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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by GansettRam74

  1. Thank to everyone that took time out of your day to comment, make suggestions, share your trials. I am certainly going to take much of the advice given. As I mentioned, my goal is to get my BF% to at least 20% if not lower. My PCP estimates I'm at about 30%BF now. I laugh at the BMI chart as it has me as 36%. My PCP and I talked about having a BMR test done and he's ordered one. To @oldbriannomore you look awesome man as do everyone else. I wish I had your height or even close to it. I'm a tad vertically challenged at 5'9. As my father always would say about himself and his kids. We aren't overweight, we're just under height! I did lose 1lb this week so yeah for small victories. I added a couple nights of 20yd sprints & ladder drill workouts, with with my 16yr old who's started his preseason Strength & conditioning workouts for football. Not sure if that made a difference but I was pleasantly surprised how well at 45yrs old how I kept up with him on the first 5 sprints anyway. I think my goal for the summer will be to try to shed as much extra fat as I can while maintaining the muscle I have as best I can then look to add muscle in the Fall. Please keep the discussions going. I enjoy reading everyone's experiences and recommendations.

  2. 18 hours ago, Albus said:

    I’m just over a year out, have lost maybe 10lb since Xmas but my body shape has changed hugely as I just started working out in December.

    That seems like a bit of a big deficit but I’m no expert...

    Might be worth shaking up the routine a bit? If you’re doing body building style workouts maybe try lower volume higher weights for a while? Reduce the walking and replace with HIIT cardio?

    I wouldn’t worry too much just play about and enjoy you far you’ve come!

    Thank you for the reply and suggestions. Much appreciated! I have been changing up routine a bit every 6 weeks but more on the lifting end. Maybe I will try to do HIIT a couple days a week in leu of a walk that day. My nut hasn't really been much help because she doesn't get why I'm wanting to add muscle. I'd personally rather be 210-215 with 15-20%bf then 190lbs and look sick & withdrawn especially when all other health markers(bp, cholesterol, acid reflux in check, etc) are now spot on.

  3. 4 minutes ago, FancyChristine15 said:

    Your caloric intake is definitely NOT too low. I think that's a great amount for someone who does as much activity as you do. Are your clothes looser? I've noticed that I haven't lost a lot of pounds lately, but my clothes feel looser.

    Yes they are. My body is changing, just not seeing it on scale. I know I'm getting leaner, I have added muscle mass, and it is a marathon not a sprint but still, some days gets very frustrating especially seeing others with massive weightloss. I am happy with how I don't have a ton of loose skin so i guess that's plus too.

  4. 4 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    P.S. depending on your gender, 15-20% body fact could too low (definitely too low for female - OK for athletic males). Mine got down to 22% (I'm female), and the Dexascan technician and my PCP both told me to stop - if I kept going, I'd just be eating into my muscle.

    I'm a 45yr old male who's ultimate goal is to get lean enough with enough muscle to entire a natural masters BB comp down the road. This is where the conundrum is. I know if I lowered my cals, I'd likely lose much quicker but I know most will be muscle mass. It is encouraging hearing you lost weight up to 18-20mos out. I am hopeful I can get the remaining 35lbs off in the next 9-10mos. I'd be happy with 25lbs but BF in low 20's.

  5. So I am coming up on my 1yr mark. While I am happy that I've lost 142lbs from HW in Feb 2018, 93lbs since sleeve, my weight loss has virtually been stalled. My macros are have been on point(1200-1400 cals, 90-125g Protein, 50-60g carbs per day) while walking 4mi six days per week plus 1.5hrs lifting at gym 4-5 days per week. Per Apple watch, I am burning 4500-5500 cals per day depending on workouts but yet scale has not moved in more than 2lbs in two months. Frustrated as heck but I haven't let off the gas pedal. My personal goal is to lose another 35lbs while getting by BF 15-20%. Definitely have much more noticeable definition in arms, shoulders, and legs but yet scale not moving. Could overtraining be the reason for my stall??? Am I just not able to get enough calories in to keep metabolism burning?? Have I reached my loss period??? I am afraid if I lower cals, I'll start to lose my muscle gains. Any trainers out here with experience in bariatric surgery? Anyone go through this??

  6. Thank you for the reply and encouragement! Gets very frustrating at times after working my behind off at 45yrs old like I was in high school/college again and not see the scale move much lately. I took my measurements this morning and am down an inch in waist & chest so as you said, what I am doing is working, just not from a scale standpoint. Onwards I go with this marathon, not sprint. Going to look for one of those Omicron handhelds this weekend. Thanks again for the words and advice!

  7. So i've searched & read many of the previous "stall" threads but none seem to be similar to my issue. My HW was 387, SW 338(sleeved on 6/20/18), CW 250lbs. My macros are 1000-1200cals depending on lifting days, 90-110g Protein, 50-60g carb per day. I'm lifting heavy 4 days per week with 45min HIIT cardio 5-6x/week. Per Apple Watch I'm burning between 4500-5500 cals per day so clearly burning 3x what I take in. My nut says I am were I need to be macro wise but the scale is just not friggin moving. My goal is cutting another 40lbs. I wonder if I am just not getting enough calories but don't think I can eat more. I don't want to lose any muscle mass, just burn fat. I've spoken with a few trainers who train bodybuilders & they think I am not getting enough calories but they admittedly don't have experience with bariatric surgery. The flip side is I've made a lot of progress and body has changed. I've dropped several sizes(4x to 2x), 50" waist to 40" but have more to go. Seeing people with better numbers and doing much less work is getting very frustrating. My question is- has anyone had a lengthy stall like this and was working out heavy? Was upping calories the answer? Was lowering your macros the answer? and were you able to maintain your muscle mass? TIA!

  8. Had my two week post op appt with surgeon today. Surgeon very impressed with recovery and progress. Down 24lbs and many inches. Said I even look in better spirits, which I am. Body Aches and pains are virtually minimal. Gave the all clear to introduce ground meat, flaky fish, well sautéed veggies(this Italian need his mushrooms, onions, peppers, and garlic in Tomato gravy) along with pureed/mushy foods. So Blended up 2oz of ground turkey taco meat as the rest of fam was having tacos, put in a mug, mixed in some sour cream, sprinkle of shredded cheddar, and dab of organic salsa. The taste was oh so heavenly and was nice to enjoy same meal as the fam! Thirsty as all heck as the drinking during eating is one of my toughest struggles at the moment, and the clock doesn’t seem to be moving. Still long way to go obvi but I’ll take a good day like this along the way anyday!

  9. 24 minutes ago, magpie26 said:

    Honestly, I'm always great with pain, I'm a champ. I was in agony with my sleeve though. I took my Tylenol and walked and took my gas meds AND my oxys and I was pretty miserable for about five days. I couldn't get in or out of bed, couldn't sleep well, couldn't sit comfortably anywhere, I tried walking around the house all the time. I took my pain meds at night until probably day 9 because of the lower right incision, then I just felt better. My drain was in for 8 days!! That was extra fun. I also had staples, not stiches or glue, which makes for extra cool scars.

    I keep seeing many others, like you, mention a drain. Is there anyone who didn't know anything about or had a drain other than me? I been reading a lot of posts post op, and my experience thus far, though there have been many similarities to what others have posted, there has been many other things that couldn't have been more different from me what I've experienced thus far. When I woke up from surgery, all I had was five incisions that were glued and with two thin strips of tape on each one. If I wasn't losing weight or not ever really feeling hungry, I'd swear I'd question if I was really sleeved at all, LOL.

  10. I have never had any kind of surgery, hospital visit/stay, major injury of any kind, and a high threshold for pain so for being two weeks post op, I'd have to say I'm overall a 3. I was up and walking within couple of hours of my surgery, drinking Water, and but stomach felt like I did three hours of abs in the gym. Next day in hospital, i drank two shakes with ease and more than enough water and was sent home. Week 1 I was more exhausted than anything. Pain was medium and just used the Tylenol I was prescribed, 4 times a day(I am down to just once at bedtime now), not the Oxy I was also prescribed, and of course the nausea pills and pill to prevent stones. First week as far as shakes, no problem getting three in a day. Then came the start of week 2! I was so weak bc of how little cals I was taking in plus I added walking 2 miles a day in and was basically useless after walking. Then this past weekend(day 10) I felt a revival! I started eating couple fork fulls a scrambled egg whites, a couple of spoonfuls of well blended chicken salad or seafood salad, and slice of thin deli american cheese throughout the day as I knew myself and needed something of substance but didn't want to put myself at risk with chewing meats, and along with a shake & half to make sure I was getting 65g of Protein, and I feel surprisingly great for two weeks post op. Energy level is way up, more pep in my step, pain is virtually gone, and I feel like a person again. Into my third day of a morning 2mi walk and nighttime 2mi walk despite the heat wave here in RI. I've lost 22lbs in 13 days and hope to lose 3 more before post op appt Thursday! I am hoping my surgeon officially okays soft foods/soup regimen as my paperwork states and start going back to gym. I'm losing about a 1lb a day on average, pain free, and so looking forward to what's ahead.

  11. I’ve been reading the forums religiously for months now. I’m 8 days post op, down 20lbs in that time, walking 2-3miles a day, getting my Water in and meeting my Protein goal via shakes. I am so sick of GD shakes!! I do have a couple of questions to those of you who are long past your “diet” phase.

    Who is/are:

    1. Back to being able to drink water/liquid normally, not just sips? The having to sip is driving me crazy especially after cardio. I’m so thirsty afterwards and drives me nuts that I can’t get enough water in me to hydrate myself right after. Please tell me drinking liquid normally returns even somewhat! I’ve always drank a lot of water each day so that’s not the issue, it’s just the amount at one time after a workout session. Granted there are far worse things, I know!
    2. Are people back to eating normally but just in moderation/portion? I see many’ posts about no pizza, no wings, no this, no that and am curious if anyone has had long range success going back to having occasional slider foods/comfort foods in moderation(once a week, once a month, etc). Having that reward meal each week if they stayed on track that week. Finding what works for the individual is key, I know.. so many opinions on here, just wondering if people feel a sense of normalcy again but just are now more wiser about it.!

    I am a long ways off from either but was just wondering if an occasional indulgence was something I can look forward too after I’m the new me, the smarter me, more educated me, a once again healthier & once more active me like I was as a HS & College Athlete,

    Thank you all for sharing your stories, your posts, your expertise on these forums. It’s helped me thus far answer umpteen questions that seem to go through my head on what seems like an hourly basis thus far. My journey is just getting started and I’m excited for what’s ahead! (Well not looking toward another damn Protein Shake in the morning just yet lol)

  12. So I was sleeved finally this past Wednesday 6/20. Spent just a day in the hospital, drank 60oz of Water and the two shakes with easy. Pain was minimal so doc said time to go home. However Once home, until this afternoon, my abdomen felt like I did a million crunches, every time I moved my core it hurt like hell. And seemed a a bite bloated but I didn’t think I was all that gassy. However as this afternoon everything has seemed to worn off! My soreness has disappeared, my liquid intake goes down with ease, don’t feel like my abs got beat with a bat, and bloated feeling is gone. Has anyone had a similar situation where symptoms just seem to disappear? Granted I’m still somewhat sore and hurts getting up. Should I be concerned or just roll with it? No other symptoms, incisions don’t appear any different than day one, etc. Have been more active today with trip to Home Depot, Walmart, and Best Buy plus a morning 30min walk. Would love to hear similar situations to ease my mind.

  13. Hi all,
    So I’m one day out post Gastic Sleeve op. Already consumed two shakes today at hospital, 64oz of Water, minimal pain, and going home in a few hours. Doc was amazed I was able to consume the two shakes with easy(siping of course). Not sure if that’s a good sign or not.

    Question I have to all the sleeevers here is how much weight did you lose in Month 1 post op. I’ve set a goal of 30lbs but I’m always a raise the bar high type of guy. As a football coach I always as my players to give their best so no is my turn to back up something. Would love to hear amounts. Thanks!

  14. Newbie here and I tried to search forum for similar topic but couldn't find much. My surgery is set for 5/8/18 and I was wondering, post-op, has anyone stayed on Protein Shakes only(whether for breakfast-lunch-dinner or just breakfast-lunch) for longer than the typical 1-2 weeks? I have been doing blended Protein shakes for Breakfast for couple years and lunch on/off at times. I prefer them as quick alternative in mornings as I'm on the go with kids/work. I didn't know if anyone stayed with a similar schedule after their surgery or has everyone gone to eating solids as weeks went on. Love to hear anyone's experience. Thanks!

  15. 5/8 surgery date here. Started my two week pre-op diet today. Smooth sailing on day 1 considering just got back from family vacation in Fla for 10 days. Was doing Keto prior to vacation so that’s helped day 1 be smooth.

    Father of two, husband, [emoji458] Coach, No Shoes Nation member, starting to live life to its fullest!!

    SW- 387.7 on 2/05/18
    CW-359.2 on 4/25/18
    GW- 200
    SD- 5/08/18 [emoji1360]🤙[emoji3][emoji1320]

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