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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by HopefullXOXOXO

  1. Azin,

    I don't know the grade of liver disease. I'll be sure to ask this question as I wasn't even aware there are grades.

    I was not given the meds for GB because surgeon said there are a lot of side effects and didn't recommend it. I do have pain under my ribs on the right side. I've also had GB "attacks", where I get shooting pain up into my chest and in my back. I get nauseous but haven't vomited, yet. I'm more worried about my liver since you can live without a GB, can't live without a liver. A few people have commented on my color being off too. My liver was fine through biopsy day of surgery and now I'm told it's "fatty liver disease". Trying to figure out why so I can do something about it.

  2. I've been going to Mass. General for many years and have always had wonderful care there. So I've been very surprised by the weight loss center. Like I said though, the nutritionist who led the support group after surgery, retired last year and I think her heart just wasn't in it. I do think the weight loss center should have doctors available for after care. I've told this to several people at MGH. I really appreciate all the responses and now feel like I'll be able to get somewhere. I do have to take some responsibility though since I didn't even know there are doctors that specialize in liver disease. Now that I know what to ask for, I hope I'll get the answers I'm looking for.

  3. Thanks E.P. The only person who mentioned the fatty liver disease was the CNP who ordered the ultrasound and labs to check pain I was having in that area. All this time, I thought it was just the gall bladder. She advised I "lose weight and eat a healthy, low fat, low sugar diet." I had to tell her I had the sleeve surgery 18 months ago. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll take it!

  4. Wow FluffyChix, you've done great! Very happy for you.

    The reason I came here with my question is my doctor (surgeon) doesn't want to deal with this. He says "I'm the surgeon", ask your primary care. My primary care says "I'm not a weight loss specialist, the weight loss center should be helping you with this." The hospital, Mass General in Boston, Ma., for some reason, doesn't have a doctor, other than the surgeon, for me to talk to about this. It's very frustrating. All I was told was to eat low fat and low sugar. I'm already doing that. The only other thing I was told is to stay away from Tylenol and other pain killers. My question: for LIFE? Really? Not realistic.

    I'm sorry to say that Mass. General's weight loss program isn't good. At least it hasn't been for me. The surgery itself was done very well and I have no complaints about that at all. All other follow up, like with a nutritionist, etc. was pretty much useless. They didn't give me any information I didn't already have and could have easily found online. The post op support is non existent. I could have been the nutritionist I saw because she did retire about 6 months after my surgery. Her heart just wasn't it in. It's my opinion they should have other doctors who are knowledgeable about WLS to help patients who have problems post op. Maybe it's just me.

    Bottom line, I have no idea what stage it is. I just know that's what the ultrasound showed and that my liver enzymes are high. ??? The ultrasound results say:

    echogenic liver parenchyma which may be related to underlying liver


    Perhaps I should see a liver specialist. I didn't even know there are specialists for the liver. Makes sense.

  5. Day of surgery 5/3/18, a biopsy was done of my liver and it was perfectly normal. No problems. Last year, 6 months post op, I had an abdominal ultrasound and was told I had gallbladder sludge, no mention of fatty liver. 18 months out, another abdominal ultrasound and I got a copy of the results. It shows a fatty liver, unchanged from 1 year ago and GB sludge. The doctor didn't even mention the liver damage to me and when I asked about it was told not to worry, it happens with WLS. I've researched and I've seen it can happen to people who lose a lot of pounds fast. I lost 55 pounds first 7 months (10 of it pre op). since then another 12, for a total of 67 pounds. This just isn't making sense to me. How could I have a normal liver on surgery day, after enjoying whatever foods I liked for years, and now that I'm eating MUCH better, have liver disease??? It's not that I never have fat or sugar (had some yesterday, but not a lot), but if I eat even 1/10th of what I used to, that would shock me. Like a have a bite of something, maybe two bites. Even that's once or twice a month. Does anyone have any ideas about how this happened and what I can do about it? I'd really appreciate hearing from the community on this as my doctor doesn't want to address this. I don't drink ANY alcohol.

    Thank You,


  6. I was sleeved 5/3/18 at 235 pounds, 65 years old. I mention the age because I was capable of doing much more exercise, even just ten years ago. I'm now 171 pounds. The first 40 pounds came off in the first 3 1/2 months. Since then it's been slow for me, but still going down. I'm following the eating plan and doing "silver sneakers aerobics" 2 times a week. My doctor told me ahead of the surgery that a post menopausal woman's metabolism is slow. I know it would be faster if I could do more exercise but I also have chronic fatigue syndrome, which is why I got the surgery to begin with. If I could have lost this weight the old fashioned way, I would have. I'd done it many times before. I had hope for more energy after the surgery and have had a few really good days, but nothing consistent. The best news for me is that whatever I have to do is MUCH easier for me now. Hoping with summer coming to get out more and walk more. The only thing that happened to me that was concerning since the surgery is I had some pain/tenderness in my right abdomen and it turned out to be gallbladder sludge. I still don't understand why I have this since if people get it after surgery it's usually because they lost a lot of weight really fast. By Sept '18 my weight loss had already slowed quite a bit and it wasn't until just before Christmas I began having the symptoms. Had the ultrasound just before Christmas. Then, not knowing yet what it was, I did treat myself Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & New Year's Eve. On N.Y.'s day, I had a stabbing pain that radiated up into my chest and around my back. It was scary. Doctor told me the next day it was cuz of the GB. Since then, I've been very good about low fat again and learned my lesson. I do still have the tenderness from time to time, but nothing like NY's day. Other than that, I've been great. I'm very happy I did this.

  7. 1 hour ago, Gundy said:

    May 2, 2018 Sleever. Feeling great. Down to 159 lbs this morning from a high of 225. Not certain how much weight I still want to lose since I am very curvy and still have DDD breasts which add a great deal of weight. Just 2-3 lbs until my BMI is in the normal range. The rules I follow daily remain the same: at least 60 grams of Protein, 30-30 rule on avoiding liquids before and after meals, wall at least 10,000 steps every day (I did this prior to surgery, too), and 64 ounces of fluids per day. I also TRY to limit carbs such as bread, Pasta and sweets, and if I need a sweet treat, I have a small dish of Breyer’s Carb Smart Ice Cream or a Russell Stover sugar free Pecan Cluster or half a Protein Bar. If I am short on Protein for the day, my snack will be the Quest Nacho cheese protein chips...personal favorite!

    I’m 59 years old and never felt better! I also gotten so many compliments and am told I look like I’m in my early forties. This was such a wonderful life changing decision.

    Hi Gundy,

    We're doing about the same, relatively. 5/3/18 sleever here. Started at 235lbs. and I'm now at 170 lbs. So I'm down 65 lbs. and you're down 66 lbs. I'm so glad you posted this because I thought I wasn't doing well enough. Glad to know someone else is the same as me. It sounds like we're eating very similarly too. I just started doing aerobics a couple of times a week (I'm 66 years old, so it's called "Silver Sneakers"), hoping it will help me get in better overall health. Down another size again and feeling better than I have in at least 35 years. Very grateful!

  8. 38 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    I had the same thing happen this fall. They found sludge and small stones. The attacks are transient. They did all kinds of tests and my surgeon told me they do not remove a gb just because of sludge and small stones...that a ton of people have them and live with them. So we're opting just to watch it and hope it doesn't happen very often.

    Sorry you are having this issue. Hope you feel better and don't have to have surgery. I really can only tolerate pretty lean food.

    Thanks so much for responding. I've done research online and have read both what you wrote above and what 2bsmaller18 wrote. From what I can tell, if I had stones and regular attacks, I should be planning my surgery asap. Everything I've read about just sludge and a few irregular pains (not having full blown attacks) says to wait and watch. I also read there are medications that can help but my surgeon only mentioned the surgery. Of course, he's a surgeon, that's what they do! So I really appreciate your input. For me, with what I've experience SO FAR, surgery seems extreme. Certainly if it gets worse, I'll do what I have to do. I'm mostly concerned because my husband and I have a much awaited trip to Hawaii in 10 days, with my new 175# figure. My husband thought of cancelling the trip so I could have the surgery but I think I'll eat very low fat, as I was doing before the holidays, and worry about this after we get back. Hopefully this will be ok. Thanks again!

  9. I was sleeved in May, 2018 and before Christmas was having moderate pain in my upper right side. Was sent for an ultrasound and they found gallbladder sludge which I wasn't told about until this week cuz doc was on vacation. Over the holidays, I did indulge in some favorite high fat treats. Last week, before I was told and after N.Y.'s Eve & day (with more fatty favorites) the pain did get worse and seemed to spread upwards into my chest. It didn't last long but was intermittent for days. When the doctor called I told him this and he immediately went to removing the gallbladder. I asked about medication and he said there's only one and I'd have to take it for the rest of my life. He's a surgeon, so naturally, he's recommending surgery. I'm just not sure if it's really necessary. I went back to the low fat diet after NY's and the symptoms are getting better. I still feel something like cramping and/or quivering in the area but it's milder and less frequent.

    I'd really like to hear from anyone/everyone who has had experience with gallbladder problems after WLS and/or anyone who might have some insights into this problem. I really don't want to have surgery unless it's absolutely necessary. I don't understand how the WLS causes gallbladder problems in the first place. I'd like to know if there are any other approaches to the problem I'm experiencing? Any thoughts you have will be very much appreciated. thanks!

  10. On 7/9/2018 at 3:55 PM, Minerva1113 said:

    Hello everyone,

    I am 8.5 weeks post op and have some pain in my right side of my upper abdomen for a few days now. Went to the doctor today and the gallbladder is bigger than it is supposed to be. He thinks it’s sludge that doesn’t get transported. He gave me a medication that is supposed to help uncramp to help get the sludge out. So far, I still have pain (even slightly worth). Did anyone else experience something like that? If yes, what did help? And I am not talking about taking the gallbladder out. ;-)

    Hi Minerva1113,

    I was sleeved in May, 2018 and before Christmas was having moderate pain in my upper right side. Was sent for an ultrasound and they found gallbladder sludge which I wasn't told about until this week cuz doc was on vacation. Over the holidays, I did indulge in some favorite high fat treats. Last week, before I was told and after N.Y.'s Eve & day (with more fatty favorites) the pain did get worse and seemed to spread upwards into my chest. It didn't last long but was intermittent for days. When the doctor called I told him this and he immediately went to removing the gallbladder. I asked about medication and he said there's only one and I'd have to take it for the rest of my life. He's a surgeon, so naturally, he's recommending surgery. I'm just not sure if it's really necessary. I went back to the low fat diet after NY's and the symptoms are getting better. I still feel something like cramping and/or quivering in the area but it's milder and less frequent. I'd love to hear what happened with you. thanks!

  11. I have a question for everyone: Have you been given a maximum calorie goal and Protein goal for the day? My nutritionist still insists they don't want us counting calories or protein. I was sleeved 5/3/18 and have only lost 40 pounds since surgery. I lost 10 before surgery, so total down is 50 pounds. I've been the same weight for 7 weeks now and moving a LOT! I've been eating what I'm told to eat: protein first, then veggies. I have ff plain greek yogurt w/strawberries and Splenda for a snack as well as cashew nuts. If my husband is having French fries or something like that that's not allowed, I do have a bite, but that's not often.

    I've read that this is the time I should be losing the most and losing it easily. The only thing I can think of is maybe I'm having too many calories in a day? I'm really disappointed in the nutrition/support group portion of the program I'm in. The support group meets with the nutritionist once a month and we don't really get much time to talk.

    I definitely feel MUCH better and am able to do things physically I couldn't do before surgery. I'm SO happy for everyone who's doing so good!

    Starting weight: 235, Surgery weight: 225, current weight: 185

  12. I'm almost 4 months post op and have a condition that makes my blood pressure on the low side. My doctor told me to add salt to my diet. I do that but it's still not up enough. I added roasted, salted cashews as a snack. They're so delicious that I'm eating too many. Probably 1/2 cup at one sitting. So I'm trying to find a healthier/less fattening alternative. Any ideas?

  13. I'm very happy for all of us. There have been struggles and learning curves along the way, but we're all headed in the right direction. YAY!!! From surgery date 5/3/18, I've lost 36 pounds. I lost 10 pre op, so 46 total. I know others have lost more but I'm happy with that as I've had a lot of NSV's myself. I'm very grateful for each and every one of them! The BEST one is that I'm able to move more easily and can breathe better. That alone is worth it. Plus, I'm 65 and was told my post menopausal metabolism would make it more difficult to get weight off.

    My nutritionist still hasn't given me any calories goals or Protein goals. ??? Only 60 ounces of liquids daily and eat protein first. I'm glad I have this forum as I've been getting the 800 calories and at least 70 grams of protein a day that I've seen suggested here. For whatever reason, the nutritionist I have is practically useless.

    All in all, I'm happy with my progress so far. I do hope that, even if it's very slow, I'll get at least 30 more pounds off. We'll see!

  14. Sleeved 5/3/18. Heartburn was my biggest problem after surgery. It really scared me. My gastroenterologist told me to take two PPI's a day, the second 30 minutes before dinner. He also told me Gaviscon works well with sleevers. He's right. The Gaviscon got me through the first couple of days while taking two Pantoprazole (Protonix) a day. I took two a day for about a month, maybe 5 weeks. Still taking one a day to be on the safe side. This solved my problem. I hope this helps!

  15. Went to the hair dresser last week, 9 1/2 weeks out from surgery, and she commented that I'm losing a lot of hair. :56_anguished: Since then I have noticed more hair at the drain when I get out of the shower and also on the floor after i blow dry. I've been taking Biotin since day one and my Protein has been mostly impeccable, except for the first week or two. I did ask my nutritionist about this possibility last month when I saw her and she said that in her 7 years working with weight loss surgery clients she's heard people complain and be scared about this but has never actually noticed Hair loss on anyone. She said everyone still looks the same. I specifically asked if the hair loss would be like chemotherapy and she adamantly said "NO! Nothing like that!" I sure hope she's right!!!

  16. A psych consult is only as good as the psychiatrist is. Just saying. Mine also told me to ask about how meds would be metabolized after the sleeve. Surgeon said they're metabolized the same and that's been my experience, 10 weeks post op. My surgeon said it's different with bypass.

    I've had GERD for years and had a big problem after surgery for a few weeks that was resolved by adding a second PPI daily. I stopped taking the second PPI abou 8 weeks post op because I was fine and I've been fine ever since. I am still following a GERD friendly diet (low acid) and that's it. It think it's different for everyone but this has been my experience. I also know someone who had the bypass and had problems with GERD post op for the first time. I was in a panic when I had the flare up not knowing what could be done. Just adding that 1 pill helped. The other thing is that I was taking a Multivitamin with Iron AND an iron pill. I believe that's what caused the heartburn/GERD. It's all trial and error.

  17. I was sleeved 5/3, 10 weeks ago yesterday. I can't figure out how to update my weight info. on my profile? I'm doing really good. I had a big problem with GERD, which I mistook for lactose intolerance, and has resolved with medication and staying away from acid producing foods. Constipation was also a problem and some of what I tried made GERD worse. I'm now taking 2 tsp. Benefiber with 1/2 dose of Miralax along with a probiotic once daily and it's working great. I also have Siggi's brand Icelandic FF, plain yogurt everyday (25 grams Protein per cup) mixed with strawberries and Splenda. I love that it's protein, Calcium and Probiotics all in one and it's delicious.

    As of today, I'm down 29.8 pounds since surgery, almost 40 since high of 235 pounds before pre surgery diet (12 weeks ago). I'm UNDER 200 pounds!!! YAY!!!!! I've also had feelings that I, considering how little I eat, I should have lost more weight by now. I've had stalls and wondered what I'm doing wrong many times since the surgery. Still, 12 weeks ago, I weighed just about 40 pounds more than I do today. There's no other way that would have happened so I'm very happy. My concern now is that my/our metabolisms are slowing down to a point they won't recover from. I guess time will tell.

    I've been mostly good with diet. Getting 60-80 grams of protein in everyday with help of protein drinks. Drinking a full 60 oz. of Water daily. I have 1 fruit and at least 1 veggies everyday. Small portions, but slightly bigger now than a few weeks ago. WORD OF CAUTION: I decided a few weeks ago that I would have some M & M's everyday (plain). I began eating one at a time and really relishing each one. Next day, I ate 3 handfuls one at a time. For about a week after that I had the 3 handfuls every day, 2-3 at a time. Of course, the scale went up. My appetite and the amount of food I could consume also went up dramatically. I wasn't surprised by the scale, I was VERY surprised that, somehow, eating the sugar dramatically increased the amount of food I could consume. I can't explain it. So, of course, I stopped. I didn't go through all of this the be taken out by some M & M's! Once I stopped, the amount of food I can consume went back to a little more than where it was. I have deliberately had some fat. Like 1/2 of a real hamburger at a BBQ. I really don't want to have to have my gall bladder out, so that's why I've done this. I'm not talking about a lot of fat, just some. I also stole 3 french fries off my husband's plate, things like that. I also eat a lot of salmon and have had steak a few times. I need to be sure that my diet is sustainable. If it's tooooo restrictive, I won't be able to stick to it. Like I said, mostly good.

    I'm 65 and so far have just been walking for exercise. The BEST news is I feel MUCH better, more energy, etc. Pre op I would walk a 21-22 minute mile, huffing and puffing the whole way. I'm now doing a 17 minute mile with ease. I can cross my legs. Overall, my movement and body aches and pains are much better. I'm SOOOOO happy!!!! This alone makes it all worth it! At 3 months out I'm going to add lifting weights and elliptical and squats, etc. at the gym. I'm sure I could lift light weights now but doctor said to wait till 3 months.

    My gastroenterologist told me our stomachs should be mostly healed by 3-4 months post surgery. He said some people take 6 months.

    The closest I come to stretching my new stomach is when I drink water. Other than the above mentioned M & M's. It's summer where I live and hot and humid. A few times I drank too much at once, cuz I'm thirsty, and I could really feel it. So I have to watch this carefully. I know it's crazy, but there are times, already, when I forget I just had the surgery.

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