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Posts posted by MyMojosBack

  1. Trust me on this, IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT! I don’t like to make promises, but THIS I can promise you. Six months post-surgery and I have absolutely NO regrets. I’ve dropped 75 pounds and EVERYTHING about my life has changed for the better. Stay the course until your surgery and you will be so happy that you did!

  2. Help! Right after my 3/14/28 surgery, my weight loss was buzzing along, but then it just stopped. I’ve been eating 80-100 grams of Protein, drinking 64+ oz Water, and taking my Vitamins exactly per doctor’s orders.

    The first 3.5 weeks I lost 25 pounds. But in the last week I’ve lost just one pound. My weight has actually been unchanged for four straight days.

    What gives? I’m afraid I’m not going to keep losing. I still have 50-60 pounds to lose. And it’s only been 4.5 weeks! Seems awfully early for a “plateau.”

    Thoughts? Experiences? Advice?

    Thank you!

    - Scott in Seattle

    Sleeved: 3/14/18

    HW: 279.4

    SW: 258.6

    GW: 170.0

    -CW: 232.6-


    3/14 - 258.6

    3/17 - 256.5

    3/19 - 253.6

    3/20 - 250.2

    3/21 - 249.2

    3/28 - 244.7

    4/1 - 240.8

    4/6 - 239.0

    4/7 - 236.6

    4/8 - 235.6

    4/9 - 234.4

    4/10 - 233.6

    4/11 - 233.4

    4/12 - 233.0

    4/13 - 234.4

    4/14 - 232.6

    4/15 - 232.6

    4/16 - 232.6

  3. Do Protein Shakes count towards both liquid and Protein goals? I cannot remember.
    Sent from my Z981 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I was told the Water or skim milk you use in your shake counts but the other ingredients don’t. So I’m you make a 12 oz shake that has yogurt and Protein Powder and 8 oz of Fluid, you would count just the 8 oz. Broths count as liquids as do sugar free popsicles.

  4. Stretching the sleeve is not the problem. Busting the Staple line or creating a leak is. The best thing to do is drink from a smaller cup or put smaller amounts of Water in the cup.
    There are patients who can drink large amounts of Water at a time. Remember not every sleeve is the same. However, you are still fresh out and now is not the time to be putting pressure on your sleeve.

    Great advice! Thank you.

  5. You cannot stretch your sleeve. But you need to slow down because you are healing - it takes 6 months to totally heal - but at 4 days you have considerable inflammation and should not take chances like this. I am surprised you had no pain from slugging this down so quickly. One good thing, you are not in danger of dehydration. But try to be more mindful.

    It’s not easy suddenly being mindful when you’ve spent your life not being mindful. I have virtually no pain when I drink fluids. I’m surprised as well. I was anticipating my body wouldn’t allow me to do anything BUT take small sips. That’s what I was told. But not so for me. I’m going to keep a small glass nearby for Portion Control from now on. Thanks.

  6. I’m four days post-op (sleeved 3/14) and mindlessly drank an entire 32 oz bottle of Water in 10 minutes while engaged in a conversation. In that moment, I completed forgot to take small sips and wait. Does anyone have any opinions on the long-term damage I might have caused doing this (such as stretching out my stomach)? Anyone else at this stage of post-op finding it easier to drink large portions of fluids than expected? I appreciate your feedback.

  7. I was sleeved on Monday, March 12th, 2018 and life is getting harder than I could ever imagine! Day #6 today has been the worst! I can barely drink enough Protein Shakes to reach about 35grams of Protein, about 40 oz. of fluids, stomach bloating even though I am using gas x thin strips, no bm since last Sunday! Not able to take crushed bitter tasting meds as much as needed! My treadmill died, the weather is not cold and rainy to walk, can't drive, no transportation for Monday and Tuesday, no one to help me if needed...my list goes on and on! The only positive point is that I'm NOT having acid reflux! I was so excited to get this surgery since I've been waiting for 9 years to get approved. Completed the program in 2 months and 10 days! I'm hoarse, tired, grouchy, in pain, and at times wish I had done prep a little differently.

    You’ve waited 9 years for this. Don’t let one week get you down. What you’re describing is pretty much what everyone goes through the first week. Things will get better and better. And then the weight will start coming off and you won’t even remember the first week!

  8. I have Aetna and they approved my surgery before I even scheduled a sleep study. It was the surgeon that wanted it and I have to bring my CPAP to surgery. Turns out I did have apnea and this machine has resolved my morning headaches and need for a nap!

    I’ve been using my CPAP for several years now. For a few years I hated it and only wore it part of the time. Then I started paying more attention to the medical studies tying all kinds of illnesses to unresolved sleep apnea. Now I wear it religiously and my energy level is so much better. Like you said, fewer headaches, no daytime drowsiness, and no soaked sheets from night sweats. I’m three days post-op and I’m told that once my weight is off, there’s a good chance my sleep apnea will be resolved too.

  9. Hi, this is my first post, just looking for some advice!
    I am currently three weeks post op and I have kind of been pushing the stages a bit faster than I should have.
    I was already having thick Soups from week 2 and started having some purées and mash from a few days before week three. I still have a few more days left on purées before I start soft foods on Wednesday but I have already had crackers, boiled eggs, hard cheeses, even a few Doritos - I have just been chewing them down into a proper mush. I haven’t felt unwell from it but i know I shouldn’t be having them yet. Anyone else who was kind of pushing boundaries with the texture of foods?
    My other thing is, I have been chewing and spitting bad foods. Like greasy fish and chips and fried chicken, even donuts, chewing them up and spitting them out. I am going to stop that because I know it’s bad but it’s so addictive and satisfies my old cravings. I am starting to feel like I can eat more than I should be able to.
    I really struggle not to eat and drink at the same time too. I constantly have drinks with my food because it makes me feel better. Do you think I’ve stretched my pouch and ruined my surgery? I have still been losing okay, it’s just the past couple days I have been making bad choices. Have I messed up?

    Let’s start with, you haven’t ruined anything. We didn’t get fat because of one bad choice. And a bad choice isn’t going to derail your success on this surgery. HOWEVER, you’ve got to be honest with yourself too. Keeping your trigger foods in the house is a bad idea. Throw them out now. Seriously, now. Find something that you can eat on this program that sounds good and make sure you have plenty on hand. No more tasting foods and spitting them out. I say this because I can relate to you. After getting rid of the bad foods, the second thing you must do is join a support group of some kind. A good one for you might be over-eaters anonymous. Or even weight watchers. The last thing you should do is beat yourself up for being human. You have not failed and you’re not a failure. Choose to get back on track and forgive yourself. You deserve that!

  10. I am 3 days post op too and I feel exactly the same way!! I don’t ever feel full! I feel weird pains and lots of grumbling and I belch a lot. I am starving and want to eat so bad! I was hoping the Protein Shake I had today would help but I drank the whole thing in 30 min and never felt full. I keep trying to listen to my body and recognize cues but nothing is consistent.

    I’m ALSO three days post-op and I’m having the exact same experience as you two. Clearly, this must be normal since all three of us are having the same experiences. I don’t feel particularly full. I’m surprised by how much I’m able to eat - particularly the Protein shake (still it’s not a lot). And the tummy grumbling is crazy. Let’s all just decide to think positively. :)

  11. my heavy weight was 426, surgery weight was 405 I’m now about 4.5 months out from surgery and now weight 346. I feel like I’m losing slower than I should some feedback would be helpful

    You’re losing over 12 pounds a month. I think that’s incredible! Just keep doing what you’re doing! Consider, at your current pace you’ll be in the 200s in 3.5 months. That’s amazing. Keep your eyes

    on the prize and don’t second guess yourself.

  12. Let me congratulate you sir and say welcome to the family! Please do not worry about the amount of liquids that you are able to consume at this stage. I can assure you that I was EXTREMELY worried until I started doing some research and found out that you are able to drink more because Water just slides through your pouch. Pretty much the only thing that will "hold" you will be your Protein, and anything with a thick consistency. I am a little over 6 months out and I can consume Water VERY easily. But when I try to drink a Protein Shake I have to stop after a few sips and let things settle. It takes me about 15-20 minutes to finish a 20 oz shake. I can absolutely KILL a 16oz bottle of water in 3 minutes or less!! Stomach noise is somewhat normal as well, some more than others! My MIL had a bypass and after she eats she sounds HORRIBLE! I normally don't have any noise but it depends on what I eat but noise is rare. Give it a little time it may work out that you will be "normal" in a bit, you are less than a week out and are still swollen. If you still feel the same after a week or so then you my want to talk to your surgeon and tell them about the stomach noise and the pain that you are experiencing. Normally you will have the gas pain for 3-5 days post op. Just hang in there you will be over this soon! I know that it sounds crazy but this is the worst part, once you get over this hump it is all downhill from here! (journey is a lifetime and you will have a lifetime of good choices to make and trying to keep the weight off but as far as the pain goes its all downhill!!)

    Thank you so much for taking the time to provide so much useful feedback. I’m so impressed by the kindness on this forum. I’m glad to know everything I’m going through right now is somewhat normal. I haven’t lost any weight yet and it’s been a half a week, but I’m hoping that’s normal as well. Thanks again.

  13. I was sleeved the morning of 3/14. I’ve transitioned to Protein Shakes, pudding and creamed Soups. My gas pain is pretty intense. I’m able to release gas a little but mostly my stomach is incredibly loud with gas. I’m taking GasX strips. Is the loud sounds of internal gas normal? Also, I’m able to take in more fluids than I thought I could. Am I stretching out my sleeve? I expected it to be more obvious when I had no more room in my new stomach. Thanks for any and all comments and opinions.

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