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Posts posted by GirlShrinking

  1. Wow.. I’ve been MIA for awhile and just logged into check on my fellow sleeve members and have to say.. I am amazed!!

    You’re all doing so 👏🏽

    Personally, I’ve been struggling last couple months and have gained(not too much) but enough to make me sit back and re-evaluate why I did this to begin with.

    So, I dug up some old pics and posted them in front of my treadmill as a reminder of where I DONT want to be.

    I needed some outside motivation as well which is why I logged on to see how the rest of you guys were doing... definitely re-inspired me to get back on track.

    ..Keep up the great work !!!

  2. Would anyone be interested in joining myself and a large community of other weightloss surgery patients in a jump rope challenge starting Jan 1st? it’s free and is being hosted via Instagram..


    Ps. This is me at my current weight 218

    My starting weight was 289.. my surgery weight was 242.3

  3. I was kind of losing hair prior to weightloss due to hypothyroidism but had levels checked before surgery and levels were high for all vitamins.. I’m 67 days out from surgery and I have to say that I haven’t really been losing more than what I was losing before surgery (which is surprising) but I’m not complaining 😁

    I take Biotin 10,000 mcg daily and super B complex along with my regular daily Vitamins religiously ..

  4. On 12/21/2018 at 14:10, notmyname said:

    I'm in your shoes too. I've lost 32 since surgery/46 since pre-op diet/54 total. I just this week dropped into one size down (so I can now wear 22w). It was really frustrating. But I took measurements and saw that weight was coming off - just mostly in my hips, legs and arms. So, I figure that at some point my waist has to catch up.

    Yea, it’s annoying when trying to buy clothes that fit to your new weight and they don’t fit.

    So I’ve just been buying pants with elastic waist until I reach a weight where I’m more evenly fitted throughout.

  5. On 12/20/2018 at 23:48, aussiemomdinoaunt said:

    I know this sounds weird but have you tried on a smaller pair? I was wearing my bigger size clothes and in my head I kept saying they fit... until I put on the next size down and saw/felt the difference. My brain was trying to tell me I was still big, but my body and the mirror showed me I was in fact losing. Good job with your weight loss and shirt size loss! You are rocking it and I'm sure it'll fall off eventually! Keep going, I'm glad you feel great!

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I have a size 20 that I haven’t fit into in like four years and they fit through the hips but don’t quite zip up all the way.

    And thanks ☺️ I think it will too.. just a matter of time!

    I have a question for everyone.

    Has anyone done a dexafit scan to get a baseline of where they are in overall Body fat and accurate BMI? It gives you bone destiny and everything. I’m asking because I was wondering if it’ll be worth knowing or if it’s just better to get a BMI smart scale and going off that?

  6. Wow a lot of you guys are dropping sizes left and right. I’m down 35 lbs and still wearing 22w pants. I feel great though!

    I started at 289. My pre-op weight was 255 and my current weight is 220 today :)
    That was a personal goal to hit before two month post-op so, I’m happy about that! but my pants sizes haven’t shrunk as fast..? My tops on the other hand.. I’ve gone from 2XL to a L and some Medium shirts depending on the brand

  7. 12/01/2018 03:28 PM, JessaK said:

    I had my 6 week checkup yesterday a few days ahead of my actual 6 week mark. Everything seemed good. 32 lbs lost at 17.8%. Doc did say that he wanted me to loose at least 30 more in the next 6 weeks when I see him again. 5 lbs a week seems so daunting right now because I keep stalling.

    I wouldn’t follow what he gave you for a number. I would follow the nutritionist diet.. I saw my surgeon on the 13th of November and I had surgery on the 24th of October (just shy of 3 weeks apart he told me that he was surprised I had only lost 10 pounds and should have at least hit 25-30 lbs since surgery (in 3weeks??) that’s crazy.

    I brought this up at my follow up appointments with my nutritionist which was November 22nd and she raised her eyebrows and said he’s nuts and you’re losing weight at a good rate of 2lbs a week. She said ignore him and follow the diet.

    I felt like failure when I saw him and I thought about sabotaging myself because of it! I really had to mentally push myself pass what he had said and redirect my focus on healthier thoughts so I increased walking and added 3lb weights to my workouts. My surgery weight was 242.2 and today I’m 225.6

    I’m happy with my progress.. pay no mind to that Drs stupid comments I think he’s an idiot for saying what he said. You’re doing great and doing what you can .. stick to your nutritionist diet

  8. On 11/25/2018 at 09:55, Georgetown said:

    I think one of the biggest differences is how happy you look now! There’s a brightness in your eyes that wasn’t in the other picture! Great job!

    That’s a great observation! I get that a lot as of recently. I wasn’t happy before even when I tired my hardest to hide it. I’ve been told my eyes speak when my mouth doesn’t(lol) . I’ve been able to sleep better since surgery and in turn have the energy to get up and move! Feeling reborn after this surgery :)


  9. On 11/25/2018 at 07:15, Hrsnjs said:

    I don't know that anyone can see much difference, but I can see a little. These are four weeks apart. The day of surgery before. Four weeks post op after. I have not put any full body shots together yet to compare. GirlShrinking, you look great!! Keep it up.IMG_20181116_175447_820.jpeg

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Definitely can see a difference! It’s awesome to see the progress behind the hard work!

    Thank you, btw!

    I looking forward to seeing everyone’s progress 😊💪👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  10. Hi everyone my Fellow Fall Sleevers!!

    I’ve been MIA on here pretty much focusing on tracking my eating, Vitamins and exercise(mentally purging the social media stuff) I had Surgery on the 24th of October and feeling great.
    Is anyone submitting progress photos?

    I added one.. my weightloss has been coming off slow but stead (I haven’t had a stall longer than a week) Today I’m at 227lbs

    My goal is to hit 220 by Dec 20th and 200lbs by Dec 31st..

    The holidays is the hardest of times to have this major surgery so I applaud anyone that has made it through this during the holidays! It sure is a mental battle and can be overly exhausting!!

    Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and keep up the hard work!💪

    Also..don’t mind my appearance I’m still under construction :)


  11. On 10/23/2018 at 11:08, Yessican said:

    Hey guys, so I’m scheduled for nov 7. I’m a mom of two beautiful, energetic girls one is 6 and one is going to be 2. I’m having my worries of course about the surgery my biggest concern are my babies. I need this for me but I’m feeling a little selfish because I know they need me too. Just wanted to hear advice and other mommies that have been in this position, how was it, recovering and attending to them and everything in between.

    I felt like this all the way to surgery 10/24. She’s 8yr old.. I had to leave her with my older sister who’s like a second mom to her. I’ve been face timing her and checking on her throughout the whole thing. I was so worried that she wouldn’t be taken care of but my sister has been super supportive.

    Do you have family you trust that can take care of them while you’re healing?

    In the end you’ll be thankful you did this for yourself especially when the kiddos reap the end rewards (when the time comes)

  12. have any of you recent surgeries been experiencing heartburn/acid reflux? If so, did you have a hiatal hernia repair with your surgery?

    I’m getting the sleeve done but also have the hiatal hernia repair as well 10/24.. and was curious if those with the same kind of procedure noticed improvements afterwards?

    Btw, @bigcurt I tried your suggestion and it helped me.. thanks a lot. I didn’t think pickles were allowed on the pre-op liquid diet.

  13. So, I have a question.. during pre-op diet (with the liquid diet) have any one experienced Constipation ? I’ve noticed my bowels have changed (I know sounds gross) but I was pretty regular before this. Is this because I’m not eating actual solid foods? And just liquid? Because I’m definitely peeing like crazy!

    Also, the headache is out of this world! How did some of you ladies manage to cope with that especially with little ones (I have an 8yr old) or work in healthcare (I work with several 8 yr olds)

    Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

  14. On 10/06/2018 at 23:04, Oct517 said:

    You're not allowed fruit on your pre op diet? I didnt have to do a preop diet.
    It took me 3 days to finish 1 Protein Shake post op, I feel like (at least for me) it would be nearly impossible to drink 3 of them a day after surgery.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Nope. not in the pre-op diet phase I asked about apple sauce (because it’s cheap) plus I love apples, haha and she said ‘only unsweetened applesauce’ . After surgery once I’m back in the solid phase I can have fruit.< br />
    She gave me this sample post-op plan to go by aiming for 7 carbs, 8 Protein and 9 Fats (to start with) it’ll be adjusted as I go along to maximize weight-loss with the surgery.

    Have you tried setting a timer to drink one Protein Shake of 8oz? When I had my first visit with the nutritionist I had a protein shake and she asked me how long have I had it (that day) I said since Breakfast. She shook her head and say ‘it shouldn’t take you all day to drink one shake. If it does then you’re not hungry’ then told me to throw it out ‘it’s too much’. I asked her what’s the amount of time it should take me? She said at least an hour (before surgery) and after surgery she said you should be ‘full’ after a half hour with ONE 8oz shake.. that’ll be 4oz..

    She also said that some patients drink ‘around’ their sleeves meaning they’re drinking to frequent and not feeling ‘full’ and that’s why a timer is helpful to encourage you to drink that shake within that time frame and learning when you’re ‘full’

    I started my journey the beginning of February this year (lost up until today 40lbs) and been practicing the tips that I’ve learned from the nutritionist and support groups they make you go to, to learn from veteran sleevers, by-pass and even lap-band patients.. They also give you these packets of nutritional tips and websites, apps.. list goes on. It’s up to me to learn the new lifestyle that is about to be after my surgery. It’s truly a lifestyle change and I’ve learned a lot. :)


  15. 10/06/2018 10:27 PM, Oct517 said:

    Yeah, those might be good options pre op. Although with a normal sized stomach, youd probably have to eat like 5 of them to feel full. However, for after surgery probably not a good idea. No Protein in them.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Nope. I only eat these as a ‘snack’ since no fruit is allowed and that was my go to for snack (was fruit) ..The instructions calls for 3 Protein Shakes 6-8oz each as ‘meals’ that’s where the bulk of my Protein is coming from and only 3 of these jars of baby food the rest is Water or sugar free juice :) and if I’m still ‘hungry’ just add another Protein shake

    as far as after surgery.. same thing until okay to move into soft foods and so on..  :D


  16. 10/06/2018 05:03 PM, Oct517 said:

    I was told that baby food is a big no-no for bariatric patients. Most have tons of sodium and other preservatives in them. They're also designed with the purpose to help infants/babies gain weight and get bigger, while our goal is the opposite.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    More options of low in sodium, calories and carbs..

    It would be insane to feed a baby more sodium than what an average adult consumes in a day.. I know that in the past baby food was being criticized for having higher sodium in their foods to the average intake which was causing kidney problems in some babies. Today baby food has a significant less amount of sodium than before. 

    These are beech nut baby food brand


  17. On 10/06/2018 at 20:13, notmyname said:

    It is interesting the various rules docs give. I ended up seeing three different surgeons to find someone I was comfortable with and due to some insurance issues. Each of the three had different programs on what you had to do before they’d submit to insurance, what pre-pre of diet you needed to be on before they’d submit to insurance, what pre-op rules were, and the stages for food re-introduction afterwards. So interesting. I really hope someone is doing the research to see what is really the best way for future patients. I get the feeling some of it is more art than science at this point.
    I agree. I’ve seen so many different variations of diets for the procedure before and after..

  18. On 10/06/2018 at 17:03, Oct517 said:

    I was told that baby food is a big no-no for bariatric patients. Most have tons of sodium and other preservatives in them. They're also designed with the purpose to help infants/babies gain weight and get bigger, while our goal is the opposite.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    You have to read the labels.. the ones I buy have about 30mg of sodium. I bought 20 of the item in the picture.

    Low in sodium, low in carbs and low in calories.. it’s got one gram of Protein but I’m getting the rest from shakes ( (4)8oz Protein Shakes a day) with 28grams in each.

    Both my nutritionist and my surgeon said it was ok (idk) I’ve been satisfied thus far. I don’t like the consistency but hey.. it’s pre-op lol

    Anything to shrink that liver! :)


  19. My surgeon told me as long as I stay under 60grams of carbs with low calories and high Protein that all should be good for surgery. So I’ve been focusing on the low carbs (mostly baby food 4oz jars) with 2g of sugar and low in calories anywhere between 20-30calories.

    Idk if this will help anyone out there. Also, he said if you feel like you’re getting hungrier to replace all Snacks with 4 8oz Protein Shakes a day..

  20. On 10/04/2018 at 15:47, amanda-xo said:

    Ugh, so many questions... I guess we just have to figure it out as we go.

    Are you going to be on a 2 week liquid diet?

    Yes, I start on the 10Th. I’ve been slowly cutting back on the calories.. yesterday I had a headache and I think it was the lack of carbs so naturally gravitated towards salty food :(

    These forums have been very helpful along my journey and have learned a lot from reading from other’s experiences. It’s nice to have others that are going through it with you

  21. On 10/04/2018 at 12:40, amanda-xo said:

    23 days until my surgery day!!! I am getting a little nervous, not so much about the surgery it self but more about the pre liquid diet, and the after.

    A few questions on my mind.

    How will my body adjust?

    How much loose skin will I have?

    How will I start going to the gym? what kind of workout can I do? do I need a trainer?

    Does everyone get nausea & gas? (Any tips to help)

    What was it like to go back to work?

    Anyone else out there with an October 24-26th 2018 surgery date?

    - I need a surgery buddy!!🙂

    I had all these questions on top of how to get my house ready and what to get in order for me to stay on track.

    My surgery date is 10/24

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