT that was 12 years ago, and it was a bypass, not a sleeve. I said I would NEVER , EVER do WLS, but here I am, one week post op with my sleeve. my mom has told me (many times) not to mourn for food, yes you can have a bite of a cookie, BUT is it worth it when it comes down to it? Food is fuel, I keep telling myself that. I have to cook for my family, I'm still in liquids, I want what they have, but I want better self esteem, a longer life expectancy and smaller clothes more. Some will fail, but some will succeed and be here years from now rocking an awesome picture. I know a lady who had a bypass 2 years ago and now she is heavier than before. If you want this, you will succeed. 12 years out and my mom has gained 20, but she got down so low she looked sick. You can do it!
  7. Cabot area, up north. Not far from Montpelier, close to St. Johnsbury. But my half of my heart remains on The Cape.
  8. This is really good to see for me, actually. I am one week post op today and I'm not craving bad food or anything but I'm craving food i can chew! I've been on only liquids for 21 days now, and I have at least 8 or 9 days to go before I can go to blended food (per my dietician/surgeon) it's a long process with us. I'm soooo envious when i see other VSG peeps get to transition to blended foods so much earlier than me! i almost gave in but I'm persistent to stick with the plan every step of the way. The thing is too, I feel hunger pains/pangs. It is not head hunger, it's a constant gurgle with the feeling we had pre-op with feeling super hungry. I even upped my PPI. I pray this will go away. So it takes me like an hour to drink my shake, but my stomach hurts with hunger like ten fifteen minutes later! I hope with real food this will go away. I cannot and will not fail!
  9. Lol I always forget about CT thinking its more like NY. Sorry RI too! Lived in MA almost my whole life, moved to Vermont, they have a special nickname for us here, but living in rural Vermont for 12 years now I think it's kind of accurate. The best bumper sticker i saw (then bought) said, "I'm not mean, I'm from Massachusetts."
  10. Lol I always forget about CT thinking its more like NY. Sorry RI too! Lived in MA almost my whole life, moved to Vermont, they have a special nickname for us here, but living in rural Vermont for 12 years now I think it's kind of accurate. The best bumper sticker i saw (then bought) said, "I'm not mean, I'm from Massachusetts."
  11. magpie26

    When is your wls?

    Mine was 4/17 in Burlington, Vermont
  12. To those of you who have been "sleeved" already , yay! Hopefully your recovery is still going well. Today is my first full week , I'm doing ok, tired and ready to get this drain and staples (yes, STAPLES!) out tomorrow! Seriously, 9 out of 10 people I have talked to are like, "staples? Like metal staples?" I guess that is what my surgeon likes....torture. I guess everyone else I know has had glue or steri strips, and they had a bypass. (And it's not really torture) . Good luck to everyone who has upcoming surgery! I guess everyone is different with recovery. I wondered how I was going to make it through the first week and then one day it was just easier. I wish Vermont people were here! I would be nice to find a recovery buddy, and Craigslist is way too sketchy! Lol!
  13. magpie26

    What, why?!

    I had my sleeve done on the 17th, I had fair amount of nausea in the hospital, but I got to go home the next day. I feel like every time i sip, there is a gurgle, and has but I took Gas-X and the pressure went away and I walk and sip as much as I can. BUT my concern is, I'm hungry! Why am I hungry? Everyone said with the sleeve you don't feel hunger, but I am feeling hunger pains, my stomach rumbles all the time. I'm thinking about food a lot, purely because I feel so hungry. I can start full liquids tomorrow. I still get nauseous mostly from smells, I haven't vomited since my night home from the hospital, and I am still in a good deal of pain. Anyone else deal with this? hw: 302 Sw: 283 Homecoming weight: 293 Surgery date: 4/17/18 CW: 280 GW: 170
  14. magpie26

    What, why?!

    Me too! I see the doctor tomorrow, I am sure I will get an eyeroll. I am laying here feeling like I did in day one of the pre-op liquid diet (y'all remember that feeling, right?) I feel like I am STARVING. BUT, I am also determined not to let this beat me and it's also only been a week. But I dream of food that I can sort of chew, not because of the "old ways" because like someone said, it takes forever to eat "solids". I've been on liquids since 4/3/18 that's 3 weeks with another 8-9 days to go until pureed and mushy food.
  15. I am glad to have read this today, maybe to help you if you haven't called your doctor yet. I also had my sleeve done on 4/17 and have had many of the things you have too. I did not have a hernia repair or my gall bladder out though. But, I have had pretty constant and not nice neck/shoulder pain for a couple of days, I just thought it was just me trying to find a way to sleep that didn't hurt. Yesterday my left lung area started to hurt, esp when I took deep breaths, there was a sharp pain, but if I lay down its really not there. long story short, called my surgeon's office. The nurse assured me that this was normal because i STILL have my drain and the neck pain was referred and the lung pain wash the drain tube moving and rubbing against my diaphragm. So that was me, I told my roomie from my surgery day this and she was relieved because she had this too. Call your doctor is my suggestion. Unfortunately for me, my pain can still be really bad and I have taken the meds which make me cry like crazy, so that was fun. Good luck, call your doctor just to be sure and keep healing! ☺
  16. Lol they dope you up good in the hospital! I had pretty bad pain in the hospital, then coming home I took my "BIG" pain meds (oxycodone) right on schedule and even called for a few more. That was frida y I called, I only took my oxy at night (or 1/4-1/2 of a dose of it was REALLY bad, like moving too much. Today I have just had extra strength Tylenol (meh) and a 1/4 dose of oxy to help me sleep since I am a roller. I plan on just Tylenol tomorrow, unless I do get out to the grocery store( with help from mom!) Full liquids for real tomorrow and I made and froze some killer homemade soups in tiny portions. I just have to remember to get some beano.
  17. magpie26

    What, why?!

    Yes, I've been on one for years due a medication triggering GERD, so I've been on it probably 6 years pre-op. I have seen some places that say you MUST open your omeprozole and eat it all grainy with may be applesauce. Crushing, chewing or meds that disintegrate make me gag and sometimes throw up because of the bitterness and maybe a texture thing. So to make that long story short, I take the whole pill.
  18. And you are TOTALLY doing the right thing.
  19. I just had my sleeve done last Tuesday and I wasn't nervous until everyone started to ask me if I was nervous. I fear the future a bit, I know 2 close friends who had a bypass, one has it 12 years ago and gained about 25 back, the other cannot control herself and eats like she did pre-surgery and she had her bypass less than 3 years ago and has gained every single pound back plus MORE. Her diabetes is back and almost uncontrollable. So...I worry, but then I think of how hard I worked tO get here and how I feel right now (not the best, but not the worst ever either) the change is up to us. To me, failure is not an option! And I am sure every bariatric program has its support groups. My group is an hour and a half from me but if I feel out of control or lost, I will definitely go. It's a tool, not a magic pill or fix (as we all know). You will do great!
  20. FINALLY pooped! Still feeling hungry. I have heard all sorts of reasons why you have hunger pains, hopefully they go away ASAP.
  21. I had my surgery on the 17th and got home around 6 pm the next day. I'm annoyed that I'm still feeling hunger pains, shouldn't they be gone? Trying hard to get fluids in, my dietician/team has people on 4 day clear liquids post up (after I just did 14 full liquids pre-op) they do not allow milk things until 5 days post up and my dietician just called and told me I can half a protein shake tomorrow and back to full liquids Monday. My pain sucks, everyone has had this said the pain isn't bad by day 2, not in my case! I'm totally not a wimp when it comes to pain. I'm walking and doing what I need to do its hard to get some fluids down, although that's been better since day 3. Still no poop.
  22. magpie26

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    @ElisabethE I had my surgery on 4/17 and I also have that gurgling sound when I drink. My nutritionist just called to follow up and said I could have 1/2 of a protein shake tomorrow then full liquids Monday.
  23. My doctor requires a full two week liquid diet! 1000-1200 calories max! No more than 150 carbs. My surgery is on the 17th so I've been on it for 10 days! The first three i thought were the worst, I felt like I was dying of hunger even after eating 70+ grams of protein a day. So far I've lost about 14+ pounds in 9 days (I'm not counting day one) I think I've lost more from this than from the pounds you needed to lose to get the surgery! I won't be surprised if on surgery day I've lost 17 pounds. So hard, and the sugar free everything makes me nauseous
  24. magpie26

    Instant Pot!

    I'm not post up yet but I do have to say that I love my insta -pot, well technically it's the crockpot version but it is so great for tougher cuts of meat. I have made some cream of broccoli soup in it for my liquid diet though as light as I can! It's a snap! Also black bean soup that I made for full liquids if I can tolerate it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
