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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ylime

  1. Oh man, that really stinks!! Sorry to hear that!
  2. Hey all - Just thought I'd let you know I'm heading out on vacation bright and early in the morning. A good portion of my trip will be without cell service or wi-fi (woo hoo!). Didn't want you to think I've deserted you all. Also, since I'll be gone over the 1st, I'll be posting the June Golden Key Awards early and getting them up today.
  3. Stupid page won't let me quote again. @Nnoi - Yay for your date!! I've updated your info on the list.
  4. Ylime

    Sexual activity

    Lol OK this is what I was trying to get across in my message but I went about it more delicately. See the fun we would miss out on if the threads were restricted by gender? Lol
  5. Ylime

    Sexual activity

    Ditto. Please do it because you want to. And if you’re uncomfortable then perhaps your spouse needs to up their sexual “duties” to help you ease into it. No reason to limit it strictly to intercourse. ;)
  6. Take pictures and measurements. The scale lies for all sorts of reasons You’re doing great so far!
  7. Ylime

    August 2018 sleeve surgery!!

    I’m Aug 13th. I have vacation in 1.5 days! I also plan on being lax about food during that week and then hitting my healthy diet hard when I return.
  8. Ylime

    Altered Taste Buds

    I have heard this is normal for a couple of reasons but primarily because your body naturally goes into ketosis after WLS and ketosis forces acetone out of your body. That does all kinds of weird things to taste buds. Sugar is my downfall so if it ruins sweets for me, I’m all for that! Lol
  9. Ylime

    Food Diary App

    I am a life long MFP lover. But my nutritionist said something that really resonated with me. The Baritastic app is designed for bariatric diets in that it knows how little you’ll be eating. It won’t give you any negative feedback when your calories or macros are below the “normal” recommend amount. I plan on using both at first to see which one works better for me.
  10. Ylime

    August bypassers/sleevers

    I’m August 13th and our Summer Surgery Buddies thread is awesome but nothing wrong with having one dedicated to our specific month!
  11. Yes, if you're a part of this group you're in for life...even if you're surgery gets pushed to December! Sorry to hear about the pain. I don't know why hospital beds are so uncomfortable but they are the worst! Hope you get to go home soon!! I have heard that Biotin may help, but really it's all about how your body handles the stress of surgery. Biotin is supposed to promote growth of all hair so I've also heard that if you have even the slightest bit of PCOS or hormone levels that are out of whack Biotin can increase hair in areas where you don't want it! I don't think there is any easy solution.
  12. Woo Hoo! I've changed your info from Tentative to Scheduled! Dumb question but what list? Also I don’t know if got added to it but my date is August 23rd for the sleeve. ☺️ I've added you. Gotcha! I think you should ask your surgeon to allow you to weigh in naked. Clothing is good for at least 2-3lbs! Welcome to the group! I've added you to the list! MEMBER LIST: www.tinyurl.com/SummerWLS
  13. Ok - a few things before I go back through the thread and catch up. I really HATE this message board set up. I hate that I can't add a link to my signature for the member list. I hate that I can't update the first post on this thread with a link to the member list. I hate that on the mobile app no one can see any signatures so no one can even see the URL for the member list. Did I mention I hate this message board set up??? Oh and, I hate that all of a sudden the option to change the color of my font disappeared! GRRRR I'm going to try and remember to post the link on every single one of my posts from here out so everyone can see it. The whole point of the list is for everyone to access it to see who is having surgery around their dates and hopefully connect with each other so I'll do more to promote. (Thank god I have a vacation coming up because work is making me crabby!) MEMBER LIST: https://tinyurl.com/SummerWLS
  14. Ylime

    Kickboxing Post-Op

    First - I’m on the mobile app and can’t figure out a way to search the forums so I apologize in advance if this has been asked and answered. I’ve joined a new kickboxing gym that will open by July 1. I’m not new to kickboxing but it has been over a year since I last did it regularly. My surgery is Aug 13 so I figure I’ll have at least 30 days prior to surgery to get back into it. I know the general guidelines are to wait 6 weeks from surgery before doing intense exercise. I’m assuming that applies here as well. There is some serious core work going on. Anyone else got back into this after surgery?
  15. Dumb question but what list? Also I don’t know if got added to it but my date is August 23rd for the sleeve. ☺️ It’s in my signature, but if you’re on the app and can’t see it, it’s www.tinyurl.com/summerwls
  16. @Elle_Woods - Yay, my surgery twin!! Welcome to the group! I haven't hit the nerves yet, but I know they are coming. I'm doing all I can to save all my money so I not only can cover my surgery but also have a cushion just in case. But I'm also balancing that with going on a much needed vacation! But I've also come to terms with the fact that if I need to push my date out I will, but right now it's a go! I only have to do a 7 day pre-op but it's protein shakes only. So that is really going to stink! What does yours look like?
  17. @KCgirl061@insomebodyelseslake@anjeljuliette@genevao@CTGirl08@hinton38607@Ladybabs@g.elisabeth - I've added you all to our member list! @Auroragirl4489 @Luzbella - I've added you to the list, but I didn't see where you may have an estimated date. I you think you know when it might be scheduled, let me know!
  18. Glad to here you're home! Freezing it is a good idea! I've haven't got to the second guessing myself part yet, but I think that's probably because I haven't made any real changes yet. I'm going on vacation this weekend so I'm waiting until I return to hit it hard. I'm sure it will come though and I'll just remind myself of why I'm here and what I'm going for long term!!
  19. Quick fly by to say I'm here and I'm going back to get caught up, add our new members to the list, and respond to some posts! Be back soon!
  20. Ylime

    Post Op meds

    I don’t know if the Bariatric Advantage vitamins are specially formulated in some way that allow for better absorption. I’ve wondered that but haven’t done any research on that. But in case you didn’t know, all the points you earn by posting on these message boards earns you a discount in the store. :)
  21. Ylime

    Pre op diets

    Different surgeons, different practices, differs perspectives. In the hospital group I belong to there are two sets of surgeons but all the patients attend classes together. My surgery group requires a 1 week protein shake liquid diet while the other group has to do a 3 day clear liquid diet. It’s weird (and frustrating) to be in class and have people asking questions about their specific plan which may or may not be the same one you are on.
  22. I can’t give you any real advice as I haven’t had surgery yet, but...just breathe. Lots of people only have to do a 1 week diet, some even only have to do 3 days. You will be fine. Congrats on getting your date!
  23. Ok I saw brownies mentioned. That is my actual weakness. The only reason I defaulted to ice cream is because I force myself not to think about brownies!!!
  24. Welcome to the group! I’m in August too. From what I’ve read it sound completely normal to have second thoughts and doubts. I’m sure I’ll get there too.
  25. @sdcheesehead - Tell me what your dieter's hell looks like. Mine would be working in an ice cream factory!

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