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Posts posted by hotmessmom

  1. Co-morbidities only really matter for insurance purposes if your BMI is under 40, so you don't really have to worry about having other diagnoses. That said if you haven't had labs recently they may uncover other things that aren't readily known (high cholesterol, diabetes, liver test may indicate further testing for Non-alcholic fatty liver disease).
    It's hard to know how long you have to wait for surgery, without knowing are if there are other things you need to complete (some people have to do 3-7 months of "classes" which are usually what makes the process longer. If you don't have to do that and don't need any other testing (like a sleep study) I would assume it all comes down to the doctors schedualing which tends to be 2 weeks to 8 weeks from when you have completed everything else.
    Congratulations on Getting this far in the process.

    Thank you so much, I am like a sponge right now reading as much as I can.

  2. Tomorrow I go for my lab work and to get my letter of medical necessity. Super nervous about the whole process, my weight has creeped up to 289 and I am 5’6..... currently I do not have any diagnosis outside of being overweight. However I am confident I am borderline hypertensive because for years my blood pressure has teetered around needing medication! My egd is Monday and my psych evaluation is Wednesday next week.... this is all happening so quickly and I have no clue how long before the next step will be...... I feel like the doctors office for sure has everything rolling in the right direction, but I think I’m just anxious to see what’s next......

    How early on did you have all these test compared to when you had your surgery?

  3. Hi

    Diet: I'm vegetarian (been like this for 14 years) so tend to get most of my Protein from cheese yoghurt and Beans. I rememeber at 2 weeks out I created a spreadsheet and I had the most detailed plans of how many grams of protein, carbs and fat I would eat each day. Then I went back to real life and realised how unrealistic that really is. Well, it is in my life and will be for anybody else whose life is hectic. The truth is that the best diet is the one that uses instinct. I damn well know if I have eaten too many carbs and not enough protein during a day without needing to check a spreadsheet. It's just about using common sense to eat in a healthy and balanced manner but don't spend a week beating yourself up if there's a not so balanced day in there - everyday is a chance for a fresh start.

    Food restrictions: For some reason to this day I cannot eat Pasta or potato (unless it's in the form of chips/crisps) without throwing up an hour later so I just stay away from them as if I'm allergic now. But I think that this is specific to me as others I speak to have been eating these since 2 weeks post op. Rice tends to not cause any issues. Have recently reintroduced bread, but like 2 slices a week. My sleeve definitely still works, I very rarely even eat meals as I do not like the bloated feeling after 2 bites. Small snack size foods throughout the day has become my thing with no meals

    Shakes: Eurgh shakes! Where do I start. In the UK I have yet to find a single Protein Shake that tastes good. I literally wasted well over £100 trying out different shakes in the first 3 months post op. I even tried protein Water (Brand: Decibel if you wanna try)! THAT SUCKS AS WELL GUYS. I stick to protein from normal food now and I'm much happier for it

    Exercise: I like to use cardio so running, cycling and rowing machines are my thing as they are good for burning fat. Start off 2 days a week and build up from there, the more weight we lose the easier working out becomes. So dont try to jump into intense workouts that would suit you best say 8 months down the line instead. In terms of exercise I would say to trust the process, the time flies by!

    Loose skin: Weights will be good to prevent loose skin, I've been lucky and dont really have too much loose skin but I know that I want plastics in the future (saggy boobs lol) anyway so will find a way to get rid of it if there is any.

    Feelings: Honestly I feel great. I cannot believe that a whole year has zoomed by. It's the little things like walking to the train station, I'm no longer sweating or out of breath, my clothes fit better (until they get too loose, try to buy a couple pieces you can wear for the year btw as you lose, don't get a new wardrobe till you stop losing no matter how tempting it's a waste of money) and I generally have more confidence. I think we don't even realise how much our weight dictates all of the tiny choices that we make for things throughout the day until it is gone.

    One thing I can't stress enough is that we will all have our own journey through this thing, our bodies are unique and will react to the surgery in such a manner.

    Thankfully forums like these allow us to share our experiences and provide info/support to one another but remember to never let anybody judge you or the choices you make as you go through this (this is much more a mental journey than physical) or feel that your journey/process through this experience is inferior to somebody else's because you have different methods to them or you lose weight at a different speed/pattern.

    All in all I would do this entire year again in a heartbeat if I had to choose this surgery

    Wow thank you for your very detailed post! Truly appreciate it as I am just starting this process.

  4. I mean on the flip side you could use it as an opportunity as well. You'll have some amazing before and after pictures. Plus people tend to take fitness products/supplements more seriously when the person advertising them is thin/fit.
    I think ultimately a thin fit you would be more beneficial to your career even if it becomes known you had WLS and it'll greatly outweigh the negatives.

    I do agree I think I am just scared because I honestly don’t know a thin fit me lol. I have never been thin, even though I was very active and in a lot of sports growing up. I am completely out of shape I truly think it just boils down to really learning who the new me will be.

  5. I totally understand what your going through! I’m also in the Health and Fitness Industry. I have a Degree in Exercise Science and I’m Certified in Strength and Personal Training. I life weights and train power lifters everyday! BUT I am also extremely overweight and can’t lose the fat! I can’t stop eating all the delicious food that I love! Iv lost tons of weight and gained it right back every time! It just a never ending battle. I have two sons 8 and 15 and want to be alive for a long time. So I had to make that decision that, even though I have the knowledge and skills. There is obviously something broken that I need fixed. Surgery is my fix! No pills or supplements or running or lifting weights will ever stop the problem of over eating. You need to do what’s best for you and your family!

    Yesssssss everything you Said I can relate to so much. I have worked in the health and wellness field for 5 years but I am also a registered nurse. I have a 7 and 14 year old and I need this, I want to be around a long long time for them.. thank you for everything you said because it really hit home......

  6. If you are already overweight and on social media in this capacity then does your audience seem intelligent enough to realize you are not using supplements to maintain your weight currently? I’m not sure of what you are promoting but that would seem obvious to me as a consumer.
    I think if you were comfortable with it, sharing your story with your audience for educational purposes is a good idea if done the right way. Weight loss surgery has a negative connotation to it in our society, and it’s a shame because it could potentially help so many people.
    That being said you are very vague about the products and company which makes giving good advice somewhat difficult. If you are in jeopardy of losing your job if you have surgery certainly you need to be very careful about how you approach it and who you share information with. Most companies cannot terminate employees for having medical procedures.

    No I won’t he fired, and I was vague about the company as I don’t want to promote products or come accross as doing so (just like wls having a negative connotation) sometimes mentioning companies products it’s interpreted incredibly wrong so I just want to keep that part out of it. But my audience is very large and my organization is very large and unfortunately they have seen me gain about 60lbs over the last year! I do take supplements on a daily basis but they aren’t for weight loss though some it does help them with that. Me not so much, but also I was on adderal for years for adhd and came off of that about 15 months ago hence the major weight gain. It’s for sure tricky but I am very very honest with my audience and try to keep it real for them which is why I’m nervous to share this but at the same time it’s such a personal journey I am for sure nervous to break down the barrier on this topic... hope that explains a little.... I think I’m just scared of how it will all be interpreted.

  7. It depends, but for most people you will have the surgery within a month of checking off everything else. The biggest variable tends to be how many months of nutrition classes your insurance requires. For me my insurance company required a whopping 7 classes (they didn't even have 7 classes to offer so my last one was just a check in with the nutritionist). Most people have to do 3-6 classes and some insurance companies count the meeting with the surgeon as class 1. Based on that 4-7 months end to end from the first meeting with surgeon to the operating table. Of course there can be variation on scheduling as well, so take that with a grain of salt.

    Thank you, I told them I really wanted to get the ball rolling quickly lol. I’m sure most do. I’m not sure how much insurance is going to work for this but if it doesn’t cover it I will be self pay. I was just looking at the classes it looks like I have the Bariatric seminar 2 days after my egd. The classes I guess I will see the list when I go for that. Super nervous but excited at the same time

  8. Thank you all..... it’s really hard because honestly I want to share my journey with everyone to help them understand it from a different view.... I also do not want people to think my weight loss is from the products I sell because that is simply not true, while yes they help many in many ways, and help me in many ways, my weight is not one of the things it does for me.... and I’m ok with that I guess I am just nervous that people will think that

  9. Ok guys I have something very serious I need some advice on. I live a very very public life, very much on social media, I am top promoter in a health and wellness company, and I am struggling with my weight! Like a lot of you this struggle is way more then just the scale going up and down this has been a life long battle of gaining and losing the same 100lbs and it always comes back so much harder. I’m 37 years old, my girls are 7 and 14 I want to enjoy life with them and my weight is holding me back so so much. Now for the question, because of my position in my company I am so nervous to publically talk about my up and coming procedure. I think what I am scared of is people thinking the products I represent don’t work, which they do, but for me what I need is way more then a pill or supplement ever could do... I am also afraid of judgement and not understanding but I am hoping that by sharing my journey maybe it will help educate the public more about everything. I am just really conflicted about it all, this is my career and my livelihood. Just scared

  10. Hi all, I had my intial consult about 2 weeks ago, and my blood work and edg are this week on the 6th and 9th. They also have on the list for a psych evaluation, and classes! How long has it taken most of you to go from consult to having the actual procedure? Thanks in advance I am super excited to be on this journey just can’t wait to find out when the procedure will be. My edg is Monday the 9th! Anyone else currently at this stage in the process.

  11. Hey all, I just joined the forum this evening after searching online for Forums I could connect with others going through the same stuff. I am 37, a mom of 2, and someone that has gone up and down on the scale all of my life. I told my doctor today that it was extremely emotional because I have seriously only known my identity to be that girl with the amazing personality and pretty face....

    I am not wanting to be a certain size or weight, I am wanting to be healthy, in shape and happy in my own skin..

    Today was my first appointment and I am set for lab work April 6th and an egd April 9th! I am both nervous and excited.

    I apologize ahead of time I am just figuring out this site and how to search for post similar......

    Did anyone else just begin the process??

    Thanks all for reading and I am looking forward to getting to know All of you!

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