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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by johnsons13

  1. johnsons13

    Questions for the nervous.

    That's amazing to be so dedicated. You can do this
  2. johnsons13

    Food Dreams

    I'm a recovering addict/alcoholic and I"ve had such vivid using dreams I almost called my sponsor to let her know I relapsed. I've also done the same with food then I wake up tasting it. I try to find foods close to what I was craving that is acceptable to my diet. Sometimes I splurge, but it's common after anniversaries, celebration times, stressful times, etc to be triggered in dream form for what is unhealthy.
  3. johnsons13

    Severe nauseau

    I know after my surgery, the protein drinks I enjoyed during my pre op liquid diet, I couldn't stomach after surgery. I would feel sick. I can tolerate it again now, but I had to switch protein drinks until I moved to pureed then solids.
  4. johnsons13

    Questions for the nervous.

    Do you have a date yet? I'm happy I had the surgery, but it's been a roller coaster emotionally, physically, and everything in between.
  5. johnsons13

    Questions for the nervous.

    I was excited and nervous. I was just like you and I was thinking I won't pass my psych eval, I'll lose too much weight before during the pre op liquid diet, I didn't weigh enough even though my insurance already approved it, that once my Dr got in me there would be a reason not to finish, etc. I was a nervous wreck up until I woke up from surgery.
  6. johnsons13

    Struggling With Vitamins

    I have ruined the taste of many yogurts with meds in it. I can't wait to be able to swallow pills again. But now that I hve found these Bari Life powdered multi with iron, I'll never buy anything else unless they stop making it. I haven't tried the capsules because I got a sample from my surgeons office and that is how I found out I enjoy a vitamin finally I had tried another brand, but after swallowing it, it had that vitamin after taste. YUCKY!! My kids even tasted the Bari Life and my husband and we all agree that this tastes like those powder things you put in water for flavor. It does leave behind a little granules almost looks like sand, but I kept shaking it and this is something I would actually recommend for those with a hrd time with vitamins.
  7. johnsons13

    Struggling With Vitamins

    Well after many failed attempts at many nasty to me vitamins, I found Bari Life vitamins. Apparently the capsules have a vanilla taste. But I tried the powder that dissolves in water and it was yummy with a weird look. The watermelon and lemonade are the colors you would think they would be (pink and yellow) they have a milky look too. But i'm happy to hear I'm not as odd as I thought.
  8. johnsons13

    Eating Righ After Surgery

    Yes, I'm 6 months post op on solid foods and my calories are at 500 a day. But my doctor said no more than 700 since I've been struggling. My dietician is aware and she's gotten onto me for going over. I am always full with my 500 a day limit, but I continue eating for unhealthy reasons; boredom, stress, wanting to prove I'll enjoy it, etc. I've got bariastic app on my phone which is like a MyFitnessPal but for bariatric patients with a bunch of bells and whistles. I log for about a week then I get tired of it or forget a day then just justify why not to for a few days to a week. But like I said earlier, I get to move up calories once I reach my goal weight to start my maintaining calories.
  9. johnsons13

    Questions for the nervous.

    I only had to go with the starting BMI and the doctor wanted some weight loss because it makes it easier on your liver and for the surgeon to move around inside. I had a 2 week liquid pre op diet.
  10. johnsons13

    Compression clothing?

    I'm happy to find this about compression clothing. I have thought about getting something to help feel more comfortable walking and jogging. I just don't know whether to get pants or a shirt. It's my lower fat of my belly that smacks when I jog and that embarrasses me and is very uncomfortable.
  11. You are all an inspiration to me. I have a hard time getting myself up to walk. I had my surgery in April and I know I would lose more weight if I incorporated some kind of exercise. I have an elliptical and exercise trampoline, but they just sit and collect dust. Man I need to get off my butt.
  12. johnsons13

    Hair loss getting worse

    I had my VSG done in April. I've noticed after I had kids, my hair thinned out a lot, so I was terrified of the known hairloss after surgery. I have 7 month old dreads, so I can't tell what hair loss I have.
  13. johnsons13

    how often were you told to eat

    I had my surgery in April and my doctor for the first year to eat 3 meals a day and not to exceed 500 calories. At least until I reach my goal weight then we go to 1000 calories to maintain. I have been going over my calories and my weight loss kinda paused. So my doctor said not to exceed 700 and try to stick to about 200 calories per meal whenever I eat them during the day.
  14. johnsons13

    Post Op Intake Questions

    I had my surgery in April and I still struggle eating too much until I get way too full. But like someone else said, I notice that I start hiccupping and burping when I'm full.. My nurse told me she did the same thing, so I knew to look for that.
  15. I had the sleeve gastrectomy in April of this year and if I have a small drink of anything carbonated, I feel nauseous until I let out a huge burp. I've actually had to get my hubby to pat me on the back like burping a baby.
  16. johnsons13

    I am over it.

    I had my sleeve 4-3-18. My husband knew and some other people knew, but not the date. I definitely didn't want his family knowing because they are drama fanatics. So, I told his Aunt because she invited us for Easter and I couldn't eat because I was on my pre op diet and I told her not to tell anyone. We told everyone else I was dieting. Well, guess what she ran her mouth and now won't even talk to me at all. Oh well, it's my life. I've also had people tell me I didn't need the surgery. I'm 5'2 and weighed 230 which medically is morbidly obese. Plus, I had co-morbidities. To hell with everyone else. I'm happy with my decision. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. johnsons13

    Are you happy with your sleeve

    One way I know I'm full is when I get hiccups. It's crazy, but my husband laughs about it and it makes me laugh. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. My cousin had wls and lost her butt, I have been terrified of losing mine. And I mean this in these most respectful way, but you still have yours, and that gives me hope. You look amazing. I'm 5'2 and my heaviest was 230. I'm 2 months out and I'm a little around or before 198 (haven't weighed at my surgeon in a few weeks) Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. johnsons13

    Post your progress pics!

    Wow Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. johnsons13

    Pregnancy - 8 months post op

    I had pcos and in 2001, I had a miscarriage after numerous negative tests. I took metformin for years for it with no luck getting pregnant and this was before I had diabetes. Then I ended up have 3 kids back to back in 2010, 2011, & 2013. The last one my cousin has, whole nother story. And that was all before I had wls. I'm grateful I had a hysterectomy last year because I already know I would be a fertile myrtle. My Dr always told me a faint line is as good as a bright one. Keep us updated. Your life is not a show like "my big fat fabulous life". This is real and I hope the best for you. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. johnsons13

    Are you happy with your sleeve

    I'm only 2 months and 8 days out, but I'm so happy I went through with it. I came home without diabetic meds and I have more energy now. It's a pain figuring out what I can eat now, but nothing worth having comes easy. I'm on track with what I'm supposed to be losing. I'm 5'2 and I weighed 230. I'm now below 198 (I haven't weighed at my Dr in a few weeks so I don't know the actual number) Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. johnsons13

    My Mouth is So Dry!

    I had dehydration for the first 3 weeks post op and my Dr made me go get iv fluids. It's easier to eat right when your hydrated and you feel better. 25oz is way too low even for someone not obese. My Dietitian told me its more important to get the MINIMUM of 64oz than any protein. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. johnsons13

    VSG candidate, boyfriend NOT onboard!

    you are amazing woman. so strong and to me you're young at heart
  24. johnsons13

    I confess....2018

    I confess I cheat eating snack crackers or hot Cheetos. I'm a month and a half out and I'm still on liquids because I wasn't getting my fluids in. I confess I'm jealous of my husband and kids because I cook them a yummy dinner and I drink mine or eat a pickle pop. I love seeing people eat especially what I've cooked, but I'm sad I can't even eat tuna
  25. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    I tried scrambled eggs and it makes me nauseous. but after a visit to my Dr I had to stay on liquids because I'm not getting my fluids in

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
