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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ylime

  1. Welcome!!! I've added you to our member list. Definitely check it out as you can see the other members having surgery around your date. Welcome!!! I've added you to our member list. Welcome!!! I've added you to our member list. I'm doing the sleeve as well in August. I'm not anxious yet...it will come soon enough though!! Welcome and good luck on calming your nerves. I've added you to our member list as well. Welcome to you as well! You're on the member list now too! Welcome Dixie! I've added you to the list too. Woo Hoo, you're getting close!! I feel your pain on the strep. I had my tonsils out 2 years ago because I would get strep multiple times a year. Best decision I ever made!!
  2. Hope everything went well for you!! Hope things went well for you as well. Woo Hoo - I've added you to our member list.
  3. Hello all - I've been traveling for the last week or so. I need to get caught up on all the posts and new members!
  4. Ylime

    Practicing for the sleeve?

    I really like this idea. I feel like I will struggle with the no drinking rule a lot.
  5. Ylime

    Snacks YES OR NO

    My meal plan will be multiple meals per day. I heard a very wise doctor say that there is no such thing as a healthy snack. The desire to have a snack is either mental or it's because you aren't eating the right type/amount of food at meal time. It sounds great and I plan on trying my best to follow that advice, but it will certainly be hard at first to break that habit/mindset.
  6. Ylime

    Practicing for the sleeve?

    I need to start practicing as well. Some tips I've learned while researching what I need to do: For not drinking with meals: Don't even make yourself something to drink until after you've finished eating. I've even thought about not making a drink until I'm done cleaning the kitchen after a meal. That gives me more time to keep busy and it won't seem like such a long time to wait for a drink. For eating smaller bites: Purchase toddler utensils or Bariatric utensils (adult sized handles with smaller ends - available on Amazon). Also purchase small plates and bowls or portion control ones. I really like the ones with circles on them so you can measure your food on your plate in secret so you don't have to announce to the world you're monitoring your portions. For chewing slowly: Cut your food into small bites (but not all at once!), put one bit in your mouth, set your utensil down, sit on your hands. Chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, and chew some more. Then just sit a minute a take a deep breath, then get another bite. DON'T EAT DISTRACTED - This will be my biggest challenge, I'm the multi-tasking queen. To break the gulping water habit: Don't use a straw (my addiction!), barely open your lips and let the water drip in. Do this throughout the day, don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. I made myself a pact that I would start practicing on July 1, but now that I've typed this all out I might as well start tonight!
  7. Ylime

    Surgery with children?

    I understand the desire to just get it over done with. But, I'll echo what others have said. If complications arise, even a minor one could send your household into a tizzy. God forbid something major happens, but it's a real possibility. This is a major surgery that comes with major risks. It's easy to lose sight of that since we all just want to be healthy again so badly. As hard as it is to wait, I think your whole family will do better in the long run if you stagger your surgeries. Once you make that decision though, the next hurdle is deciding who goes first. My husband also wants to have the sleeve but we agreed that I would go first for two reasons: 1. I have more obesity health issues than he does and 2. I am more prepared to make the necessary lifestyle changes post-surgery. My recovery will be very telling for him as he'll either be scared off by it or it will give him the reality check he needs to be more successful with his own surgery. Good luck to both of you!
  8. I'm stocking up on all available remedies, but I'm already wig shopping. I have hair loss due to my medication so I am expecting the worse after surgery. Maybe it won't be bad but we'll see.
  9. Yep, this. I am all about social media shaming poor customer service.
  10. What a great story. Good for your husband for being on your side. And good for you for not giving in to their stupid rules! You could have let that stressful situation derail your efforts but you stayed strong! (And stronger than I would have been because I would have wanted to throttle that woman!)
  11. Congrats!!! But...where are the before and after pictures so we can gush over how great you look??
  12. Glad to hear it went well!! Just think...you're now on the road (albeit slowly) to real food!!
  13. Ylime

    food stuck in pouch opening

    What if it's a normal amount of saliva, you just think it's a lot you had dry mouth for so long? lol But seriously, hope you get some relief soon. That doesn't sound like any fun.
  14. I'm only sharing with my immediate family. I decided a long time ago to not feel obligated to do anything. That includes sharing personal information just because the lack of information might make someone else feel uncomfortable. This journey is about me and I'm keeping it that way.
  15. Ylime

    C section mommies

    I've had two c-sections. I imagine the sleeve being less painful as it's done laparoscopically versus having your entire stomach ripped open and all your organs taken out. lol
  16. So I'm interested in opinions from you all. I have my last nutrition class this Friday. This is the class where the go into detail about how to eat post-surgery, why it's so important to eat that way, and why its crucial to maintain a proper diet and exercise for life. My nutritionist suggested that my husband come along because I told her that he is one of my biggest obstacles. He eats like a teenage boy, doesn't care about being healthy, and cares even less about exercising. She felt it would be beneficial for him to hear what is being discussed in the meeting. I absolutely agree with her. He was actually on board to attend but now can't get the time off from work. I already have all the materials and I've talked to him some about my diet, but he hasn't done nearly the research I have. I do find information is more impactful when it comes from multiple sources so I'm bummed he can't attend. What do you guys think I should do? Since I have plenty of time before my surgery, I was thinking about calling the center and asking if there is another session coming up that maybe would work better. I definitely want to attend the one tomorrow, but if we could both go again later on that would be best. I'm really stressing over this because we watch My 600Lb Life and he yells at all the enablers on the show and talks a big game about what they should and shouldn't be doing. But I know him, and I know that when its our turn to be in that situation, he's going to see just how hard it really is to support me the way I need it. lol
  17. Welcome to the group!!! LOL - Yeah no one would do one of those voluntarily!
  18. I am with you on the mental food thing. My brain thinks very differently than my heart! Honestly, I don't think I have ever had a meal of just veggies. Lots of veggies as a side, and big salads with lots of protein, but not just veggies that I can ever recall! lol I will say though that I don't like to mix my veggies (unless in a salad). So if I were to have just a veggie dinner, I would want my zucchini separate from my mushrooms, onions, and carrots. Then it could maybe feel like more of a meal as there are different parts of the meal to be eaten.
  19. OMG - Like the people that do Bullet Journaling?? I'm so jealous of those people and watching the videos of them is mesmerizing!
  20. Good luck!! I'll be thinking of you!!
  21. So excited to mark this date in my calendar: 8/13/18. The countdown is on!
  22. Ylime

    Approved !!

    Congrats and good luck!
  23. So glad you came out of the shadows to join the conversation? What kind of pre-surgery diet are you on right now?
  24. Hope this all works out for you!! .5 is nothing, that could just be water. Don't sweat it. Nice list!! I've always wanted to make nice lists like this, but my printed handwriting is atrocious! So glad to hear it all went well. Keep us posted on your progress! Good to hear!! I look forward to chilling on my couch a bit after surgery too.

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