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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by GayGirlLivingForHer

  1. What issues are you having?
    I'm sick all the time... I'm either nauseous, upset to the stomach, or in actual pain. The closest I could gather the pain might be is hunger pains. I'm never actually hungry but I always feel kind of jealous when people are able to eat when I can't. I can not tolerate most carbs now. Rice, Pasta, bread... those dont sit well at all. Interestingly, I can easily tolerate most Proteins. Cheeses and eggs of all sorts are easy for me as well as deli meats or canned meats. Anything with a bunch of grease or excess sugar make me vomit right away. I still vomit at least once on most days. Sometimes without even eating anything. It's as if my stomach is telling me to not even consider eating anything. Also, I've been getting Migraines, dizzy spells, and serious fatigue.
    When I try to bring these things up to my doctor she just kind of brushes it all off as if it's all normal but I sure don't feel normal. The only advice she had was that maybe I should take a Multivitamin if I want to...

    Sent from my SM-S767VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I've had a hard run but after much heartache, I finally had my surgery on December 10th. The picture of me in the gray shirt was taken at my highest weight. That was my nephew's first xmas. The picture with the red shirt was taken a few days ago. Same sweet boy, same (but shrinking) auntie Gigi.

    I am having multiple issues but the weight seems to be easily coming off.

    I hope that others are doing well with all of your recent surgeries.

    Top weight: 427

    Surgery weight: 385

    Current weight: 317!! IMG_20180105_1817579551.jpeg 20190227_074515.jpeg

    Sent from my SM-S767VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I have my wife on video chat and messenger. My dad is here but since my mom passed he's severely depressed and he's not exactly good company. My sister is close by but she's the type that always worries about her and hers first. She has no worries about me unless it directly effects what she wants or what she needs me to do for her. My wife will be here in April and I think by then things will be better

    Sent from my LML212VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Ugghhhh that sucks. I'm no doctor..but pay attention to the foods you wat when u vomit....and put them on your do not eat list. Try bland Soups like egg drop Soup, broth from pho Soup, cream of wheat, refried Beans blended with broth. I hope it gets better for you. Vomit daily sounds horrible and doesnt seems good for your healing tummy. Do you truly regret the surgery? Or are you just going through the early on regrets of not feeling normal anymore

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I understand that getting the surgery was the best option for me to be healthy. I honestly only regret the process that I went through. I was not well informed about what was happening step by step, how to deal with any if it, or what to expect after surgery. I was not treated like an adult that deserved respect. Any time I had tried to voice concerns I was brushed off as if nothing I said or felt was worth caring about. My two supporters can not be with me right now. My mom passed away in October and I'll be fighting immigration this year to get my wife over here with me. It's just been really hard doing it by myself

    Sent from my LML212VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I can support from a far. Why are you always sick? What has your surgeon said? Happy new yr [emoji9]

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I am always nauseous and I vomit pretty often. My surgeon refuses to see me because I was being treated like a drug addict when I told them I was in pain. I ended up telling the surgeon that this was the worst decision of my life and she's an awful doctor. I'm currently only able to keep down much other than scrambled eggs and coffee. It's been pretty rough so far

    Sent from my LML212VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I have been ill almost constantly since my surgery on the 10th. At first I didn't pass gas for four days. I was concerned but after being able to have a bm, my body decided that it would only tolerate any type of food on one of two conditions. I either have an upset, angry stomach or I'm in the bathroom shortly after consuming anything.

    Has anyone heard of this? Is it a normal side effect from the surgery?

    Down 35 pounds since surgery though

    Sent from my LML212VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. GGLFH, OMG I am so so sorry to hear this! Are you and Andrea[emoji179] still together, if so I'm sure she is helping you through this twisted and tortued path. Yes- your Mama would be very proud of you, if you remember from before, I always felt she was one of your most committed supporters. And you should dedicate each,pound lost to her memory, because if there is a Heaven as I was taught, she is watching and smiling, maybe telling the other angels " Look, that is MY BABY GIRL. Look how wonderfully she is doing. I am so proud."
    USALLY I agree with Orchids and Dragons, we have become very close Bariatric Pals, but we no longer all like to eat, I am an exception, & perhaps I too will need therapy. Today I do not care if I eat again. So often when I attempt I urp up or vomit. I have had a PICC LINE in since November 29th & at the least it will be in until mid- January. 14 hours each day I am fed by TPN, so I have 10 free hours when I do not wear a backpack,with my pump and feeding solution in it. I try to do my household duties then, shop if necessary. I tried to speak with my surgeon and dietician about this on December 17th, they were rather dismissive, "Don't worry, it is because your getting sufficent calories from the liquid feed" but I have a deep-seated conviction they may be wrong. So I will reach out to my surgeon one more time on January 15th, if necessary make him sit down a minute instead of him being a Doorknob Doctor, one hand on the door knob so he can keep moving. I hate to sound whine-like but HE IS Not Addressing my needs!
    I have lost 50+ pounds since surgery in September but just now starting to go 8nto a smaller size. Lost weight in arms , neck, shoulders , face firsts Now tummy, thighs , blobs and rump are finally,following up. They always say as you lose you start looking like a younger cuter version of yourself, not ME- look like,my Mama and my Aunt Grace and they are long-dead.
    But Good to hear from,you once again![emoji14][emoji106][emoji256][emoji179]
    Andrea and I certainly are still together. We're getting married in April. My mom was helping me plan it out and save up for the expenses. I know now that she had planned to pass me her wedding ring that my grandma passed to her when she married my dad. It's a lovely ring but it doesn't fit me right now. I think maybe it will by April. It hurts that she didn't get the chance to pass it on herself and instead I got such a bittersweet gift after she passed.
    I wonder sometimes if she wasn't happy. I wonder if I were doing better if my mom would or could have held on. She wasn't even sick. She just randomly left us. The doctors couldn't give us a reason for why this happened. I'm starting to think she left because she felt like things weren't going in the direction she wanted. Like maybe she died of a broken heart because her oldest daughter has been the most heartache

    Sent from my LML212VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I am so sorry about your Mother. She would have been so proud of you.
    The operation fixes our stomachs but not our brains. We all like to eat. Not only is the taste pleasurable, but eating releases hormones that make us feel warm and fuzzy. Mentally, you're in a place where you crave more "warm and fuzzy" feelings. You've had a rough year. Cravings are a b!tch. Do you have access to a therapist or even a support group to help you through this?
    I have a therapist that comes to see me every other week. I got lucky and somehow ended up with a lady that comes to my house but I'm one of those people who doesn't really get much out of it. I have been in and out of therapy since before I was even a teenager. I keep seeing the lady in hopes that I'll have some kind of breakthrough.

    My mom would be proud. I know that but it's hard that she can't be here to see the progress, to Celebrate with me.

    I try to stay busy with our business. We're open seven days a week and we're expanding and starting new product lines.
    My mom wanted to see me running the store efficiently and she wanted me to be healthy and happy. Those were her two big things. It kills me that my mom never got the chance to see that that's going to happen. I think the hardest thing is that right now there's so many things in the works that my mom can't be here for. I'm getting married soon and my mom never got the chance to pass her wedding ring onto me. She won't get the chance to see me marry my queen. She won't get to see my stepson run this business when he's older. She won't sit with me and watch Dr Who. She won't see me become a healthier me...
    I guess it comes down to me just really missing my mom and not having the comfort of food. Food has always been my safe haven. It's never let me down.

    Sent from my LML212VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. My surgery was a long time coming. I went through a short period where I had convinced myself I could do it on my own. Obviously, that didn't work. My mom was helping me every step of the way. She was so supportive and really wanted it for me. She wanted me to be healthier and in turn happier. My surgery had already been pushed 3 times and I was close to just forgetting about it. I finally thought I had a set date of Oct 22. I thought for sure that would be it but then tragedy struck. My mom, my biggest supporter suddenly passed away. I can not explain how heartbroken I was and still am but I knew my mom really wanted this for me. I even told my doctor that I still wanted the surgery, that I had to do it for my mom but they pushed it once again. Apparently ten days after the loss of my mom was too soon to do it. I was rescheduled for December 10th. The surgery went pretty well and I'm recovering fine.

    Both of my patently already had surgery years ago. My dad to save his life and my mom because she had so many stomach problems not because of her weight. They both had told me that my appetite would pretty much disappear. That is not the case at all. It's ridiculous because I'm not hungry. I have no hunger at all. I just want to eat. I've found myself chewing on food and spitting it out just so I can taste something. I had a tiny cookie today and I felt guilty, like I was doing something bad. Exactly like I did when I was a kid and would sneak food. I've literally been big my whole life. I was an 8 pound baby even one month premature. I know I have some kind of mental problem having to do with food.

    I feel like as soon as I'm physically able to eat real food again that my weight loss will halt and I'll just gain all of it back.

    I'm scared but I don't know what to do.

    Please don't bash me. I've been through enough and I don't have my comfort anymore.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Top weight: 427

    Surgery weight: 387

    Current weight: 350

    Sent from my LML212VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. I already did most of the pre op stuff and I even have approval from my insurance.

    But my life situation change along side three surgical centers turning me away. I was turned away because even though my insurance will pay I'm still considered a high risk patient because they believe I will put the weight back on. So, that sucks but it made me realize that I need to make some serious life changes. I need to figure myself out and get out of these bad habits.

    So, my parents called me in to help them run their business. Now, I'm working full time ×2, I'm trying to change bad habits, and I have dropped 35 pounds on my own so far. I'm starting to feel like I should at least give it a fair go and honestly try to do it on my own before taking a leap to surgery. I mean surgery is serious. I am working on being more confident in myself and it does help to know that if or when I need it, I could fall back on the surgery option. Wish me luck guys and gals!

    I totally support anyone who is working on themselves no matter the tools they use to do so. If anyone needs a listening ear, feel free to reach out to me. We could be each others cheer leaders. Good luck and blessed be, friends.

    Sent from my SM-J737P using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. I haven't posted or even gotten on the app in a while. I've really been trying to improve myself because I realize my weight is not my only health concern.

    I was scheduled for bypass surgery for May 2nd but they told me there was issues with my insurance and cancelled my surgery. After that serious disappointment, over 7 weeks I gained 20 pounds. Two other doctors refused me for surgery because my mental health conditions and eating habits make me "a high risk patient."

    So, I took these occurrences to heart and I am now on a treatment plan for my mental illnesses and I do feel better than before. And I've even lost 25 pounds!

    I'm now worried that my treatment plan will not be considered acceptable to any surgical team. It's still considered kind of unorthodox but it's a valid plan, that ready does work, put in place by a real doctor.

    If you find something that helps you mentally, do you forfeit the physical to fix the mental?

    My partner loves me for my mind (I know it's cheesy but in my case it's true) not by body. She never, not once, ever said anything negative about my physical appearance. She doesn't like the idea of me getting surgery.

    I wonder if I should bother anymore? I feel better, I feel happier than I was, I work, I have awesome people in my life, I'm just feeling like I'm pushing it to ask for more than I have right now....

    I don't know. I guess I needed to just talk. Any advice or opinions would be appreciated

    Sent from my SM-J327P using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Hi gaygirl, this is the perfect place to talk. So what has you so down?

    Sent from my Z981 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I have a lot of issues. My weight as well as many emotional problems. I feel like my family is acting like this is no big deal when in my mind it's extreme. I'm relatively young (32) so I think they all think I'll be fine because of that. No one seems to be concerned with the mental side of things. I have an anxiety disorder and lately I just can't get it under control. I fear that the anxiety could break me

    Sent from my SM-J327P using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. I know it might seem a bit desperate but I'm going to give it a go... I feel kind of alone even though I'm surrounded by people. I feel like I'm a liar because I can't be honest with anyone. I put on this smiling face and say I'm f.i.n.e. but really I'm not and I really need some people to talk to. Maybe, hopefully some people can relate and we can help each other. Anyone who might be interested in a new friend, please don't hesitate to message me.

    Sent from my SM-J327P using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. I know there are several on this post who said they're surgery is early May, one person said surgery is 4/29 but I can't find it now. Can we please all post our dates again? I want to hear others experiences and also share my own. My surgery is 5/3/18.

    I was scheduled for May 2nd but that office cancelled on me because they are not approved with my insurance. Like, how crazy that my insurance said yes we will pay but not that surgeon. So, I went to another place which is actually closer to my home. They will give me a surgery date at my next appointment which is May 8th

    Sent from my SM-J327P using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Being able to slide into resturant booths instead of a table and chair, trying out furniture in a store and not having to ask for help getting back up, being allowed to sit on relatives furniture without them bringing in an old wood chair from the back porch, (yeah it really happened) being able to kneel and get back up at church without grabbing the pew in front, finding clothes in pretty colors instead of the ugly poorly cut ones I find in my local store's miniscule plus size department. Sometimes to fit the rest of me they gape at the neck. I have to wear a t-shirt underneath or expose the "girls" to the breeze. Find fitting slacks that don't ride up in the back and give me a wedgie. No longer buying Granny Panties and Industrial strength bras. Finding them in colors and prints instead of stark white. If I tried to get intimate with someone they'd laugh at my undies, and if by chance we got that far the size of my panties is so big when he tossed them they'd land over top of my lamp and obscure it. Of course the dark might be a good thing. Having my body not glow in the moonlight like an airport beacon. Being identified by my name instead of That fat woman with the red hair. Bring able to outrun a molester or at least able to raise my leg high enough,to kick him where it counts, the best I could do now is stomp on his toes. Rollar skate without banking myself into the side rail to slow down. Going to parades and being able to stand up and watch them. Maybe someday I can March in them again! Those are a few of my hopes and wishes.
    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    I also am the "fat chick with red hair." And I can totally relate to an earlier response about selfies taken from an angle to show less chin...FB_IMG_1520699682872.jpg

    Sent from my SM-J327P using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. I'd also like to make another trip to New Zealand but more comfortably. Last time I was so cramped and embarrassed. I thought I could just not wear a seat belt and they wouldn't notice but the flight attendant came around checking. He looked at me and was not discreet at all. He hollered across the dang plane to tell another flight attendant that I needed a seat belt extender and pointed at me. I don't think I could have felt worse...

    Sent from my SM-J327P using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. I look forward to the day I take my rings in to have them sized down. I've always used how my rings fit as a gauge for where I'm at weight-wise. When they're falling off I'll know I've made progress.

    Sent from my SM-G920W8 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Oh my... I had not thought of that... I will now have yet another reason to stress myself out... My partner got me a specific type of ring that's said to help people that have anxiety issues. It can't be sized...

    Sent from my SM-J327P using BariatricPal mobile app

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