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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ylime

  1. Just get yourself a cozy robe to wrap around yourself and you'll be fine.
  2. I bought a size 10 lingerie set before I was even finished with my pre-op requirements, lol. It’s the only purchase I’ve made though. I hope to fit it eventually, even if my body tricks me and decides to go smaller than a 10, at least I’ll get to wear it for a few weeks 😂😂 Oh, man I didn't even think of that! Hmmm...might have to go shopping online!
  3. Is it just me or is this page acting up today? It took me reloading the page across three different browsers just to get this reply box to show up. Don't even get me started on trying to quote someone! Argh!
  4. Ylime

    Headed for surgery!!

    Woo Hoo. Good luck!!
  5. If you can have one healthy meal you might consider doing that to pack in the protein. Protein makes you fuller longer. You could prep it ahead of time to curb the temptation to cheat but only you will know what might work. 3 shakes is pretty limited. Mine is no other calories but at least I get 5 shakes.
  6. Here’s my suit. It’s a two piece so I decided to by the top now but wait until next summer to buy a matching bottom. Because who knows what my lower tummy and butt will be like! Lol
  7. Ylime

    It’s Getting Real!!!

    Congrats on getting all your pre-op hurdles done!! Pop over to the pre-op board and find our Summer Surgery thread. Lots of June & July peeps over there to connect with. :)
  8. Ylime

    Weight Loss Ticker

    OMG - I had no idea this was a function! Thanks for this, I’ll remember this for when I start losing.
  9. Congrats on starting your journey!
  10. Ylime

    3 months in

    That is awesome progress! Congrats!
  11. Welcome to the group! Lots of surgeries happening Wednesday!
  12. Welcome to the group! We’ll help you get through this so it’s not so terrifying!
  13. I don’t think one bad day is going to harm you. Just get back on track on get ready to greet your new life!!
  14. Ylime

    Sleeping and bizzare dreams

    Man I have always had crazy, weird, vivid dreams. I don’t know what my brain will concoct if they get worse after surgery. Although recently I had a dream that I was in a hotel with Rob Thomas so I would be all right with that one getting wilder. :D
  15. Ylime

    Adding Fruits into Your Shakes?

    It does definitely depend of the program. Fruit is healthy in moderation but sugar is sugar regardless of what form it comes in. That’s likely the reason programs limit it. Many fruits like Bananas cause higher insulin spikes than fruits like berries. Back when I was doing protein shakes for muscle building, I always added 1 cup of berries to my shake. Later when I needed to focus on weight loss I gradually reduced the amount and finally got down to enjoying just 1/4 cup of berries. I imagine post-op I’ll continue to add berries but in an even smaller amount due to portion size adjustments.
  16. I went ahead and purchased the suit I was wanting. My phone is dead right now, but I will come back a post a pic!
  17. Woo Hoo - I'm the 13th! Welcome to the group!! Welcome to you too!! It's also always in my signature.
  18. Ylime

    No insurance

    That is a great endorsement!
  19. I have a scale I love: Yunmai Smart Scale But I really want this one, because it's so pretty: Digital Bathroom Scale I don't use all the body measurement features all that much and I rarely sync my smart scale up to my phone since I use other apps to track both food and weight. Plus - This is an important lesson to learn - If you are the type of person that likes to take pictures of your scale for social media purposes (or this board), note that the smart scale I posted above is REALLY shiny. And if you're a person that likes to take pictures of your scale while standing on it naked, your nakedness will be reflected in the shiny scale and thus on your social media page. (Not that I have any experience with that or anything)
  20. @bluehat I definitely understand where you are coming from. For me, I don’t want people talking about my weight or the weight I’ve lost because that would mean I would have to acknowledge that I’m obese. It’s no secret but saying it out loud makes it all that much more real.
  21. I love that you named your date Rebirth Day. I need the think of a more clever name for my day.
  22. Yeah this is a tough one. My current swim suit is an XXL and it's tight. I don't want to go too low in size so I was thinking about maybe getting a large.
  23. Pulled up my event countdown app and was greeted by this! Everything is SO close!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
