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Posts posted by gisy87

  1. Hi everyone so i was bypassed on the 13th of this month the first few days were tough with the pain nauseousness and pain but once that subsided I was gaining my strength and feeling more like myself I saw my surgeon for my first post op appt and i was told my incisions are healing great my doctor told me i have to stay away from strenuous activity for another two weeks but walking or treadmill will be fine at least 30 mins a day and i was happy to learn my weight i lost a total of 23lbs between my 2 week preop clear liquid diet and 2 weeks post op looking forward to losing more my goal weight my doctor was 160lbs and i dont want to be to small and look sick so my goal is 150-160lbs

  2. So you're back to sleeping on your side again and turning the corner between surgery and your future. Wow pretty good for 2 weeks, aren't you proud of you? Sounds like only good things from now on[emoji106][emoji14]

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    yes I'm proud of myself i doubted in the past I could even make it this far but my bariatric team at hahnemann hospital were great they motivated me and saw my determination and even stopped me from backing out when i was going through personal issues but I'm glad i did go through with the surgery i do have days that I feel tired and weak but it was mainly because i was not intaking enough Protein the vanilla cream pure protein was not good and it was hard to drink so i switched to chocolate its much better i see my surgeon this thursday to see if she thinks I'm ready for full liquids but i have been walking and taking my Vitamins ect following doctors orders i will start the gym within a month post op

    Sent from my Chromebook 14 (CB3-431) using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. On 3/13/2018 at 6:27 AM, Roxine said:

    Congratulations! It’s ok to be nervous anytime you’re having surgery.

    I had my surgery last Monday and am almost feeling back to normal today. Only mild discomfort with my incisions, can sleep on my side now -YAY!, and got to introduce puréed type foods this week.

    Look forward to taking this journey with you. Please come join our March Gastric Bypass group on here when you’re up to it!

    Wishing you an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. Just remember to sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk as soon as you can.


    Thank you for the well wishes I went in nervous but then calmed down when i remembered why i was doing the surgery but the surgery went great I'm 11 days post op and I'm feeling almost 100% myself I had the side discomfort couldn't lie on my side at all and it was difficult because I have back pain and I'm a side sleeper but attempting to even sleep on my side was painful but I am happy to say that I can finally sleep on my side the pain has since gotten much better

  4. On 3/5/2018 at 9:08 AM, Francess said:

    Mine is the 13th, but no 2 liquid just clear liquids day before. I am keeping with low sugar, low fat, high Protein diet I’ve been doing. I’ve been working on eating post surgery diet so I’m use to it. I often do 2 shakes and dinner or close to it. But I know it’s different when you have to do it.

    My surgeon thinks it helps people stay on post surgery restrictions better. I think people who have not lost pre surgery weight he does put on liquids.

    My surgeon said the 2 week liquid diet is for the safety of the patient to help shrink the fat around the liver which makes it safer for the patient and also to get the patients body ready for after surgery and the road ahead but i am happy to say it did help i loss 15 lbs by my surgery day I had a successful surgery with no complications I'm healing very well and rapidly my post op appt is on the 29th of march and on Tuesday the 27th would mark two weeks post op sorry for the delay in my response but if you have any questions feel free to ask

  5. I had my surgery done on the 13th of March two days post op and I’m a bit sore but I’m getting their my 2week preop diet helped me lose 15lbs before surgery which made things simpler and had a successful surgery now it’s up to me to keep moving forward with losing the rest of the weight

  6. My family has influenced my decisions since I was very young. They are pretty controlling. In my late 30s I began therapy because of my depression and realized I was afraid to make my own decisions because they were usually made for me. Since then I have become much more comfortable with who I am, taking my life in my own hands, and not letting them influence my decisions anymore. They mean well and we love each other. But I have my own beliefs and have had to learn that it's okay and they are just as valid as my family's beliefs. And regarding the surgery, I of course have a lot of the same sentiments as my family, so that gives you pause. But the one thing thing that kept me on that operating table was thinking about how I'd feel in 10 years. I'd be in more pain and regret not reclaiming my life earlier.

    Don’t cancel your surgery I had so many fears and doubts about getting surgery myself but my doctors let me know it is in my best interest to get the surgery to improve my health and family wanting me to do it to then changing their minds and trying to talk me out of it my family not the doctors but the risks are minimal and this surgery is a step in the right direction I’m a bit scared and nervous my surgery is next week and it’s been a long road for me before I made the decision to do this i asked so many people in my life for advice on what to do but when I thought about it I had to realize that it was my decision to make and I didn’t make the decision based on anyone’s opinion but on why I needed this surgery and what I wanted to achieve after and believe me I know what it feels like to try and try to do things on your own and make your own decisions and hoping it’s the right one and wanting or needing someone’s advice and letting them take the wheel in your life when I couldn’t steer but you are your own motivator don’t allow yourself to sabotage what you want to accomplish do to fear because then you will regret it think about the progress you’ve been making going to seek help for depression that’s a huge step I know what that’s like I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression almost my entire life but I got help and with that first step it got me moving in the right direction and made my fears of many things diminish one by one but I would like to wish you good luck and I hope things get better wishing you all the best

  7. I'm on day 6 of my one week pre-op liquid diet, surgery is on Wednesday. I was on a pretty strict 1250 calorie diet since January and hoped that would prepare me for this week -- it didn't. I'm not physically hungry at all because I've got a pretty good handle on the Protein thing, but the mental side has been tough. My mind is fully adjusting to what I'm about to do and what it means for me going forward, and all of that has turned me into an emotional basket case. So I randomly cry for reasons I don't understand, but, I'm taking it one day at a time, and looking so forward to surgery in two days!
    I look at it this way -- if we can have the willpower to make it through the 1 or 2 week liquid diet, we will be so much stronger mentally to tackle the rest of the road!

    Yes your right I’m doing better now I was put on a strict 800 calorie 2 week pre op liquid diet but I found a higher Protein Shake have been making sure to drink enough Water and I’ve been fine I didn’t think I would be able to but I’m actually doing well I consume under 800 calories per day and it makes me sad inside when I smell actual food and can’t eat it but I know it’s all worth it so I’m staying focused and motivated my energy level wasn’t that great but everyday it gets better and I guess my body is getting used to the diet just 7 more days to go I’m so excited and scared but in a good way

  8. So my surgery is scheduled for March 13th and I’m very nervous but excited and ready to get the surgery over with and their were still some people whom were trying to discourage me from getting the surgery but have since excepted it because they know I’m trying to get healthy and their were those whom looked at it as cheating by getting the surgery because they don’t see it as a tool but if they were to be in my shoes the past year up until now they might change their mind this isn’t easy I started my pre-op 2 week liquid and it’s been very tough I’ve notice my energy has been low I’ve been getting headaches and have been feeling hangry aka hungry+angry because I see everyone around me eating food and I’m on a strict liquid diet I then realized that I was only taking in half of my calories a day so I have to increase my calorie intake a lil and increase my Protein Shakes grams to curb my hunger it’s been very difficult an although tempted to eat regular food my willpower has been kicking in but this is hard those who aren’t going through this whole process don’t know the amount of sacrifice,hard work,and dedication it takes to do this but I’ve just been continuing on my journey if anyone has advice on the best preop liquid diet to reach 800 calories leave a comment I’m trying to do things right

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