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Charity G

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by Charity G

  1.  I was supposed to have a first date today (it's been at least a year since I've went on a date), but I was stood up. :angry: I channeled my frustration into doing a new cardio and strength training video, :99_muscle: :1596_lifter_tone2: and actually made it through all 32 minutes of it!  I had sweat dripping off of me when I finished. Hopefully my efforts will be reflected when I weigh-in Wednesday morning, though finishing the workout was a non-scale victory itself!  

    1. Sosewsue61


      Good for you on the workout, great strategy too. Sorry you were ditched, probably saved yourself from a boring azzhat anyway!!!! There will be a better one for you, just keep going.

    2. Orchids&Dragons


      It's good to see that you channeled your anger into something productive! If we'd all learn to do that we probably wouldn't have weight issues. Very inspiring! and congrats on finishing the workout!

    3. SleeveinIL


      You accomplished something in the wake of a disappointment. I call that a HUGE win!!!

  2. 20 days out from surgery and I've dropped 20 pounds (in addition to the 10 pounds I gained while in hospital and lost within a week of returning home). 

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      That's fantastic! You must be happy! Hope you're healing well.

    2. SleeveinIL


      Wow! That is so exciting. I just noticed you are in IL. I am as well, NW burbs of Chicago. Sending lots of positive healing vibes your way.

    3. Charity G

      Charity G

      SleeveinIL Thanks for the healing vibes. I'm just over the river from St. Louis, MO

  3. Down another three pounds and had my one-month post-surgery follow-up (although its actually be 7 weeks tomorrow, their scheduling sucks). The nurse practitioner was pleased with my weight loss (36 pounds in 7 weeks) and told me I was cleared to go back to water aerobics and whatever else I would like to pursue exercise wise. Now to find a new pair of tennis shoes :)

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      36 pounds - that's awesome! Congrats!

  4. For the first time in 8 years, I was below 300 pounds!!!! I weigh 299.8 this morning, 9 days after surgery. Wonder how long it will take me to get to my next goal of 275?

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Congratulations! You must be so excited! Great work!

  5. Had surgery yesterday and everything went well. Still spacey from anesthesia, so will update tomorrow.

    1. istytehcrawk


      You're more ambitious than me! I didn't even attempt posting (anywhere, not just here) until after I was out of the hospital.

    2. Charity G

      Charity G

      Did you try the tomato soup.....UGHH....nasty sweet tasting crap. But, then again everything has either been way too sweet or too salty. I'll drink water thank you very much LOL

      I thought I'd be looking forward to a protein shake, but i may not like the sweetness. I'll get it figured out.

    3. istytehcrawk


      No, I didn't eat the tomato soup (they brought it to me, I just never got around to eating it). I lived on apple juice and water at the hospital, ha. I tried the cream of wheat or rice or whatever it was, but it was NASTY, even with sweetener added.

  6. Less than 24 hours until my WLS! I'm excited, but I need to focus long enough to pack a bag LOL

    1. allwet


      good luck, stay strong and let us know how it goes.

    2. istytehcrawk
  7. My surgery date had to be moved back a month (due to changing hospitals), so now I have 14 days until my surgery date of May 3rd.

    1. istytehcrawk


      What hospital will you be having it at/where were you GOING to have it at? I had mine at Barnes.

    2. Charity G

      Charity G

      I was going to have it at Barnes West County, but they made me move it to Barnes in the city.

  8. My surgery is in one week and I've been really trying to get below 300 before then. I set my goal this past week to lose 2.4 pounds and I actually lost 3.8 pounds. However, that still leaves me at 307.6. Not sure that I can drop 7.6 pounds within the next week, but I'll sure try. Also, it was my goal to get my blood glucose average below 200 and for the last week I've been able to do that too! Plus, I've upped my walking. I'm FINALLY getting in the right mindset :)

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Awesome! Keep focused on the prize and you can accomplish anything!

  9. One month check-in: Down 27 pounds and 16 inches! Love that I've had to buy some new clothes already :D

  10. Some of my surgery incisions are infected (I was told I was at increased risk for infection since I'm diabetic). I got to the doctor in the early stages so its nothing major, but I'm waiting on the cultures to find out which antibiotic is most appropriate to treat the infection. I should hear from the doc's office tomorrow. In the meantime, I have no desire to eat (surgery was two weeks ago) and find myself preferring to drink my protein. Is that normal?

    1. FluffyChix


      No. It's not normal. But you have an infection that is making you feel bad. So I would prolly do what makes you comfy and allows you to get your protein in, cuz as a diabetic, you're healing is hard anyway and you need that protein now, more than ever. Make sure you are drinking super low carb drinks without any added sugars!!! ((Hugs)) So very sorry you are going through this! :( Hope the cultures come back quickly showing just a run of the mill bug.

    2. Charity G

      Charity G

      Thanks! I am drinking a lot of pre-mixed protein shakes (Muscle Milk and Atkins) and Crystal Light flavored waters with a scoop of protein powder mixed in. Glad to hear that maybe as the infection heals I'll feel more like eating purees and moving away from relying on protein drinks.

  11. Surgery is 31 days away and I've been on my Doctor's recommended 1400 calorie diet, but I also chose to limit myself to 50 grams of carbs per day. So, a week in to following this plan I'm down 5.4 pounds. Feeling very motivated, now I just have to keep it up!

  12. Three months post-op today and I'm down 54 pounds. My A1C, which was 10.8 a month prior to surgery, is now at 5.5! Plus, I have gone from a 5x to a 2x :) Just broke the 250 mark, and can't wait to get to Onederland!

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Congrats, you're doing great!

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