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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sideeye

  1. sideeye

    Fat Shaming

    I have no insider knowledge, but I’d certainly expect that revenue streams involving bariatric surgery analytics had been explored.
  2. sideeye

    Fat Shaming

    Different concepts. A site is free if you don’t pay money to access it. If money doesn’t go from your pocket to the people running the site: free. There’s a bunch of marketing and analytics and big data stuff happening in the background that means that members are revenue-generating for the site, but as long as the user doesn’t actively pay $ for access, that’s “free” for the user. I haven’t had any problem just using the mobile/responsive version of the site and going to my laptop for anything more complicated. But basic interactions are fine in the responsive browser.
  3. sideeye

    Fat Shaming

    I spent much of my career designing mobile interfaces. An upper boundary of 362 on the mobile app doesn't sound malicious, it sounds like an oversight or placeholder setting (possibly from an initial QA trial profile) but worthy of flagging it so Alex can get the devs to add it to the backlog. He's done that, so good. From what I hear there are a lot of slightly-quirky bits on the app compared to the website, probably because maintaining both is a heavy lift for a marginal business. You may find them, and if you do, best to send them directly to support. It's unlikely to be deliberate discrimination. This is also the definition of a free site, without qualification. Whether or not there's a merchandising concern attached, interaction here is free. Paying for goods is optional, and there is not payment for pure interaction. That is worth considering when you think of the money available for development efforts.
  4. @sillykitty If I’m recalling correctly, a lot of your meals are the low-cal version (or high-protein, or some other twist). Can you focus on replacing one meal a day with the “normal” version of that food? Same quantity, same taste, but higher calorie base. What’s your average daily calorie intake again?
  5. Sooooo.... does IF change the smell of your perspiration? Because I am not usually smelly but over the past day or two, I’ve noted a very sharp smell. I haven’t been doing any wild exercise, some of this is just me in the morning getting out of bed. It’s not unmanageable, but...eh?
  6. Oooh, I like your plates! I went out for brunch like a grown-ass single adult and had half a modest croque madam and maybe three slices of potato and I am FULL. It was delightful but relatively heavy and now I’m going to take a nap while my robot vacuum chases my dog around the house. I love Sundays. Well, Sunday mornings.
  7. One surprising thing is that when you wake up, the pad may be GONE. Then again, so might your hospital-issued underwear. Really it’s best to just view yourself as a car going into the shop. You’ve selected the best mechanics, they know what they have to do, they’ve encountered almost every quirk there is to encounter, and they’re going to return your car in working order and running a hell of a lot more efficiently.
  8. Yeah, they make you wear a big ol’ pad. Don’t be embarrassed - they’re about to see you entirely naked, with plenty of your blood already involved, and if they really wanted to could probably angle the camera and get a look at all of your ladybits from the inside. From their perspective, it’s like a mechanic working on a car that happens to have a small leak in the coolant line. Happens all the time, no big deal. Do NOT try and be coy and use a tampon anyway. THAT would be a health hazard to you.
  9. Oof. Yeah, I’m eating probably half again what you are and that’s eating when I’m NOT hungry but am in the non-fasting zone. This is not an easy balance. Factors involved: capacity, hunger, protein’s ability to stave off hunger while making you feel full, then add the IF timeframe. Today I deliberately upped carbs so I wouldn’t feel like I was overeating (protein+time) if I ate more during the 8 hours. Realistically, if I want to get in spinach, I HAVE to cut down on IF protein because otherwise there’s just not enough time. Would it be better to do the whole-day IF schedule, the 5/2 or whatever?
  10. sideeye

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    Depends - I just pull the gusset aside, but if you were sizing for industrial compression rather than light compression, you might have to. And I've got a long torso, so if I'm able to do it I'd guess most people are.
  11. sideeye

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    Speaking of foundation garments... the Spanx lacy bodysuits are on sale for many of the colors: https://www.spanx.com/sale/shapewear/spotlight-on-lace-bodysuit-sale I've found these to be incredibly comfortable. Not thong, but the lace coverage really cuts down on any VPL issues.
  12. I had trouble with plain water initially, a lot of people do - Crystal Lite for some reason worked. You can also do peppermint tea, that sometimes takes the edge off the water taste (metallic?).
  13. sideeye

    Trust (potentially) Broken

    Honestly, I'd very flatly tell her "I've told a very small group of people, this is private information I shared with people I trust, knowing they would not share it with others. I'm asking you not to tell people, and if they ask you directly, tell them you don't know and they'll have to ask me." Give her a line in the sand (I'm not broadcasting and neither should you) and an out (this is exactly what to do if people ask you). Then drop it. This isn't foolproof. She still might tell, and quite frankly she might already have told if she's hinting that "people will know" and she's trying to get out ahead of you hearing about it. But this at least puts all your cards on the table, avoids any question of her being jealous, and frames it entirely as it being your information, your responsibility to share, and your placing of trust in her NOT to tell. Either way, prepare yourself that the information's already been shared and get ready to roll with it. The important thing is that you made a life decision for yourself and you're benefiting from those changes - what people opine about your decisions is about as important as how they feel about your new car or the shade you painted your front room. This impacts them... how? Not? Oh, not, it does not impact them at all, so big whoop about their opinions.
  14. sideeye

    Walking as exercise after surgery

    Hmmmm, two things: 1. If your doc/nurse said no treadmill, do what they say. You can contact them and say you feel great and would like to start on the treadmill, but it’s not a great start to unilaterally contradict your doc’s explicit recommendation. Sets you up for a bad precedent, because there are going to be a LOT of things in the next few months that the doc recommends and you don’t want to follow. The introduction of solid foods being a huge one - most people struggle with feeling just fine and ready to eat, granting yourself a hall pass early is just going to start you down a slippery slope. That said... 2. Everyone’s doc is different. I didn’t have any explicit restrictions on exercise, and while I didn’t go on a treadmill, I do live in a city and was easily walking three or 4 miles a day going from client to client by nine days out. So I won’t say it’s across the board a bad idea, just that your doctor may have very specific reasons for saying you shouldn’t be on a treadmill.
  15. I’m on week three of a stall, I was wondering if IF would shift it (and admittedly am only on Day 3) but if anything it’s incrementally nudging me upward. Is there some sort of IF adjustment period where your body rejigs itself to the new regimen? It’s not the end of the world, and I think that other things are happening with weight shifting around on my body which is kind of interesting, but still! Three weeks! Also my pants are getting loose but I don’t want to go out and buy new ones because I fell for this trick before, with bras, where is soon as I bought them I suddenly dropped 7 pounds. edit- never mind, may have found the culprit: just matched up my weight loss with menstrual cycles and I may be on the edge of a cliff. So no buying pants for me.
  16. sideeye

    Walking as exercise after surgery

    Part of this will be your mindset changing. What you WANT to do physically will shift. For instance, today I deliberately chose the bus rather than other transport, even knowing that would mean a mile walk to the office and then a mile walk back. I also randomly chose to take my dog on a much longer midday walk while on a conference call - altogether I walked 5 miles today, pretty effortlessly. Before surgery, I would never, ever have done either of those things on a whim. Almost 100 lbs later, it’s just a nonissue. I will say that you need to figure out your exercise groove. My sister needs to find a gym and sign up for classes, the financial commitment and schedule is what motivates her. Meanwhile I need an open pool pass and opportunistic walking. Neither of our routines would be sustainable or enjoyable for the other.
  17. sideeye

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    Nooooo EXACTLY the information I was looking for!!!
  18. Is it normal to feel like I’m eating too frequently over the non-fasting time? I can’t eat more than 1/2 cup over half an hour, and if I drink anything obviously that fills me up too. Am I supposed to be eating the same amount I’d usually eat all day long in the 8 hour window? I'm not getting hungry during the fast hours, just nudged by social-conditioning prompts. And I didn’t eat a ton today, but the pace at which I ate it feels dramatic. Normal?
  19. sideeye

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    While we’re talking about lingerie (well sort of) - anyone wear bodysuits/teddies? I bought a Spanx one about a year ago that’s got really light support, but I’ve always loved the look of them and now I’m in Normal Human Woman sizing I’m looking for recommendations. When I do searches they come back with “sexy teddies” which frequently look insane and structurally unsound - I’ve found the ones that provide a good foundation layer under a white linen shirt are basically received by guys as just as sexy as anything designed to be “sexy”. Make it figure-hugging and throw in a bit of lace and they’re onboard. I think it’s partly the novelty of it, and they like removing more layers than they expected. What I'm looking for here is elegant, not striptease. Any suggestions?
  20. Last night I made sure to eat something very proteiny just before my 8pm cutoff, and it feels like that might have taken the edge off last night and this morning (well, that and I'm still drinking a coffee with cream in the mornings). Any advice on what to eat in that last hour? For that matter, how do you deal with the balance between having 6-8 hours to eat, but only being able to eat a half cup of food at a time?
  21. sideeye

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    Full disclosure: I happened to find one of those robes on crazy-deep discount o Amazon and when I went back to get my sister one the next week the cost rocketed. So keep an eye out for sales but it definitely makes me feel like a 1940s movie star. I have an entire weekend stretching out with, for the first time in MONTHS, nothing to do. I may try to conscript a friend to go to a Korean spa with me, which I’ve partly avoided in the past due to nudity (though for some reason never bothers me in Iceland?). I want ALL the skin scrubbed off of me until I’m red like a lobster.
  22. sideeye

    What to expect

    Get a bunch of firm king-sized pillows. You're going to want to basically create a recliner in your bed - partly because moving to sit up from flat (or the reverse) will hurt, and partly because you'll want to wedge yourself in so you can't accidentally roll in your sleep, which will also hurt. I put a couple of pillows behind me, then one king sized one on either side of me like chair arms.
  23. Coffee does it for me. Wasn't a huge coffee drinker before surgery, but now I notice it does keep things moving.
  24. I MADE IT. Slightly feral but only slightly. A very impressed coworker then took me out for barbecue, though he was disappointed in how little I could still eat and made dark comments about coming back from a business trip and finding a husk shaped like me. Seriously though, this wasn’t a big deal at all. My biggest issue is going to be closing the gates at 8pm - I am going to miss my tiny wind-down cup of milky chai or cocoa.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
